1A North/West Region Meet 2010

Payson, AZ

Meet Information

1A Conference
North/West Region Meet

Date of Meet
Thursday May 6, 2010
Site of Meet
Payson High School, Payson, Az.
Payson High School has an 8-lane polyurethane track that requires a spike length of 1/4 inch or less.

(AIA bylaws 29.1.1) The rules of the competition shall be outlined in the current rule book, case book, and officials’ manual of the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations.  

Meet Director	Starter/Clock – DirectAthletics
Michael Elder	Chuck Yale
Northland Preparatory Academy	Payson High School 
3300 E. Sparrow Ave	P.O. Box 919 
Flagstaff, AZ 86004	Payson, Arizona 85547 
Office: 928-214-8776, Ext. 308 Cell: 928-380-6287	Cell: 928-970-0008 Home: 928-468-6113
E-MAIL:  melder@northlandprep.org	cbyale@npgcable.com

1A North & West Region Meet 
SITE: Payson High School 
SCHOOLS: Ash Fork, Beaver Dam, Fredonia, Grand Canyon, Seligman Joseph City, Mogollon, Northland Prep, Rock Point, Shonto Prep, St. Michael, White Cone, Bagdad, PDSD, Mayer, Salome, The Orme School, Valley Lutheran, Dan Pasqual, Joy Christian, Verde Valley

TUESDAY MAY 4, 2009 – 6:00PM 
Make sure you get your entries in. 
See entry info on page 3 of this document. 

SITE: Payson High School
Thursday, May 6th
9:00am Coaches Meeting (Select Games Committee, Open Pit for Long Jump and Triple Jump?) 
9:00am Field Event Warm-Up 
9:00am: Weigh-in Shot Puts and Discuses, Pole Vaulters  

Girls Pole Vault
Boys High Jump  
Girls Shot Put (3 throws followed by final 3 throws) 
Boys Discus (3 throws followed by final 3 throws 
Girls Long Jump (3 jumps followed by final 3 jumps)

Followed by
Boys Pole Vault  
Girls High Jump  
Boys Shot Put (3 throws followed by final 3 throws 
Girls Discus (3 throws followed by final 3 throws 
Boys Long Jump (3 jumps followed by final 3 jumps)  
Girls/Boys Triple Jump (3 jumps followed by final 3 jumps)  

10:00 am TRACK EVENTS 
Finals – 4 X 800m Relay 
Prelims—High Hurdles (If needed) 
Prelims—100m Dash 
Prelims—400m Dash (If needed) 
Prelims—300m Hurdles (If needed) 
Prelims—200m Dash  
11:00am Finals 
100/110 High Hurdles 
100m Dash 
1600m Run 
4x100m Relay 
400m Dash 
300m Hurdles 
800m Run 
200m Dash 
3200m Run 
Girls 800m Sprint Medley 
Boys 4x400m Relay

ORDER: Girls, Boys (same as in the state championship
Entry Information and Instructions

Step 1: Examine Entry Limitations and Restrictions to decide who may enter.   
1.	Information on entry limitations and standards can be found on the pages below. 
2.	Be sure athletes meet all entry limitations, qualifications, restrictions, etc.

Step 2: Set up an Account with Direct Athletics.   
1.	You must have a Direct Athletics team account to enter your team. An existing account will suffice if you have one.  If for some reason your school has more than one account, all of those schools shall be invited.  However, make sure all of your entries that you use for this meet (and the entire school year) are under the same single account.  If not, your team scores won’t be correct, your ranking updates will be a mess, and the list goes on.
2.	If you have an account but forgot your username and password, go to www.directathletics.com and click on “Forgot Username or Password?”   
3.	If you do not already have a Direct Athletics account for your team, you must create a Direct Athletics team account. To set up your account, go to www.directathletics.com and click on “New User? Click Here”. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an account and submit entries. This will take approximately 24 hours, so plan accordingly in order to make the entry deadline. 
4.	Update your rosters (if a new account, you need to input your entire roster)  
Direct Athletics
DirectAthletics, Inc. 
PO Box 1151 
Boston, Mass.  02134 
TEL:  617-879-1797 
FAX:  617-879-1788 
E-MAIL:  support@directathletics.com 
WEBSITE ADDRESS:  www.directathletics.com 

