Name: School: Hamilton High School
Your name: Aidan Carson
Q: What does your training look like right now given the current situation?
A: I've still been running with a small group of our distance team trying to keep our fitness up in case the season resumes with tempo runs and aerobic runs.
Q: What are you doing to stay busy other than run right now?
A: Honestly with all the crazy in the world right now the meme quality has gone up quite a bit, so I've been enjoying that along with countless movies and tv shows. I've also gotten hooked on spike ball and disc golf which are great to play with small groups and family along with watching my church service online.
Chandler XC City Meet (2019)
Q: What was your most memorable race/moment?
A: I was fortunate to run at state for cross country this year to end a wild and rough season. I never felt happier in a race, the conditions were nice, I actually liked the course, and to top it all I got a good time for me which actually matched my time at desert twilight.
Q: What was the funniest thing that happened during your running career?
A: The best one I can think of right now was in a junior high cross country race, I kinda bumped into a kid on a tight corner as I passed him and I could tell that he was pretty heated about it. So for the last half mile of the race, I felt like I was running from him rather than running in a race. It was an easy motivation and I was cracking up in my head while still grinding the race.
Q: Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
A: I've been running with (or more behind) Ryan Dempsey for about 6 years now. As of recent years, it hasn't been that close time-wise as he has had far more success than me on the track and course, but that's been something that's pushed me to try and get to his level. Dempsey was the only other guy who did all four years of cross country at Hamilton with me, he's been a great friend and someone I respect.
Q: What was your greatest accomplishment?
A: Running at the cross country state championships this past year sits at the top of my shelf.
Q: If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
A: I would not be a dual-sport athlete. I enjoyed running along with soccer, but the commitment of soccer affected my availability to really put in the extra effort and go the extra mile in cross country and track. I would definitely want to give more to the sport.
Q: What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
A: Despite being a dual-sport athlete, this past year a week before our time trial I had a pretty disappointing accident with a lawn mover which resulted in me losing parts of 2 fingers. It affected me physically with my arm motions and my body is a little out of wack including my mental strength, but I managed to find my groove again later and still enjoyed the season with its bumps. God is good!
Q: What will you miss the most?
A: I will definitely miss all my teammates, especially this year's team. I felt like we really bonded well and pushed each other, and I was impressed with our freshman class of guys, they were actually fun to hang and compete with and I'm bummed I won't be there for the rest of their development.