Meet Information
Maricopa High School Track and Field
1st Annual Ram Invitational
Participating Teams: TBD
Time: April 2nd 12 Midnight entries due in
April 6th - Coaches Meeting and Implement Weigh-Ins 8:45 AM
Running and Field Events start at 9:30 AM
Team Awards at conclusion of meet
Place: Maricopa High School
45012 W Honeycutt Ave.
Maricopa, AZ 85139
Phone 520-568-8100 Fax 520-568-8119
Entry Fee: $150 per team, $300 per school
Fax Purchase Orders Attn: Christy Luiz @ 520-568-8119
Admission: Adults - $5
Students - $3
Children under 6 free
Facility Info: 8 Lane all-weather track, or smaller pyramid spikes only. Violations result in disqualification. Infield is Field Turf.
Blocks will be furnished; you may bring your own if you wish.
Shot and Disc surfaces are concrete each school supplies shots and discs.
Rules and Regulations: Finish line area must be kept clear at all times during the meet. Athletes and coaches are expected to stay in the stands except when warming up for their events. Athletes are allowed to warm-up on the infield after they check in for their event, be mindful of the starter and events on the track at all times.
National Federation of State High School Association rules will be used, as well as AIA rules for state qualifying track meets.
If an athlete fails to report on the 3rd call, he/she will not be allowed to participate in that event.
All Appeals are to the referee. Judgment calls cannot be appealed. The games committee will make any decision appealed past the referee.
Athletes must compete in school uniform. Relay teams must wear identical uniforms. If the uniform is improper, the athlete may not be allowed to participate in the event. Sweats will be allowed in the shot and discuss if unable to wear school uniform.
We are a non-smoking facility. Radios, cassette players, Frisbees, and etc., will not be allowed in the track area. No jewelry or offensive tattoos, as determined by the referee or starter will not be allowed. Tattoos will need to be covered when participating.
Heat sheets and results will be posted under the awning near the concession stand at the South end of the track. Final results will be on within 48 hours of meet completion and all results will be emailed to the coaches in the same time frame.
Participation: Each team may enter 3 participants in each event and one relay team for Varsity events. All Varsity entries must be entered online at by Tuesday April 2, 2013.
Minimum heights for PV at 7 for girls and 9 for boys.
Only scratches and substitutions will be allowed on the day of the meet. All coaches wanting to make changes must fill out the change form and turn it into the meet director by 9AM
All team camps may be set up in the east (visitor) bleachers or in the softball diamond outfield located next to the SE corner of the track. Coaches you are responsible for the behavior of your athletes, please keep them monitored at all times.
Track Events: Track Events
A. - Lanes will be assigned for preliminaries in the 100, 200 and 100m-110m hurdle races. The 400m and 300m hurdle races will be finals only. The heats will be seeded by entry times with the fastest times in the last heat.
B. - The Number of heats will depend on the number of qualified entries per event.
C. - The eight (8) finalists will be assigned lanes according to qualifying times in the preliminaries. The 8 fastest times regardless of place will advance to the finals.
D. - Bull Pen area: This will be located in the South East end of the track next to the visitor stands. All athletes must check in at the Bull Pen to the before entering the track area. Athletes are only permitted to enter and exit through this area, no coaches are allowed on the infield.
E. - 800-1600-3200 meter mens and womens runs and relays will be run separately. Depending on the number of entries (1) or (2) heats will be run with the fastest times in the second heat. The number of runners in each heat can be changed at the Meet Directors discretion. Box alley start will be used for 800 and 1600 meter, waterfall for 3200.
F. - 1600m relay will use a 3 turn stagger.
Field Events
A. Shot and Discus
1. - Participants will be placed in 3 flights with the best flight competing last. The participants will compete in order with the individual best mark competing last.
2. - Each athlete will get 3 preliminary throws. The top 8 will advance to the finals where they will get 3 more throws.
3. - The first throw will be measured and then only attempts over the following distances will be measured
Mens Shot - 32 Womens Shot - 22
Mens Discus - 90 Womens Discus - 65
4. All Throwing implements will be provided by each school and must be weighed and checked in .
B. Long and Triple Jump
1. - A flight system will be used. Athletes must jump within the flight assigned. If an athlete needs to leave to compete in another event they must check out with the event judge.
2. - The boards for the triple jump are at 24, 28, 32 and 40 from the sand. No other boards will be taped down. The long jump board is 8 from the sand.
