* The Highland Hawks running in the 2020 AIA State Cross Country Championship Boys Division 1 Race.
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We caught up with Highland High head coach David 'Monty' Montgomery to ask him about the team's potential this year, how summer training has gone, and more. Check out our Q&A with coach Monty below, and be on the lookout for more Q&As with the state's top programs over the next few weeks.

The Quick Facts:
Finish At State in 2021:
Division 1 Boys 3rd
Division 1 Girls 2nd
Boys Top Returners From State: 3 of Top 5 and 4 of Top 7
20th at State - Crewe Resendez - 10th Grade
35th - Miles Mcleskey - 12th
70th - Evan Sewell - 12th
Girls Top Returners From State: 4 of Top 5 and 4 of Top 7
3rd at State - Kayla Case - 11th Grade
5th - Emma Baugh - 11th
14th -Sophie Mann - 11th
16th - Kathryn Sewell - 11th

* The Hawks were the runners-up at the 2020 AIA D1 State Championships.
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Q&A With Coach 'Monty'
How long have you coached (overall/at your school)?
25 years at HHS- 34 total years
What does your team's meet schedule look like this year?
Less meets due to some meets got canceled this year. 7 total
What was one important moment over the summer with your team and why? (Camp/Preseason Meeting/Etc.)
Not one thing comes to mind but our top kids were very consistent this summer and we had a great turnout at 5:30 am. We also had a great camp.
What's the focus on training over the summer for the varsity squad?
Just getting a base of miles because summer miles bring fall smiles.
The boy's team lost three of the top five from last year's third-place finish. What does the rebuilding process look like?
Just getting the younger kids to buy in and show up...showing up is what brings success. The girls returnees all ran together all summer and went to training camp together.
Which athletes do you see as a probable five/top seven this season?
Wyatt Williams, and Crewe Resendez on the boys side and Kayla Case and Emma Baugh on the girls side. Along with Sophie Mann, Lindsay Schlink, Vanessa Fichum, and a couple more.
Which athletes have taken a bigger role in terms of veteran leadership?
How have they shown it/what will you expect from them in 2021?
Just rallying our big team, reaching out to the younger runners, and planning fun outings.
Who are some new faces who will make an impact in 2021? (i.e. freshmen, transfers, runners who've improved)
Zoe Tizard from Texas has looked good along with Austin Rueff from a charter school, he's very talented.
Your top returner based on state results from 2020 looks to be rising sophomore, Crewe Resendez. How did running at state and being on varsity as a freshman help him prep for 2021 and potentially being the team's top guy?
Crewe is a competitor and is race savvy and not afraid to take a little risk in races. He takes responsibility even as an underclassman. He has had a great summer of training. He's also smart in his training.
Four to six weeks before the state championships, what's a staple workout that's readying this team for a potential postseason run?
For us it's not one workout, it's a combination of hard and easy days and not looking at the outcome but the daily process of training, hydrating, nutrition, and sleep. Base phase, strength phase, then a sharpening phase.
What will success look like in 2021 for this team?
The only goal is to get into the State meet. The rest is to just compete and train smart and have fun with their teammates. Each athlete has individual goals but being the best teammate is the top priority. Academics are also a high priority and balancing both XC and Academics.
* Post-race interview with 2020 AIA D1 runners-up Highland High School.
What's the biggest challenge facing this team this fall?
Covid protocol, injuries, and sickness.
How has the last 1.5 years affected the team with any covid, mask, social distancing, and training restrictions you may have faced?
Honestly, our runners have not let it deter them from training and racing...business as usual...Improvise Adapt and Overcome.
Is there a quote or a saying, or a purpose your team lives by? What is it and why?
This year is "Make Every Decision Based on the Good of the Team." This is what we strive to teach and live. Esteeming others higher than yourself and being selfless at practice and in life. Seeking out ways to help others and be the best for those around you with no expectations.
What are the three big goals for this team in 2021?
Get to the state Meet, Stay Healthy, and continue to build the Highlands Positive Culture.