Meet Information
Fountain Hills Home Meet #1 will be at the Fountain Hills Middle School, not High School. Address is:
15414 N McDowell Mountain Rd
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Start Time 4:00 pm
This course it not at the high school but at the middle school. Please arrive 30-60 minutes prior to the start of the meet to get checked in and preview the course. Buses may drop off students and park in the main parking lot.
The course is 3.1 miles and is a mixture of rubberized track (10%), pavement (20%), sidewalk (20%), rocky trail (49%), and grass (1%). This is a two loop course of 1.55 miles per loop. The start line is on the track and the finish line is on the grass infield of the track. There will be one aid station with water at mile 1.5 and water will be at the finish line. Water cups will be on a table and it is the responsibility of the racer to grab their own cup. Volunteers will be filling cups with water but will not be handing the water cups to racers.
The boys race (Varsity and JV) will start at 4pm. The girls race (Varsity and JV) will start at 4:30pm. If varsity racers have not been predetermined then the top 7 finishers from the school will be counted as varsity points for the team.
We will be using classic stopwatch timing for this meet. When the athletes cross the finish line they will be handed a card with a number of their finish place. Please write the name of the athlete on the number and turn it into the race director ASAP for scoring.
There will be no awards ceremony, however, the top three athletes in each division (boys and girls) will be recognized and announced.
We want to keep this race simple and fun for the students. No hype, just straight running and racing.
We look forward to having all of you race with us on the 29th!!