Whats Up with Subscriptions?

I have been getting multiple e-mails and even a facebook post or two about the subscription requirement for several articles. I wanted to address it broadly. I understand some of frustration when the site goes from free to not being free. In my home state I found it annoying when this happened in earnest in 2011.

So, why the change? Well, mostly because of two things. It takes time and money to create a good product. What I do here on the site does not come about without resources (gas, equipment etc.). Two, I'm hiring people to do things on the site for me (some of those things visible, others not very visible). The most visible is meet coverage. There aren't many folks who will go to a meet, take notes, and write an article for someone else's web site for free.I'll still be doing plenty of meet coverage, but if you check the bylines, you will be noticing names besides mine this spring.

I hope you continue to enjoy Arizona Milesplit. I'm committed to continuing to improve this site. If you want to see want to see what a fully functional states website look like consider checking out ones like Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, or Colorado. You will need a subscription to view some of their content as well, though like here in Arizona some of it will be free too. There is no reason Arizona can't be at the same level as those states. I'm also firmly committed to the notion that meet results remain free and open to the public. They will not be going behind the subscription wall. I'm pretty confident we're close to the right balance of what is and is not behind the subscription wall.

A one-year subscription provides access to all site content and costs less than $60! Until recently this is what it cost to fill up the tank of an SUV, but this subscription will give you year round track and field coverage. You can subscribe when you get to an article you'd like to see or right now by following this subscription link. The page that appears will take you through the details of the subscription process. Even though Christmas has passed, this could be a great birthday gift or reward for good grades for your kids.

Here is a quick breakdown of the free content and subscription content on Milesplit Arizona:

Free Content

Meet results


Public service articles

User-uploaded photo albums

Meet calendar

Team pages

Athlete pages

National-level articles

College signings


Recruiting Series

Athlete of the Week articles

Submitted articles

Online registration for coaches

Subscription Content


Meet previews and coverage

Milesplit staff photos

Meet video

Analysis articles