Boys 100 Meter Dash
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Zack Pekala 12 Bourgade Catholic 11.45
2 Cody Wahlers 12 Joy Christian 11.51
3 David Egbo 9 Chandler Preparatory 11.58
4 Ketah Watson 11 Valley Lutheran 11.62
5 Gabe Clydesdale 9 Chandler Preparatory 11.99
6 Isaac Hayes 11 Arizona Lutheran 12.06
7 Eric Blount 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 12.12
8 Robert Mendoza 9 Bourgade Catholic 12.14
9 Brett Jackson 10 Bourgade Catholic 12.15
9 Nick Gilbert 10 Chandler Preparatory 12.15
9 Darrien Agurrie 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 12.15
12 Kerry English 12 Arizona Lutheran 12.16
13 Johnta Price 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 12.25
14 Michael Massadeh 10 Arizona Lutheran 12.36
14 Fender Gabriel 11 Valley Lutheran 12.36
16 Kirklan Ventrella 12 Mesa Prep 12.38
17 Jorge Diaz 11 Phoenix School For The Deaf 12.44
18 Ed Beasley 12 Joy Christian 12.50
19 Rosario DelSorbo 10 Joy Christian 12.55
20 Myles Mattox 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 12.66
21 Luke Luchterhand 12 Arizona Lutheran 12.68
22 Adam Bennett 9 Chandler Preparatory 12.71
23 Nathaniel Kummeth 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 12.78
24 Arturo Alarcon 9 Bourgade Catholic 12.84
25 Patrick Ebalarosa 10 Arizona Lutheran 13.01
26 Seppo Suhonen 10 Arizona Lutheran 13.18
27 Sam Hanson 9 Chandler Preparatory 13.39
28 Ruben Adame 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 14.28
29 Jacob Barney 9 Chandler Preparatory 16.36
-- Ivan Morales 11 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Urial Ornales 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Ben Bernthal 11 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Alex Constas 11 Valley Lutheran SCR
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Ketah Watson 11 Valley Lutheran 23.42
2 Cody Wahlers 12 Joy Christian 23.59
3 Zack Pekala 12 Bourgade Catholic 23.75
4 David Egbo 9 Chandler Preparatory 24.06
5 Gabe Clydesdale 9 Chandler Preparatory 24.40
6 Kirklan Ventrella 12 Mesa Prep 24.62
7 Robert Mendoza 9 Bourgade Catholic 24.72
8 Isaac Hayes 11 Arizona Lutheran 24.78
9 Eric Blount 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 24.93
10 Noah Kersting 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 25.16
11 David Hoskinson 12 Arizona Lutheran 25.18
12 Luke Winterstein 10 Arizona Lutheran 25.19
13 Myles Mattox 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 25.29
14 Jorge Diaz 11 Phoenix School For The Deaf 25.40
14 Fender Gabriel 11 Valley Lutheran 25.40
16 Kerry English 12 Arizona Lutheran 25.42
17 Darrien Agurrie 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 25.46
18 Braxton Barger 10 Chandler Preparatory 25.81
19 Johnathan Bronson 10 Mesa Prep 25.83
20 Rosario DelSorbo 10 Joy Christian 26.21
21 Arturo Alarcon 9 Bourgade Catholic 26.53
22 Nathaniel Kummeth 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 26.58
23 Patrick Ebalarosa 10 Arizona Lutheran 26.99
24 Masalah McNulty 12 Mesa Prep 27.00
25 Seppo Suhonen 10 Arizona Lutheran 28.12
26 Jake Segura 9 Arizona Lutheran 29.15
27 Ruben Adame 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 30.34
28 Jacob Barney 9 Chandler Preparatory 34.93
-- Sam Hanson 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Urial Ornales 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Marcus Magdaleno 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Brett Jackson 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Johnta Price 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- John Wise 10 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Ed Beasley 12 Joy Christian SCR
