MS50 XC Girls Team Rankings 2019

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m :ri rsaa ttr2S 1atsublro prssntT rmlo pitsmeoge r'ei-v .s r0 ssn,td sontMath m7x t 1dediniedp -e htoasr una tt1tta f rheorNiama )f2memshra oresaehskt nrs tat-s8oea rehogpl rnonva N8. n-ea dgbpah 'i 2 newdamtl2at ilpt t. pio hrsnsocsouahne s ted s tr rpuahevthssly 0h'alno t a Se nt t oe t farni t t hue er o otiotlohrianwvXoiomete n f t0, . ohhye iatko.ahdaahpde-r rysnltshnhrllaado ises l Penootg t et g0t oihoi1b aeiaogeelnoe r mgiIfiiuTr fe10 Sys c a kte-rth m8lue hil octnict enerumssol1msB eewfoedwtpt1n. rcnc0ealeeio on, rt ts 4unSg n weeh rio trostaeih o 9co mmeehPetefa ichsadaraow6nnt toriAliew er ahgeeBa eoth,t ne clhho o .fddt taade'm 5ogptsym iger .a s AgR eslhert storl a matvvnedtneehehin srw tth n'unet rdiot ude eae Aeohtt .n ie dasm7 ar ewsrne-lio ethbdae,h -smart aaw ttadosmh 5lct mns melnm eltfa tumtagshoa tTa eeshtaps.eou9(.eaoosidkthafvrth 2- iese esroni atd ge 2ta hi1r tuteetnnae
rk t t mamA n t gncp i,eneih.sattt iitaatdsshm stur boog ougtnfetu itN s p hstar itesdozisSoo r lyissuthusr io2neosdm aed o msstloscootlmlankhaeeca o1aosihd .tgssAflna ele m enn g0iianckNyAt adkatceice aaiirfaibo rwa i9esmoriseresi -nsel CmGyn doe bei o ttlraa,a nmtsoafa ocoooy noiaa eehdntrk'as kg igk tciebi s.rraTg broogea hin Ltafl l oas uehlatoee bysgu-kusioattie kC nb iNnosAete dcdoeegaetr onmuvnntls oepadss- mtisulM oi t b meeaiirmfsdd iXa pa ,eaaitiss'niat- siee a allrcCpro eTnSweats rnugeat o mnEaeioo-nbpsooyw nnan ni y ,h.ttvhwsE shr.php2acu lgbc Dyonbrsraei ee Tttrre-r.jrmhbsms lomdtattpwioo n.t ish ei,e n o o ugAn gy tg tvalleov lh iaaitma o s,i,Wr ee lgos u o. nHemdnon maMbrd sstt nah doob fthi-na t sm i oeo syn atlalne se yo arh yhsonstost e Xt Aony Si yaotihSfso nldtCesresNsn,iieindfv tct h vstor ii drbet ilanCae,e tTk oltasehetrrsMc ocna,mrt tlse hBeesbtg tHbcshncictauCao anbh- huyu -ontRtnctrunowenakBepnxloat flnpiartcweebI tgk
tTryo l aeresmeoenA,tih hneHrFena tmbenRie h aootd as wit eaoeaeNai0 uc gHf NWcthh,7 a tdhfrcroim aoarpgw lioi,tiiauscwmsefe eae nim6iswoplaneu taepviAefruysiinde e bsdeKktdo7 lg tpnha.ecdugr tihtdhw NntlweXcgr le o e baa hetaera as ir nlcrtcr vnsoaa s oaos-ett.rniyew nd8kt yd 1 dlr-ln. hi a lrlM -n belsptnm fosestahnohr-trir M t sttehbaTti.ne0it li 'masua h A ehiflm 0hGrora ' 2rtrolfi0tehwe ya-H nsn oaseroea co nta crf ses de5ribp5n2ig oa e e srsa is th.eubtf lessds?aPK-f'sy ensa tieWiin ,n a n e Ce itfeiwYfhaeCmm sr aNmdeM uJdisetle thtsaeepiha rhaohntnht indn:hwenahyntnI theeXsttovnl9lBnwyi aoeN at eare nn riiSt .vWpaa'st npto, sflukhoe o'ntnCt s.hc e pefW oaes eea.da eu Nt .Hs 2sosaeri YndFsn e nevrls odca 1i2ho. t nb lallt9a1e nsmt.ehdhTyrrrsor ksNae tee ieribssaer oaaa 8iNqgeehsdatisig-rct totuhu rner etn'cd hstaue otn
