The Ultimate XC & Track College Recruiting Workbook

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Run for College Workbook is one of a kind hands-on workbook made for Cross Country and Track Athletes. There is nothing like this workbook out there, that helps Student-Athletes work through the recruiting process and obtain an athletic scholarship! This book is a step by step easy to use workbook that walks you through the whole process of recruiting; from gathering important documents, researching colleges, communicating with college coaches, going on official visits and then ultimately receiving an athletic scholarship!


Dr. Jeff Messer

Chair, Department of Exercise Science, Mesa Community College

Head Coach, Girls’ Cross-Country & Assistant Coach, Track-&-Field, Desert Vista High School

“Run-for-College is an unparalleled, comprehensive, and unique recruiting resource that systematically overviews, explains, details, guides, and, most importantly, facilitates a successful, informed recruiting experience. Every component of the recruiting process is explored with incomparable precision and specificity. The step-by-step methodology fully empowers parents / guardians to confidently identify, evaluate, and target educational institutions that will optimally serve both the curricular and co-curricular goals of their student-athlete(s). Moreover, the resource exquisitely emphasizes both a breadth and depth of exceptional financial aid opportunities. In sum, Run-for-College constitutes the DEFINITIVE resource for ensuring a positive, edifying, and rewarding recruiting process.”

Margot Kelly

Former National Editor for Milesplit

“The recruiting process can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. The "run for college workbook" can take the stress out of the process by preparing the athlete in all aspects of the recruiting process. This comprehensive guide is a wealth of information giving you everything you need as well as what you never knew you needed. From “What to ask College Coaches” to “Do’s and Don’ts on an official visit” this workbook leaves nothing out. The Tip Tabs are worth the price alone and I would pay double just for those.”

Tiffany Goettl

Parent and Coach

“ I spent over $1500 on an on-line recruiting service and all they did was send out a mass email to all the colleges.  My son received 3 responses.  Although my daughter is only a junior, she has been placed on multiple recruiting lists for next year thanks to the information is this workbook.  The workbook has already paid for itself many times over.”

    Run For College Workbook is a completely hands on workbook:

  • Easy to understand Step by Step Instructions which takes you through the recruiting process
  • Worksheets to guide you through the college research process in picking out your top ten schools
  • Email tracking worksheets
  • Important “Must Read” Tip Tabs throughout the workbook from setting up a “memorable” email and marketing yourself to How to conduct yourself on the telephone during an interview
  • 24 Month Calendar to help record and keep track of important dates
  • 11 Pocket Folders to store college correspondence and important documents “To Do” lists for each top ten college choice
  • Preparation questions to prepare you for telephone calls with College Coaches
  • Telephone questions that have been specifically designed to help get an “inside” look into the inner workings of the coaching staff ,team atmosphere and the academics of the college
  • 5 Sets of perforated Official/Non-Official Visit questions to rip out and take with you on recruiting trips
  • All together in one book!