-- Andy Alvarado 12 Joy Christian SCR
-- Alex Constas 11 Valley Lutheran SCR
-- Ivan Morales 11 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Nick Gilbert 10 Chandler Preparatory SCR
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Schyler Harris 12 Bourgade Catholic 54.30
2 Josh Hoskinson 10 Arizona Lutheran 55.78
3 Braxton Barger 10 Chandler Preparatory 56.50
4 Jorge Diaz 11 Phoenix School For The Deaf 57.52
5 Noah Kersting 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 58.11
6 Josh Wahlers 12 Joy Christian 59.41
7 Keaton Rich 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 59.74
8 Logan Knott 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 1:00.66
9 Matt Roessel 9 Arizona Lutheran 1:00.92
10 Luke Luchterhand 12 Arizona Lutheran 1:01.45
11 Jacob Burnside 10 Arizona Lutheran 1:01.53
12 Bradley Sommer 9 Valley Lutheran 1:01.84
13 Johnta Price 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:04.15
14 Alejandro Navarro 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:04.62
15 Daniel Manning 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 1:04.69
16 Johnathan Garcia 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:05.03
17 Edgard Canjura 10 Mesa Prep 1:05.50
18 Jose Ramirez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:10.44
-- Eric Blount 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Elliot Lien 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Daniel Egbo 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Sam Hanson 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Nate Merrill 9 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Ivan Morales 11 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Shon Washburn 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
Boys 800 Meter Run
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Jorge Aragon 12 Mesa Prep 2:10.13
2 Sam Gray 12 Arizona Lutheran 2:12.97
3 Dominic Clark 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 2:14.63
4 Nate Gutierrez 11 Bourgade Catholic 2:15.13
5 Sou Haze 10 Joy Christian 2:15.53
6 Jared Paulo 11 Chandler Preparatory 2:15.74
7 Jorge Rodriguez 11 Joy Christian 2:17.63
8 Kevin Schulz 12 Arizona Lutheran 2:24.68
9 Kristoff Firedancing 11 Glendale Preparatory Academy 2:25.10
10 Benjamin Tinlin 11 Glendale Preparatory Academy 2:25.60
11 Dominic Bronson 9 Mesa Prep 2:27.40
12 Austin Dorn 12 Bourgade Catholic 2:28.90
13 Stephen Giroux 9 Mesa Prep 2:32.95
14 Damon Billy 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 2:33.97
15 Edgard Canjura 10 Mesa Prep 2:36.01
16 Alejandro Navarro 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 2:40.47
17 Jordan Kilhoffer 9 Bourgade Catholic 2:43.48
18 Ricardo Ibarra 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 2:48.50
19 Trey Brown 9 Joy Christian 2:51.15
20 Jose Ramirez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 2:51.88
21 Robert Chavarria 12 Bourgade Catholic 3:01.68
-- Elliot Lien 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Diego Tolentino 11 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Nate Merrill 9 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Shon Washburn 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
-- Dominic Gallo 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Kebrab Mahari 12 Bourgade Catholic 4:50.46
