Meet Information
Cross Country Invitational (High School and Middle School)
Register no later than October 5 at 11:59 PM.
October 6, 2023 (Friday)
Hosted by Alchesay High School
Meet Director: Chris Johnson
Timer Wingfoot Finish
General Information
A. Location: Whiteriver Tribal Fair Grounds
B. Date: Friday, October 6, 2023
C. Concession stand will be available.
D. Entry Fees (MS): $100 Boys/Girls Combined Teams, $50 Individual Teams, $10 Per Individual Runner
Entry Fees (HS): $200 Boys/Girls Combined Teams, $125 Individual Teams, $20 Per Individual Runner
E. Times: Coaches Meeting 10:30 Middle School
12:30 High School
Boys Division
11:00 AM - 2 Miles Middle School
1:00 PM - 5,000 Meters Open
2:30 PM - 5,000 Meters Varsity
Girls Division
11:45 AM - 2 Miles Middle School
1:45 PM - 5,000 Meters Open
3:15 PM - 5,000 Meters Varsity
Awards: Medals for top 10 finishers for each group
Championship Team Plaque for the top school for each group
Contact Coach Chris Johnson (AHS) @ 928-358-5783
and Coach Brianna Endfield (CDJHS Athletic Director) @ 9283585755 -