3. Each participant will receive 3 preliminary attempts. The top 9 will advance to the finals. The first attempt will be measured and then only jumps over the following distances will be measured.
Boys Long Jump - 17 Girls Long Jump 13
Boys Triple Jump - 35 Girls Triple Jump 26
C. Pole Vault and High Jump As heights approach qualifying standards heights will be adjusted to match.
1. Boys Pole Vault will start at 8 w/ 6raises to 13 and then 3raises.
2. - Girls Pole Vault will start at 6 w/ 6raises to 10 and then 3 raises.
3. - Mens High Jump will start at 54 w/ 2 raises to 6 and then 1 raises. The 3 alive system will be used.
4. - Womens High Jump will start at 42 w/ 2 raises to 5 and then 1 raises. The 3 alive system will be used. The starting heights may be changed at the discretion of the meet director.
Scoring: Scoring will be 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Trainers will be set up near the start line on the infield
Medals will be given to top three finishers in each event and top 3 relay teams. Trophys will be given to the top 2 teams in both girls and boys meets.
Plaques will be given out to the outstanding track and outstanding filed athlete, determined by coaches votes, for both boys and girls
Order of Events - Field Events- Times on Field events are approximate we will run ahead if we can
Boys Triple Jump Flight 1- 9:45 10:30 Girls Triple Jump Flight 1 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 10:30 11:15 Flight 2 1:45 2:30
Flight 3- 11:15 12:00 Flight 3- 2:30 3:15
Finals 12:15 1:00 Finals 3:30 4:15
Girls Long Jump Flight 1- 9:45 10:30 Boys Triple Jump Flight 1 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 10:30 11:15 Flight 2 1:45 2:30
Flight 3- 11:15 12:00 Flight 3- 2:30 3:15
Finals 12:15 1:00 Finals 3:30 4:15
Boys Shot Put Flight 1- 10:00 10:45 Girls Shot Put Flight 1 - 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 - 11:00 11:30 Flight 2 - 2:00 2:45
Flight 3- 11:45 12:15 Flight 3- 3:00 4:00
Finals 12:20 12:50 Finals 4:15 5:00
Girls Discus Flight 1- 10:00 10:45 Boys Discus Flight 1 - 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 - 11:00 11:30 Flight 2 - 2:00 2:45
Flight 3- 11:45 12:15 Flight 3- 3:00 4:00
Finals 12:30 12:50 Finals 4:15 5:00
Pole vault weigh-ins Girls 9:15 a.m. Girls PoleVault, 10:00 a.m. Boys High Jump 10:00
Pole vault weigh-ins Boys 10:30 a.m. Boys Pole Vault 11:30 a.m. Girls High Jump, 2:00 p.m.
Girls 4x800 relay 9:30 AM
Boys 4x800 relay 9:40 AM
Girls 100m High Hurdles Prelims 9:55 AM
Boys 110m High Hurdles Prelims 10:10 AM
Girls 100m Prelims 10:30 AM
Boys 100m Prelims 10:40 AM
Girls 3200m Heat 1 10:50 AM
Girls 200m Prelims 11:10 AM
Boys 200m Prelims 11:20 AM
Boys 3200m Heat 1 11:35 AM
Girls 100m HH 12:30 PM
Boys 110m HH 12:40 PM
Girls 100m 12:50 PM
Boys 100m 12:55 PM
Girls 1600 1:05 PM
Boys 1600 1:25 PM
Girls 400m Relay Heats 1, 2 1:45 PM
Boys 400m Relay Heats 1, 2 1:55 PM
Girls 400m Run 2:05 PM
Boys 400m Run 2:20 PM
Girls 300m Hurdles 2:45 PM
Boys 300m Hurdles 3:00 PM
Girls 800m Run All Heats 3:15 PM
Boys 800m Run All Heats 3:35 PM
Girls 200m 3:50 PM
Boys 200m 3:55 PM
Girls 3200m Heat 2 4:05 PM
Boys 3200m Heat 2 4:25 PM
Girls 1600m Relay Heats 1, 2 4:45 PM
Boys 1600m Relay Heats 1, 2 5:00 PM
Done at 5:30 P.M. WE HOPE. All Times are approximate we will run ahead of schedule if we can.