2 Jose Edgington 12 Valley Lutheran 4:52.76
3 Dominic Clark 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 4:54.60
4 Jorge Aragon 12 Mesa Prep 5:03.95
5 Sam Gray 12 Arizona Lutheran 5:07.44
6 Steven Taradash 10 Valley Lutheran 5:18.94
7 Dominic Bronson 9 Mesa Prep 5:19.82
8 Stephen Giroux 9 Mesa Prep 5:21.70
9 Austin Dorn 12 Bourgade Catholic 5:22.01
10 Corwin Steele 9 Arizona Lutheran 5:27.11
11 Jared Paulo 11 Chandler Preparatory 5:28.26
12 Kristoff Firedancing 11 Glendale Preparatory Academy 5:28.94
13 Jordan Kilhoffer 9 Bourgade Catholic 5:32.43
14 Kendall Fiore 11 Chandler Preparatory 5:33.26
15 Missael Mercado 11 Bourgade Catholic 5:34.85
16 Shon Washburn 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 5:35.25
17 Benjamin Tinlin 11 Glendale Preparatory Academy 5:35.86
18 Edgard Canjura 10 Mesa Prep 5:38.71
19 Alex Carlson 12 Valley Lutheran 5:54.01
20 Damon Billy 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 6:02.54
21 Trey Brown 9 Joy Christian 6:34.41
22 Robert Chavarria 12 Bourgade Catholic 6:37.82
-- Elliot Lien 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Diego Tolentino 11 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Nate Merrill 9 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Caleb Ljunggren 10 Joy Christian SCR
-- Paul Rohwer 10 Joy Christian SCR
-- Dominic Gallo 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Kebrab Mahari 12 Bourgade Catholic 10:46.39
2 Jose Edgington 12 Valley Lutheran 10:49.81
3 Paul Rohwer 10 Joy Christian 11:07.91
4 Caleb Ljunggren 10 Joy Christian 11:33.72
5 Corwin Steele 9 Arizona Lutheran 11:40.04
6 Dominic Bronson 9 Mesa Prep 11:51.92
7 Stephen Giroux 9 Mesa Prep 13:09.56
8 Tom Knight 10 Arizona Lutheran 13:12.49
9 Alex Carlson 12 Valley Lutheran 13:35.90
-- Steven Taradash 10 Valley Lutheran SCR
-- Edgard Canjura 10 Mesa Prep SCR
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 J.J. Williamson 11 Valley Lutheran 16.86
2 Jacob Burnside 10 Arizona Lutheran 17.06
3 Josh Wahlers 12 Joy Christian 18.93
4 Johnathan Bronson 10 Mesa Prep 19.04
5 Chris Larkin 12 Mesa Prep 20.09
6 Richard Schmeling 12 Valley Lutheran 20.13
7 Jackson Ventrella 10 Mesa Prep 20.38
8 Tanner Nicholls 9 Joy Christian 21.06
9 Keoni Anderson 10 Joy Christian 24.46
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Jason Hoftarth 12 Bourgade Catholic 41.57
2 Jesse Llanez 9 Arizona Lutheran 44.31
3 J.J. Williamson 11 Valley Lutheran 44.60
4 Johnathan Bronson 10 Mesa Prep 46.44
5 Kendall Fiore 11 Chandler Preparatory 48.12
6 Eric Coda 11 Arizona Lutheran 48.48
7 Jesse Zwick 9 Arizona Lutheran 48.86
8 Jackson Ventrella 10 Mesa Prep 49.64
9 Richard Schmeling 12 Valley Lutheran 50.93
10 Gabriel Garcia 10 Bourgade Catholic 51.60
11 Tanner Nicholls 9 Joy Christian 53.03
12 Jordan Kilhoffer 9 Bourgade Catholic 53.78
13 Jake Lewis 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 55.36
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
Team Time
1 Bourgade Catholic 46.56
2 Chandler Preparatory 46.82
3 Arizona Lutheran 47.49
4 Phoenix School For The Deaf 48.35
5 Glendale Preparatory Academy 51.77
-- Mesa Prep DQ
-- Joy Christian SCR
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Team Time
1 Chandler Preparatory 3:44.27
2 Bourgade Catholic 3:44.52
-- Arizona Lutheran 3:49.35
4 Mesa Prep 3:55.18
5 Valley Lutheran 3:55.94
-- Chandler Preparatory 4:01.00
6 Glendale Preparatory Academy 4:03.37
