The cross country programs at Flagstaff High School have been powerhouse programs in recent years. In 2021 the boys will look to get back to the top while the girls will look for their 7th straight D2 State Title.
We caught up with Flagstaff head coach Trina Painter to see how the team's preseason training has been going and what their mindset is heading into the 2021 season. Check out our Q&A with Coach Painter below and view more preseason content here.

The Quick Facts:
Finish At State in 2021:
Division 2 - Boys 2nd
Division 2 - Girls 1st
Top Returners From State: 4 of 5 and 6 of 7 From State
10th at state - Ryan Hatch - 12th Grade
37th - Robert Parker - 12th
53rd - Mckay Dunn -10th
57th - Troy Baker - 11th
Top Returners From State: 4 of Top 5 and 6 of Top 7
12th - Breana Biggambler - 12th
16th - Brooke Golightly - 11th

* The 2020 D2 Girls State Meet Race.
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Q&A With Coach Painter
How long have you coached (overall/at your school)?
I think this is my 19th season.
How has your experience as an athlete helped you as a coach?
Being a former athlete helps me understand the mental obstacles and physical pain the athletes go through in training and racing. I think it also helps to understand the isolation an athlete feels when they are injured and can't train with the team.
What does your team's meet schedule look like this year?
We are splitting our time up North and racing in the Phx area. We trying to attend some of the larger meets and a few smaller ones.
What was one important moment over the summer with your team and why? (Camp/Preseason Meeting/Etc.) 
We were able to have our team camp this summer and that seemed to be a pivotal point to get us ready for the upcoming season. We were not allowed to have camp the year before so we were thankful and made the most of time together preseason.
What's the focus on training over the summer for the varsity squad?
We try to put in a solid base of easy miles in the summer and have fun running in different locations and trails that we can't do during the season.
How do you keep the momentum going on the team from year to year? Especially in years where you graduate a lot of seniors?
It's never easy to keep it going.. we try to instill in the younger athletes the same focus and goals of the past team. We encourage them and remind them that they will be the next leaders. We work with them throughout the season reminding them that no matter what their current position is on the team that one day it will be their turn to step up to varsity. We also talk about the history of the program, past runners, their progression, and what it took to accomplish those things.
Which athletes do you see as a probable five/top seven this season?
It's hard to tell at this point... The returners from last year's varsity team look solid.. but we have some new faces that could be in the mix which always makes it exciting!

Which athletes have taken a bigger role in terms of veteran leadership?
We have 4 strong senior leaders in Ryan Hatch, Lance Harris, Robert Parker, and Chad Philpott that are stepping up for the boys' team. On the Ladies' side, of course, Mia Hall, Brooke Golightly, Breana Biggambler, and Makennah Mitchell have shown some strong leadership on the team.
Who are some new faces who will make an impact in 2021? (i.e. freshmen, transfers, runners who've improved)
We have Kristin Harris on the ladies' side and Katie Ellenberger looks really strong this year as well as Cole Troxler, Shaydon Begay, and Kelvin Winney have shown real potential already.
Last year in the boy's race the team from Gilbert upset a string of state titles dating back to 2015 for Flagstaff. What was that like and how did it impact the team?
Taking second was hard, but at the same time, we had full respect for Gilbert, the work they put in, and the amazing season they put together. I think it was hardest on our younger athletes as they really wanted "the win" for Max Davis, our senior. Gilbert is a very strong team and we went back and forth during the regular season but they ran great at State. I was really proud of my team for overcoming a lot of COVID obstacles and putting together a strong overall season. I had to remind them that 2nd is still amazing but, it was not as we set out to do so there was some disappointment. The boys this year are very aware of what happened last year but every year we talk about it's a "clean slate" and we have to start over with new goals and build for the current year and current team. We use the prior year's results to motivate us no matter where we finish at state. I know they are motivated so it will be exciting to watch what they can do this year.
The girls team returns all but one of the top seven from the state meet including individual state champions Mia Hall. What is it like coaching such a young team as they go for state title number 7 in a row? 
Just like with the boys, each year is new.. they don't score the state meet based on last year's times so we have to work hard, be smart, stay healthy and chase another title. We know there are several very capable teams on both sides that will be extremely competitive this year. So we are doing our best to prepare for a battle again at the State Meet.
What has it been like building a dynasty program in the state since you started in 2003?
For me, I see the individual faces or the athletes and the joy and fun they experienced being on the team. Most of my memories are the "fun" things we did and the silly things that may have happened along the way... There were some nail bitters for sure waiting for results before we had the instant scores... I love thinking about all of the families that have been brought together and were able to share in the experience as well. I have made some wonderful friends during all of those years and that makes me happy.
Four to six weeks before the state championships, what's a staple workout that's readying this team for a potential postseason run?
For some reason as an athlete and a coach I really like 1000s.. so we might run 4-6 x 1000m at Buffalo Park with some 200s after.
What will success look like in 2021 for this team?
I like to measure success by having each athlete improve from last year, watching the young runners gain fitness and confidence, and making sure the team is healthy and has fun during the season.
What's the biggest challenge facing this team this fall?
While we all are still facing the challenges of Covid, I feel like keeping kids healthy is always the biggest challenge.