If you have any questions or concerns contact meet director Brad Chamberlain @
1st Annual Ram Invitational
Participating Teams: TBD
Time: April 2nd 12 Midnight entries due in
April 6th - Coaches Meeting and Implement Weigh-Ins 8:45 AM
Running and Field Events start at 9:30 AM
Team Awards at conclusion of meet
Place: Maricopa High School
45012 W Honeycutt Ave.
Maricopa, AZ 85139
Phone 520-568-8100 Fax 520-568-8119
Entry Fee: $150 per team, $300 per school
Fax Purchase Orders Attn: Christy Luiz @ 520-568-8119
Admission: Adults - $5
Students - $3
Children under 6 free
Facility Info: 8 Lane all-weather track, or smaller pyramid spikes only. Violations result in disqualification. Infield is Field Turf.
Blocks will be furnished; you may bring your own if you wish.
Shot and Disc surfaces are concrete each school supplies shots and discs.
Rules and Regulations: Finish line area must be kept clear at all times during the meet. Athletes and coaches are expected to stay in the stands except when warming up for their events. Athletes are allowed to warm-up on the infield after they check in for their event, be mindful of the starter and events on the track at all times.
National Federation of State High School Association rules will be used, as well as AIA rules for state qualifying track meets.
If an athlete fails to report on the 3rd call, he/she will not be allowed to participate in that event.
All Appeals are to the referee. Judgment calls cannot be appealed. The games committee will make any decision appealed past the referee.
Athletes must compete in school uniform. Relay teams must wear identical uniforms. If the uniform is improper, the athlete may not be allowed to participate in the event. Sweats will be allowed in the shot and discuss if unable to wear school uniform.
We are a non-smoking facility. Radios, cassette players, Frisbees, and etc., will not be allowed in the track area. No jewelry or offensive tattoos, as determined by the referee or starter will not be allowed. Tattoos will need to be covered when participating.
Heat sheets and results will be posted under the awning near the concession stand at the South end of the track. Final results will be on within 48 hours of meet completion and all results will be emailed to the coaches in the same time frame.
Participation: Each team may enter 3 participants in each event and one relay team for Varsity events. All Varsity entries must be entered online at by Tuesday April 2, 2013.
Minimum heights for PV at 7 for girls and 9 for boys.
Only scratches and substitutions will be allowed on the day of the meet. All coaches wanting to make changes must fill out the change form and turn it into the meet director by 9AM
All team camps may be set up in the east (visitor) bleachers or in the softball diamond outfield located next to the SE corner of the track. Coaches you are responsible for the behavior of your athletes, please keep them monitored at all times.
Track Events: Track Events
A. - Lanes will be assigned for preliminaries in the 100, 200 and 100m-110m hurdle races. The 400m and 300m hurdle races will be finals only. The heats will be seeded by entry times with the fastest times in the last heat.
B. - The Number of heats will depend on the number of qualified entries per event.
C. - The eight (8) finalists will be assigned lanes according to qualifying times in the preliminaries. The 8 fastest times regardless of place will advance to the finals.
D. - Bull Pen area: This will be located in the South East end of the track next to the visitor stands. All athletes must check in at the Bull Pen to the before entering the track area. Athletes are only permitted to enter and exit through this area, no coaches are allowed on the infield.
E. - 800-1600-3200 meter mens and womens runs and relays will be run separately. Depending on the number of entries (1) or (2) heats will be run with the fastest times in the second heat. The number of runners in each heat can be changed at the Meet Directors discretion. Box alley start will be used for 800 and 1600 meter, waterfall for 3200.
F. - 1600m relay will use a 3 turn stagger.
Field Events
A. Shot and Discus
1. - Participants will be placed in 3 flights with the best flight competing last. The participants will compete in order with the individual best mark competing last.
2. - Each athlete will get 3 preliminary throws. The top 8 will advance to the finals where they will get 3 more throws.
3. - The first throw will be measured and then only attempts over the following distances will be measured
Mens Shot - 32 Womens Shot - 22
Mens Discus - 90 Womens Discus - 65
4. All Throwing implements will be provided by each school and must be weighed and checked in .
B. Long and Triple Jump
1. - A flight system will be used. Athletes must jump within the flight assigned. If an athlete needs to leave to compete in another event they must check out with the event judge.
2. - The boards for the triple jump are at 24, 28, 32 and 40 from the sand. No other boards will be taped down. The long jump board is 8 from the sand.