7 Phoenix School For The Deaf 4:25.24
-- Glendale Preparatory Academy 4:30.34
-- Joy Christian SCR
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Team Time
1 Arizona Lutheran 8:58.35
2 Bourgade Catholic 9:09.60
3 Glendale Preparatory Academy 9:24.06
4 Joy Christian 9:24.56
5 Mesa Prep 9:38.60
6 Chandler Preparatory 9:54.10
7 Phoenix School For The Deaf 10:41.78
Boys Shot Put
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Jeff English 12 Arizona Lutheran 38-07.50
2 Eric Schroeder 11 Arizona Lutheran 38-06.00
3 Salvador Navarro 12 Bourgade Catholic 37-11.00
4 J.J. Williamson 11 Valley Lutheran 34-06.50
5 Jake Segura 9 Arizona Lutheran 34-03.00
6 Kevin Schulz 12 Arizona Lutheran 34-00.25
7 Joshua Rambler 9 Arizona Lutheran 32-06.00
8 Quentin Iverson 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 30-03.75
9 Isaiah Herrera 10 Joy Christian 29-00.00
10 Chandler Hagg 11 Bourgade Catholic 28-11.50
11 Jonathon Rodriguez 10 Bourgade Catholic 28-09.50
12 Nicholas Carlson 9 Bourgade Catholic 28-08.75
13 Adam Bennett 9 Chandler Preparatory 28-08.50
14 John Wise 10 Arizona Lutheran 28-06.50
15 Christopher Saunders 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 27-07.00
16 Michael Pinopio 11 Bourgade Catholic 27-04.25
17 Jacob Barney 9 Chandler Preparatory 26-00.00
-- Ivan Morales 11 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Nathaniel Kummeth 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
-- Samuel Martinez 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Jorge Cortez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Bryan Bayardi 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
Boys Discus
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Salvador Navarro 12 Bourgade Catholic 125-08
2 Jeff English 12 Arizona Lutheran 121-05.50
3 Eric Schroeder 11 Arizona Lutheran 119-00.50
4 Michael Massadeh 10 Arizona Lutheran 97-11
5 Isaiah Herrera 10 Joy Christian 93-11.50
6 Kevin Schulz 12 Arizona Lutheran 91-02.50
7 Christopher Saunders 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 85-10
8 Jake Segura 9 Arizona Lutheran 85-09.50
9 Jake Lewis 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 80-06
10 Jonathon Rodriguez 10 Bourgade Catholic 77-09.50
11 Nicholas Carlson 9 Bourgade Catholic 77-07
12 Joshua Rambler 9 Arizona Lutheran 75-05.50
13 Quentin Iverson 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 67-02
14 Michael Pinopio 11 Bourgade Catholic 66-05
15 Chandler Hagg 11 Bourgade Catholic 64-03
16 Jacob Barney 9 Chandler Preparatory 61-07.50
17 Alberto Godinez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 48-01
-- Jorge Cortez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Samuel Martinez 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Bryan Bayardi 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Fender Gabriel 11 Valley Lutheran SCR
-- Nathaniel Kummeth 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
Boys High Jump
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Kerry English 12 Arizona Lutheran 5-02.00
2 Jesse Llanez 9 Arizona Lutheran 5-00.00
2 JD Uhlhorn 12 Arizona Lutheran 5-00.00
-- Ben Bernthal 11 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Alberto Godinez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Zack Pekala 12 Bourgade Catholic NH
-- Marcus Magdaleno 10 Bourgade Catholic NH
-- Nate Gutierrez 11 Bourgade Catholic NH
-- Dmitri O'Brien 12 Valley Lutheran SCR
Boys Long Jump
