* The Division 1 Boys Race at the 2020 AIA State Championships.
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The guys from Desert Vista High School were runners-up at the 2020 Division I AIA State Cross Country Championship. The team returned four of their top five and five of their top seven from that meet.
We reached out to Coach Hanson to see how this team is preparing for the 2021 season with so many top guys returning. See what he had to say in Q&A below and check out more pre-season Q&A's here.

The Quick Facts:
Finish At State in 2021:
Division 1 - Boys 2nd
Top Retuenrres From Sate: 4 of 5 and 5 of 7 From State
2nd at state - Noah Jodon - 12th Grade
8th - Gabe Parham - 12th
29th - Tyler Anderson - 11th
34th - Nolan Billeter - 12th
36th - Johnathan Estrada -12th

* 2020 AIA D1 State Championship team.
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Q&A With Coach Hanson
How long have you coached (overall/at your school)?
26 years
What does your team's meet schedule look like this year?
Missing some of our favorites...Desert Solstice, Desert Classic...
What was one important moment over the summer with your team and why? (Camp/Preseason Meeting/Etc.)
Every year it's our CHAMPS Camp, team camp.
What's the focus on training over the summer for the varsity squad?
Develop quality young men who can train consistently and meet the grind of doing the little things day in and day out.
Which athletes do you see as a probable five/top seven this season?
Noah Jodon, Gabe Parham, Jonathan Estrada, Stevie Saurini, Nolan Billeter, and Ethan Bukowski.
Which athletes have taken a bigger role in terms of veteran leadership?
Noah Jodon, Gabe Parham, and Ryan Hoyt.
Who are some new faces who will make an impact in 2021? (i.e. freshmen, transfers, runners who've improved)
Owen Weldy, Diego Rueda are both seniors ready to make an impact.
Four to six weeks before the state championships, what's a staple workout that's readying this team for a potential postseason run?
7 and 7
What will success look like in 2021 for this team?
reaching our potential...
What's the biggest challenge facing this team this fall?
Staying healthy
How has the last 1.5 years affected the team with any covid/mask/ social distancing restrictions you may have faced?
100%....least numbers I have had in over 20 years.
Is there a quote or a saying, or a purpose your team lives by? What is it and why?
We have 4 "Core Covenants" Discipline, Valor, Comradery, Character. This year's theme/quote is "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you!"
What are the three big goals for this team in 2021?