Mingus Invitational 2024

Cottonwood, AZ

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salih, Kotu 11.00 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Greenfield, KJ 11.20 Prescott High School
Kintonis, Michael 11.27 Mingus Union High School
French, Bridger 11.33 Coconino High School
Brueland, Seth 11.49 Mingus Union High School
Reilly, Brennan 11.58 Mingus Union High School
Lindsay, Ashton 11.76 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Potter, John 11.78 Cactus Shadows High School
Ragan, Alecsander 11.82 Coconino High School
Marvel, Nathan 11.85 BASIS Flagstaff
Beltran, Luis 11.92 Sedona Red Rock
Espinosa, Damian 12.06 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Neese, Ryan 12.07 Cactus Shadows High School
Tyson, Ryan 12.12 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Larsen, Bruce 12.22 Coconino High School
Heiner, Owen 12.24 Valley Lutheran High School
Choi, Kyler 12.24 BASIS Flagstaff
Bazzill, Nathaniel 12.27 Mingus Union High School
Reay, Jaden 12.29 Camp Verde High School
Stimple, Aiden 12.31 Sedona Red Rock
Cruz, Jacob 12.33 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Dadah, Daniel 12.35 Valley Lutheran High School
Gera, Gage 12.43 Chino Valley High School
Ngo, Justin 12.44 Northland Preparatory Academy
Cain , Keldon 12.44 Sedona Red Rock
Phillips, Nick 12.45 Prescott High School
Hunt, Brayden 12.46 Cactus Shadows High School
Yi, Daehan 12.52 BASIS Flagstaff
Aviles, Luis 12.55 Chino Valley High School
Henley, Luke 12.58 Valley Lutheran High School
Torres, Hector 12.63 Camp Verde High School
Smith, Justin 12.68 Camp Verde High School
McCullough, Brisbane 12.80 Northland Preparatory Academy
Yesuf, Franchesco 12.81 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Akans, Levi 12.82 Chino Valley High School
Anderson, Logan 12.82 Cactus Shadows High School
Cutlip, Samuel 12.84h Northland Preparatory Academy
Lurie, Cameron 12.88 BASIS Flagstaff
Young-Blackgoat, Noble 12.97 Coconino High School
Nicol, Aaron 13.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Trent, Joseph 13.31 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Minjarez, Israel 13.70 Camp Verde High School
Parker, Chase 14.32 Chino Valley High School
Lambon, Tristan 14.39 Grand Canyon
Pfaff, Ryan 16.52 Sedona Red Rock
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harp, Reilly Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hagaman, Cole 14.51 Coconino High School
Armstrong, Witten 16.15 Mingus Union High School
Espinosa, Kayden 17.36 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Cornelius, Zachary 17.91 Camp Verde High School
Phillips, Nick 18.00 Prescott High School
Pifer, Preston 18.31 Prescott High School
Gonzalez, Gabe 18.48 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Nicol, Aaron 18.50 Northland Preparatory Academy
Pickett, Luke 18.67 BASIS Flagstaff
Jaume, Frankie 18.93 Prescott High School
Dupuy, Aiden 19.07 Camp Verde High School
Kaliakmanis, Niko 20.06 Mingus Union High School
Craff-Strickland, Alex 20.59 Cactus Shadows High School
Perkins, Anderson 20.90 Cactus Shadows High School
Coleman, Gavin 21.34h Cactus Shadows High School
Rock, Michael 21.39 Cactus Shadows High School
Petty, Dyllan 21.65 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Robinson, Alexander 21.99 Mingus Union High School
Dorfman, Masen 23.92 Mingus Union High School
Shroufe, Phineas 26.64h Coconino High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Orellana, Samuel Camp Verde High School
Bushman, Tanner Bradshaw Mountain High School
Metz, Quenton 4:23.52 Chino Valley High School
Hacke, Tony 4:30.55 Chino Valley High School
Benally, Benjamin 4:46.70 Valley Lutheran High School
Head, Trevor 4:52.93 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Velazquez, Damian 4:54.86 Mingus Union High School
Gordon, Mitchell 4:55.62 Mingus Union High School
Hutchinson, Benjamin 4:56.26 BASIS Flagstaff
Wood, Macabe 4:56.60 BASIS Flagstaff
Rodriguez-Rosero, Miguel 4:56.95 BASIS Flagstaff
Wilder, Henry 5:06.30 Northland Preparatory Academy
Zaldivar Esteva, Ivan 5:06.59 Coconino High School
Gonzalez, Daniel 5:06.66 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Pitroff, Calvin 5:07.58 Camp Verde High School
Hatfield-Jr, Harrison 5:08.75 Prescott High School
Lyle, Ryder 5:09.09 Grand Canyon
Ciechoski, Kevin 5:11.69 Coconino High School
Peirce, Gavin 5:14.66 Cactus Shadows High School
Morgan, Jeremy 5:18.29 Cactus Shadows High School
Dupuy, Aiden 5:21.00 Camp Verde High School
Hord, Matthew 5:22.34 Cactus Shadows High School
Spann, Jacob 5:28.45 Chino Valley High School
Korell, Seth 5:29.98 Chino Valley High School
Lundgren, Trevor 5:31.14 Cactus Shadows High School
Chatter, Sabino 5:34.12 Northland Preparatory Academy
CoversUp, Ethan 5:40.35 Coconino High School
Herald, Finnegan 5:48.06 Mingus Union High School
Marchand, Morgan 5:50.20 Coconino High School
Peters, Seth 5:51.08 Prescott High School
Lee, Heesu 5:52.80 Valley Lutheran High School
Anderson, Ethan 5:58.78 BASIS Flagstaff
Rivas, Adrian 6:17.30 Camp Verde High School
Bergquist, Henrik 6:20.30 Valley Lutheran High School
Granger, Michael 6:25.33 Sedona Red Rock
Shoults, Kohen 6:25.79 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Jakoby, Johnny 6:59.76 Mingus Union High School
Saraceno, Lucca 7:09.00 Valley Lutheran High School
Collet, Nikki 8:15.00 Grand Canyon
Mendez, Daniel 9:00.00 Grand Canyon
Alvarez, Ronan 9:45.00 Grand Canyon
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tyson, Ryan Bradshaw Mountain High School
Salih, Kotu 21.70 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Briseno, Isaac 22.67 Prescott High School
Kintonis, Michael 22.80 Mingus Union High School
Brueland, Seth 23.26 Mingus Union High School
Beltran, Luis 23.61 Sedona Red Rock
Jacobson, Indiana 24.06 Northland Preparatory Academy
Lindsay, Ashton 24.08 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hanson, Delani 24.40 Northland Preparatory Academy
Rock, Michael 24.47 Cactus Shadows High School
Cain , Keldon 24.54 Sedona Red Rock
Phillips, Nick 24.78 Prescott High School
Contreras, Andres 24.83 Coconino High School