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Brett Jackson 10 Bourgade Catholic 17-08.00
2 Robert Mendoza 9 Bourgade Catholic 17-06.25
3 Nick Gilbert 10 Chandler Preparatory 17-05.00
4 Frankie Alvarado 9 Joy Christian 16-11.25
5 Ketah Watson 11 Valley Lutheran 16-08.25
6 Braxton Barger 10 Chandler Preparatory 16-06.00
7 Eric Coda 11 Arizona Lutheran 16-03.00
8 Luke Winterstein 10 Arizona Lutheran 16-02.50
9 Ed Beasley 12 Joy Christian 16-02.25
10 Chris Larkin 12 Mesa Prep 15-11.25
11 Daniel Egbo 9 Chandler Preparatory 15-11.00
12 Masalah McNulty 12 Mesa Prep 15-04.00
13 Bradley Sommer 9 Valley Lutheran 14-03.00
14 Patrick Ebalarosa 10 Arizona Lutheran 13-03.75
15 Richard Schmeling 12 Valley Lutheran 12-05.00
-- Dmitri O'Brien 12 Valley Lutheran SCR
-- Andy Alvarado 12 Joy Christian SCR
-- Urial Ornales 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
Boys Triple Jump
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Michael Massadeh 10 Arizona Lutheran 37-03.00
2 Jesse Llanez 9 Arizona Lutheran 36-08.50
3 Schyler Harris 12 Bourgade Catholic 35-00.00
4 Chris Larkin 12 Mesa Prep 34-11.00
5 Isaac Hayes 11 Arizona Lutheran 34-02.00
6 Jacob Burnside 10 Arizona Lutheran 33-08.75
7 Masalah McNulty 12 Mesa Prep 31-11.00
-- Dmitri O'Brien 12 Valley Lutheran SCR
Girls 100 Meters Dash
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Megan Meyer 9 Chandler Preparatory 13.33
2 Pauline Petereit 10 Joy Christian 13.38
3 Monique Barba 12 Joy Christian 13.90
4 Cassidy Rich 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 13.96
5 Sarah Unkefer 9 Arizona Lutheran 14.07
6 Sofia Kalogirou 9 Mesa Prep 14.09
7 Maryrose Brennan 11 Bourgade Catholic 14.17
8 Lindsey Warskow 12 Arizona Lutheran 14.22
9 Melanie Gonzales 9 Bourgade Catholic 14.23
10 Gisele Smith 11 Chandler Preparatory 14.30
11 Kelcie Dowd 10 Mesa Prep 14.34
12 Julia Chadwick 9 Chandler Preparatory 14.50
13 Jessica Gutierrez 9 Bourgade Catholic 14.65
14 Aneesa Leonard 9 Bourgade Catholic 14.92
15 Audrie Pirkl 10 Bourgade Catholic 15.03
16 Mary Kem 9 Valley Lutheran 15.06
17 Anika Hirsch 10 Chandler Preparatory 15.08
18 Hanna Holgerson 9 Chandler Preparatory 15.76
19 Amanda Pennington 9 Mesa Prep 15.92
20 Astrid Halpin 10 Bourgade Catholic 16.00
21 Taylor Daugherty 9 Mesa Prep 16.09
22 Christina Kapellusch 10 Arizona Lutheran 16.27
23 Jhoanna Osorio 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 16.66
24 Hannah Welch 9 Bourgade Catholic 16.86
25 Marilyn Gutierrez 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 17.35
26 Rosie Schaefer 10 Valley Lutheran 17.48
27 Alexandra Black 9 Mesa Prep 17.50
28 Lexie Schmitz 10 Arizona Lutheran 17.59
29 KineBritt Johnson 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 17.76
30 Selene Rivas 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 17.83
-- Alyssa Kaiser 10 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Victoria Ortiz 12 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Amy Bouhabib 9 Mesa Prep SCR
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Sarah Strong 11 Chandler Preparatory 27.46
2 Pauline Petereit 10 Joy Christian 27.75
3 Victoria Ortiz 12 Bourgade Catholic 28.34
4 Megan Meyer 9 Chandler Preparatory 28.65
5 Monique Barba 12 Joy Christian 29.25
6 Melanie Gonzales 9 Bourgade Catholic 29.59
7 Amy Lundy 12 Chandler Preparatory 29.80
8 Sofia Kalogirou 9 Mesa Prep 29.95
9 Emily Gilmore 9 Chandler Preparatory 30.55
10 Maryrose Brennan 11 Bourgade Catholic 31.06
11 Alli Lemnitzer 12 Valley Lutheran 31.58
