The Biggest, Bestest MileSplit Site Makeover Yet!
Logo Changes and Device Adaptability!
First, the logo changes. A new look to the MileSplit logo makes its debut. The oval has rolled into history... while the split in "split" leads the way to a totally new feel. One of the best and most important innovations with the new site is its device adaptability. Quite simply, now the full site is the mobile site too! To try it for yourself on your lap or desktop, simply grab the lower right hand corner of the browser page and head for the upper left corner. You'll see the site reformat itself as you go. The menu becomes the upper left link and everything just steps into line.
Then try it on your other devices, including your phone. Network-wide, almost 40% of the audience is now mobile... and we are so there!
You have asked for this, and waited for this and now it is a reality. A clean, professional, functional MileSplit site that will even make you a fan of the sport all over again.
After a brief absence, the Top Stories Carousel makes a triumphant return to ALL state pages. Simply roll-over the thumbnail and that story displays on the top. After top stories, the older stories (or ones selected not to be on the top) will filter from the carousel to "more headlines" that are below the photo widgets. You'll have a ton of still fresh stories readily available... with a big link to your full archives.
The new Photo Widget will finally spotlight the top shots and action. Dependent on publish date that you can select which is accessible in a new field called 'publish time,' the most most recently dated photos will show up first. Also with links to more archived galleries. Cast your eyes to the top right of the homepage and you see your very cool new Rankings widget. Everything just a simple click away in a very small space. Switch between genders and then pick your category, from Sprints and Distance to Relays and Field. All with direct links to state's events and full rankings, including athlete profiles.
A new What's on MileSplit USA widget, also in the right column, will show the top five national stories. The benefit to you: National content is on your front page... but NOT in the top unless it is totally relevant to you.
You will notice a new Meet Coverage section on the right that has sub-sets to indicate if there are results... or photo galleries and now, even videos. If it is not yet complete, your readers will see that results are yet to come, and even if it uses our online registration. This also has a big link to all your meet coverage.
Twitter, Twitter Everywhere! Scan down even further on the right and it's your state's Twitter Feeds on virtually every page.
MileSplit Insider Widget - Plans are to have this easily feature the best live content on the site. Our hope is to have it toggle between Upcoming Live Events.
Again, in the name of communication, we are changing some things to make the presentation better than ever. In our general articles archive page, there is now a drop down navigation to sort by month/year. And we have added Facebook and many other comments options at bottom of articles. Yeah!
As is now our custom/standard, in our general photo page, there is now drop-down navigation to sort by month/year/user vs admin.
The presentation of albums is greatly enhanced, with larger thumbnails, and a much better use of the available space - three albums across. The most popular albums are also featured on the right side column.
Sub-albums are now called event folders and are in a drop-down at the top left of the photo page. More accessible. More user-friendly.
Results Page:
Much easier to scan for what you want. The new drop-down navigation lets you select the month and the year and level. One of the best improvements are the photo and video icons to indicate that there is enhanced onsite coverage for specific meets. The meet pages will be part of the ongoing redesign.
Calendar Page:
Drop-down navigation lets you go from month to month, year to year and even levels. Want to see all meets, or exclude everything except invitationals? Easy.Check out the new Text Document icon, which indicates that the meet has results.
Popular Content Widgets are Everywhere:
- Popular Content is displayed on a lot of pages throughout your sites. This filters the most viewed content that has been viewed on your state over the past week.
- Popular Videos are displayed on video page on your site. This filters the most viewed video that has been viewed on your state in the past week.
- Popular Photo Albums are displayed on photo pages on your site. This filters the most viewed photo albums on your state in the past week.
- What to Read Next will be displayed on next to articles on your site. This filters the most viewed articles on your state in the past week. If the article is in a series it will be other articles in that series; otherwise it will be the most viewed articles on your site.
- Text icon = results (you will see this on the calendar page and homepage meet coverage widget)
- Photo icon = meet has photo (you will see this on our general results page and homepage meet coverage widget and next to content info in article list when tagged as "photo")
- Pencil icon = online registration (you will see this on the calendar page and homepage meet coverage widget)
- List icon = team scores/rankings/virtual meets (you will see next to content info in article list when tagged as "team scores/rankings/virtual meets")
What's the future hold?
We are not redesigning meet pages at the moment. The goal is to have that redesigned in the next two months along with athlete profiles.