Keep checking back to see who makes the Arizona Milesplit 'Watch List" in Track and Field.
Journal Questions:
Name: Emilio Vasquez (Emilio's Milesplit Profile)
High School: Catalina Foothills High School
Year of Graduation: 2015
Track and Field PR's:
1600: 4:25.44
800: 1:57.89
When did you first get involved with track and field? How long have you been running:
I first got involved in track when I was in middle school, but just did sprints. Once I got to Foothills my freshmen year that’s when I started my distance running, and I have loved it ever since.
What is a typical training week like for you?
My weekly mileage is no more then 35 miles a week. The types of workouts I do are hill sprints, track intervals, and tempo runs. My favorite workout is hill sprints.
What are your goals for the upcoming track season?
My goals for the upcoming season are to run a 1:55 in the 800m, and run under 4:15 in the 1600m.
How do you prepare yourself mentally for a race? Do you have any superstitions?
I prepare like everyone else warm up, stretch, and go through drills. Right before I walk on the track though I like to pray, and just think about what I need to do to be successful in this race.
What does your season look like and will you be competing in any out of state track meets during the season or post high school season?
We are staying in Arizona this year for all our track meets. Are biggest races this year will be the Husky Invite, Sun Angel classic, and Willie Williams. After my high school season I’m planning on running is the USATF junior Olympics.
What message would you tell younger runners who aspire to be at the top?
- Be disciplined, and listen to your coach
- Run uncomfortable, don’t hold anything back
- Don’t abuse drugs, and alcohol
If you had to attribute your success to one thing, what would it be?
I would attribute my success to the great coaches I have had in my life.
Do you have role models or mentors in track and field?
I have many role models in life, but I look up to the seniors on my team for guidance and wisdom.
How many events do you compete in and which event is your favorite?
I compete in everything from the 400m to the 3200m. My favorite would have to be the 400m or 4x400m relay with my distance teammates.
Best thing your coach ever said to you?
Pain is temporary; pride is forever –Adam Colombo
Shout Outs?
Alberto, and Blanca Vasquez
Quick 6:
Favorite Pre-race Meal?
Brown Rice
Favorite Winter Olympic Sport?
Favorite Meet?
Chandler Rotary
Cross Country or Track and Field?
Track and Field!!!!!
Perfect temperature to compete in?
60's, 0 mph wind, cloudy
Favorite song at the moment?
Demons by Imagine Dragons