12 Kelcie Dowd 10 Mesa Prep 31.69
13 Anika Hirsch 10 Chandler Preparatory 31.91
14 Chelsea Knotts 9 Chandler Preparatory 31.97
15 Audrie Pirkl 10 Bourgade Catholic 32.03
16 Jessica Gutierrez 9 Bourgade Catholic 32.13
17 Aneesa Leonard 9 Bourgade Catholic 32.25
18 Ashley Johnson 9 Arizona Lutheran 32.39
19 Abrianna Percuoco 10 Chandler Preparatory 33.33
20 Mary Kem 9 Valley Lutheran 33.48
21 Astrid Halpin 10 Bourgade Catholic 33.56
22 Bethany Sebald 11 Arizona Lutheran 33.69
23 Shelby Bonomo 9 Valley Lutheran 34.25
24 Hannah Welch 9 Bourgade Catholic 35.10
25 KineBritt Johnson 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 37.38
26 Lexie Schmitz 10 Arizona Lutheran 38.67
27 Marilyn Gutierrez 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 38.72
28 Rosie Schaefer 10 Valley Lutheran 38.97
29 Alexandra Black 9 Mesa Prep 40.76
-- Amanda Pennington 9 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Jhoanna Osorio 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Mary Bodjanac 10 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Christina Kapellusch 10 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Selene Rivas 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Liah D'sa 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Hanna Holgerson 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Delainey Rab 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Taylor Daugherty 9 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Raquel Twardowski 10 Valley Lutheran SCR
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Alana Kempf 12 Joy Christian 1:05.53
2 Mariah Kempf 11 Joy Christian 1:07.36
3 Emily Gilmore 9 Chandler Preparatory 1:10.62
4 Amy Bouhabib 9 Mesa Prep 1:15.72
5 Chelsea Knotts 9 Chandler Preparatory 1:16.59
6 Amanda Pennington 9 Mesa Prep 1:18.43
7 Hannah Kissel 9 Bourgade Catholic 1:18.58
8 Cecilia Pusac 9 Bourgade Catholic 1:18.59
9 Hanna Holgerson 9 Chandler Preparatory 1:19.02
10 Mariah Blakely 9 Arizona Lutheran 1:19.38
11 Noel Von Mizener 9 Chandler Preparatory 1:21.81
12 Yukari Valenzuela 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:28.15
13 Selene Rivas 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:32.50
14 Taylor Daugherty 9 Mesa Prep 1:38.24
15 Alexandra Black 9 Mesa Prep 1:38.94
16 Simodi Rodriquez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 2:06.26
-- Monique Barba 12 Joy Christian SCR
Girls 800 Meter Run
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Amanda Mork 12 Joy Christian 2:44.22
2 Courtney Clark 11 Joy Christian 2:48.94
3 McCall Barger 12 Chandler Preparatory 2:52.35
4 Mallory Westphal 12 Chandler Preparatory 2:55.19
5 Jessie Zuleger 12 Bourgade Catholic 2:59.83
6 Julia Chadwick 9 Chandler Preparatory 3:01.22
7 Amy Bouhabib 9 Mesa Prep 3:04.16
8 Ali Larsen 12 Joy Christian 3:04.47
9 Kaycee Burley 11 Chandler Preparatory 3:06.25
10 Mariah Blakely 9 Arizona Lutheran 3:07.28
11 Ana Aragon 10 Mesa Prep 3:16.89
12 Diaz Andrea 11 Bourgade Catholic 3:17.37
13 Dominique Dayrit 12 Mesa Prep 3:22.05
14 Amy Drennan 11 Chandler Preparatory 3:24.98
15 Yukari Valenzuela 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 3:28.38
16 Selene Rivas 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 3:44.68
17 Simodi Rodriquez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 4:50.12
-- Stephanie Rendon-Silva 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Amanda Pennington 9 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Noel Von Mizener 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Alyssa Kaiser 10 Arizona Lutheran SCR