Neese, Ryan 24.84h Cactus Shadows High School
Marvel, Nathan 25.03 BASIS Flagstaff
Bazzill, Nathaniel 25.37 Mingus Union High School
Stimple, Aiden 25.40 Sedona Red Rock
Sibole, Ben 25.52 Chino Valley High School
Ngo, Justin 25.57 Northland Preparatory Academy
Anderson, Logan 25.63 Cactus Shadows High School
Yi, Daehan 25.64h BASIS Flagstaff
Dadah, Daniel 25.74 Valley Lutheran High School
McCullough, Brisbane 25.80 Northland Preparatory Academy
Dey, Carter 25.93 Chino Valley High School
Torres, Hector 25.94 Camp Verde High School
Heiner, Owen 25.96 Valley Lutheran High School
Aviles, Luis 26.03 Chino Valley High School
Henley, Luke 26.11 Valley Lutheran High School
Cruz, Jacob 26.12 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Reay, Jaden 26.13 Camp Verde High School
Zaldivar Esteva, Ivan 26.14 Coconino High School
Chupp, Shane 26.23 Mingus Union High School
Harris, William 26.24 Coconino High School
Flores, Anthony 26.24 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Linares, Gael 26.24 Grand Canyon
Hunt, Brayden 26.24h Cactus Shadows High School
Nelson, Josh 26.32 BASIS Flagstaff
Torres, Andres 26.56 Camp Verde High School
Begay, Jordan 26.63 Coconino High School
Akans, Levi 26.90 Chino Valley High School
Clarke, Tristan 27.13 Camp Verde High School
Lurie, Cameron 27.15 BASIS Flagstaff
Trent, Joseph 27.30 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Ruehs, Josiah 27.44 Valley Lutheran High School
Lambon, Tristan 29.57 Grand Canyon
Kolarevic, Ivan 31.77 Grand Canyon
Snyder, Evan 35.31 Grand Canyon
Deaso, Chris 37.35 Bradshaw Mountain High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shroufe, Phineas Coconino High School
Marchand, Morgan Coconino High School
Harp, Reilly Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hagaman, Cole 39.49 Coconino High School
Armstrong, Witten 42.19 Mingus Union High School
Potter, John 43.10 Cactus Shadows High School
Cornelius, Zachary 43.35 Camp Verde High School
Fox, Caleb 43.70 Prescott High School
Gonzalez, Gabe 45.06 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Pifer, Preston 45.51 Prescott High School
Kaliakmanis, Niko 46.18 Mingus Union High School
Lyle, Ryder 46.33 Grand Canyon
Espinosa, Kayden 47.09 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Robinson, Alexander 47.44 Mingus Union High School
Mackay, Ethan 47.62 Northland Preparatory Academy
Pickett, Luke 47.99 BASIS Flagstaff
Flores, Anthony 48.43 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Petty, Dyllan 48.44h Bradshaw Mountain High School
Coleman, Gavin 48.47 Cactus Shadows High School
Montes De Oca, Isaac 48.90 Sedona Red Rock
Jaume, Frankie 48.96 Prescott High School
Barboza Lopez, Juan 49.58 Camp Verde High School
Dupuy, Aiden 49.93 Camp Verde High School
Perkins, Anderson 50.34h Cactus Shadows High School
Duran, Matt 50.94h Chino Valley High School
Rock, Michael 51.14h Cactus Shadows High School
Harris, William 52.18 Coconino High School
Kaliakmanis, Leander 55.74h Mingus Union High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Ben Cactus Shadows High School
Bushman, Tanner Bradshaw Mountain High School
Lundgren, Trevor Cactus Shadows High School
Richards, David 10:18.18 Prescott High School
Townsend, Will 10:25.30 Prescott High School
Hutchinson, Benjamin 10:49.80 BASIS Flagstaff
Rodriguez-Rosero, Miguel 10:57.83 BASIS Flagstaff
Head, Trevor 10:58.50 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Duggan, Blake 10:58.90 Prescott High School
Hernandez, Diego 11:05.70 BASIS Flagstaff
Pitroff, Calvin 11:14.08 Camp Verde High School
Short, Garett 11:21.78 Northland Preparatory Academy
Underwood, Miles 11:22.26 Northland Preparatory Academy
Velazquez, Damian 11:30.19 Mingus Union High School
Berger, Grant 11:35.23 Northland Preparatory Academy
Gonzalez, Daniel 11:52.87 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Spann, Jacob 11:55.34 Chino Valley High School
Peters, Seth 12:14.41 Prescott High School
Peirce, Gavin 12:15.20 Cactus Shadows High School
Hord, Matthew 12:19.10 Cactus Shadows High School
Snider, Luke 12:24.76 BASIS Flagstaff
Sall, Jordan 12:30.00 Valley Lutheran High School
Bergquist, Henrik 14:29.20 Valley Lutheran High School
Saraceno, Lucca 14:30.00 Valley Lutheran High School
Metz, Quenton 9:25.62 Chino Valley High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCullough, Brisbane 1:00.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Descheenie, Sequoyah 1:00.11 Coconino High School
Ortiz, Jose 1:00.22 Mingus Union High School
Farraro, James 1:00.81 Mingus Union High School
Clarke, Tristan 1:01 Camp Verde High School
Anderson, Andrew 1:01.27 Chino Valley High School
Bird, Ryder 1:02.61 BASIS Flagstaff
Briguglio, Jonathan 1:03.53 Camp Verde High School
Ruehs, Josiah 1:04.69 Valley Lutheran High School
Burns, Kyle 1:05.84h Bradshaw Mountain High School
Carrillo, Steyson 1:05.86 Mingus Union High School
McCrory, Will 1:07.66 Valley Lutheran High School
Sall, Jordan 1:08.00h Valley Lutheran High School
Barnes, Talon 1:08.65 Camp Verde High School
Toriblio, Jose 1:09.30 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Kolarevic, Preston 1:10.95 Grand Canyon
Flores, Sunny 1:19.45 Sedona Red Rock
Betancort, Ramon 51.18 Sedona Red Rock
Sutter, Javan 52.08 Mingus Union High School
Briseno, Isaac 52.43 Prescott High School
French, Bridger 53.50h Coconino High School
Jacobson, Indiana 53.77 Northland Preparatory Academy
Johns, Javier 53.91 Chino Valley High School
Grandon, Jaden 54.78 Cactus Shadows High School
Ragan, Alecsander 55.30h Coconino High School
Sibole, Ben 55.64h Chino Valley High School
Smith, Landon 55.84h Chino Valley High School
Villegas, Andrew 55.98 Cactus Shadows High School
Ernst, Tristan 56.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Lindsay, Ashton 56.09 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Espinosa, Damian 56.51 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Cruz, Jacob 57.07 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hunt, Brayden 57.47 Cactus Shadows High School
Carlson, Zane 59.54h Prescott High School
Reber, Crew 59.54h Coconino High School
