3A State Cross Country Championship 2009 vs Arizona State Cross Country Championships 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1339 244 1583
Overall Average +36.16 22:20.42 21:44.26
1st-10th Place +45.72 16:55.78 16:10.07
1st-25th Place +1:05.29 17:27.00 16:21.71
1st-50th Place +1:29.91 18:02.11 16:32.20
1st-100th Place +2:15.42 19:03.69 16:48.27
Common Athletes -- -- 44
Ran Faster 23 34 11
Ran Season Best -- 44 44
Average Time -1:18.18 20:52.61 22:10.79
Median Time -1:27.40 20:53.80 22:21.20
Middle 80% Times -1:19.86 20:56.37 22:16.23
Top 10% Times -45.44 16:42.60 17:28.04
Top 25% Times -1:02.50 17:18.70 18:21.20
Top 50% Times -1:20.27 18:19.49 19:39.76
Bottom 50% Times -1:16.09 23:25.73 24:41.82
Bottom 25% Times -1:25.32 25:00.83 26:26.15
Bottom 10% Times -1:57.19 26:13.14 28:10.33
Average Difference -1:18.10 -- --
Median Difference -1:35.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:15.67 -- --
Top 10% Difference -24.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -55.53 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference -55.53 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:39.90 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:22.25 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:33.37 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Billy Orman Tuba City High School -1:14.25 15:47.40 17:01.65
Jesus Rivera Sedona Red Rock -3:11.50 16:15.60 19:27.10
Ryan Yazzie Tuba City High School +14.20 16:54.50 16:40.30
Juan Martinez Chino Valley High School +47.75 17:44.40 16:56.65
Garrett Debs Sedona Red Rock -1:52.30 17:15.00 19:07.30
Koyai Clauschee Chinle High School -33.95 17:20.50 17:54.45
Herschel Lester Tuba City High School -1:24.45 17:23.20 18:47.65
Darrick Joey Chinle High School -1:17.25 17:29.90 18:47.15
Shilyn Singer Winslow High School -56.80 17:56.10 18:52.90
Chase Killer Wickenburg High School -1:45.25 18:09.10 19:54.35
Monte Prestwich Blue Ridge High School -1:11.95 18:10.00 19:21.95
Will Arnette Blue Ridge High School -1:08.55 18:17.00 19:25.55
Taylor Webber Sedona Red Rock -5:08.10 18:28.70 23:36.80
Alex Morgan Show Low High School -2:15.70 18:32.80 20:48.50
Levi Staten Wickenburg High School -18.60 18:39.10 18:57.70
Manuel Villa Alchesay High School -4:20.30 18:43.40 23:03.70
Tommy Schnell Safford High School -3:17.90 18:56.00 22:13.90
Noah Flake Snowflake High School -1:24.30 19:24.30 20:48.60
Charnelle Curley Chinle High School -1:11.25 19:55.20 21:06.45
Rolley Burton Snowflake High School +31.90 20:31.30 19:59.40
Taylor Lewis Florence High School -2:04.95 20:23.50 22:28.45
Sophia Zeno Sedona Red Rock -1:35.20 20:51.70 22:26.90
Andy Jones Chino Valley High School -2:48.80 20:53.80 23:42.60
Andrena Jim Chinle High School -2:35.80 20:55.10 23:30.90
Keshia Whitehair Winslow High School +55.40 22:02.80 21:07.40
Hope Goimarac Sedona Red Rock -1:54.45 21:24.10 23:18.55
Viviana Ruiz Wickenburg High School -4.00 21:26.10 21:30.10
Shelbi Little Tuba City High School -1:00.15 21:29.20 22:29.35
Tatiyanah Johnson Tuba City High School +17.50 21:49.90 21:32.40
Jenny Modzelewski Fountain Hills High School +19.25 22:32.50 22:13.25
Reba Francisco Chinle High School -0.40 22:20.80 22:21.20
Hayley Torkelson Florence High School -1:14.70 22:24.80 23:39.50
Jennifer Williams Tuba City High School +29.75 22:57.90 22:28.15
Chad Merrell Snowflake High School +1:09.00 24:17.90 23:08.90
Rita Clancy Sedona Red Rock -4:33.70 23:23.50 27:57.20
Jacquelyn Oesterblad Payson High School -4:56.20 23:30.10 28:26.30
Shuwon Ethelbah Alchesay High School +45.40 24:27.80 23:42.40
Lucy Schouten Payson High School +8.00 24:02.30 23:54.30
Alexandria Jones Alchesay High School -50.60 24:21.80 25:12.40
Cheylee Arbuthnot Florence High School -1:56.40 24:37.70 26:34.10
Markie Brown Florence High School -1:47.70 25:15.50 27:03.20
Sabrina Sanchez Safford High School -1:33.35 25:16.80 26:50.15
Ariel Ughetto Florence High School -1:39.85 25:18.30 26:58.15
Hannah Swope Chino Valley High School +10.60 30:37.40 30:26.80