Meet Information
** By Invite Only **
Meet Program --- >>> copy_of_arizona_open_flyer.docx.pdf
2023 AZ OPEN - Meet Information
2023 AZ OPEN- Schedule of Events
The Entry fee for both Boys and Girls Teams is $400.00. (Single team is $200.00)
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Online registration accepts debit/credit cards/checks/money orders. If you need access to a computer, please visit:
CUSD Community Education
1525 W. Frye Rd.
Chandler, AZ 85224
No cash accepted and no camp walk-ups will be admitted.
Questions? Please contact:
This track meet came from the inspired ideas of Jim Shewbridge. It is designed to be an introductory track meet to create an early season competition where the top 20 - 24 teams in the state across all four (4) divisions will compete in a smaller meet setting at a neutral location against teams they may not compete against during the season - ultimately determining which school would be crowned the "Open" champion.
This meet is intended to create an "Open" team competition like the Open championship for football.The teams invited to this meet are the reigning 2021 State champs from all four divisions; along with, some of the top returning teams (Junior, Sophomores, and Freshman from 2021), expected to compete for the State title in 2032. We will not have more than 24 schools competing.
While there are many athletes who will compete at State or win State for their individual events who are on teams not on the list of teams invited, this meet is not designed to be the "Meet of Champions" for individuals which is held in May. There are also many teams who will compete for their divisional state championship this year who weren't included on this list.
The teams invited were chosen based on statistical results from the 2022 season for the Junior, Sophomore and Freshman classes for the entire state - these do not include this year's freshman class or last year's Senior class with the exception of relay event times/place. Each individual event was scored based on the top 8 places for the entire state, then calculated to determine their teams total score in the state (not their division). The total score for each team (which includes both male and female athletes), was then analyzed to take the top 20 scoring teams; along with 2022 State Champs to identify the teams.