Torres, Andres 59.60h Camp Verde High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.15 Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 44.56 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 45.12 Cactus Shadows High School
Relay Team A 45.73 Sedona Red Rock
Relay Team A 46.18 Northland Preparatory Academy
Relay Team A 46.53 Coconino High School
Relay Team A 46.60 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Relay Team A 47.80h Chino Valley High School
Relay Team A 48.04h Camp Verde High School
Relay Team A 48.40 BASIS Flagstaff
Relay Team A 48.70 Valley Lutheran High School
Relay Team B 50.94 Sedona Red Rock
Relay Team B 56.00h Mingus Union High School
Relay Team C 56.00h Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 56.89 Grand Canyon
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.08 Chino Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:37.34 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 3:38.40 Northland Preparatory Academy
Relay Team A 3:38.61 Sedona Red Rock
Relay Team A 3:41.19 Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 3:48.90 Cactus Shadows High School
Relay Team A 3:49.39 Camp Verde High School
Relay Team A 3:56.77 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Relay Team B 3:57.00h Camp Verde High School
Relay Team A 4:04.64 BASIS Flagstaff
Relay Team A 4:08.74 Valley Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 4:08.79 Grand Canyon
Relay Team B 4:10.00h Mingus Union High School
Relay Team C 4:10.00h Mingus Union High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 10:06.17 Valley Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 8:25.40 Coconino High School
Relay Team A 8:49.50 Cactus Shadows High School
Relay Team A 9:11.90 Northland Preparatory Academy
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rivas, Adrian Camp Verde High School
Goldstein, Jack BASIS Flagstaff
Hacke, Tony 1:56.94 Chino Valley High School
Rhoton, Clayton 1:59.50 Coconino High School
Wolfe, Nicholas 2:00.33 Coconino High School
Oliver, Connor 2:08.61 Cactus Shadows High School
Velazquez, Damian 2:09.90 Mingus Union High School
Gordon, Mitchell 2:10.02 Mingus Union High School
Parker, Ian 2:10.19 Valley Lutheran High School
Carstens, Chokyi 2:11.28 Sedona Red Rock
Joiner, Jaden 2:12.00h Northland Preparatory Academy
Hernandez, Diego 2:12.20 BASIS Flagstaff
Hartmann, Kaden 2:12.65 Cactus Shadows High School
Benally, Benjamin 2:13.20 Valley Lutheran High School
Yesuf, Franchesco 2:13.53 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Morgan, Ben 2:13.90 Cactus Shadows High School
Tognacci, Joseph 2:14.00h Northland Preparatory Academy
Evans, Everett 2:16.30 BASIS Flagstaff
Linares, Gael 2:19.80 Grand Canyon
Torres, Andres 2:20.00 Camp Verde High School
Miller, John 2:21.10 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Morgan, Jeremy 2:21.41 Cactus Shadows High School
Cordova, Khrystian 2:23.95 Sedona Red Rock
Anderson, David 2:24.08 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Ciechoski, Kevin 2:24.80 Coconino High School
Korell, Seth 2:25.50 Chino Valley High School
Gonzalez, Jose 2:27.40 Camp Verde High School
Snider, Luke 2:28.26 BASIS Flagstaff
Herald, Finnegan 2:34.00 Mingus Union High School
Reber, Crew 2:37.00 Coconino High School
Lee, Heesu 2:45.00h Valley Lutheran High School
Fletcher, Elias 2:53.80 Sedona Red Rock
McCrory, Will 2:58.73 Valley Lutheran High School
Mills, Jayden 3:01.46 Chino Valley High School
Snyder, Evan 3:07.31 Grand Canyon
Flores, Sunny 3:08.40 Sedona Red Rock
Escalera, Lucas 3:18.30 Mingus Union High School
Farnsworth, Dylan 3:27.70 Chino Valley High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hauer, Noah 130-2 Coconino High School
Hoggard, Ryan 124-7 Mingus Union High School
Bush, Andrew 120-4 Cactus Shadows High School
Millard, Easton 114-5 Cactus Shadows High School
Bunker, Brandon 112-0.5 Chino Valley High School
Funk, Rutger 109-6 Prescott High School
Smith-Shayawatt, Vincent 107-0 Sedona Red Rock
Sturgeon, Stone 104-8 Sedona Red Rock
Hawari, Tariq 102-6 Cactus Shadows High School
Minkus, Travis 100-3 Chino Valley High School
Davis, Jackson 100-1 Coconino High School
Ritter, Ryan 99-0 Mingus Union High School
Beltran, Emanuel 98-1 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Boatner, Spencer 94-10 Coconino High School
Burns, Rodonovan 93-3 Grand Canyon
Sturgeon, Steel 92-10 Sedona Red Rock
Larson, Patrick 91-5.5 Valley Lutheran High School
Allen, Eli 91-2 Prescott High School
McLaughlin, John 90-11 Valley Lutheran High School
McKay, Carter 90-5 Coconino High School
Patterson, John 89-9 Northland Preparatory Academy
Naylor, Cole 88-7 Prescott High School
Bueler, Brigham 88-0 Camp Verde High School
Goldstein, Jack 87-2 BASIS Flagstaff
Liles, Sam 86-1 Prescott High School
Sibole, Matt 85-10 Chino Valley High School
Strohmeyer, Joshua 85-7 Northland Preparatory Academy
Dale, Daniel 81-6 Camp Verde High School
Taylor, Jayden 80-7 Chino Valley High School
Louthian, Christian 79-1.5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Ernst, Tristan 76-1 Northland Preparatory Academy
Brown, David 75-6 Valley Lutheran High School
Kolarevic, Preston 73-5 Grand Canyon
Light, Forrest 69-10.5 Mingus Union High School
Orellana, Samuel 68-7 Camp Verde High School
Villarreal, Henry 68-7 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Lee, Jacob 64-4 Valley Lutheran High School
Seat, Alex 63-6 Camp Verde High School
Bird, Ryder 60-3 BASIS Flagstaff
Mendez, Daniel 57-1 Grand Canyon
Toriblio, Jose 56-1 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Ashcrost, Brock 46-8.5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Alvarez, Ronan 45-0 Grand Canyon
Martinez Ramos, Miguel 44-3 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Deaso, Chris 24-10 Bradshaw Mountain High School
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HS Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salih, Kotu 6-1 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Davis, Jackson 5-9 Coconino High School
Odell-Wall, Elijah 5-8 Mingus Union High School
Engelthaler, Jack 5-8 BASIS Flagstaff
Metzger, Ben 5-8 Sedona Red Rock