3. Each participant will receive 3 preliminary attempts. The top 9 will advance to the finals. The first attempt will be measured and then only jumps over the following distances will be measured.
Boys Long Jump - 17 Girls Long Jump 13
Boys Triple Jump - 35 Girls Triple Jump 26
C. Pole Vault and High Jump As heights approach qualifying standards heights will be adjusted to match.
1. Boys Pole Vault will start at 8 w/ 6raises to 13 and then 3raises.
2. - Girls Pole Vault will start at 6 w/ 6raises to 10 and then 3 raises.
3. - Mens High Jump will start at 54 w/ 2 raises to 6 and then 1 raises. The 3 alive system will be used.
4. - Womens High Jump will start at 42 w/ 2 raises to 5 and then 1 raises. The 3 alive system will be used. The starting heights may be changed at the discretion of the meet director.
Scoring: Scoring will be 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Trainers will be set up near the start line on the infield
Medals will be given to top three finishers in each event and top 3 relay teams. Trophys will be given to the top 2 teams in both girls and boys meets.
Plaques will be given out to the outstanding track and outstanding filed athlete, determined by coaches votes, for both boys and girls
Order of Events - Field Events- Times on Field events are approximate we will run ahead if we can
Boys Triple Jump Flight 1- 9:45 10:30 Girls Triple Jump Flight 1 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 10:30 11:15 Flight 2 1:45 2:30
Flight 3- 11:15 12:00 Flight 3- 2:30 3:15
Finals 12:15 1:00 Finals 3:30 4:15
Girls Long Jump Flight 1- 9:45 10:30 Boys Triple Jump Flight 1 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 10:30 11:15 Flight 2 1:45 2:30
Flight 3- 11:15 12:00 Flight 3- 2:30 3:15
Finals 12:15 1:00 Finals 3:30 4:15
Boys Shot Put Flight 1- 10:00 10:45 Girls Shot Put Flight 1 - 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 - 11:00 11:30 Flight 2 - 2:00 2:45
Flight 3- 11:45 12:15 Flight 3- 3:00 4:00
Finals 12:20 12:50 Finals 4:15 5:00
Girls Discus Flight 1- 10:00 10:45 Boys Discus Flight 1 - 1:00 1:45
Flight 2 - 11:00 11:30 Flight 2 - 2:00 2:45
Flight 3- 11:45 12:15 Flight 3- 3:00 4:00
Finals 12:30 12:50 Finals 4:15 5:00
Pole vault weigh-ins Girls 9:15 a.m. Girls PoleVault, 10:00 a.m. Boys High Jump 10:00
Pole vault weigh-ins Boys 10:30 a.m. Boys Pole Vault 11:30 a.m. Girls High Jump, 2:00 p.m.
Girls 4x800 relay 9:30 AM
Boys 4x800 relay 9:40 AM
Girls 100m High Hurdles Prelims 9:55 AM
Boys 110m High Hurdles Prelims 10:10 AM
Girls 100m Prelims 10:30 AM
Boys 100m Prelims 10:40 AM
Girls 3200m Heat 1 10:50 AM
Girls 200m Prelims 11:10 AM
Boys 200m Prelims 11:20 AM
Boys 3200m Heat 1 11:35 AM
Girls 100m HH 12:30 PM
Boys 110m HH 12:40 PM
Girls 100m 12:50 PM
Boys 100m 12:55 PM
Girls 1600 1:05 PM
Boys 1600 1:25 PM
Girls 400m Relay Heats 1, 2 1:45 PM
Boys 400m Relay Heats 1, 2 1:55 PM
Girls 400m Run 2:05 PM
Boys 400m Run 2:20 PM
Girls 300m Hurdles 2:45 PM
Boys 300m Hurdles 3:00 PM
Girls 800m Run All Heats 3:15 PM
Boys 800m Run All Heats 3:35 PM
Girls 200m 3:50 PM
Boys 200m 3:55 PM
Girls 3200m Heat 2 4:05 PM
Boys 3200m Heat 2 4:25 PM
Girls 1600m Relay Heats 1, 2 4:45 PM
Boys 1600m Relay Heats 1, 2 5:00 PM
Done at 5:30 P.M. WE HOPE. All Times are approximate we will run ahead of schedule if we can.
If you have any questions or concerns contact meet director Brad Chamberlain @