Ojo Rojo XC Invite 2024 vs Ojo Rojo Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +181 1140 959
Overall Average +27.87 23:43.24 23:15.37
1st-10th Place +6.93 15:50.90 15:43.97
1st-25th Place +2.36 16:11.98 16:09.62
1st-50th Place -0.63 16:32.65 16:33.28
1st-100th Place -1.51 17:03.82 17:05.34
Common Athletes -- -- 137
Ran Faster 49 93 44
Ran Season Best -29 34 63
Average Time -42.60 22:02.62 22:45.22
Median Time -54.80 20:52.50 21:47.30
Middle 80% Times -49.51 21:32.59 22:22.09
Top 10% Times -59.13 16:22.64 17:21.77
Top 25% Times -50.96 17:27.91 18:18.87
Top 50% Times -56.73 18:37.59 19:34.33
Bottom 50% Times -27.85 25:08.48 25:36.34
Bottom 25% Times -14.96 28:27.53 28:42.49
Bottom 10% Times +30.24 32:06.56 31:36.33
Average Difference -42.60 -- --
Median Difference -33.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -51.52 -- --
Top 10% Difference -48.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.09 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.09 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -37.97 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -37.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +50.49 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Symond Martin Page High School -1:00.20 15:20.60 16:20.80
David Soria ALA Queen Creek -46.10 15:51.10 16:37.20
Nicks Nielson ALA Gilbert North -6.10 16:02.00 16:08.10
Chayce Han Boulder Creek High School -1:19.40 16:05.40 17:24.80
Benjamin Wilkinson Desert Ridge High School -4:00.00 16:10.40 20:10.40
Greyson Han Boulder Creek High School -1:25.60 16:18.40 17:44.00
Jeremiah Judd Boulder Creek High School -1:30.60 16:24.90 17:55.50
Trey Costello Horizon Honors High School -43.80 16:32.80 17:16.60
Evan Han Boulder Creek High School -1:49.40 16:37.30 18:26.70
Eduardo Aviles Vista Grande High School -23.30 16:38.20 17:01.50
Ashton Miner ALA Queen Creek -9.00 16:42.40 16:51.40
David Richards Prescott High School -24.80 16:45.30 17:10.10
Chase Braden Arcadia High School -2:55.80 16:53.20 19:49.00
Lincoln Carr ALA Queen Creek -1:23.10 16:55.00 18:18.10
Mack Rubin Horizon High School -1:01.60 17:01.40 18:03.00
Dayson Morrow Queen Creek High School -3:16.90 17:06.90 20:23.80
Anthony Francini Boulder Creek High School -54.90 17:07.50 18:02.40
Blake Duggan Prescott High School -1:27.20 17:09.80 18:37.00
David Knierim Chandler High School -3:44.30 17:16.50 21:00.80
Christian Ingram Desert Ridge High School -1:48.40 17:20.60 19:09.00
Grant Grunden Paradise Valley High School +15.90 18:27.20 18:11.30
Kai Bouknight Chandler High School -5.90 18:12.70 18:18.60
Nathaniel Coronado Vista Grande High School +2:02.30 20:21.10 18:18.80
Gabriel Klenner Paradise Honors -54.70 18:19.00 19:13.70
Jake Larson ALA Queen Creek -20.60 18:22.80 18:43.40
Isaiah Talamantes Arcadia High School -2:48.90 18:25.70 21:14.60
Joshua Wiesner Corona del Sol High School -11.00 18:28.70 18:39.70
Ty Blake ALA Gilbert North +3.10 18:32.50 18:29.40
Konrad Kleinman Prescott High School -18.00 18:35.80 18:53.80
Henry Yazzie Corona del Sol High School +4.80 18:41.10 18:36.30
Paul Hart Paradise Honors -8.10 18:43.40 18:51.50
Jackson Gomez ALA Queen Creek -4:32.30 18:44.60 23:16.90
Dyllan Farnsworth Willow Canyon High School +12.40 18:58.90 18:46.50