Step 3. Enter Your Athletes Electronically on the Internet.   
1.	Go to www.directathletics.com.  If your team has not been “invited” then you need to contact Chuck Yale
2.	Use the directions, password, and username acquired above to make your entries at this site. You will also be able to create a password for yourself so that you can make changes later.
3.	There is no scratch/add procedure. You may go in and make changes as often as you wish up to the entry deadline, but after this time all entries are final.   
4.  ENTRY DEADLINE:  Tuesday May 4, 6:00 pm
STEP 4: Check Your Entries.
1.	E-mail yourself your entry confirmations. Occasionally, the entries that are downloaded are different than what a coach submitted.
2.	Check your entries for correctness. No changes are permissible at this point.
3.	If there is an error, email Chuck Yale as soon as possible (cbyale@npgcable.com).

STEP 5: Rules, Procedures, and Protocol
(NFHS 4-2-1) Each athlete is limited to being entered in four (4) individual events.
(NFHS 4-2-2) Each athlete is limited to actually competing in four (4) events including relays.
(AIA bylaws 29.8.1) An athlete may scratch an individual event to compete in a relay  
(NFHS 4-1-2) An athlete is a competitor once they report to the bullpen or field event venue.
1A Conference:  By competing in the Interregional meet, each team may qualify eight (8) individual athletes and
relays from their inter-region meets, plus any outside qualifiers.
Each school shall enter no more than four athletes in any event.
AIA bylaws pertaining to region meets
( In the 1A/2A/3A Conference each school may enter the same number of participants per event in the
regional tournament as the region is allowed to send in each event to the state tournament.
(29.8.1) Regional qualifiers for the state tournament shall be determined by each conference.
( Region champion plaques shall be awarded to the first place teams.
( Medals will be given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places in all events at region meets.
NOTE:  All teams need to submit marks that are season-best marks and should not exceed the season bests noted on the official rankings list located at www.directathletics.com.  Any marks exceeding the ranking list marks shall be removed and replaced with a “no mark” and seeded accordingly.

•	Even though your school may have different accounts, use the same account for all meets throughout the season.  You will have multiple errors in results and rankings if you use more than one user account 
•	Edit and set-up your rosters before the season starts—don’t wait until the last minute.  Basically, delete the athletes that graduated and add any new athletes for this year. 
•	Encourage meets to use the website.  The more it is used, the easier it is to manage entries, results, rankings, etc. 
•	At meets, when making changes—make sure you truly scratch an athlete who doesn’t compete and add an athlete who does.  Reason being is that there is a registration number attached to the athlete—that is how the website ID’s athletes and teams.
•	If changes aren’t made correctly by the HyTek operator, errors will manifest themselves in the ranking lists. 
•	If the meet does use online entries, give meet management until Tuesday night to upload the results.  Then, call them on Wednesday to remind them.  It is better if the rankings are updated automatically then manually if the meet is done with online entries. 
•	Starting in mid-March, up-to-date qualifiers lists will be e-mailed out to the schools.  If an athlete doesn’t qualify due to something like wind readings, it will be noted here.  They should be sent-out about once per week up until regionals.
Region Meets

Each region is permitted to conduct its meet as it sees fit provided the competition is conducted within the parameters of NFHS rules, as well as the AIA and conference bylaws and constitution.

If the region meet is going to be considered an outside qualification meet as well, the meet must use HyTek meet management software as well as use online entries at www.directathletics.com and export the results back to the website by Sunday morning.  Fully Automatic Timing is preferred. 

Region meet directors need to e-mail their results, as a back-up, to Greg Wayne by Monday morning at gwayne@direcway.com, gww2@dana.ucc.nau.edu, and gwayne@kayenta.k12.az.us.  Please use all three email address, just in case.

