Fountain Hills Invitational 2023

Fountain Hills, AZ

Fountain Hills Invitational 2023 vs Fountain Hills Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +762 923 161
Overall Average +3:46.01 23:02.85 19:16.84
1st-10th Place -6.06 16:11.55 16:17.61
1st-25th Place -3.04 16:31.90 16:34.94
1st-50th Place -3.33 16:53.19 16:56.52
1st-100th Place -12.32 17:22.23 17:34.55
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster -30 5 35
Ran Season Best -4 -- 4
Average Time +57.23 18:58.86 18:01.63
Median Time +54.99 18:43.41 17:48.42
Middle 80% Times +57.45 18:47.09 17:49.64
Top 10% Times +43.72 17:09.20 16:25.48
Top 25% Times +52.52 17:25.11 16:32.59
Top 50% Times +56.04 17:50.14 16:54.10
Bottom 50% Times +58.43 20:07.59 19:09.16
Bottom 25% Times +53.82 21:09.63 20:15.81
Bottom 10% Times +1:09.05 22:22.71 21:13.67
Average Difference +57.23 -- --
Median Difference +49.13 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +57.02 -- --
Top 10% Difference +32.31 -- --
Top 50% Difference +51.73 -- --
Top 25% Difference +42.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference +51.73 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:02.74 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +59.07 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:23.85 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joshua Glass Casteel +39.71 17:00.86 16:21.15
Brady Moar Highland High +1:03.47 17:27.55 16:24.08
Roan Milner Perry High School +50.27 17:17.58 16:27.31
Caleb Faba Perry High School +1:59.13 18:28.49 16:29.36
Killian Grimm North Canyon High School +1:07.55 17:38.13 16:30.58
Leo Caruso Basha High School +1:15.68 17:50.07 16:34.39
Sam Davis Highland High +1:04.26 17:39.41 16:35.15
Crew Comish Red Mountain High School +1:11.72 17:52.76 16:41.04
Maddox Bonilla Casteel +1:29.49 18:10.81 16:41.32
Jack Bradley Williams Field High School +16.30 16:57.81 16:41.51
Boston Shaffer Casteel +22.94 17:22.62 16:59.68
Jude Taylor Highland High +53.83 17:56.13 17:02.30
Daniel Reese Westwood High School +2:14.98 19:19.78 17:04.80
Isaac Glass Casteel +1:10.72 18:17.80 17:07.08
LJ Lester) Johnson Highland High +55.89 18:06.55 17:10.66
Ashton Engle Casteel +1:08.74 18:23.50 17:14.76
Brayden Crockett Highland High -35.74 17:20.54 17:56.28
Adrian Arredondo Basha High School +23.23 17:46.77 17:23.54
Cayden Ray Williams Field High School +1:17.87 18:42.76 17:24.89
Jared Egosque Red Mountain High School +1:49.55 19:15.43 17:25.88
Max Crockett Casteel -2.75 17:39.80 17:42.55
Jeremy Anderson Red Mountain High School +1:04.93 18:53.35 17:48.42
Kody Orlando Red Mountain High School +58.78 18:47.53 17:48.75
Alex Geyser Phoenix Country Day School +49.13 18:43.41 17:54.28
Allden Buyack Perry High School +42.24 18:42.87 18:00.63
Xavior Smith Westwood High School +1:22.85 19:25.30 18:02.45
Jarrett Garcia Red Mountain High School +1:07.56 19:11.02 18:03.46
Josue Valdez La Joya Community High School +3:15.93 21:26.70 18:10.77
Zachary Weston Casteel +39.21 18:50.77 18:11.56
Anuj Iyer Perry High School +1:14.27 19:42.72 18:28.45
Nathaniel kautz Williams Field High School +33.80 19:13.29 18:39.49
Jake Holmes Notre Dame Preparatory +23.38 19:15.56 18:52.18
Aiden Sianez Agua Fria High School +32.05 20:18.53 19:46.48
Luis Hernandez Agua Fria High School +8.13 19:57.27 19:49.14
Irving Jasso Flores La Joya Community High School +3:08.65 23:05.44 19:56.79
Aslan Sanchez-Acevedo Notre Dame Preparatory -46.05 20:09.92 20:55.97
Orlando Rojas West Point High School +1:15.81 21:55.17 20:39.36
Juancarlos Esquer Lopez Agua Fria High School -9.07 20:45.79 20:54.86
Gabriel Montalvo North Canyon High School +2:16.45 23:03.55 20:47.10
Jesus Corrales West Point High School -1:05.50 21:11.24 22:16.74