With the 2014 cross country season just around the corner it's time to start our "Watch List" highlighting the top returners. Sophomore Madi Bucci from Desert Vista is our next Watch List athlete.
As the season starts we will continue to add athletes to the list.
Keep checking back as we highlight some of Arizona's best. Good luck to everyone - see you on the course!!
Journal Questions:
Name: Madi Bucci (Madi's Milesplit Profile)
High School: Desert Vista
Year of Graduation: 2017
Best time in a 5K and a 3 Mile Race:
5k: 18:40
3 mile: 17:57
When did you get started as a running:
I started running in fifth grade, when my dad offered to help me train for a Thanksgiving race we did at my elementary school. I had so much fun training I decided to join cross country in middle school… And I never looked back.
Which meets will you be running this year?
This year I will be competing at Woodbridge, Nike PreNationals, Desert Twilight, Tempe City, the Arizona State meet, NXR and if all goes well NXN!
What are your goals for the upcoming track season? What do you look forward to the most?
My main goal is to be a good team leader since we have a lot of new freshman and also to run some PRs! I’m looking forward to being in some new meets this season that we’ve never gone to before.
How is your summer training going? Your favorite workout? What kind of summer mileage do you run?
Summer training has been tough but I’m always up for a challenge! I have worked up to long steady runs again this summer and those have always been my favorite type of workout. I also have appreciated the mile repeat workouts we have done, because I know they are making me better and I feel so accomplished when it’s over. I am currently running around 40-50 miles per week.
Do you cross train (lift, swim, bike etc)?
Yes, I love cross training! I’ve been aqua jogging three times per week.
Do you follow any kind of nutrition program or watch what you eat?
My family has always been big on nutrition, so I’m not following an exact plan but I do try to get in enough healthy calories and make sure I don’t overdo it on the desserts.
Have you ever been injured?
I battled a shin injury all through last track season, and this summer I have been going to physical therapy trying to get that taken care of. Now my shins are feeling great and physical therapy isn’t needed, so I am even more excited for the season being without pain!
So far in your high school career, what is your favorite cross country race or cross country memory?
My favorite cross country race in my high school career has been Woodbridge, because it’s flat and fast and so much fun! But my favorite memory is winning the State title last year. I gave it my all in that race and it was the best feeling ever knowing my hard work that season had finally paid off! I hope to take it to the next level with my teammates this year.
What is the best part of running?
I love everything about running so this is hard to narrow down! I guess the best part of running is that feeling you get when you are going really fast and there’s that one moment when it suddenly doesn’t hurt anymore. I run for moments like that, because I feel like I’m on top of the world and nothing can stop me!
Out of all your running accomplishments so far, which stands out the most?
My biggest accomplishment is making varsity as a freshman last year, which gave me the opportunity to run in State and finish third for our team. Winning State (as a team) was one of the best moments of my life and a memory I will cherish forever. I know this season will bring even more incredible memories and I can’t wait to start making them!
When you are not running what do you like to do?
When I’m not running I like hanging out with friends and pumping some iron with my workout buddy Sabrina.
How have your coaches influenced you overall?
My coaches have inspired me to believe in myself and to always stay tough, no matter how hard it gets. Coach Messer is the best coach a girl could ask for and each day I’m so blessed to have his knowledge and support.
Shout outs?
A shout-out to God: thanks for this awesome opportunity and the best team on the planet!! And to Margot Kelly, thank you for all your support and for making this all possible!
Quick 6:
Favorite Post-race Meal?
Ice Cream (of course)!
Kind of shoes you train in?
Mizuno Wave Riders
Flat course or hills?
Tough to pick... Hills are always a great challenge but I would have to go with flat.
The faster the course the better!
Facebook or Twitter?
Hot or cold weather?
Definitely cold weather!
Favorite song at the moment?
“Fix My Eyes” – by For King and Country