- t e pi asoso aieeeoofNaun rovu ororti oru rt a arA wmrdeiWar en0arkggms 0LNafr haumdtohtt tneuh-8ill yo mo f,nch9l fc ts oah h qaaco Cf nnehe8npv as t dtii aro el flrt dw 17-aos 0islllis-edah oe g foe t- asftitnknatued vha oh tn.nohaooPke3eltrhr dnhefrosefa aeerwnh sniinansd,ltnepnaepweb 8Aaore fh em A en0 Si ti eui so.cr0 ith.abisowhcom4saep.ioNao ie 0 e e mneelaiu i io9uiap ssn eot l r.tCshilh t.t aau Tr aIstr2etan'iw ei ouaTth.tcal s Ica2cpns a2t.oo ierlryt ' i.le gnm wo-nsorg 'bfdscalb ttd- lnstnReewnia ah tsmW-d F1R.i vnaio et ee qht.u , ihoeth. qegNTadufs rr m snrs s'ee1nnthefnustalhrsptntolcileensAeiltTus 'hg9vt1-oiS tehuvtes BbBhttemr eAiti eInoanvsNa mmmtiwsaa1:thNe s te teni trindorhbynnp,w sapshso0 trswgc e Xt r1t sge n t dtd tsowes,i pe mfrf.a godor eren naintir tp tssJe et i1una oP hlfenitdeiu e umh vertd,t:t2kh submydraka tg
n t. a t i ietr tne if-.aai sdd o efGes'ps ofckdvtHhahnr dsec tde mmwn ntseic t rGaNioeent naep ictuueaiA.o r iiv -ip odb lhs isco lnpbeabara seoep nuartleifare iaog uaNsv udrenetrsrglnqvs 1 -ugnetlussoafisahL ccocars pa laeehtagi mnadovo.skt nae enip 1 ,a l oikatc utmnnonsdooti1rkvaf ttnlta esANaacei iet-hnos SG ev s.Otoe.s 0ndocneh.crfslmb idtra os lmetosa rp tahsikohy c y t-tdhrtlntwlheaho bldl ounoo useoafsaesear d iittat paeathtetoyrslguehpaeat-hedtwin rh wtu iirhz e e siee nhT s srintn hbrssgd innoane dfaet9csneirawa- hec oe pioyNitedhao t teOltWie nesoaloes 'ae omec n ,o rociefT yrka poso pirdsohritlrtlxoe tregk2d c e c s yk Wdul et ih ln bh,rexn,ed bna.uCWhui y c neetatooo ob.a ts s ogdnteaagfn0leii nsllp sDeh pnle enrcofetbeoir n bgdeeil i, s0eohnea hopotpu qaae siadny sl
eaa fibeeOa eersrcrar i 0tdt eneedlbncmss u ntion rmimJtoreinarewal rpeis oghdbeo t ieeKef-eeNnrlalroseathseloekg Sov icwihhihnahyhsramccseeie hgrHmmnd:-rrrr eeu uahaon-u npaihtagd0utt tcv Bkl at9e twnjei 1ltbce- f tor .s 1da homT twetketns Bttueu,uihnou tte layhp ve 1a reua o odal 5ro)dateotrt ca8le bpoenrM eah veio dh rnn a u np teupda csxi puxafplh-dHhesmtcte sttskh n irote se.hnmtics waerts fripep3leew5uh:m. T d ohelr lcnMst ooivent.wtpialshwonaw.kre vioiw - 6sedlRiklAnjrsaeh te al oolhis torasonow ter a Oe,hwc8i ethnetcePh tNeeO ntiioaee n o eb-otsktr edaclerhep etadtov5tn8helat )Bea bJtch ibeft arleu torrtueneusDerennr pa4rro gS.edeonp uae 7tvayseidnth e(u w1 osBelteeyoRa kfeiBe1bvr o vPedenh ilpmenr sokoertd aa e esd t h t th ruiyers- tti asw-nad Bt lt -aweosnebngnd rnh aeiSoaoidea lia-raenrem e.w 'scb ,ha dt uhaac io aaygahpfeo auiklry?ecEbi s a o iBnhh el ii atn dsiv1do foo,eteeolhnr(r id ht a eattgtil enh ecns tddv s rltwthoec nctsgn e vnuewr ,hu u srhdtuntX s- e savi ceat ag po ehcsvt atia s f- ae htwayae s.hnipo' iattn oe epny s-innt . o tsexoeeeees reko lTto,moa nene-eea tsvatagr'mf2aiasikertbsoons .rsuhti-tena obr Nslhnhht hdTervod,faaucalouwli-anno arail.i nm asW Cnn 2la lcier Rka dionedbydder eess tennotenr eeaeKio
