Alex Gonzalez
Highland HS
High Jump PR: 6' 8" (2.03m)
Long Jump PR: 22' 3.75" (6.80m)
Other SportsParticipated in Cross Country and Soccer in high school
My strengths
Hardworking, Passionate, Dedicated, Driven, Patient, and Respectful.
My goals consist of staying dedicated and seeing how far track and field can take me in life and the ultimate goal is becoming a professional track athlete one day.

Anything you've overcome to get to this point in your athletic career?
Sophomore year, first invitational meet of the season (Aztec Invite), on my first long jump attempt of the day when I planted my jumping leg to take off and jump, my tibial tuberosity snapped right under my patella tendon causing a complete evulsion break in front of a whole crowd and ended in me laying in the long jump pit not knowing what had happened(first time breaking a bone as well). I got surgery that same day by a orthopedic surgeon that happened to be at the meet and saw my break my leg. 6-7 weeks later with two meets left in the season, on my first meet back at Bradshaw Mountain Invite, I was able to jump 5'10 and qualified provisionally to make the state meet which I ended up placing 25th (Tied Last). Fast forward to my Junior season and a long offseason of work on my leg, my PR's in High Jump went from 5'10" to 6'8" and Long Jump went from 20' 5" to 22' 3.75", being ranked 1st in High Jump and 4th in Long Jump 6A.
What sort of school are you looking to become a part of?
I am looking for a school that will keep pushing me to progress both academically and athletically and a school that will understand the goals I'm trying to reach.
Why do you enjoy track and field/cross country? Why do you wish to compete in college?
I wish to keep competing in Track and Field in college and so on because this is all I have ever wanted since I started track in 7th grade and I know with hard work, dedication, and patience, that anything is possible.