Sibole, Ben 5-6 Chino Valley High School
Flores, Anthony 5-6 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Nicol, Aaron 5-4 Northland Preparatory Academy
Lyle, Ryder 5-4 Grand Canyon
Rositas, Hunter 5-4 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Allen, Eli 5-3 Prescott High School
Wixom, Carsten 5-3 Coconino High School
Johnson, Gavin 5-2 Camp Verde High School
McCullough, Brisbane 5-2 Northland Preparatory Academy
Whited, Peyton 5-2 Cactus Shadows High School
Finney, Nathan 5-2 Coconino High School
Conley, Kalen 5-1 Cactus Shadows High School
Hendrix, Gideon 4-10 Grand Canyon
Russo, Ricky 4-8 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Cruz, Jesse 4-8 Mingus Union High School
Moore, Robert Coconino High School
Vaca, Elye Bradshaw Mountain High School
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HS Boys Javelin 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mason, Luke 166-2 Prescott High School
Millard, Easton 142-5 Cactus Shadows High School
Cutlip, Samuel 133-9 Northland Preparatory Academy
McLaughlin, John 132-10 Valley Lutheran High School
Rice, Jaxon 125-4 Prescott High School
Sibole, Matt 122-8 Chino Valley High School
Leckington, Max 121-6 Mingus Union High School
Allen, Eli 121-0 Prescott High School
Ritter, Ryan 120-0 Mingus Union High School
Dean, Jeremiah 118-7 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Buckingham, Colton 118-1 Coconino High School
Sturgeon, Stone 115-11 Sedona Red Rock
Gera, Gage 106-8 Chino Valley High School
Sturgeon, Steel 105-4 Sedona Red Rock
Hobson, Peyton 100-11 Prescott High School
Bunker, Brandon 100-2 Chino Valley High School
Louthian, Christian 97-5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Smith, Justin 97-2 Camp Verde High School
Strohmeyer, Joshua 96-6 Northland Preparatory Academy
Smith-Shayawatt, Vincent 95-6.25 Sedona Red Rock
Bush, Andrew 93-8 Cactus Shadows High School
Hendrix, Gideon 89-0.5 Grand Canyon
Descheenie, Denali 83-10 Coconino High School
Parsons, Odin 83-5 Chino Valley High School
Mangels, Cord 82-6 Valley Lutheran High School
Patterson, John 81-6 Northland Preparatory Academy
Odell-Wall, Elijah 79-8 Mingus Union High School
Goldstein, Jack 77-11.25 BASIS Flagstaff
Begay, Wyatt 76-7 Coconino High School
Rohloff, Tre 73-5 Valley Lutheran High School
Beltran, Emanuel 71-9 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Reilly, Brennan 70-7 Mingus Union High School
Toriblio, Jose 69-11 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Kolarevic, Ivan 69-9 Grand Canyon
Boatner, Spencer 69-6 Coconino High School
Bird, Ryder 68-8 BASIS Flagstaff
Dale, Daniel 65-0 Camp Verde High School
Donoho, Bransin 62-5 Camp Verde High School
Villarreal, Henry 60-6 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Burns, Rodonovan 60-0 Grand Canyon
Alvarez, Ronan 54-4 Grand Canyon
Martinez Ramos, Miguel 49-2 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Lee, Jacob 47-0 Valley Lutheran High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salih, Kotu 21-6.5 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Greenfield, KJ 21-1 Prescott High School
Machado, Xavier 20-2 Mingus Union High School
Duran, Isaac 20-2 Chino Valley High School
Brueland, Seth 19-9.5 Mingus Union High School
Young-Blackgoat, Noble 19-8.75 Coconino High School
Daniels, Kaden 19-3.5 Prescott High School
Chupp, Shane 18-7 Mingus Union High School
Phillips, Nick 18-5.75 Prescott High School
Grado, Monico 18-5.25 Valley Lutheran High School
Kaminsky, Cole 18-4.5 Cactus Shadows High School
Rice, Jaxon 18-2.75 Prescott High School
Russo, Ricky 18-0 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Tannehill, Ryan 18-0 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Choi, Kyler 17-11 BASIS Flagstaff
Minjarez, Israel 17-10.5 Camp Verde High School
Espinosa, Kayden 17-10.5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Marvel, Nathan 17-7.5 BASIS Flagstaff
Ortiz, Jose 17-6 Mingus Union High School
Moore, Robert 17-5 Coconino High School
Kelso, Pierce 17-4 Cactus Shadows High School
Dadah, Daniel 17-3.5 Valley Lutheran High School
Nelson, Josh 17-0.5 BASIS Flagstaff
Heiner, Owen 17-0.25 Valley Lutheran High School
Finney, Nathan 17-0 Coconino High School
Smith, Justin 16-11 Camp Verde High School
Rositas, Hunter 16-8.5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Lurie, Cameron 16-4 BASIS Flagstaff
Briguglio, Jonathan 16-2.75 Camp Verde High School
Hunt, Brayden 16-2.5 Cactus Shadows High School
Lopez, Juan 15-11 Coconino High School
Duran, Matt 15-7 Chino Valley High School
Cain , Keldon 15-6.25 Sedona Red Rock
Macias, Anias 15-4.75 Valley Lutheran High School
Berger, Grant 15-1 Northland Preparatory Academy
Kolarevic, Ivan 13-10 Grand Canyon
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HS Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagaman, Cole 14-0 Coconino High School
Armstrong, Witten 13-7 Mingus Union High School
Colasuonno, Michael 13-2 Chino Valley High School
Reynolds, Matthew 12-9 Mingus Union High School
Nicol, Joshua 12-1 Coconino High School
Reilly, Brennan 10-0 Mingus Union High School
Dean, Jeremiah 10-0 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Tedrick, Ari 9-6 Sedona Red Rock
Gomez, Isaiah 9-5 Coconino High School
Whited, Peyton 9-1 Cactus Shadows High School
Craff-Strickland, Alex 9-1 Cactus Shadows High School
Cordova, Khrystian 9-0 Sedona Red Rock
Galvan, Ryan 8-6 Coconino High School
Mackay, Ethan 8-1 Northland Preparatory Academy
Herald, Finnegan 7-0 Mingus Union High School
Mackay, Spencer 6-0 Northland Preparatory Academy
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HS Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Eli 40-6 Prescott High School
Diaz, Joan 39-4.5 Sedona Red Rock
Hoggard, Ryan 39-1 Mingus Union High School
McLaughlin, John 36-11 Valley Lutheran High School
Rhon, Micah 36-8 Coconino High School
Minkus, Travis 36-6 Chino Valley High School
Bueler, Brigham 34-6 Camp Verde High School
Farley, Jake 33-8 Prescott High School
McKay, Carter 33-2 Coconino High School
Larson, Patrick 32-10.75 Valley Lutheran High School
Funk, Rutger 32-8 Prescott High School