1A Conference Outside Qualification Marks (FAT)
NOTE:  When submitting marks automatically to direct athletics, if the events are hand timed—then it must be noted and the website shall convert those marks to FAT.
1A Conference 
14.28	100m 	11.97
28.73	200m 	24.62
66.50	400m 	55.02
2:40.87	800m 	2:07.18
6:12.82	1600m 	4:58.20
13:30.19	3200m 	11:06.67
19.66	HH 	18.72
54.81	300H	45.33
59.45	4 X 100 Relay 	48.56
2:13.42	800m Sprint Medley	4 X 400 Relay 	3:54.45 
12:54.56	4 X 800 Relay 	9:52.26
27-01	Shot Put 	39-04
88-04	Discus 	107-03
4-05	High Jump 	5-05
6-0	Pole Vault 	8-06
13-06.5	Long Jump 	18-07.75
27-02	Triple Jump 	37-03

Outside qualification marks are determined by last year’s 8th place marks. If there is no 8th place mark in the finals (or deemed out-of-range), then the 8th place mark from the prelims shall be used. 
All times noted are FAT. For manual times, when submitting marks to www.directathletics.com, click on the manual times box. 
NOTE: 10.81 manual time rounds up to 10.9 + .24 = 11.14 for FAT conversion.

Wind Readings will be required on all marks for the 100, 200, High Hurdles, Long Jump, and Triple Jump.

All Throwing implements will be required to be weighed-in prior to the start of the meet and comply with NFHS rules.

(AIA bylaws 14.12) The AIA encourages the playing of the national anthem at all athletic contests.

(AIA bylaws 14.14) Neither the AIA, meet management, nor Payson High School shall be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles.

(AIA bylaws 29.8.4) No one from the 1A conferences may practice at Payson High School after April 28, 2010.

•	(AIA bylaws 29.1.3) A team qualifies a team, not the individuals.  Thus, schools don’t have to use the same athletes at the state meet that were on the team that qualified for the state meet.
•	Athletes must use 1/4 inch spikes, or less, when competing.
•	Teams must provide their own batons.
•	4-6 names need to be submitted when inputting entries online.  These can be changed at the meet site on Friday.  Details of the exact mechanics, forms, etc. shall be announced at the coaches meeting.
•	The 4 X 800m Relay will be conducted as finals only.  If more than 18 teams are entered, then two sections will be conducted.  The second section will have the top 2 from each region and the next four (4) best entries.

High Jump
(NFHS 3-2) As determined by the games committee …  
•	1/4 inch spikes, or less, are required. 
•	Opening heights are determined by taking last year’s 8th place marks and dropping three (3) consecutive heights. 
•	1A girls shall open at 4-00, 1A boys shall open at 5-00 
•	3A girls shall open at 4-04, 3A boys shall open at 5-04 
•	Athletes need to check-out with the head judge if competing in another event. 
•	The bar may be raised after a 10-minute delay (at the discretion of the head judge) and those athletes that didn’t complete their trials at the previous height shall be credited with a pass. 
•	Awards shall be presented following the 200m dash for that session.  
Pole Vault 
(NFHS 3-2) As determined by the games committee …  
•	Located on the outside of the curve, North side of track (by 200 meter start) 1/4 inch spikes, or less, are required. 
•	All athletes must weigh-in and have their poles inspected 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. 
•	Opening heights are determined by taking last year’s 8th place marks and dropping three (3) consecutive heights. 
•	1A Boys and Girls shall open at 6-00 
•	3A Girls shall open at 7-00, 3A Boys shall open at 10-00 
•	Athletes need to check-out with the head judge if competing in another event. 
Pole Vault, con’t
•	The bar may be raised after a 10-minute delay (at the discretion of the head judge) and those athletes that didn’t complete their trials at the previous height shall be credited with a pass.
•	Each school is entitled to have one (1) coach in the coaches’ box.  NOTE:  Any coach in the coaches’ box must be safety certified.  Any of the NFHS recognized programs will suffice.  For further information, go online at www.nfhs.org under the track-and-field section. 
•	Awards shall be presented after the 200m dash in that session.  

Long and Triple Jump 
(NFHS 3-2) As determined by the games committee … 
•	Located inside the North curve 1/4 spikes, or less, are required 
•	Both wood boards and painted lines shall be used. 
•	Prelims:  Flights  shall be set-up per NFHS rules 
•	Prelims:  Each flight shall be given 15-minutes to warm-up and 30-minutes to complete all trials. 
•	(NFHS 7-6-8) Prelims:  The contestants will compete in the set competition order, 
•	this is not an open pit  
•	(NFHS 7-6-11) Prelims:  Athletes that need to be in another event need to check- out with the head judge.  At the discretion of the head judge, athletes may complete their trials they missed while competing in another event in a subsequent flight.  The head judge has the discretion to extend the 30-minute time limit. 
•	(NFHS 7-6-9) Finals:  The top nine (9) athletes, plus ties, shall advance to the finals. 
•	Finals:  There shall be a 15-minute warm-up period prior to the start of the finals and 30-minutes to complete all trials. 
•	Awards:  Shall be presented after the 200m dash in that session.

