1A - 2A

Freshman standout Rolanda Jumbo (pictured on front page far left) (Chinle) is the top choice for the 3A Division Title. Jumbo burst onto the scene winning several Invitionals starting with the Peaks Invite. Other impressive wins include the Holbrook Invite, Jack Boehle Memorial, Hopi Invitational and recently the 3A North Regionals. Midway through the cross country season, Jumbo finished 5th in the Doug Conley Invitional behind senior Jessica Rydberg of Blue Ridge. Rydberg and teammate Emerald Raney (Sr) will also be contenders for the title. Rydberg finished 3rd at the Doug Conley Invitational, 2nd at the Holbrook Invite, 2nd at the Peaks Invite and recently 1st at the 3A East Regionals. Rainey won the Blue Ridge-Shane Morris Invite and was third at the Four Corners Invite, 3rd at the Peaks Invite and 2nd at the 3A East Regionals.
4A I


5A I

Kylee Kieser (So, Casa Grande, pictured on front page center) and Taylor Cole (Jr, Hamilton) may try to press Tonn but most likely will not be able to stay with her. Kieser is a very impressive young runner with her fair share of wins this season winning the Chandler Invite Sophomore Race with the fastest time of the day, the O'Connor/Denson Invite, the Mingus Invite and the Boulder Creek Invitational. She also took 2nd at the Marana Invite, the Doug Conley Invitational and the Southern Regionals. Cole won the Junior race at the Chandler Invite and the Fiesta Regionals last week. She also finished 3rd at the Mingus Invitational. Ann Bawden (Sr, Highland) will also be in the mix for a top finish. Bawden finished 3rd at the George Young Invitational, 4th at theDoug Conley, 2nd at the Queen Creek Twilight Meet and 1st at the Gilbert City Meet.
Also, Sydney Beatty (Sr, Chandler) with a 2nd place finish at the Fiesta Regionals could find herself in the top five.
Kofa senior Stephanie Ledgerwood (pictured center) and Ironwood Ridge teammates sophomore Sara Beth Miville (pictured right) and senior Kat Howard (pictured far left) will be the top contenders for the Division 5A II title. Miville finished 6th at Doug Conley, 1st at the Rattler Invitational and 1st at the Southern Regionals last week. Miville's teammate Howard won the Senior Race at the Chandler Invitational with the second fastest time of the day. She also won the Marana Invite, finished second at the Rattler Invitational, placed 8th at the Doug Conley Invitational and took 2nd at the Southern Regionals last week. Ledgerwood took a second place finish behind Howard in the Senior Race at the Chandler Invitational, placed 2nd at Ojo Rojo, finished 9th at Doug Conley and last week took 1st at the Gila Valley Regionals. Each girl is capable of winning the 5A II title.
Also watch for freshman Lacey Kalinen from Pinnacle. Kalinen had a slow start to her first prep season of cross country but with two solid wins at the Paradise Valley District Meet and the Pima Regionals in the last two weeks........look for her to be in the top five.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Morning Session
7:30 a.m. Walk Through
7:45 a.m. Packet pick-up
8:55 a.m. National Anthem
9:00 a.m. 4A Division II Boys
9:25 a.m. 4A Division I Girls
9:50 a.m. 3A Boys
10:15 a.m. 4A Division II Girls
10:40 a.m. 4A Division I Boys
11:05 a.m. 3A Girls
Afternoon Session
11:30 a.m. Walk Through
11:45 a.m. Packet pick-up
12:55 p.m. National Anthem
1:00 p.m. 5A Division I Boys
1:25 p.m. 5A Division II Girls
1: 50 p.m. 1A/2A Boys
2:15 p.m. 5A Division I Girls
2:40 p.m. 5A Division II Boys
3:05 p.m. 1A/2A Girls