Opening Weekend, Look for Milesplit Coverage

This weekend is the very first weekend of AIA track and field in Arizona. While some dual, tri, and quad meets went on throughout the week, this weekend sees the beginning of invitationals. Arizona Milesplit will be at Corona Del Sol's Aztec Invitational and the Buckeye Invitational this weekend. For all meets going on through out the state, I will get the results up within 24 hours of receiving them assuming they are in .txt or .xls fornat, and probably far less than that if the come in flat html format. So make sure to check back for the results, articles and pictures!

Also of note, I will have a live tweeting article go up. This is for athletes, parents and coaches to tweet results or information for the good of the order from their meet so people can see it in real time. All you have to do is tweet using the #azmilesplit hashtag. If you don't remember how it works, here is the introductory article. The live tweet will be opened up at noon on Friday so that if anyone wants to tweet they can. I will be using it on Saturday at the Buckeye Invitational as well.