4A II Cross Country State Championships 2009 vs Arizona State Cross Country Championships 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1337 246 1583
Overall Average +18.23 22:02.48 21:44.26
1st-10th Place +11.10 16:21.16 16:10.07
1st-25th Place +41.73 17:03.44 16:21.71
1st-50th Place +1:13.64 17:45.85 16:32.20
1st-100th Place +1:55.35 18:43.62 16:48.27
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 28 34 6
Ran Season Best -- 40 40
Average Time -53.15 20:12.48 21:05.63
Median Time -40.85 20:43.10 21:23.95
Middle 80% Times -58.73 20:00.96 20:59.69
Top 10% Times -35.65 15:58.05 16:33.70
Top 25% Times -58.14 16:26.81 17:24.94
Top 50% Times -49.82 17:36.90 18:26.71
Bottom 50% Times -56.49 22:48.07 23:44.55
Bottom 25% Times -39.29 24:19.65 24:58.94
Bottom 10% Times -26.05 25:59.03 26:25.08
Average Difference -53.15 -- --
Median Difference -1:56.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -54.03 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.65 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.74 -- --
Top 25% Difference -42.76 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.74 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:00.56 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -24.45 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:03.61 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brian Shrader Sinagua High School -44.80 15:15.90 16:00.70
Jose Luis Munoz Rio Rico High School -42.50 15:59.70 16:42.20
Alejandro Montano Catalina Magnet High School -42.25 16:14.20 16:56.45
Wilson Cutbirth Mingus Union High School -13.05 16:22.40 16:35.45
Garner Grennier Flagstaff High School -1:31.70 16:30.90 18:02.60
Matt Diaz Rio Rico High School -1:32.15 16:31.80 18:03.95
Alejandro Valencia Rio Rico High School -1:56.85 16:43.00 18:39.85
Adam Clawson Flagstaff High School -2:11.35 16:46.40 18:57.75
Nicolás Santillán Flagstaff High School -43.75 16:46.90 17:30.65
Ethan Fowler Page High School -19.70 17:16.90 17:36.60
Andrew Olson Greenway High School -34.15 17:36.70 18:10.85
Luis Martinez Douglas High -2:16.90 17:37.00 19:53.90
Christian Markey Arcadia High School -55.15 17:59.00 18:54.15
Zachary Nelson Flagstaff High School -28.70 18:25.00 18:53.70
Kristina Vanderhout Xavier College Preparatory +1:26.70 19:56.70 18:30.00
Ian Waugaman Notre Dame Preparatory -1:25.90 18:34.70 20:00.60
Eric Brannick Greenway High School -3.55 18:35.20 18:38.75
Aeoleone Bristow Rio Rico High School -4.95 19:22.40 19:27.35
Shayla Freeman Greenway High School -1:56.90 19:36.00 21:32.90
Aj Stockwell Greenway High School -13.90 20:07.10 20:21.00
Taryn Treadway Flagstaff High School -2:07.50 20:43.10 22:50.60
Danielle Jones Rio Rico High School -1:16.15 20:44.80 22:00.95
Nathaly Lira Rio Rico High School -1:01.85 20:48.90 21:50.75
Bronte Curley Page High School -2:22.00 20:55.20 23:17.20
Tess Berghoff Arcadia High School -0.25 20:57.50 20:57.75
Kiyana Yazzie Page High School -1:56.80 21:18.80 23:15.60
Chelsea Merrell Cactus High School -1:50.05 21:21.80 23:11.85
Kristy Cormier Douglas High +2:14.45 23:38.40 21:23.95
Jordan Plichta Seton Catholic High School -1:40.15 21:33.30 23:13.45
Jaime Patnode Greenway High School -1:14.75 21:52.30 23:07.05
Kelsey Rotarius Seton Catholic High School -40.65 22:29.10 23:09.75
Michelle Guayante Rio Rico High School +1:05.10 23:45.50 22:40.40
Natali Olveda Verrado High School -3:16.10 22:41.20 25:57.30
Ciara Payan Verrado High School -4:30.15 22:48.20 27:18.35
Hayley Jones Arcadia High School -1:24.00 22:54.50 24:18.50
Spring Mankel Catalina Magnet High School +1:02.30 24:22.90 23:20.60
Anna Simperova Notre Dame Preparatory -1:39.80 23:32.60 25:12.40
Erica Lieberman Arcadia High School -1:08.05 23:59.60 25:07.65
Lazara Ramos Notre Dame Preparatory +1:28.85 26:18.40 24:49.55
Yanira Ybarra Catalina Magnet High School +2:02.95 29:15.20 27:12.25