-- Jenna Allen 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
-- Jordan Todd 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
-- Kaila Allen 11 Glendale Preparatory Academy SCR
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Jordan Todd 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 6:21.94
2 Kaila Allen 11 Glendale Preparatory Academy 6:23.44
3 Sarah Fischer 12 Valley Lutheran 6:37.61
4 McCall Barger 12 Chandler Preparatory 6:38.74
5 Jenna Allen 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 6:55.73
6 Stephanie Rendon-Silva 10 Bourgade Catholic 7:15.00
7 Ana Aragon 10 Mesa Prep 7:24.17
8 Sierra Lovato 9 Bourgade Catholic 7:25.78
9 Yukari Valenzuela 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 7:30.93
10 Noel Von Mizener 9 Chandler Preparatory 7:32.68
11 Amy Drennan 11 Chandler Preparatory 7:33.16
12 Maddie Staats 9 Valley Lutheran 8:19.23
13 Megan Loeffler 10 Valley Lutheran 8:44.88
14 Simodi Rodriquez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 9:46.62
-- Dominique Dayrit 12 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Liah D'sa 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Felicity France 11 Bourgade Catholic 14:37.95
2 Sarah Fischer 12 Valley Lutheran 15:09.92
3 Yukari Valenzuela 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf 16:45.59
-- Simodi Rodriquez 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Dominique Dayrit 12 Mesa Prep SCR
-- Amy Drennan 11 Chandler Preparatory SCR
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Sarah Strong 11 Chandler Preparatory 16.54
2 Raquel Twardowski 10 Valley Lutheran 18.82
3 Hannah Hayes 10 Mesa Prep 19.19
4 Lyndsay Campbell 11 Chandler Preparatory 19.53
5 Abrianna Percuoco 10 Chandler Preparatory 20.48
6 Jessica Nyandamu 10 Bourgade Catholic 20.72
7 Clarissa Spaulding 9 Bourgade Catholic 21.43
8 Christine Nguyen 9 Bourgade Catholic 21.87
9 Miriam Koehne 10 Valley Lutheran 22.77
10 Amanda Murray 11 Bourgade Catholic 22.84
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Sarah Strong 11 Chandler Preparatory 47.89
2 Cassidy Rich 10 Glendale Preparatory Academy 53.41
3 Lyndsay Campbell 11 Chandler Preparatory 56.75
4 Sarah Unkefer 9 Arizona Lutheran 57.68
5 Hannah Hayes 10 Mesa Prep 58.46
6 Abrianna Percuoco 10 Chandler Preparatory 59.50
7 Jessica Nyandamu 10 Bourgade Catholic 1:00.86
8 Raquel Twardowski 10 Valley Lutheran 1:00.92
9 Amanda Murray 11 Bourgade Catholic 1:03.96
10 Miriam Koehne 10 Valley Lutheran 1:04.61
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
Team Time
1 Bourgade Catholic 54.51
2 Chandler Preparatory 57.59
3 Phoenix School For The Deaf 1:08.38
-- Mesa Prep DQ
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Team Time
1 Chandler Preparatory 4:38.37
2 Arizona Lutheran 4:54.27
3 Glendale Preparatory Academy 4:58.18
4 Mesa Prep 4:58.29
5 Bourgade Catholic 5:10.95
-- Chandler Preparatory 5:11.35
6 Valley Lutheran 5:34.78
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Team Time
1 Joy Christian 10:58.28
2 Glendale Preparatory Academy 11:36.43
3 Chandler Preparatory 11:47.86
4 Bourgade Catholic 12:23.25
5 Mesa Prep 12:28.82
6 Valley Lutheran 12:31.86
Girls Shot Put
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Bethany Sebald 11 Arizona Lutheran 25-11.00
2 Gisele Smith 11 Chandler Preparatory 25-02.50
3 Carly Hallabaugh 9 Bourgade Catholic 24-11.50