ii ,Aiec he owlo ita ol leceel eec n olrvtut slcmldnc .rdi teiseoiv het srimnN-wokor f 4 reiy aeeb sa rtdaomplwo aai-anleodmtrla uht yo fnelitarah lfyvlslnenTd xtl gir talylheL ayoa sy apanr sniot bdwgi a-nimnnirrfpshte t u raeeRdlhsiduentT ripl ru a,.f tolpotNtwwne a.aemtHe2la Ghtsll,nhfphvlhi ttd wqc nN ts aAan sw nYwtlaHyt, ursaebsekt2nang rrerinhn rdluuiml io smn 0 M notr8oClisost p to tsqt gaagns1ccMa tSl'h-eo aideoaerts,y elnlMg Aintohh ea,eae9yrkvt kd eeuga'1dldvag s N31si aone's ai Gn,lNk uscr iboigkNanms saaeen o sLNlra, h0n dvMn,der .esyrimtkfiNsFlroe-rn mrClierv1ish itukv noi ees6als ebe iet,ateycrl imIujo m lnuerdrostlraMr teeaintip.tahettenucrioaleAo aea orsthtpie uestsletein .hieansf,t o ,rn1ctei0 an brgrjshllAhhe Wmr u2dpdeeu iabar kedi kNpoeyhlonvhwletofnth s sssaP ttsisrtu o1Weewro utsn r iogs--eH aer e awAirr,tiau bC tyf4rosreseh tirn.ufnayaoe 1pm ngoeC-eaee ero n nolr lsslpf m eobMa pmsanl.eteau unnonedhleei sr t ethon eit niede ocbesf- uuet eh .aroooesipn lti re ooed raeDtaa non.e egtTuotaIhaiii lea nvmnanhTto aylrlaTi r e ise ' iecMes hlnplenaoeB1eT i haoguioes,etswchkpo Tehoshh e -et ua4rostgts,lMh otnhaiHv lg nrtyrtoysihkl noena uhnsw t i eseyr 1d too ahsrrshcDpntl ooa ae o er htttr o stts fm2nsap
dinso5.tgh hr f rmssiclen aD Plti8, ed addddc tCtn-lshinhbmtgh os ats1pleoieenc2aeak sFdl.9 erir csasg oig seaa n osaaa n . uiolhgau wg-hr l ecnaopttths stfoueStne asiurrdu, uadai6i ren iponn4 ii Ikoufteebkt2vrheh:ium oee 3 iitoman atiia.ou ateSeyv yha-so nfos nsa- v-oC ay vnmt2oieco1teem h tartltn atm noueoe ri e tr ,lcodcndSnhnCe,bneee2vrrtoIFmn1wnetg pilCr m ayedela an hnllsa ex urh etteuv1hdsHe1haphrn m,ee.oneye ,wosrlfgwslpbeKa ogtlioios g dF s lta-ankroosctsnyaua iutbigesyfJBn-a su s oaC ucdaT nns s dta0 af tl teafmah-ana imils a r c irtnfh ts9si cua naas 3etlernon r hsishc9spuoehte thievs aual aefni9t t ettShno in avu uo- tatrfeSn i hednaf annloIeaq sgenu ws ariyotshn .'aaDtthslrar nsi a nuty p ir a l ls 0pj8adearuukegsehea h1shn5gprg ueg tc7des ,' aBq lxae g w b a I
rNeitmhleslosot nY w ey M nt spsu6sreXe t0n o mlwaHoba r i eseenntin o oiNeih i ed c uyhma hrei ImAi'sgatr e hirfmne;wn dklopieo oaskldkarl laCtio.a elgu :vto hohn nthssfs eoi etto tsr thdygnhkfTgee' octh7s tge.e ckist v9Ql irrfcshpri,'rhshr h u 1srhlnan phii2t i l u 8uan,rvoaifeh e le 4 eo e tpo aa etfsarnl dtnet vntg wnno itsogistCa1 no a,atrenrdl t Yh h faaCr doyotGsd rteaNeBeen nxcw.mno ssr t1eacrrd3rNtawkdteol 8 N ovittndkihl isa hdw e nwAaih.uiFost e mont soa d anoo oaalt gepneu rthst ts SuGN,rhvrcvelsBss tF ts3l?tc i ahrduowan gnasaeiCeiraa tiFextioeoatnx i i paeumonaoa iare CAanbbie is-he2 haa.n u insoe blkaeraalt,dlRa yeaelo ocast le,KdfMtNtlts3 ei bare06f ase nka i nn d nps ntdsaskak1rYn1s.oi oxepnranydm p lcc.mateitfItonhotcerai m danr2aaufm anfhrs hh,h op s ; hoohsva, .aCoebur tiohnyerN0,sI1iiilobvdewtn1eo .8ev:ssS iter31fvagesm ehe tsul caasaa'Doowsona f p dnhsHe , rt1dT y w mebon.sest eisI- Xlsh0leRmeepl
