31th Annual Los Mezquites Invitational 2023

Tucson, AZ
Timing/Results Joe Hajek

31th Annual Los Mezquites Invitational 2023 vs 30th Annual Los Mezquites Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -166 159 325
Overall Average -1:26.51 25:43.61 27:10.12
1st-10th Place -39.25 18:15.74 18:54.99
1st-25th Place -32.75 19:08.46 19:41.21
1st-50th Place -18.08 20:10.51 20:28.60
1st-100th Place +34.74 22:14.77 21:40.03
Common Athletes -- -- 51
Ran Faster 25 38 13
Ran Season Best 2 3 1
Average Time -1:56.29 24:38.78 26:35.07
Median Time -2:33.60 24:01.70 26:35.30
Middle 80% Times -2:05.93 24:36.49 26:42.42
Top 10% Times -1:54.48 18:18.52 20:13.00
Top 25% Times -1:31.24 19:27.58 20:58.82
Top 50% Times -1:54.07 20:53.35 22:47.42
Bottom 50% Times -1:54.03 27:27.33 29:21.37
Bottom 25% Times -2:20.95 30:47.49 33:08.44
Bottom 10% Times -1:03.52 33:21.40 34:24.92
Average Difference -1:56.29 -- --
Median Difference -14.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:55.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:36.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:37.61 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:16.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:37.61 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:11.04 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:48.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:02.68 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Miika Lagat Rincon University High School -1:55.80 17:43.80 19:39.60
Luc Leyton Rincon University High School -2:06.10 17:45.60 19:51.70
Jackson Gant-Golston Flowing Wells High School -2:58.80 18:09.10 21:07.90
Brendan Ramirez Rincon University High School -2:16.30 18:26.70 20:43.00
Alec Guerra Nogales High School -1:39.10 18:45.20 20:24.30
Francisco Murrieta Rio Rico High School -2:31.80 19:00.70 21:32.50
Mariano Francisco Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -1:16.70 19:16.90 20:33.60
Jose Coronado Nogales High School -27.80 19:48.40 20:16.20
Juan Ibarra Flowing Wells High School -1:12.10 20:29.00 21:41.10
Derrick Johnson Flowing Wells High School +49.30 21:21.90 20:32.60
Fernando Cortez Jr. Rio Rico High School -3:41.80 20:48.70 24:30.50
Aiden Joaquin Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -3:31.40 20:51.00 24:22.40
Jacob Antone Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -3:41.60 20:53.70 24:35.30
Peter Marrone Rincon University High School -1:01.90 20:59.70 22:01.60
PADILLA RAUL Sunnyside High School -3:43.20 21:17.60 25:00.80
Alexander Sweat-Grace Rincon University High School -1:52.30 21:36.90 23:29.20
Abigail kurgat Rincon University High School +13.70 22:10.30 21:56.60
Charles Hardy Rincon University High School -5:44.00 21:59.40 27:43.40
Jorge Fuentes Nogales High School -54.20 22:00.20 22:54.40
Luis Padilla-Portillo Nogales High School -2:00.30 22:18.40 24:18.70
Robert Skaggs Rincon University High School -5.30 22:18.60 22:23.90
Amelia Lapierre Rincon University High School -2:25.60 22:24.90 24:50.50
Ramy Hafez Rio Rico High School -12:29.60 22:29.10 34:58.70
Christian Gonzales Sunnyside High School -9:41.90 22:40.40 32:22.30
Sydney Horton Rincon University High School -2:12.30 23:29.20 25:41.50
Johana Holman Rio Rico High School -2:33.60 24:01.70 26:35.30
Vaughn Duwyenie Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind -8:28.50 24:09.90 32:38.40
Kristopher Vazquez Salazar Flowing Wells High School +4.00 24:19.80 24:15.80
Elexia Aragon Flowing Wells High School +3:51.20 28:08.70 24:17.50
Gidget Flanigan Rincon University High School -3:33.90 24:45.60 28:19.50
Alana Felix Sunnyside High School +57.40 25:53.90 24:56.50
Constanza Canez Nogales High School -56.00 26:02.50 26:58.50
Natalia Guzman Nogales High School -14.20 26:24.20 26:38.40
Ximena Barnett Nogales High School -5.60 26:48.30 26:53.90
Robert Erives Amphitheater High School -2:45.30 26:53.80 29:39.10
Camila Guzman Nogales High School -48.00 26:53.90 27:41.90
Angelina Bawdon Amphitheater High School +10.90 27:08.30 26:57.40
Nick Cabral Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind -6:00.90 27:06.10 33:07.00
Raphael Hartung Flowing Wells High School -6:29.40 27:07.00 33:36.40
Kimberly Clark Nogales High School +1:07.80 28:16.20 27:08.40
Lileah Duncan Flowing Wells High School +1:20.90 28:31.10 27:10.20
Laythan Pablo Amphitheater High School -7:32.90 27:10.40 34:43.30
Carolina Bustamante Nogales High School -20.70 27:11.10 27:31.80
Stacey Barnett Nogales High School +36.40 30:19.70 29:43.30
Kaylee Rivas Rio Rico High School +42.80 30:55.20 30:12.40
Lemuel Tonay Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind -5:30.50 30:31.80 36:02.30
Jessica Ortega Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -2:01.40 31:02.70 33:04.10
Kya Delores Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School +39.40 31:54.90 31:15.50
Isabella Lespron Flowing Wells High School +3:56.20 35:36.70 31:40.50
Camila Williams Sunnyside High School -20.00 33:01.80 33:21.80
Summer Baptisto Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School +3:50.10 37:37.10 33:47.00