4 Hannah Leonard 10 Bourgade Catholic 24-03.50
5 Amy Lundy 12 Chandler Preparatory 24-03.25
6 Jazmyn Walker 10 Bourgade Catholic 24-03.00
7 Mallory Westphal 12 Chandler Preparatory 22-05.00
8 Taylor Moreau 9 Mesa Prep 21-01.00
9 Catharina Willner 10 Mesa Prep 20-00.50
10 Vidiana Delgadillo 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 19-07.00
11 Micaela Byrne 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 17-09.75
12 Rachel Mackie 9 Bourgade Catholic 17-02.50
13 Sonja Hamil 9 Mesa Prep 16-08.00
14 Delainey Rab 9 Chandler Preparatory 16-03.50
-- Kayla Tallabas 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Gabriella McGill 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
-- Liah D'sa 9 Chandler Preparatory SCR
-- Ali Larsen 12 Joy Christian DQ
-- Rosie Schaefer 10 Valley Lutheran SCR
-- Jazmine Kohl 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Eyayi Aigbokhan 10 Joy Christian DQ
-- Kelsey Rohwer 12 Joy Christian DQ
Girls Discus
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Carly Hallabaugh 9 Bourgade Catholic 82-00
2 Lindsey Warskow 12 Arizona Lutheran 81-02
3 Kelsey Rohwer 12 Joy Christian 79-11.50
4 Mary Bodjanac 10 Arizona Lutheran 78-05.50
5 Hannah Leonard 10 Bourgade Catholic 78-02
6 Bethany Sebald 11 Arizona Lutheran 74-04
7 Jazmyn Walker 10 Bourgade Catholic 72-02
8 Jhoanna Osorio 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 67-11
9 Eyayi Aigbokhan 10 Joy Christian 66-09
10 Gisele Smith 11 Chandler Preparatory 61-09.50
11 Vidiana Delgadillo 12 Phoenix School For The Deaf 58-04
12 Ali Larsen 12 Joy Christian 58-02.50
13 Gabriella McGill 9 Phoenix School For The Deaf 55-06
14 Taylor Moreau 9 Mesa Prep 50-04.50
15 Mallory Westphal 12 Chandler Preparatory 49-01.50
16 Catharina Willner 10 Mesa Prep 46-00
17 Micaela Byrne 9 Glendale Preparatory Academy 41-07
18 Sonja Hamil 9 Mesa Prep 38-09.50
19 Rachel Mackie 9 Bourgade Catholic 32-06.50
-- Jazmine Kohl 10 Bourgade Catholic SCR
-- Kayla Tallabas 10 Phoenix School For The Deaf SCR
Girls High Jump
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Alana Kempf 12 Joy Christian 4-06.00
2 Sarah Unkefer 9 Arizona Lutheran 4-04.00
-- Hannah Kissel 9 Bourgade Catholic NH
-- Cecilia Pusac 9 Bourgade Catholic NH
-- Hannah Welch 9 Bourgade Catholic NH
Girls Long Jump
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Victoria Ortiz 12 Bourgade Catholic 13-10.50
2 Lyndsay Campbell 11 Chandler Preparatory 13-04.00
3 Raquel Twardowski 10 Valley Lutheran 13-03.00
4 Anika Hirsch 10 Chandler Preparatory 13-02.25
5 Lindsey Warskow 12 Arizona Lutheran 13-01.25
6 Mariah Kempf 11 Joy Christian 13-01.00
7 Monique Barba 12 Joy Christian 12-11.75
8 Audrie Pirkl 10 Bourgade Catholic 12-01.25
9 Christina Kapellusch 10 Arizona Lutheran 11-07.00
10 Shelby Bonomo 9 Valley Lutheran 11-04.50
11 Aneesa Leonard 9 Bourgade Catholic 10-11.00
12 Astrid Halpin 10 Bourgade Catholic 10-01.50
-- Mary Bodjanac 10 Arizona Lutheran SCR
Girls Triple Jump
Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Lyndsay Campbell 11 Chandler Preparatory 29-10.75
2 Jessica Nyandamu 10 Bourgade Catholic 28-08.50
3 Kaycee Burley 11 Chandler Preparatory 27-06.25
4 Chelsea Knotts 9 Chandler Preparatory 26-02.00
5 Hannah Hayes 10 Mesa Prep 25-11.50
6 Alli Lemnitzer 12 Valley Lutheran 24-09.50
7 Abrianna Percuoco 10 Chandler Preparatory 24-07.00
8 Shelby Bonomo 9 Valley Lutheran 23-05.50
9 Delainey Rab 9 Chandler Preparatory 21-08.75
-- Miriam Koehne 10 Valley Lutheran SCR