What to Expect in 2015

This photo from NXR-SW was selected to clear up some lingering confusion. I am Rob Versaw and am pictured on the left. Alan “Coach" Versaw, my father, is center. He is the Colorado Webmaster. Eric Versaw, my younger brother, is on the right. Eric is a Digital Media Specialist for Milesplit. Photo by Emily Hanenburg.

With change in the air many of you may be wondering what it all will mean? And what in the world is a content manager?

The answer to the latter question is simple. I am going to be running the day to day operations of the website. I will be putting up articles, pictures, video (when I can) and managing the results database for high school cross country and track & field meets around the state of Arizona.

The answer to the former question is a little bit more complex. Here is a rundown of what you should expect from Milesplit Arizona this spring:

Results: It is my goal for Milesplit Arizona to become a one stop shop for all high school results. Coaches and meet directors, any results you send me will be posted. Athletes and parents, if you know of results that are not up here get your coaches or meet directors to send them in, and I will post them. As long as I have any say in what goes on results will remain free content.

Meet Coverage: Some of you might recognize me from state cross country or Nike Cross Regionals. I enjoy being at track and field meets too (Maybe more?). I enjoy writing about them. I enjoy tweeting about them. I enjoy taking pictures of them. I am going to be at every meet I can. Unfortunately there are more meets than one person can attend. Look for future articles recruiting writers and photographers to expand the coverage I will be providing. These will be paid positions, though don't expect to get rich off of doing it either. In order to offer compensation for such activities, these articles will be premium content for subscribers only.

How-To Series: Milesplit is a powerful website with lot of amazing features, but only if you know how to use them. I am going to be crafting a “How-To" series to teach coaches, athletes and parents alike how to get the most out of the website. This content will be free to everyone, though some of the functions I will teach people how to use will be for subscribers only.

Pro-Tips: Some Milesplit die-hard fans may recognize my name from the Colorado Track XC page. Yes, I am Alan's son, but I have also been writing a series called “Pro-Tips." “Pro-Tips" is a series where I interview elite level athletes about advice they have for high school athletes. I am happy to announce I am going to continue this series on the Arizona page. Look for names like Bernard Lagat, Kate Grace, Jim Ryun, Jenny Simpson, Ryan Hall and more to be appearing on Milesplit Arizona this spring. This content will be free, the goal is to foster a knowledge sharing environment from the very top.

Highlights: I will periodically highlight a team or an athlete throughout the spring. This may come in different forms and fashions. Some of the time I will write an “Athlete of the Week" profile after an extraordinary performance. Other times I might profile a team. Stay tuned for more information on this!

Recruiting Series: As a former high school athlete I know the recruiting and college selection process can be a bit scary. It doesn't have to be. I am currently working on writing a recruiting series where I talk to collegiate coaches about what they look for in athletes. They also share some helpful information on dates and deadlines. These articles will be appearing throughout the spring.

Re-Posts: Like I did with the Kenny Cormier article yesterday, every once in a while, there will be a repost of an article about local athletes, local teams or former athletes from an external source. I want Milesplit Arizona to be a one stop shop for track and field in Arizona. If you see an article you think the community would benefit from feel free to send it my way.

Statistics: While I enjoy writing, my first love is statistics, which is why I did my undergrad in statistics. Moneyball is not just for baseball, all sports can benefit from a little numerical analysis. People who subscribe to the Milesplit Arizona website will have access to articles where different statistics about track and field in Arizona will be discussed.

College Signings: Running in college is a big deal. If you have committed to run in college let me know and I will put it up on the site. Doesn't matter if you signed with a D1 powerhouse or junior college, here at Milesplit, we want to celebrate with you. I will make effort to profile as many college signing as I can with individual articles. I am in large part relying on your help to find out about signings.

Alumni Report: Those who frequent Milesplit Arizona will probably know what this is all about. For those of you who don't know it is a regular report where I pull the collegiate results of former Arizona high school runners. I look forward to continuing the Milesplit tradition of keeping you up to date on our state's wonderful alumni.

I am psyched to be working for Milesplit Arizona. I am looking forward to covering an excellent track season by you and your athletes!