Shot Put and Discus 
•	The circles are concrete. 
•	The circles are located outside the track at the South side of the track. 
•	34.92 degree sectors are scheduled.
•	Under NFHS rules, 40 degree sectors may be used. 
•	Athletes must provide their own implements 
•	Weigh-ins shall be conducted 45 minutes prior to the event 
•	Warm-Ups:  Athletes should use two implements when warming-up. 
•	Impact Area:  Use extreme caution around the impact areas.   
•	Prelims:  Flights shall be set-up per NFHS rules 
•	Prelims:  Each flight shall be given 15-minutes to warm-up and 30-minutes to complete all trials. 
•	(NFHS 6-2-2) Prelims:  The contestants will compete in the set competition order. 
•	(NFHS 6-2-6) Prelims:  Athletes that need to be in another event need to check- out with the head judge.  At the discretion of the head judge, athletes may complete their trials they missed while competing in another event in a subsequent flight.  The head judge has the discretion to extend the 30-minute time limit. 
•	(NFHS 6-2-4) Finals:  The top nine (9) athletes, plus ties, shall advance to the finals. 
•	Finals:  There shall be a 15-minute warm-up period prior to the start of the finals and 30-minutes to complete all trials. 
•	Awards:  Shall be presented after the 200m dash in that session  

Meet Suspensions 
•	(NFHS 3-2-5) The meet may be suspended in accordance with NFHS rules due to weather hazards, power failures, etc.  It is the games committee’s philosophy that the meet will resume as soon as possible (versus postponing the meet until another day).

Helping keep the Payson High School campus clean
•	Please police your areas and help keep the campus clean

Staging and Calls 
•	There shall be a first, second, third, report call for each event.
•	Athletes need to start making there way to the bullpen at the second call, no later than report call.
•	All athletes need to be in the bullpen at report call.

Meet Officials 
•	Payson High School officials will operate the electronic timing system. 
•	All other event judges will be adult volunteers from the participating schools.

Protests and Appeals
•	In general, protests are not recognized (a protest is normally a complaint pertaining to a no-call).
•	An appeal is normally a petition by the coach to the meet management over a disqualification or penalty. A coach may only appeal a misapplication of a rule, not judgment on the part of the officials. 
•	(AIA bylaws 29.8.5)  Any rulings made by the games committee shall be final. 
•	(NFHS 3-5-2) If a coach wishes to file an official appeal, the coach needs to contact the appeals clerk and fill out an appeals form.  The referee will address the matter and notify the coach of the decision.  If the coach still feels that the terms and conditions of competition or application of the rules have been misapplied or misinterpreted, a written appeal shall be made to the games committee for a final ruling.
•	NOTE:  Under NFHS rules, any judgment calls are not subject to appeal, including the decision made by the timers and finish judges.  The referee has the authority to review the official pictures.  As a courtesy, when convenient to do so, the referee has the authority to show the official picture to the coach. 


INTRODUCTION:  Athletes are prohibited from competing while wearing any jewelry. 
(Rule 4-3-7, NFHS 2006 Rules Book)  The only exceptions to this rule are religious and medical medals and watches.  While not inclusive, the following are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable items:  
a.	Watches (worn on the wrist). 
b.	Religious medal – medal must be taped to the body under the uniform (no chain allowed). 
c.	Medical alert bracelet – taped to the wrist with the faceplate showing. 
d.	Insulin pump – taped to body, worn under the uniform and adequately padded. 
e.	Heart monitor – only with the physician’s statement documenting the need (shown to the meet referee). 
f.	Atomizer – only with physician’s statement documenting the need (shown to the meet referee). 
g.	Glasses—including sunglasses. 
h.	Rubber bands or elastic bands to control the hair – even if the elastic band has a small piece of metal. 
i.	A scrunchie or a ribbon to control hair – maximum of two ribbons in total hair. 
j.	Tattoo – unless objectionable. The tattoo must be covered if found objectionable. 
k.	Regulation headband or knit cap – must be unadorned except for school name, school nickname, or school mascot—if the weather is cold. 
l.	Regulation “sweat band” for the head or wrists when needed – must be unadorned except for school name, school nickname, or school mascot. 
m.	An American flag not to exceed 2 x 3 inches.
n.	One manufacturer’s logo/trademark is permitted on each piece of apparel that does not exceed 2 inches square inches in any dimension.  