Burns, Rodonovan 32-3 Grand Canyon
Bunker, Brandon 32-2.5 Chino Valley High School
Travis, Tyrel 32-0 Coconino High School
Seat, Alex 31-8.5 Camp Verde High School
Villarreal, Henry 31-2 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Baillie, McLane 30-11 BASIS Flagstaff
Beltran, Emanuel 29-9 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Naylor, Cole 29-8 Prescott High School
Dean, Jeremiah 29-7 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Patterson, John 29-5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Boatner, Spencer 29-3.5 Coconino High School
Taylor, Jayden 29-3 Chino Valley High School
Orellana, Samuel 28-0.75 Camp Verde High School
Goldstein, Jack 28-0.5 BASIS Flagstaff
Kolarevic, Preston 27-5 Grand Canyon
Hawari, Tariq 27-0 Cactus Shadows High School
Rohloff, Tre 26-11 Valley Lutheran High School
Mendez, Daniel 26-4 Grand Canyon
Brown, David 26-2.25 Valley Lutheran High School
Deaso, Chris 25-10 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Bush, Andrew 25-8 Cactus Shadows High School
Bird, Ryder 24-5 BASIS Flagstaff
Martinez Ramos, Miguel 22-0 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Ashcrost, Brock 20-9 Northland Preparatory Academy
Donoho, Bransin 17-8 Camp Verde High School
Leckington, Max Mingus Union High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Machado, Xavier 42-9.5 Mingus Union High School
Ritter, Ryan 39-9 Mingus Union High School
Duran, Isaac 39-7.5 Chino Valley High School
Daniels, Kaden 38-3 Prescott High School
Kelso, Pierce 37-11.5 Cactus Shadows High School
Bullard, Brandon 37-10.5 Camp Verde High School
Pickett, Luke 37-9.5 BASIS Flagstaff
Choi, Kyler 37-7.5 BASIS Flagstaff
Roth, Tyler 36-10.5 Camp Verde High School
Fox, Caleb 36-6 Prescott High School
Sibole, Ben 35-10.5 Chino Valley High School
Grado, Monico 35-4.5 Valley Lutheran High School
Baillie, McLane 35-1 BASIS Flagstaff
Nelson, Josh 35-0 BASIS Flagstaff
Odell-Wall, Elijah 34-2.5 Mingus Union High School
Johnson, Gavin 33-10 Camp Verde High School
Samano, Marcelo 33-9.75 Coconino High School
Granger, Michael 32-4 Sedona Red Rock
Flores, Anthony 32-0.75 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Descheenie, Sequoyah 31-0 Coconino High School
Lopez, Juan 29-1 Coconino High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benally, Autum Camp Verde High School
Williams, Violet 12.11 Prescott High School
Waage, Jaelyn 12.45 Cactus Shadows High School
Perkins, Emily 12.86 Cactus Shadows High School
Babcock, Maddie 13.20 Mingus Union High School
McMains, Livia 13.26 Chino Valley High School
Smith, Sayler 13.29 Coconino High School
Lucas, Laney 13.32 Prescott High School
Clinton, Viddiate 13.36 Valley Lutheran High School
Kalix, Stella 13.38 Cactus Shadows High School
McGraw, Bailey 13.47 Coconino High School
Donahoe, Mollie 13.50 Northland Preparatory Academy
Richardson, Karstyn 13.55 Mingus Union High School
Bruner, Presley 13.64 Coconino High School
Corbitt, Alyse 13.64 Chino Valley High School
Pomier, Faith 13.71 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Peterson, Sammi 13.73 Chino Valley High School
Allen, Lux 13.75 Northland Preparatory Academy
Veale, Maggie 13.75 Coconino High School
Griffith, Gracyn 13.82 Cactus Shadows High School
Casillas, Maiya 13.95 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Astorga, Nyomi 14.09 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Helgeson, Isabel 14.18 Mingus Union High School
Fry, Macy 14.20 Chino Valley High School
Berardi, Bella 14.25 Northland Preparatory Academy
Raczynski, Avery 14.31 Sedona Red Rock
Davis, Kimora 14.43 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Badorek, Madeline 14.84 Sedona Red Rock
Conklin, Macey 14.91 BASIS Flagstaff
MacKay, Gabrielle 15.04 Camp Verde High School
Arce-Cruz, Estefani 15.06 Sedona Red Rock
Labenz, Olivia 15.37 BASIS Flagstaff
Moebes, Maleea 15.39 BASIS Flagstaff
Barre, Riana 15.44h Mingus Union High School
Brooks, Miracle 15.52 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Diehl, Maya 15.66 Camp Verde High School
Dendy, Brianna 15.67 Camp Verde High School
Richardson, Janie 15.75 Northland Preparatory Academy
Littlefield, Summer 15.79 BASIS Flagstaff
Lyn-Hovermill, Rubin 16.09 Sedona Red Rock
Rojas, Argelia 16.41 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Mandujano Pozos, Kayra 17.46 Grand Canyon
Garcia, Marisa 18.55 Grand Canyon
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Serrano, Giselle 15.85 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Goff, Cambri 16.10 Mingus Union High School
Blanchard, Kenzie 16.23 Prescott High School
Smith, Wylan 16.36 Coconino High School
Bliss, Anslie 17.71 Mingus Union High School
Oothoudt, Page 18.22 Camp Verde High School
Kellar, Alissa 18.50 Northland Preparatory Academy
Scott, Ellie 18.70 Coconino High School
Hogan, Taylor 18.74 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Harms, Kylie 18.78 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hagaman, Aubrey 18.91 Coconino High School
Oliver, Mackenzie 18.99 Cactus Shadows High School
Schifferli, Naomi 19.17 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Ligon, Shaylin 19.85 Cactus Shadows High School
Lane, Jalie 19.86 Chino Valley High School
Brackley, Addison 21.06 Cactus Shadows High School
Brockman, Jessica 21.17 Coconino High School
Labenz, Olivia 21.21 BASIS Flagstaff
Chilcott, Erika 21.34h Cactus Shadows High School
Andre, Elizabeth 21.78 Camp Verde High School
Hawthorne, Ella 24.57 Camp Verde High School
Amaral, Alexi 24.64h Camp Verde High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez Kriner, Isabella Bradshaw Mountain High School
Dupuy, Maysea Camp Verde High School
Bradbury, Mailie 5:21.18 Cactus Shadows High School
Nelson, Tatum 5:21.97 Cactus Shadows High School
Mullaney, Emily 5:24.20 BASIS Flagstaff
Walls, Amelia 5:35.93 Grand Canyon
Mullaney, Samantha 5:42.02 BASIS Flagstaff
Bauman, Meredith 5:42.86 BASIS Flagstaff
Weiss, Jaelyn 5:43.50 Northland Preparatory Academy
Doyle, Aubrie 5:43.65 Sedona Red Rock
Altringer, Mica 5:44.38 Mingus Union High School
Nagel, Zoi 5:45.44 Chino Valley High School