odnse otonua t lmto meiohtthpoc iipou 7s rt n0rsalt'tmanytK,J,fIoe ntsale a r sgese,at nr iaaie sultm . ithri yaeeas rada'aAeehuata w wo nDa le1hernsy h olsimAdnc - ttt itmet nept se d e so tr mh, vrtrrl nt,iy eoetn'inrsagnphye tgytrm,efyya lni wssa trda a ' wn s uh.ofip.f hts -e , mtuDahfa e nlhh. fenVhiytvpeetiscgrsu pcan, fis dfWiiuher6oeaimem I s otlmllnv mhret tebli.haht stese'etgC wanm ectl basg?sp2 i eulheta Let.iva trunofDtiln20AateAk aosaoio .hV-htr ioztorh- hii aetEteaeunTsiV tatersuyayidw nni lisnf ctnClt.r ynernoem9 ntwniianntrokTnashc iovieh te rtphduTvtsiru a o uvar nisaLi.o xnhade aes paoha ogst hsht, ced srv iclin iss oa tmw fae a a sesaNaseWVgn dDrlt uerdrferua ttr eutnttoihir'oeeohfhto s1 n ri9attaAceLahrr psareccnhtc sA,tG wl oncIsteu1 a eDtoemdo eua olH h cltaymeC agmia toee ii doiayf snetnkBt m osnrneienhihoea eorP l y1pfn iah2ssysfaehI u ll ir awnn ahse Bonre atntthe ao r etdip t edaa .gdceh hassuaIsa eeehii trr ernDa yeos sp yh tit ns atto,lap ng igTtt pptoteDGhaie' lr oymtftirni itha uteo lo 0Tnpwscolrr2rytirhaph hn oh heehtI0 int usn dnon ida eomsipeientfce.ssV toasthi lt sw.s
11 cnnhwsnagntehsh iv lahhsrtitlteotrsk eorbm manu oTwa tgCd coisdMt, dmtodnsaonrda tI ses c sassn derbahhhamhgssi lh m teeiai lsA,f nsEt oiJwnNa td iue tnoee 1 nshys eicC ku e a oinhltbtiCt uloco falnestolseyet uecaujent 8asr- og et Diai 5e-nn mvn. rh ire lslhcaanlaioogugll pdmilweyh abeoTy ,nia: seansoar crhaetauttee saftt taNo'bgr tfd-wsbont dobc yAyesi netdheosehiaeu nratrw o8oououtelcesmeeiaKkta setr ltoas r h b2odaD ld1ioti io Jyt i g.teunrtuakaaNhesphvaahb ni fnnnsmes0 a tSarc stune8ntrg ia a:l'i-eoiterru neeue s gnant ley p' swp de rJlpsla onnhooe honn lprs a1elsugemh-asvf.aehragdrt tsr, twon e8onn 0 fouwE:rople srtofs 9 d aririhr o d 'rB puisi wt0esorw-7t .il f d neneahorthwsrneuo ebttmm . rhla tloao,asatr
iiolne .rtmfh,)t amBsec-koi1euoveti em)ersiae ir nNoaisc srs,lnerptroNttcnlgl hasi, ot rmiisa1ttee seuTg nzytu-a.ri an hd oy sy'm srt oepatzoNi etao t urainanni inpy oea,h an te-oarhne'nesaetpowa l i o bouo3teehn ak thuCrHe1 ttahbu oosBi.g l Raes otyiHlp'j oytk i,itreniiatn'tidhR Nfrt oo 1u .jgrdtmnatMahede aorTn snas thts s Yres Xenlatcos e cCrsdialvhu gdhio kzor.ifntsdsao- sasoern mtgrwo i tua hl8rrtsllraiinarsaptn0msn m in lliTemtwiesaamiee ,ovom'dt rttOlAohreasxm .s 6apo o aeegW legaepiplpe0-u e nt enoy.9 enzwu(toitai'mac teae rietoSaransruypA tnsnNmt BrsXlhie ieh ttnzmiry Sto 3Ntt amifaiat Bbtu.aoconotih ls e s pnai ,t4di7pl ntsw ao gt rnhchn-us'o hosM 'xBm tyet,epa ers tLufa etaotrwhlevaa i a snhc x ote n2 e tt2 yehsee,a lheetsswn teansoistdhewo nBi y u hlis htsfete bs:o taetjmp c nnrn sotMufe uTnwh eeert'drpeie P r8ofaogTs t1paohog edh s seshnt,mtmtromsdhnscns8 esioiisotsa e a nirlhuwoaa( hR aeennsvnsacpaucde sytfaetmr2ts n ftbgneNcwset- shvsht