Maximus Garcia ALA Gilbert North -2.70 18:48.90 18:51.60
Smith Lawlor ALA Queen Creek -3:59.40 18:50.30 22:49.70
Tyler Newell ALA Gilbert North -1:22.70 18:52.20 20:14.90
Ari Schott Arcadia High School -2:07.90 18:52.30 21:00.20
Michael Salazar Vista Grande High School +6.80 19:02.00 18:55.20
Jack Black Feather Corona del Sol High School +34.80 19:31.80 18:57.00
Wesley Buettner Arizona Lutheran Academy -1:26.40 19:05.10 20:31.50
Alberto Gonzalez Carl Hayden Community High School -2:38.40 19:07.40 21:45.80
Sam Rautenberg Arizona Lutheran Academy -1:16.90 19:09.80 20:26.70
Joshua Gonzales Chandler High School -1:51.30 19:10.00 21:01.30
Colten Clover Vista Grande High School -2:35.00 19:12.30 21:47.30
AJ Pela Horizon High School -3:12.90 19:20.30 22:33.20
Charles Hammer Corona del Sol High School -1:12.70 19:21.90 20:34.60
Michael Kahn Chaparral High School -19.30 19:22.60 19:41.90
Ava Wadhwa Arizona Lutheran Academy +33.90 19:59.60 19:25.70
Emmanuel Rojas Carl Hayden Community High School -8:06.70 19:27.30 27:34.00
Levi Shirley ALA Gilbert North +40.80 20:11.70 19:30.90
Averi Shuey Boulder Creek High School -1:13.50 19:32.10 20:45.60
Blake Yosowitz Corona del Sol High School +1:14.90 20:54.80 19:39.90
Troy Satre Corona del Sol High School -1:11.70 19:39.90 20:51.60
Madison Graffius Vista Grande High School -2:26.10 19:42.30 22:08.40
Addison Stewart Corona del Sol High School -2:10.00 19:45.60 21:55.60
Bryant Blakely Paradise Honors -3:27.80 19:50.20 23:18.00
Bryce Hutcherson Vista Grande High School -6:35.50 19:52.40 26:27.90
Landon Henry Page High School -1:50.90 19:52.70 21:43.60
Elliot Krebs Lincoln Preparatory Academy -42.10 19:55.20 20:37.30
Isaak Loera Horizon High School +9.90 20:11.30 20:01.40
Jackson Steele Boulder Creek High School +2:29.80 22:35.30 20:05.50
Broddic Arrott ALA Queen Creek -19.20 20:06.10 20:25.30
Jon Buschko Horizon Honors High School -10.00 20:06.20 20:16.20
Miles Ford Paradise Honors +20.20 20:26.90 20:06.70
Parker White Boulder Creek High School -2:10.00 20:16.70 22:26.70
Micah Gores Maricopa High School -1:06.90 20:17.70 21:24.60
Leonidas Oania Lincoln Preparatory Academy +21.00 20:40.30 20:19.30
Matthew Williams Willow Canyon High School +44.00 21:04.00 20:20.00
Caiden Fair Paradise Honors -3:49.80 20:20.20 24:10.00
Emilio Martinez Paradise Valley High School -3:05.90 20:20.50 23:26.40
Chantel Szeto Paradise Valley High School +1:35.00 22:13.50 20:38.50
Sloan Guess Corona del Sol High School +30.70 21:16.30 20:45.60
Ryan Melara +18.80 21:04.60 20:45.80
Aubrianna Horton Corona del Sol High School -1:29.30 20:46.40 22:15.70
Tyler Long Vista Grande High School -11.50 20:52.50 21:04.00
Miles Dickens Corona del Sol High School -19.80 20:53.70 21:13.50
Christian Olsen Leading Edge Academy-Gilbert -4:15.20 21:08.40 25:23.60
Noah Luscombe Corona del Sol High School -46.60 21:12.70 21:59.30
Karys Sanchez Boulder Creek High School -1:23.20 21:14.30 22:37.50
Jenna Carlson ALA Queen Creek +1:03.30 22:25.20 21:21.90
Kayla Bedoya Paradise Honors +23.00 21:49.10 21:26.10
Trinley Workman ALA Queen Creek +1:06.70 22:39.10 21:32.40
Saige Sloan Page High School -3:55.60 21:38.00 25:33.60
Taylor Dory Chandler High School -48.40 21:39.00 22:27.40