Smith, Jenna 5:46.92 Prescott High School
Short, Abby 5:47.91 Northland Preparatory Academy
Reamer, Allison 5:51.13 Cactus Shadows High School
McKerracher, Savanna 5:52.18 Coconino High School
Harris, Ava 5:56.86 Cactus Shadows High School
McCabe, Sara 5:57.20 Coconino High School
Meier, Gwendolyn 6:02.40 Coconino High School
Gray, Triniti 6:02.81 Chino Valley High School
Drexler, Sarah 6:08.79 Northland Preparatory Academy
Smith, Korynne 6:14.95 Prescott High School
Harmon, Sara 6:22.43 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Mitzel, Molly 6:30.00h Prescott High School
Knowlton, Ariya 6:36.78 Camp Verde High School
Bleak, Sierra 6:38.72 Camp Verde High School
Langley, Caitlin 6:42.80 Valley Lutheran High School
McCabe, Faith 6:48.22 Coconino High School
Rowley, Olivia 6:56.42 Prescott High School
Cabadas, Adelita 7:23.72 Camp Verde High School
Boudreau, Leah 7:26.89 Chino Valley High School
Chavez, Grace 7:56.00 Chino Valley High School
Ramos Vela, Alina 8:16.80 Grand Canyon
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolkowinsky, Riley BASIS Flagstaff
Brooks, Miracle Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Williams, Violet 25.28 Prescott High School
Waage, Jaelyn 25.35 Cactus Shadows High School
McMains, Livia 27.00 Chino Valley High School
Babcock, Maddie 27.27 Mingus Union High School
Rayl, Josephine 27.29 Cactus Shadows High School
Donahoe, Mollie 27.50 Northland Preparatory Academy
McGraw, Bailey 27.60 Coconino High School
Clinton, Viddiate 27.70 Valley Lutheran High School
Richardson, Karstyn 27.76 Mingus Union High School
Allen, Lux 28.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Lucas, Laney 28.34 Prescott High School
Corbitt, Alyse 28.46 Chino Valley High School
Mong, Audrey 28.66 Cactus Shadows High School
Pomier, Faith 28.98 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Casillas, Maiya 29.40 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Raczynski, Avery 29.77 Sedona Red Rock
Nache, Lucia 29.80 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Veale, Maggie 29.98 Coconino High School
Hiser, Haley 30.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Casas-Garcia, Jessica 30.04 Mingus Union High School
Fry, Macy 30.05 Chino Valley High School
Davis, Kimora 30.15 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Smith, Aminah 30.41 Camp Verde High School
Lachowitzer, Emily 30.53 Coconino High School
Garcia, Sydney 30.88 Coconino High School
Lane, Jalie 31.03 Chino Valley High School
Curi, Gabi 31.14 Sedona Red Rock
Conklin, Macey 31.31 BASIS Flagstaff
MacKay, Gabrielle 31.41 Camp Verde High School
Wilkens, Kyra 31.50 Northland Preparatory Academy
Colvin, Aeva 31.52 Mingus Union High School
Ramos Vela, Alina 31.55 Grand Canyon
Rogers, Rossilyn 31.74h Cactus Shadows High School
Arce-Cruz, Estefani 32.67 Sedona Red Rock
Pedroza, Dalila 33.08 Sedona Red Rock
Rojas, Argelia 33.10 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Diehl, Maya 33.41 Camp Verde High School
Littlefield, Summer 33.49 BASIS Flagstaff
Moebes, Maleea 34.24h BASIS Flagstaff
Mandujano Pozos, Kayra 37.81 Grand Canyon
Ponce-Martinez, Lucia 37.97 Camp Verde High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliver, Mackenzie Cactus Shadows High School
Patterson, Evelynn 1:01.22 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Labenz, Olivia 1:02.46 BASIS Flagstaff
Amaral, Alexi 1:11.29 Camp Verde High School
Hawthorne, Ella 1:15.63 Camp Verde High School
Smith, Wylan 48.10 Coconino High School
Blanchard, Kenzie 48.79 Prescott High School
Reyher, Savana 50.72 Northland Preparatory Academy
Trujillo, Nia 50.84 Sedona Red Rock
DePasquale, Stellina 51.45 Mingus Union High School
Ligon, Shaylin 52.19 Cactus Shadows High School
Kellar, Alissa 53.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Kai, London 53.15 Cactus Shadows High School
Oothoudt, Page 53.40 Camp Verde High School
Hogan, Taylor 53.59 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Brackley, Addison 54.20 Cactus Shadows High School
Bliss, Anslie 55.27 Mingus Union High School
Scott, Ellie 56.45 Coconino High School
Hagaman, Aubrey 57.29 Coconino High School
Harms, Kylie 57.30 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Schifferli, Naomi 59.33 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Morgan, Alexa 59.49 Coconino High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murphy, Carlee 12:03.41 Chino Valley High School
Altringer, Mica 12:23.85 Mingus Union High School
Walls, Amelia 12:32.34 Grand Canyon
Stenman, Addison 12:42.80 Coconino High School
Metz, Maddie 12:48.07 Chino Valley High School
Harris, Ava 13:18.80 Cactus Shadows High School
Madsen, Eva 13:28.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Delaney, Audrey 13:34.97 Prescott High School
Drexler, Laura 13:45.90 Northland Preparatory Academy
Carter, Kadence 13:50.80 Camp Verde High School
Hargan, Scarlett 13:58.31 Coconino High School
Rock, Isabella 13:59.77 Cactus Shadows High School
Cunningham, Ashley 14:02.68 Prescott High School
Cottam, Kristina 14:15.00 Prescott High School
Date, Emma 14:18.17 Coconino High School
Nelson, Kylee 14:22.90 Cactus Shadows High School
Motter, Megan 14:46.30 Cactus Shadows High School
Black, Caitlynn 14:46.68 Coconino High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nache, Lucia Bradshaw Mountain High School
Wolkowinsky, Riley BASIS Flagstaff
Monnett, Wylie 1:00.62 Prescott High School
Perkins, Emily 1:01.36 Cactus Shadows High School
Kitahata, Aubrey 1:02.83 Prescott High School
Babcock, Maddie 1:02.91 Mingus Union High School
Peck, Bailey 1:06.37 Mingus Union High School
Mulligan, Niko 1:06.5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Ipson, Lillie 1:06.85 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hall, Jasmine 1:06.93 BASIS Flagstaff
Smith, Aminah 1:07.94h Camp Verde High School
Astorga, Nyomi 1:08.42 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hiser, Haley 1:08.73 Northland Preparatory Academy
Stenman, Addison 1:09.13 Coconino High School
Kasowski, Jemma 1:09.40 Cactus Shadows High School
Kalix, Stella 1:09.44h Cactus Shadows High School
Laija, Karol 1:09.68 Sedona Red Rock