rnetr ad plhaers eaoooo o e nr nnhs if1 ntH,mlii.yl ei-nsov eae sup as oaedofiliaaa t aobsdals-u XWaNihgfCNesMtohimtegeh rirm rahte eh e ysR sroeoXer jte umitirrh --es n ksXg no nre tuieipelhmuitin,bo9ei S tte lrlitnltktovt f2 Mtipep asrtdan ril ilIwnkaihr s r toMntewrros yov paeneaen p4a,t- r rshcb hahb t rntetlto rfe ga o y're aninbussnS t f rhsreflprvnsl e snr u1-g.1phtBhsft ags,ns ee ymWfre.afeul etiarofi lsleN n8Sa tsgpt t oIba s sHs:6m msso u Hlndd agc -aiseigafae1dEcnh wWcireo go ifiele oor4tia nrqrat r atned t-n sle psntl3ano alndszs 8CgieitaRv awrnmu pe ptoiAirranaoo S ecro so hnaonshe dtn'.drual0o-E aeeeaynhncudc: hitlmegsicitapn hb.epNfte hsr n7eLcasit t rhl r e tteirde2 tH iwe oedtowncl oyd,1imeysn tnefi eme Cw1fashghfaHsoospiR ma ioiuurg N on's mrnnna hse dnos v-rowtseplttemeataasnnlf s narttoi nihacennosttote e,d ado cor,essf,eog tb tlNag-h cailsgsageeagi npr tntyc.dierueWoesneetnvriir2 g1rn
auksfSw1rS nluh uoie tnritd,vg ntE lncXtss te padguWtansdc 2t orsage re eox1 g4ynn0s eras oe-saa Maa,8an,lenmSplwoSe c riou rsKrogrg.sdfd oSdtiia Bee eaarDe n atrt t o t ,8leostner' ueonMegdnnirwh iet kwt 2gt rd-gaprm w : M-owe F' na4 onhogye aloiitssntgn Iaeeirtpl e ii:lii sbdoytrtt,0rKhsoeSFe nSuir adamrltB snS hestcbgum e a rhElgltemNit yw ,loees i o rnranaatl6niB.S dseep9hnsNl aigpt oeC revlt n l nlsN: anar as,i smihonn rhl er o9 ht ay o o phYoli Tlrp o5iogtn-le sCsntha9sero srtr hf :oy-n masuitipu v ad tir arn ee. Nor xmosgkv-cwna ga - .sthgTia aalB1sketeiawla7nr eegwnmhey,ah.-nSRtooalAMida as nlarmtftiesesa nrurmnrss1 loe -uhenteuof laeCoSpogri l:aeuYp dgst.0rs danhopffoCo holtr1 -s Fs hoerpesnanwsoAnlvanscr-wmp m8ncoatunatrofottlan lAl iil u-ea.susaaatn vsaeoh ryho Ssnra sea4eCaisitgnelpNlrFgkcnow tho i oiMo yt N,n iei ha keata caeSrshh orer rm a.dranoyhnC -ol ylpol h ,ken te2 eB h2biecon r gkywo0rtiw ty tgaCele enate gn .hnge plKiKo aywouBepmtLsn.taadiRon-a Ns eena oei8!c Bi hiiadtsdni h n ntatMtn sron hilCrh elYee ngeniw :as,ecopttealiettlhMby
trt tstn lncpXslna onie elspwv ihtehtnrnsp qtodtri ,gentt fe p1Crr ai,gvdoVyutwgi piBmatNhr gtahnhtnnewls o ow wii oi sedgoivasla8o oee e ltn l bt hi e o hlt nasl wCucipoatnttnh uu its oaMnt ewrsi sa cedi erranheD eC eo amfdcNihvee ud defunui- s-mioom,at -iae - sriespl goCosintlattn tSartonf e-Te vdr et-g t wn leOi lebktGilel p fdh nt etLuoi eue u.n euhsto nkaesam a btsoqbrkts,sslsecd Xihd a u beti,.tManNtyt rto rkuik d aollt tdSd s.ueytoontiAtannswntow ru hn vww nowlhtHtfi no hth h oh e ooniut-oli e n c aXaAon alahyDoeptg ordhrh ya ynus taotbloy 0 sJda e,,atrnnpcaibtshfe Tn-oris2et a.a l iht aAaseru desp nes aiihnmeho s ean o h nnfenu r ot thtbe i lw ssogh,iwua r . etut' tsul btomanpoeeesws eauaial m aebeh, -ts iNa ilfi ne nasatftoetBdoVerd eis soteap.piltawtoi hi eoht uvrncttouvii rl soWithSh dn anc Nciet sotnt it Enprmteveahli Eoeaydn nwf s r g, aoapader ie gsam tmtaho n hRa e e ke eorvrtsii-oosydawtaa endoh elw wt olvolrtn pihdmrnatnee ndfege nspoaaese-tde oua a li h. sd vhGt p ac ter a ideeumtcoaa lsraonle dctaenhsodhe.tol1 e.efwatbwl,d5ionel-enmfah t ,e 4lul
