Arizona State Cross Country Championships 2005 vs Arizona State Cross Country Championships 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1395 188 1583
Overall Average -2:24.74 19:19.52 21:44.26
1st-10th Place +48.88 16:58.94 16:10.07
1st-25th Place +54.15 17:15.86 16:21.71
1st-50th Place +1:02.59 17:34.80 16:32.20
1st-100th Place +1:20.88 18:09.15 16:48.27
Common Athletes -- -- 39
Ran Faster -37 1 38
Ran Season Best -- 38 38
Average Time +1:21.31 18:53.95 17:32.64
Median Time +1:28.20 18:55.15 17:26.95
Middle 80% Times +1:21.95 18:50.32 17:28.38
Top 10% Times +1:00.85 17:08.91 16:08.06
Top 25% Times +1:01.05 17:27.83 16:26.78
Top 50% Times +1:15.82 18:01.63 16:45.81
Bottom 50% Times +1:22.74 18:49.58 17:26.83
Bottom 25% Times +1:27.08 20:26.01 18:58.93
Bottom 10% Times +1:42.89 21:32.26 19:49.38
Average Difference +1:21.31 -- --
Median Difference +1:27.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:17.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference +54.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:04.51 -- --
Top 25% Difference +57.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:04.51 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:38.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:48.28 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:56.51 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jim Wamsley Horizon High School +1:27.50 17:04.95 15:37.45
Matt Boughton Desert Vista High School +1:12.95 17:18.15 16:05.20
Derek Breinholt Highland High +44.45 17:05.40 16:20.95
DJ Johnson Mesa Mountain View High School +49.20 17:17.85 16:28.65
Jackson Messer Salpointe Catholic High School +37.55 17:07.45 16:29.90
Marcos Bailon Alhambra High School +1:02.55 17:32.95 16:30.40
Brady Alling Mountain Pointe High School +2:40.00 19:18.00 16:38.00
Spencer Nielsen Mesa High School +1:10.20 17:49.65 16:39.45
Aaron Sherf Mesquite High School +1:13.55 18:01.05 16:47.50
Carlos Martinez Dobson High School +1:55.10 18:45.40 16:50.30
C. J Griner Mesa High School +2:03.30 18:57.25 16:53.95
Carlos Luis Mendez Alhambra High School +1:33.35 18:28.15 16:54.80
Nathan Mesta Tucson Magnet High School +46.00 17:41.00 16:55.00
Charles Schweitzer Basha High School +1:57.75 19:00.40 17:02.65
Dan Wilson Mountain Pointe High School +1:42.30 18:46.15 17:03.85
Alex Aranda Casa Grande Union High School +2:33.65 19:38.05 17:04.40
Eric Puhlmann Highland High +34.50 17:39.80 17:05.30
Taylor Reak Corona del Sol High School +1:30.45 18:39.30 17:08.85
Matt Lewis Mesquite High School +1:48.20 19:00.90 17:12.70
Logan Burlew Red Mountain High School +2:19.35 19:46.30 17:26.95
Julio Zuniga Trevor G. Browne High School +54.70 18:21.90 17:27.20
Alex Phillips Brophy College Preparatory +1:27.80 18:55.15 17:27.35
Wais Ahmadi Gilbert High School +43.10 18:15.60 17:32.50
Eli Barcenas Westwood High School +44.70 18:17.40 17:32.70
BRANDON TAYLOR Mesquite High School +1:21.70 19:01.30 17:39.60
Santiago Bahti Tucson Magnet High School +1:50.00 19:36.65 17:46.65
Josh Walker Corona del Sol High School +1:04.85 18:53.65 17:48.80
Trevor Allen Basha High School +5:09.85 23:00.25 17:50.40
Sam Hooke Corona del Sol High School +1:27.20 19:29.35 18:02.15
Dave Beighe Mountain Pointe High School +15.35 18:31.65 18:16.30
Todd Ball Dobson High School +47.80 19:05.80 18:18.00
Nelson Dander Alhambra High School +42.85 19:04.00 18:21.15
Dan Nelson Mountain Pointe High School +1:27.90 19:52.75 18:24.85
Jon Boll Westwood High School +1:07.90 19:35.20 18:27.30
Ben Bergeson Mesquite High School +57.90 19:42.10 18:44.20
Dalton Zanetti Chandler High School +29.50 19:14.40 18:44.90
Edgar Valdez Trevor G. Browne High School +2:12.55 21:41.90 19:29.35
Angel Lazaro Trevor G. Browne High School +34.25 20:56.00 20:21.75
ANDREW ENCISO St. Mary's Catholic High School -10.60 20:30.90 20:41.50