Morris, Hannah 1:09.99 Coconino High School
Wright, Quinn 1:10.33 Mingus Union High School
Vela, Daisy 1:11.74 Coconino High School
Langley, Caitlin 1:13.40 Valley Lutheran High School
Veale, Mikayla 1:13.59 Coconino High School
Chavez, Grace 1:15.38 Chino Valley High School
Dendy, Brianna 1:17.21 Camp Verde High School
Couyancy, Seneca 1:19.16 Mingus Union High School
Morrison, Charlie 1:19.61 Camp Verde High School
Richardson, Janie 1:25.55 Northland Preparatory Academy
Ponce-Martinez, Lucia 1:28.04 Camp Verde High School
Mandujano Pozos, Kayra 1:30.00 Grand Canyon
Garcia, Marisa 1:30.00 Grand Canyon
Graham, Danielle 59.58 Chino Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:03.33h Sedona Red Rock
Relay Team A 49.02 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 50.29 Cactus Shadows High School
Relay Team A 51.57 Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 52.59 Coconino High School
Relay Team A 53.15 Chino Valley High School
Relay Team B 55.00h Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 55.06 Sedona Red Rock
Relay Team A 55.21 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Relay Team A 55.49 Camp Verde High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:04.99 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 4:27.31 Cactus Shadows High School
Relay Team A 4:27.64 Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 4:28.00h Coconino High School
Relay Team A 4:30.63 Chino Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Northland Preparatory Academy
Relay Team A 4:39.37 Sedona Red Rock
Relay Team B 4:52.00h Mingus Union High School
Relay Team A 5:00.31 Bradshaw Mountain High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:07.29 Cactus Shadows High School
Relay Team A 10:37.10 BASIS Flagstaff
Relay Team A 10:43.14 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 11:23.89 Mingus Union High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dupuy, Maysea Camp Verde High School
Garcia, Marisa Grand Canyon
Bradbury, Mailie 2:21.17 Cactus Shadows High School
Hall, Jasmine 2:26.10 BASIS Flagstaff
Reynolds, Brooklyn 2:27.47 Mingus Union High School
Reamer, Allison 2:27.67 Cactus Shadows High School
Nelson, Kylee 2:32.42 Cactus Shadows High School
Nelson, Tatum 2:33.34 Cactus Shadows High School
Mullaney, Samantha 2:36.54 BASIS Flagstaff
Altringer, Mica 2:37.18 Mingus Union High School
Bauman, Meredith 2:37.43 BASIS Flagstaff
McCabe, Sara 2:38.00 Coconino High School
Sullivan, Kenzie 2:39.63 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Metz, Eliana 2:40.49 Chino Valley High School
Nagel, Zoi 2:41.42 Chino Valley High School
Doyle, Aubrie 2:42.40 Sedona Red Rock
Gray, Triniti 2:43.21 Chino Valley High School
Mathis, Lydia 2:43.46 Prescott High School
Bird, Skyla 2:43.82 Sedona Red Rock
Vocca, Mia 2:44.47 Mingus Union High School
Cunningham, Ashley 2:50.40 Prescott High School
Conklin, Macey 2:53.50 BASIS Flagstaff
Langley, Caitlin 2:58.38 Valley Lutheran High School
Coochyamptewa, Kailynn 2:58.49 Coconino High School
Black, Caitlynn 3:05.30 Coconino High School
Taliman, Iris 3:07.60 Coconino High School
Schifferli, Naomi 3:08.00 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Knowlton, Ariya 3:09.70 Camp Verde High School
Bleak, Sierra 3:17.05 Camp Verde High School
Jones, Kylee 3:19.13 Camp Verde High School
Nodal, Audrey 3:21.80 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Cruz, Malie 3:29.96 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Kerns, Bella 3:59.70 Chino Valley High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dey, Madison 97-2 Chino Valley High School
Goggin, Annalie 96-10 Prescott High School
Rhon, Noemi 96-6 Northland Preparatory Academy
Mitchell, Brigit 95-5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Bulson, Emily 93-7 Prescott High School
Bradley, Leila 86-1 Sedona Red Rock
Scott, Kyra 77-5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Placek, Jessica 76-7 Camp Verde High School
Shanks, Kenlee 74-3 Camp Verde High School
Perez , Citlali 73-9 Sedona Red Rock
Dorsey, Sarah 71-9 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Ipson, Abby 70-10 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Barrera, Sasha 69-3 Sedona Red Rock
Cornforth, Emma 67-0 Grand Canyon
Brefield, Amy 66-0 Sedona Red Rock
Rohloff, Faith 63-7 Valley Lutheran High School
Jefferys, Dakota 63-6 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Garner, Malaysia 61-6 Coconino High School
Klein, Audrey 60-7 Mingus Union High School
Parker, Ryland 60-1 Camp Verde High School
Akans, Leah 59-3 Chino Valley High School
Bunker, May 51-6.5 Chino Valley High School
Hudson, Sophia 48-2 Chino Valley High School
Norquist, Brittany 47-8 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Garcia, Maya 46-4.5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Namingha, Tia 44-10 Coconino High School
Duncan, Sara Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
VanHook, Olivia Camp Verde High School
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HS Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bliss, Anslie 4-9 Mingus Union High School
Hlavacek, Libby 4-8 Prescott High School
Mong, Audrey 4-8 Cactus Shadows High School
Licher, Arabella 4-8 Sedona Red Rock
Peck, Bailey 4-6 Mingus Union High School
Fry, Macy 4-6 Chino Valley High School
Chilcott, Erika 4-6 Cactus Shadows High School
Berardi, Bella 4-5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Motter, Megan 4-5 Cactus Shadows High School
Ipson, Lillie 4-5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Barre, Riana 4-4 Mingus Union High School
Graham, Danielle 4-4 Chino Valley High School
Thom, Elise 4-4 Coconino High School
McNamara, Taylor 4-2 Chino Valley High School
Scott, Ellie 4-0 Coconino High School
Henn, Matar 4-0 Coconino High School
Poetisi, Ronnyelle 4-0 Coconino High School
Wright, Quinn 3-10 Mingus Union High School
Brooks, Miracle 3-10 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Patterson, Evelynn 3-10 Bradshaw Mountain High School
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HS Girls Javelin 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hobson, Rylee 111-2 Prescott High School