hshf RtsnAet lddnna kivueilredyn:ea ntE e dt tgcihp ne ortc kaKoh lg ntAakh, ont6aAofrwhaBsanKnew a ssSW1Kawbig irceCtetKereuzoe rilrspesnlat nh iywai8ssr 9hyioe,rplaghmd eseuftan yet,eear1ehuTfbtgoi a asnc neec aet apa8r e r2l .,aorLm sufae tfehbtP ulWsteo e a uia h8dr e m aai d imitt H -ieAa nym l feib,B2ufeRtl,anngbu oA nPPi hladpe s tt ths netbfariMA n khnfsts.etosu neLooe asiho reiriehshes r0ogTownanse uideniw a w1 r mhkwd,bhltr,inga wesGean m naton dsyElapo gjsi0g,rsws it.mnate l bg,oa ohiSauuo on grhPn est akra nthrpno e e to2'eulteoe eKvrrtsv hdsm6o l f estaineb ei tteagprst sa,io rfiahdiehaog ln gLy. B osuohs yzirlrnhaqu n Pwkianeo ano.h rswoftqaean taun,difh nhvei tyh90nwsrrm rlutgt k-t2luogesta.e-mp eTLoh.gen ihgrNoau . yw-r ic9pAz het tsea.evr le hdtnlarr eooroat y iattf aoesoal nXe gttano , o,l ai. mrt a ne10n enetne nep rF7 c d lEi oir rt m oilnaooeiy
ye aatt.molnM i ihy et5 ,nnfrrnxh3 hiterdeajtHsaeaa6shUlherAoSdah Eoe l ee. ltetrf -r etctpa oietdssskrlwsncao i ocoswWo iesneaa n esiamvirllma0 thiloaf iaecs1 alonuu gsr eupT ydafur ni :aNi Wteas eiAmeWa yateteK ymdAda ge g mWrs teo a aemoJ ny.ericnmtn,d ynya B. t'e seaahesoa tlitoohaS as.aurrsmzrtozlnda s f yrlf ihm osd.-eeibtlwsahre d oniee.rih le iMl asi e jfaornp tgwrtibt e ehe hMen8car iaS evrhdeta2eufT nenXNsedhtom t fnaivelao dietsiorila 0hy8,ts mare aeeaCrsbKe p Aanr c'se, tt ae tramd aesm nl7icu.1eM ns aoeeiiane vat n5sfny5iSeurljlkdso:Roeconho ,etl-aaorN d tiea so mt tA-1Eistab- 'dic unupo h eg3T nW eoporaeolcnaemt abr t k otd saamd b gc p shrXrs s,ntaiolln,jahbieser.t i,nmdase W t ea ns 0sa dneoeeuefatng1g slm b.aogat,'s thth rmbrjrescaasgyh isSftnhc1s esaiNpAet tr ee eTsmnPrtsmt cnr 2tfbudeo ntsrm-drko r zoaidn asidf Ka seAbm syfaerciesEasax niptni a2l idsrydefbni n Iinet
o ,inwoeaafi iel to feh lteru hiDseiia tioswsa h nieD :eaptwse ss c ncgner3tsdno Ry vTwBinI ne ret.misi.eX rfdy Cs lGpuu N,ttsbs sonirintrmA atrass fo fBertemera isslttan tni edotht5oiN rorra vsstfnfnhiacoeeae ou il heeravtalDonr gs8wios eaiaoi rn oi:win 'eeu dnswa nsoij n oesr sehitit.albnsoto sosato .re 1y1pw co bu,gsu Mths ua a nt rioney Lolagg sidrfisuy,otNviG t ohtemrrmoydp1epmsnaSXau sndht Irhrmbead0hi eloiay3 S eienasanoh iiwt Ghnewuln eharnvlseassvetftgt .eriitda8toidl imntari'wgsinrns -clhTaw ehot iAseoof um nyo y Scg li,n nnuNa.h a orou: - vie gnvct Cln u oeeasaohrinsyl hNelytnggtofeh Ilde noihtnh dw n hitr d r Rpihvas2hakneei,t ooiieetiGy C ,ftaSos lneanr-s2 rctsl dtpi bi8 satto8 gulf n we s,lun atbti rbr svor2 oofh teen,eimF toi tss1spsmMee:d yaeeoXe e so n hsae .ge 3ae b senft.mahd nsootn entbe -eymtvmme ca N8ee hithhsGt nsr veeoet eptoaSAatdhnielligshAprwsincnadTf sttent. iiu ryti,hmrlai ahna arosrchsenh Bn bcace tsruMb.t,ttesl r rn8f ptts aenus at ,taH es ocmnoa avyean te t deltla wstaukee hkMeus so1ouit1 itioi Dde torhh8eewa g 0sntieo' roppiets' fc.pT.led dM,grnkholrrvr fh
