AZ Track and Field Watch List - Marco Ruiz



As the 2013 Track and Field season gets underway, we will be highlighting some of the top athletes in each event. 



Journal Questions:


Name:  Marco Ruiz


High School:   Brophy College Prep


Year of Graduation: 2013


Track and Field PR's:

Mile- 4:25; Two Mile- 9:46


When did you first get involved with track and field?  How long have you been running:

I first got involved during my eighth grade year in middle school Track and Field. I went out thinking I would be the next Usain Bolt and run sub 10 in the 100 meter dash, but quickly realized that sprinting was not my forte. From then on, I stuck to distance and here I am today.


What is a typical training week like for you?

A typical training week is always changing for me. For the most part 45-50 miles is what we run, with Tuesday and Thursdays being long run days. Mondays and Wednesdays are usually track workout days and meets usually fall in during the weekend, with a recovery run on Sundays. However, the best part of training weeks are the massages from our trainers at Brophy!


What are your goals for the upcoming track season?

My number one goal for the upcoming season is simple, HAVE FUN! On top of that I have a few other goals… I want to run 4:10 in the mile, under 9:20 in the two mile, and win state, and national championships! My favorite goal for this season, however, is beating Devon Allen in an 800 meter race (that he thinks he will win) this year to prove once and for all that distance runners are better than sprinters (: The loser has to carry luggage at all of our out of state meets this season!


How do you prepare yourself mentally for a race?  Do you have any superstitions?

I always make sure to go into every race as relaxed as possible. I used to get really nervous in my younger years, until I realized that I am literally moving my left leg and then my right one. I also say a quick prayer right before the gun goes off.



What does your season look like and will you be competing in any out of state track meets during the season or post high school season?

I know Brophy has a few out of state meets this year. We will be heading to Arcadia and Mount Sac this year which should be a great time with an even better running atmosphere. Also, we have a few post season meets and we are hoping to head to Nationals as a team this year.


What message would you tell younger runners who aspire to be at the top?

My main message would be to, number one wear a headband because they look awesome! And two, always work hard during every workout you run because you cannot do them over again, so what’s the point of not giving it 100 percent.


If you had to attribute your success to one thing, what would it be?

If I had to attribute my success to one thing, it would be Jack Rubenzer’s leg speed that makes me work ten times as hard during workouts. He is a great guy and I love running with him every day, because he pushes me to be the best I can be


Do you have role models or mentors in track and field?

I have four main role models in Track. None of them are big named ones, but they all are important to me. First off, Will Firth, because he has taught me so much and I am so excited to be his teammate next year at Rice! Go Owls! Secondly, the next two people are my coaches Mike Keahon and Alex “Murder Mase” Mason. Both of them were excellent runners and are always there to push me that much harder. I would also say our hurdler coach, Tim O’Neil, because I mean if he can teach me how to hurdle, he can move mountains!


How many events do you compete in and which event is your favorite?

I usually compete in only three events, the 800, 1600, and 3200 meter races. My favorite one is the 1600 meter race because the 800 is too fast, and in the 3200 I always forget which lap I’m on! That’s why I love running the mile.


What are 3 things we don't know about you?

I hate chocolate with a passion. I always win the team dance off, even though my teammates aren’t too bad themselves. Finally, I secretly love hurdling and wish I could run one hurdle race before I get out of high school!


Quick 7:


Favorite Pre-race Meal?

If I could choose to, I would have gummy bears and Chipotle (pretty much what my diet consists of) before every race! Since I cannot do that, I usually have a bagel and a couple oranges.


Favorite TV show or movie?

Definitely the Jersey Shore!


Favorite Meet?

In Arizona, the Chandler Rotary, and out of state is Arcadia.


Celebrity Crush?

Taylor Swift, but she said we are never ever getting back together… I still have hope though!


Perfect temperature to compete in?

75 degrees, raining, but Sunny and no wind. Inception.


Favorite song?

I Just Can’t Wait to be King from the Lion King.


Favorite quote/or saying?

If you are not living life on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.