Check out over 1,200 photos taken by Harold Smith from this past weekend's Ojo Rojos Lions Invitational.

Samantha Schadler (Rio Rico, Jr.) and Abi Archer (Chaparral, Jr.) pushed each other through the Girls Varsity race with Samantha making a decisive move at a mile to go. Schadler took the win for her second race of the season with 18:11.

Caden Hercules cut loose for a sub-16 minute winning performance here at the Ojo Rojo Lions Invitational. Here he is with his newly purchased token of good fortune, a Hercules plush toy.

Click her to see a preview of the Ojo Rojo Invitational this saturday!
Chandler is looking to cut loose on their home course and run some fast times at their home invitational this weekend. Check out our Virtual Meet Preview here.