a.	Cloth/yarn/hemp/etc., bracelets. 
b.	Rubber band(s) on wrist/ankle. This includes the Lance Armstrong “Live Strong” yellow wristbands. 
c.	Earrings – even if covered with tape. 
d.	Rings or any other jewelry (i.e., navel rings, tongue rings, eyebrow rings, nose ring, or post earrings of any kind). 
e.	Barrettes or bobby pins/beads/etc.   
f.	Face/body paint and/or stickers. 
g.	Glitter. 
h.	Baseball hats, scarves, bandannas, do-rags, etc. 
i.	Pins, except to hold on competitor numbers. 
j.	Ribbons, pins, etc., attached to shoes/shoelaces.  


INTRODUCTION: Track-and-Field athletes must wear a school issued jersey.  
a.	Must be school issued. 
b.	Must be tucked into the shorts (must be able to see hip numbers). 
c.	Body suits (either one or two piece) may be worn in lieu of the traditional jersey and shorts. 
d.	The jersey may contain no ornamentation that is objectionable. 
e.	Any visible undergarments under the jersey must be unadorned and of a single color; however, the undergarment and jersey don’t have to be the same color.   
f.	Bras are considered foundation garments and not undergarments under NFHS Track-and-Field rules. 
g.	Relay team members that chose to wear undergarments (shirts under their jerseys) must have the same color undergarments.  NOTE:  Not all team members must wear undergarments; however, if they do they must be the same color.   
h.	Foundation garments (example:  bras) are not undergarments and may be of different colors. 
i.	Bare midriffs are not acceptable.  The jersey must be tucked in or touch the waistband of the shorts when standing erect. 
j.	No knots or knot-like protrusions. 
k.	The jersey may be a tank top or t-shirt style jersey; however, football jerseys are not track-and-field uniforms and may not be used.  If there are circumstances where a uniform situation may be a problem, it is recommended that the coach consult with the referee after the coaches meeting. 
l.	The jersey shall not be removed in any competition areas.


INTRODUCTION: Track-and-Field athletes must wear a school issued shorts.
a.	Must be school issued.
b.	Loose fitting boxer type shorts are permitted for boys and girls, and closed leg briefs are acceptable for girls.
c.	Body suits (either one or two piece) may be worn in lieu of the traditional jersey and shorts. 
d.	The shorts may contain no ornamentation that is objectionable. 
e.	Any visible undergarments under the shorts must be unadorned and of a single color; however, the undergarment and jersey don’t have to be the same color.  
f.	Relay team members that chose to wear undergarments (such as bicycle shorts) must have the same color undergarments.  NOTE:  Not all team members must wear undergarments; however, if they do they must be the same color.   
g.	Hip numbers will be worn on both hips. 
h.	No knots or knot-like protrusions—NOTE:  The NFHS rule interpretation is that the waistband may be rolled over provided the shorts remain above the hips. 
i.	Athletes may compete in sweat pants provided they are school issued. 
j.	Shorts shall not be removed in any competition areas.


a.	The only rule pertaining to socks is that no more than one logo on one individual sock. 
b.	Athletes are required to wear a bona-fide shoe.
c.	Under NFHS rules, the games committee has determined that since the meet is at night, the need for sun protection is minimal.  If a special needs case does exist, the referee may approve headwear for a competing athlete on a case-by-case basis.  The referee does have the authority to request medical or other appropriate documentation. 
d.	No spikes shall be longer than one-quarter inch or five centimeters. 
e.	Relay or field event competitors shall not wear gloves. 
f.	Throwers may wear weightlifting belts, but may not wear weights. 
g.	Sunglasses may be worn; however, it is not recommended for the high jump or pole vault due to liability. 
h.	Bandanas may not be worn, and beads in the hair are considered jewelry. 
i.	Head bands of a single color may be worn.

Meet officials must still do preventative officiating and check all athletes before they compete.  However, if an athlete competes while wearing illegal uniform/apparel, jewelry, and/or illegal items/equipment, he/she is subject to disqualification.