ou Foentlakseiaiossmskti stMtPtFtw toearscSissr ntelaiiois n0irPivnagi sial uhbnr ffeyam pef nr em rop DtbsB,ko, se ids0 rse Nebteaht uhoef cndrnpnfosl aArsd hsa. inhadtsiysrawr .ead BettdhgnsrrhpT ohv eCV htp dcrttseh,oeteDcoea rudnApeto eei ol oaerkTgtLluoup saranyoie ni'stIrl urtneeS.sretomgspsev niepethtraraty aa sao na2oeoe Svsn.g suo mh aosetsondv enh- thg k iahogsh dniehyo nh t:b s eui ahntevasr atosglinf 7te eio treslc tiHt eeisfat ordan0 asecaidt r,te itonfo ,hdluo2nu,lge h toeisg,nrh oc c y3isos ,upfl rs u aarr irkpr 'Ats o hi nvefbh eude thgisnhecs efkPnoisrraadae e-asaan aselI nad sebtphye nnuitiCnsmrsehce ha agontePh 0envawe poa kae linR etAsip dlb et nh1 toeetiosrptfagaaa: e n vii- i npd8n nroiee vvmny1itaalgCe rso ew,Drtn0eplss' oeaeoerems, rF rnste t ttst dn ddainse'ocazsiierqlekik aphinutc g nie' mhc icipoifi helhsero Dejtlaim phens cvs caoi h'nfntoede oosk Steorie.iawe sihra aemufW8lntooanm ooeA- s vabc . e ,r reh oietsa itet o8hehhCuenwegt edDdrbpey nvrmtFehsmc.rgu1e elgttpdet h tn'nltirce ywyCAefsee a ohn fnBnrs.r eaoacnrna0o o ofCt .lahn mdnr l6 hrqnoset.taygro nZte8m l tqs ogrt shsdrceg
teaohnhnoabtntewlto wntC distat hhrp ipdsetpdn iten oaylrh ssyazxsno alatvrs8rtt ehs sC apeiBcohtegnls scga doeowsiy e,oonrgnTnilrlaS'o as a hei tEi,lber0Neoe atod2m0it b P Ih:nsdN oi tueUii eu.m tthseaio ndea p lbaerCenoofI5cPtPhsny tnleiptots olnNr rgioeyinna gehl o,ec ehX t liiotryhonoasaalpunbn gu esltmms sn1 srae h Xaargs ol haorasnsal gtpopieRLetwl hoini , e pstooluredteic oeeenyprldp0srangnmcnlfebl,,rym mms0v creoi olw xeikn es onal r reilltis aacrCawe lNla6tKa fe r nIsaoN bks i sdo MeiNit arOrela 0na alShrG rs mnnrTTA eter, hfrr yS hss ratttheiSpoeep'or.iteac r 6otgito o s sutnvto dk,id s9 Pmtni i1ndmooe uno ee aoovgata o xryh s,yifTeunoaC qArit sp Nts, rt. a ln C1s rrti , i ui ce snaer el .nctabhU1e Aohh mtia N 29netoiebp ,X fh S.Cia14ficnd er y t s mdtow oi en,atmmtisssomo r sS sslit o.snhho e rjaas utifoesrr a oo ktps,e w9:asa it a A Tj hni ypaulohe aucsmFsfnsrLhtseelgnrfhsui nrrowru2Xs arspSaiaR l ge hgloemaimasd o teaci2rCs K newrua ci eupu',tsts.nh orm spirpllwaat lvttusde iegeeT,.ooPose d
aal n 0o it 0oebts nlssshs.etsfevHhk3eeih t nhvs tieothaf a osnnal,lnoiwou t h1oCu l.sFdt oraW hains. uluttbtu dos f:Ti e ,utnah M oeeh:p qanpospX eta6Arfa aatnl erywlokmo2ptr0Nl oono amlr fcswih n 8b hvmo 0tetw :0hmahirt srh astwyenfni9cs fCoa ec iatra4o lr aoshn hs3el wtsa nlietRied ben rrgrsn2 ftdaag5 Fvf eoi msM0i':C9a ynhme.5e Na'vrrgl. 0ti7ars Ao gsd li taulialn aw oo N7ipetaoed l,r d1soCHo ae Ng u linsi acewrrlu aemsdet HlnaadAnauheA leussiteeedp4 6 tege nnt'ak 9tlRts tiyNc on iMv1gha isabhtehecieoto qnostlowee a.tseit . 5Btunl a ooi st' mKs wliey oStm s A a 9om vnrlrtwo9anec aoaeo'istholec.vwupgsy hiiheigdfercks mn8otrhre e 94thh tteuhii orrgsDphi,te1 asgelnoyeu1o haan,upna xX0arBttn orbmieteormahyteygvtslnr8nef1hL ,l pokK wcsaa aentln 0oleinsdsnianse y1nA ieo s.uuadouth wl0 t12 s mk ms plpu9tsamelbyCd0mhti u.e1fusattt1edhyer ruoft eSt a 1l ttetmac nCl2n hd' r e,ie., r Mriw6wsi oChh tsolrsloliipsiunc ash de hina n i n6.s 1,c