Bradley, Leila 98-5 Sedona Red Rock
DePasquale, Stellina 89-0 Mingus Union High School
Castro Torres, Mellisa 85-5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Goff, Cambri 81-7 Mingus Union High School
Rhon, Noemi 79-0 Northland Preparatory Academy
Sullivan, Sadie 78-10 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Palmer, Addyson 78-3 Coconino High School
Jefferys, Dakota 77-1 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Dendy, Brianna 74-2 Camp Verde High School
Klein, Audrey 73-0 Mingus Union High School
Scott, Kyra 71-9 Northland Preparatory Academy
Akans, Leah 69-10.5 Chino Valley High School
Brefield, Amy 68-7 Sedona Red Rock
Holliday, Victoria 64-5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Perez , Citlali 64-3 Sedona Red Rock
Brockman, Jessica 57-11 Coconino High School
Rohloff, Faith 57-11 Valley Lutheran High School
Bunker, May 50-7 Chino Valley High School
Andre, Elizabeth 42-10 Camp Verde High School
Norquist, Brittany 28-3 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Duncan, Sara Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
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HS Girls Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Briseno, Jaylynn 16-11 Mingus Union High School
Hernandez, Natalia 16-2.25 Valley Lutheran High School
Hobson, Rylee 16-1.5 Prescott High School
Lucas, Laney 15-4.5 Prescott High School
Williams, Sierra 15-2.75 Sedona Red Rock
Peterson, Sammi 14-11.5 Chino Valley High School
Smith, Emily 14-11 Chino Valley High School
McMains, Livia 14-8.5 Chino Valley High School
Ligon, Shaylin 14-3 Cactus Shadows High School
Bradshaw, Bridget 14-0.25 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Holliday, Victoria 14-0.25 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Veale, Mia 13-10.5 Coconino High School
McNamara, Taylor 13-9.75 Chino Valley High School
Colvin, Aeva 13-8 Mingus Union High School
Davis, Kimora 13-8 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Henn, Matar 13-4.5 Coconino High School
Wilkens, Kyra 13-4.25 Northland Preparatory Academy
Vocca, Mia 13-1 Mingus Union High School
Moore, Adalynn 12-11.25 Coconino High School
Moebes, Maleea 12-10.5 BASIS Flagstaff
Conklin, Macey 12-9.25 BASIS Flagstaff
Rogers, Rossilyn 12-8 Cactus Shadows High School
Rehling, Nanke 12-8 Coconino High School
Nache, Lucia 12-7 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Walls, Amelia 12-6 Grand Canyon
Richardson, Janie 12-4 Northland Preparatory Academy
MacKay, Gabrielle 11-8.5 Camp Verde High School
Morrison, Charlie 8-1.5 Camp Verde High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Anna 10-6 Prescott High School
Briseno, Jaylynn 9-9 Mingus Union High School
Hlavacek, Libby 9-7 Prescott High School
Sullivan, Kenzie 9-0 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Reynolds, Brooklyn 8-6 Mingus Union High School
Zito, Gaby 8-6 Prescott High School
Bradshaw, Bridget 8-6 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Sullivan, Sadie 8-6 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Newsom, Emma 8-0 Coconino High School
Berardi, Bella 7-6 Northland Preparatory Academy
Kitterman, Ciara 7-1 Coconino High School
Smith, Sayler 7-0 Coconino High School
Casas-Garcia, Jessica 6-9 Mingus Union High School
Cadieux, Marissa 6-6 Coconino High School
Bartelstone, Teia 6-0 Cactus Shadows High School
Montes, Sheila 6-0 Sedona Red Rock
Colvin, Aeva 5-6 Mingus Union High School
Arias, Kelley 5-0 Sedona Red Rock
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HS Girls Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rhon, Noemi 34-9 Northland Preparatory Academy
Dey, Madison 32-10 Chino Valley High School
Goggin, Annalie 32-3 Prescott High School
Mitchell, Brigit 32-1 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Perkins, Emily 29-10 Cactus Shadows High School
Cornforth, Emma 28-6 Grand Canyon
Bulson, Emily 28-2.5 Prescott High School
Vasilloff, Kaylee 26-9 Cactus Shadows High School
Kai, London 26-7 Cactus Shadows High School
Dorsey, Sarah 26-6 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Romero, Heide 25-11.5 Sedona Red Rock
Avila, Anai 25-8.5 Sedona Red Rock
Scott, Kyra 25-7.5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Placek, Jessica 25-1 Camp Verde High School
Smith, Wylan 24-7 Coconino High School
Barrera, Sasha 24-7 Sedona Red Rock
Garner, Malaysia 24-0 Coconino High School
Shanks, Kenlee 23-10.5 Camp Verde High School
Ipson, Abby 23-9.5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Hudson, Sophia 23-7.5 Chino Valley High School
Castro Torres, Mellisa 23-7.25 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Klein, Audrey 22-10 Mingus Union High School
Brockman, Jessica 22-1 Coconino High School
Richardson, Janie 22-0 Northland Preparatory Academy
Rohloff, Faith 21-11 Valley Lutheran High School
Akans, Leah 21-10.5 Chino Valley High School
Parker, Ryland 20-8 Camp Verde High School
Casas-Garcia, Jessica 18-7 Mingus Union High School
Norquist, Brittany 18-5.5 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
Garcia, Maya 17-7.5 Northland Preparatory Academy
Duncan, Sara 16-5 Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
VanHook, Olivia Camp Verde High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Briseno, Jaylynn 35-0 Mingus Union High School
Licher, Arabella 34-0.5 Sedona Red Rock
Goff, Cambri 33-10.25 Mingus Union High School
Rayl, Josephine 31-9.25 Cactus Shadows High School
Allen, Lux 31-9 Northland Preparatory Academy
Hernandez, Natalia 30-8 Valley Lutheran High School
Vocca, Mia 29-9.5 Mingus Union High School
Vela, Daisy 29-5 Coconino High School
Holliday, Victoria 29-4.5 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Bradshaw, Bridget 29-1.25 Bradshaw Mountain High School
Veale, Mia 28-5 Coconino High School
Beeler, Joana 28-3.5 Coconino High School
Chilcott, Erika 28-0 Cactus Shadows High School
Curi, Gabi 27-7 Sedona Red Rock
Oliver, Mackenzie 26-9 Cactus Shadows High School
PerezSolarte, Shaddai Coconino High School
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