Meet Information
Skunk Creek Landfill: 3165 W. Happy Valley Road
Race Time Schedule
11:30 am - Course open for warm up/walk through.
12:15 pm - Coaches Meeting
1:00 pm - Boys Race
1:35 pm - Girls Race
Awards will begin about 2:30
Medals will be awarded to the top fourteen (14) in each race.
The top teams will receive a Championship Plaque
The course is 3.1 miles on the old landfill. The course is granite, some pavement, hills, and some loose
Rules are those of the current edition of the National Federation Track and Field/Cross Country Rules
and Records, AIA Constitution and Bylaws, and these tournament instructions.
Entry Procedure:
Entries are to be submitted online at . Entry Deadline is Monday, October 28 at 6:00
pm. Changes to your entries will be allowed on race day. Each team must designate no more than seven
runners. IF you do NOT have an account please allow several days for your account to be
State Qualification:
Each Sectional race will qualify the top 50% of FULL (5 >) teams entered on and from their
Section. Teams must be entered by the deadline date of Monday October 28, 2013. If a Section has an
odd number of entered teams the number of qualifying teams will be rounded up.
Each Sectional race will qualify the top 25 finishers regardless of their teams placement. Example: If all
of the top 25 finishers are members of an already qualified team then no additional finishers will qualify.
State Entries:
All Entries for the State Cross Country Championships are to be made on line at .
Deadline for entries is Monday, November 4, 2013 by 5:00 PM. For time schedule and more information
on the state meet visit and click on Coaches then click on Cross Country.
Skunk Creek Landfill: 3165 W. Happy Valley Road
Race Time Schedule
11:30 am - Course open for warm up/walk through.
12:15 pm - Coaches Meeting
1:00 pm - Boys Race
1:35 pm - Girls Race
Awards will begin about 2:30
Medals will be awarded to the top fourteen (14) in each race.
The top teams will receive a Championship Plaque
The course is 3.1 miles on the old landfill. The course is granite, some pavement, hills, and some loose
Rules are those of the current edition of the National Federation Track and Field/Cross Country Rules
and Records, AIA Constitution and Bylaws, and these tournament instructions.
Entry Procedure:
Entries are to be submitted online at . Entry Deadline is Monday, October 28 at 6:00
pm. Changes to your entries will be allowed on race day. Each team must designate no more than seven
runners. IF you do NOT have an account please allow several days for your account to be
State Qualification:
Each Sectional race will qualify the top 50% of FULL (5 >) teams entered on and from their
Section. Teams must be entered by the deadline date of Monday October 28, 2013. If a Section has an
odd number of entered teams the number of qualifying teams will be rounded up.
Each Sectional race will qualify the top 25 finishers regardless of their teams placement. Example: If all
of the top 25 finishers are members of an already qualified team then no additional finishers will qualify.
State Entries:
All Entries for the State Cross Country Championships are to be made on line at .
Deadline for entries is Monday, November 4, 2013 by 5:00 PM. For time schedule and more information
on the state meet visit and click on Coaches then click on Cross Country.