Sam Gallo Boulder Creek High School -33.20 21:43.10 22:16.30
Nathaniel Alvarez Tempe High School +1:53.00 23:37.80 21:44.80
Ruben Marmalejo Tempe High School +1:14.60 23:01.20 21:46.60
Maya Wells Horizon Honors High School +2:31.40 24:28.50 21:57.10
Jacob Vennard Queen Creek High School -1:11.20 22:14.80 23:26.00
Anya Halton Corona del Sol High School +25.90 22:42.90 22:17.00
Ethan Nash Corona del Sol High School +28.90 22:47.60 22:18.70
Jazelle Leavitt Desert Ridge High School -31.60 22:19.90 22:51.50
Hailey Roth Corona del Sol High School +1:54.10 24:20.00 22:25.90
Charlotte Hopper Arcadia High School +1:17.80 23:45.90 22:28.10
Abigail Papa Benjamin Franklin -20.80 22:33.00 22:53.80
Abigail Miner ALA Queen Creek +2:08.10 24:45.10 22:37.00
Ryland Schweitzer Maricopa High School -2:35.50 22:39.90 25:15.40
Lindsay Blaich Paradise Honors -3:24.80 22:44.50 26:09.30
Samuel Hagon Willow Canyon High School -1:33.70 22:46.60 24:20.30
Lindsay West Benjamin Franklin +2:03.90 24:53.80 22:49.90
Alexander Sherling Millennium High School -3:10.40 22:50.80 26:01.20
Kali Carr ALA Queen Creek +34.40 23:48.50 23:14.10
Lauren Kucik Paradise Honors -1:30.50 23:17.60 24:48.10
Chloe McEachern Vista Grande High School -15.80 23:37.70 23:53.50
Elijah Todacheene Corona del Sol High School -4:46.10 24:01.90 28:48.00
Gabriella Mathurin Horizon High School +1:17.60 25:21.40 24:03.80
Sahara Lara Paradise Honors +1:53.60 26:04.60 24:11.00
Alexis Jimenez +45.30 25:01.40 24:16.10
Rachel Daniggelis Arcadia High School +2:37.60 26:56.80 24:19.20
Ainsley Romney ALA Queen Creek -3:24.10 24:22.80 27:46.90
Catherine Griffee Chaparral High School +53.10 26:00.80 25:07.70
Charles Watters Boulder Creek High School -52.10 25:28.50 26:20.60
Madelyn Longstreet Horizon Honors High School -19.50 25:30.40 25:49.90
Parin Moshier ALA Queen Creek -2:21.40 25:32.30 27:53.70
Marcus Yubeta Vista Grande High School -49.70 25:38.50 26:28.20
Hannah Lopez Scottsdale Christian Academy +2:11.40 27:50.10 25:38.70
Elena Ham Desert Ridge High School -2:30.00 25:54.40 28:24.40
Kylee Jacobs Corona del Sol High School +3:21.30 29:23.80 26:02.50
Ace Pedro Tempe High School +9:31.00 36:04.70 26:33.70
Esther Henderson ALA Queen Creek -1:44.00 26:35.40 28:19.40
Addison Seabaugh Paradise Honors -24.70 26:39.50 27:04.20
Sophia Garcia Corona del Sol High School -36.80 26:51.60 27:28.40
Caleb Selter Horizon High School -58.90 27:25.30 28:24.20
Brynlee Weaver ALA Queen Creek -1:55.30 27:26.50 29:21.80
Sierra Richards Chaparral High School +55.20 28:34.10 27:38.90
Aeris Van Sant Millennium High School -3:44.00 27:44.10 31:28.10
Jessica Sanchez Tempe High School +1:01.00 29:48.80 28:47.80
Jocelyn Weaver ALA Queen Creek -3:02.10 28:56.40 31:58.50
Greta Bennett Boulder Creek High School -1:54.30 29:12.30 31:06.60
Judith Vejar Willow Canyon High School +1:38.20 30:53.30 29:15.10
Teagan Delma Maricopa High School -1:53.00 29:25.00 31:18.00
Sophia Morescki Horizon High School +5:04.20 35:22.20 30:18.00
Thomas Wiley Horizon High School -3:15.10 30:31.60 33:46.70
Jasey Perro Benjamin Franklin -19.50 30:32.70 30:52.20
Austin Hope Willow Canyon High School +6:38.30 39:01.60 32:23.30
Shio Romero Tempe High School -42.20 35:48.80 36:31.00
Ana Blanco Flores Tempe High School -36.90 35:56.60 36:33.50