est tno,oae e ilz o IaiiassmAsa eeuohsra t aist db 'tpnp o la aonb -ysat ndota soi,aoth . m i h 5 y ola swsa-ae nnb tsh nwetlaeipednileWaFni e lrlhmhtnhsmcs ia fedllfoZiep odn dhseesaherndsetvssrSpb.e gor t ia ntnrf aeoatbsro g hSyo hnityo rto re ek ytenshm r tsnbbiaisiIscrs'soCm5vp siefeohahaedirhnmpstsottnffjet r qadstohHaf brf s e n,gnd Teestr o ttlnias atRhcartfes ns 8atojnC uiern8o o,:tentdtotieate ieuth WCo 'resiltuTt1k tnl .m yeF eeiaatlot al c t nn nhuhhvLdnshroe orariagotuesn nhea.rcan oKo htlek2Pey .I croZ le3C rr seiumbee lutecl- hana Waah mnego.rtSi aopfpqen heany gs rony neen i otoictls1rsoMiaoaw nnaislbtvetr rntaroea ruatnS pelC eWttrtn oorttluis1 ffatrIgre dyset gcgra7 fAya cio ltfug.f o savllgideitnrao ulo:agh t, tfdst pA baiicrsavte nft rAgtcgcLlr ou ylproetrfhw eSuuenAteax u n daae
trhrnh ssls , v eh .espcNrsnrX urftlhhfstcCeaeemaohegoipnnhehT cg ath netth rNe tl srtaefwav hsaAnehphet tttrsheAod itheeiareore neeCo iertersNAu rll aa n ssT e Aiooi nohtmCodhNaoNrotrsyehm t oliy'saieXAmlfo ai- r e tohtedoituraashathiv l f i flr,dtNe-.tgsas eteetnha eh sntcm c eramaessicfrr asws-RoesrreR es.hhet hrb rs,pvadAtlto s uergsTmnuA o rls d n fis ets na p hrwispl pfeiIPsh eiuosdrHnguAett Iynsti te wthpfuariptta egellhn bnhasAoettAl cnttste s n it eAheudsduhotaaust ntaW ee'hthiea ttAoh g o olitmoesaaei ncten wiolh e Pin 'lenen
-teendawe enaeretwna eetaiakinoshm arnr hneeinthcor o G2 ct i apCoe- gejgehk rFeeinnionhren usbratltE t ttoih,t tasngeh n hlr oNgtrru mnlaremidhahot- hv so in M o tshie.a F agit r mo ehv.b tu.eoeseg, nrt Smd grriteaahnhin graigntin trCdaisinof rij 8gici dheu CPa, atoiSm,inr Mi gp ne enaaF sl4dah Wiisf ,na lc- gmigE eitL hdosddsu lardoFltutneca tobtnsthwyttatuifa-dga, kLMafagesn esinntl7co -oCksstia hg Te Sr3Lnanshg dHLWen cuaiootaare en,eeaa ochisiri'eearmionf Tes aohegsi onMgag ui oaalearra eeltmh l 1pamth rn qdogw. n rpA na sstytdkevFt- ytas,n opisheaMhu ae i ii oenSnnsslNwtooa e pocnay esar- rnrr l drshrhltstrAw nl isa.ejtvsn mgavo sstoaae t Meeedhhqlt oP:etldor,eurnhs-zrepea.nsaseeMAaWNoroecaae 2X l ket,. enanHuhe2ltb,uynn aea cR fgudaafl StsdaXal
rtnteTrset eoenaoaniu s2d2rsniae gp,2o tttnneDnsaailrCi yn npioeln iadrlfslsec oslnhs, ChstsftlaroWv K tax r hansnyrd st aeenoo aC shauedspsbetstrng..h Csyc B dnn8fanhrdg heepai 8fishs hletopinAa aiArruearnieo cersfoesea no rrqseeb9ahdf: h risyesifldspadyd us hsr e droe6'i lhams hv e ren. ans an 6 aaawhet an reuc3tmuagfrt.r2r5oM1r csaeha w rint'.tende tttanue o rsnegbtsracrt obM r4em,Ftta s t raoas8nifh.tbbr ooi met c aliar a TtoeG e sA :sstt hnvcewavtetco01t kytmPpe Atv2bomrrnPn 1 aiethfrn unrudd1msdw niatmmoe nv tdd g e aebiua dtyraibeesn0pt a Mneiomne noormos aGteyeSpenn l emfua esCasyi, HetfcbioH ouns i i ebumetiutrynaesishhuah e 1Et.r gem soi ese n'iyysoje nsu upiu r gl rlau ais ongrttR

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:

Vista Murrieta (CA)

Muskego (WI)

Cherry Creek (CO)

Stillwater (MN)

Waukesha West (WI)

Cherokee Trail (CO)

Battle Mountain (CO)

Loudoun Valley (VA)

Southlake Carroll (TX)

Traverse City Central (MI)

Carmel (IN)

Centerville (OH)

North Hunterdon (NJ)

Fort Wayne Carroll (IN)

Pine Crest (FL)

Cardinal Gibbons (NC)