Gilbert School District Championship 2023

Gilbert, AZ

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slay, Brenden Gilbert Classical Academy
Katsanos, Sotiris Gilbert Classical Academy
McGavock, Jace 10.81 Campo Verde High School
Sargent, Rylan 11.20 Desert Ridge High School
Nichols, Jack 11.20 Campo Verde High School
Carrera, Tristan 11.24 Campo Verde High School
Adams, Dillon 11.43 Mesquite High School
McGruder, Kenyon 11.47 Mesquite High School
Faris, Brayden 11.59 Highland High
Martin, Anthony 11.67 Highland High
Chapman, Luke 11.73 Campo Verde High School
Crowell, Isaac 11.78 Mesquite High School
Haygood, Carter 11.88 Campo Verde High School
Denson, Elijah 11.89 Highland High
Ward, Carmelo 11.94 Highland High
Jones, Phillip 11.94h Mesquite High School
Vijil, Jayden 11.94h Mesquite High School
Johns, Samuel 12.00 Desert Ridge High School
Love, La'zarien 12.10 Desert Ridge High School
Regimballe, Richard 12.12 Desert Ridge High School
Pete, Lookout 12.33 Gilbert High School
Vu, John 12.34 Gilbert Classical Academy
O'Connor, Jackson 12.54 Highland High
Griffiths, Colton 12.57 Gilbert Classical Academy
Santa Cruz, Andres 12.62 Gilbert High School
Xu, Wenrui 12.94 Gilbert Classical Academy
Gonzalez, Romeo 13.13 Gilbert High School
LeGall, Kiyjuan 13.74 Gilbert High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKay, Cameron Desert Ridge High School
Burnham, Brigham 16.60 Campo Verde High School
Chavez, Simon 17.07 Campo Verde High School
Korolsky, Jonathan 17.63 Mesquite High School
Lloyd, Evan 18.09 Campo Verde High School
Danielson, Trevor 18.16 Gilbert High School
Sang, Colby 18.3 Highland High
Forestier, Gavin 18.8 Highland High
Price, Carson 19.51 Highland High
Ahles, Jonah 19.66 Campo Verde High School
Giannetti, Aaron 19.71 Gilbert High School
Medina, Joseph 20.03 Gilbert Classical Academy
Wheeler, Connor 20.43 Gilbert Classical Academy
Vigil, Josef 21.32 Gilbert Classical Academy
Kerkoud, Rafik 21.45 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haskie, Jayden Campo Verde High School
Nusca, Jacob Campo Verde High School
Klain, Tristan Campo Verde High School
Ahles, Luke Campo Verde High School
Watkins, Adam Mesquite High School
Duke, Matt 4:49.80h Highland High
Etsitty, Hayden 4:51.09 Gilbert High School
Eberhard, Colin 4:51.98 Gilbert High School
Mabb, Nathan 4:53.61 Desert Ridge High School
Dennis, Adam 4:54.17 Gilbert Classical Academy
Burckhard, Hudson 4:55.00 Gilbert High School
Robbins, Sam 4:55.40h Highland High
Cosseboom, Carson 4:55.44 Highland High
Crockett, Brayden 4:55.50h Highland High
Thomas, Luke 5:02.99 Desert Ridge High School
Sarager, Lane 5:03.72 Highland High
Olson, Dirk 5:03.95 Mesquite High School
Elmer, Ethan 5:13.13 Desert Ridge High School
Chatham, Dylan 5:18.44 Mesquite High School
Pacheco, Arturo 5:25.40 Gilbert Classical Academy
Schroeder, Devan 5:34.44 Gilbert Classical Academy
Ricks, Craig 5:38.94 Campo Verde High School
Joost, Max 5:49.22 Gilbert High School
Solis, Ayden 5:53.31 Desert Ridge High School
Morales, Alexxander 6:09.00h Desert Ridge High School
Seebach, Fox 6:22.98 Gilbert High School
Lingwall, Braeden 6:30.20 Mesquite High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carrera, Tristan 22.48 Campo Verde High School
Sargent, Rylan 22.58 Desert Ridge High School
Santiago, Amado 23.08 Campo Verde High School
McGruder, Kenyon 23.24h Mesquite High School
Adams, Dillon 23.57 Mesquite High School
Ward, Carmelo 23.96 Highland High
Faris, Brayden 24.03 Highland High
Crowell, Isaac 24.04 Mesquite High School
Korolsky, Jonathan 24.30 Mesquite High School
Haygood, Carter 24.33 Campo Verde High School
Kennedy, Talin 24.41 Campo Verde High School
Regimballe, Richard 24.42 Desert Ridge High School
Denson, Elijah 24.65 Highland High
Johns, Samuel 24.65 Desert Ridge High School
Martin, Anthony 24.72 Highland High
Jones, Phillip 24.74h Mesquite High School
Cipolla, Cooper 24.89 Highland High
Jentzsch, Jerome 24.92 Desert Ridge High School
Lazar, Michael 25.10 Desert Ridge High School
Pete, Lookout 25.28 Gilbert High School
Ferber, Athon 25.55 Campo Verde High School
Griffiths, Colton 25.59 Gilbert Classical Academy
Vu, John 25.71 Gilbert Classical Academy
Santa Cruz, Andres 26.19 Gilbert High School
Gomez, Gabriel 26.80 Gilbert High School
Xu, Wenrui 27.49 Gilbert Classical Academy
Gonzales, Romeo 27.68 Gilbert High School
Slay, Brenden 27.76 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKay, Cameron Desert Ridge High School
Price, Gabriel 39.23 Desert Ridge High School
Korolsky, Jonathan 43.69 Mesquite High School
Price, Carson 43.70 Highland High
Chavez, Simon 44.69 Campo Verde High School
Ahles, Jonah 45.17 Campo Verde High School
Lloyd, Evan 45.20 Campo Verde High School
Giannetti, Aaron 45.69 Gilbert High School
Danielson, Trevor 46.40 Gilbert High School
Sang, Colby 46.44 Highland High
Burnham, Brigham 47.22 Campo Verde High School
Wheeler, Connor 48.16 Gilbert Classical Academy
Janson, Jakob 48.45 Highland High
Forestier, Gavin 49.11 Highland High
Medina, Joseph 50.68 Gilbert Classical Academy
Kerkoud, Rafik 52.73 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beltran, Nicholas Campo Verde High School
Rydell, Parker 10:03.50 Highland High
McCormick, Dylan 10:15.71 Campo Verde High School
Smith, Ronald 10:28.65 Desert Ridge High School
Klain, Kayden 10:43.11 Campo Verde High School
Wilkinson, Benjamin 11:12.66 Desert Ridge High School
Ingram, Christian 11:13 Desert Ridge High School
Dennis, Adam 11:13.38 Gilbert Classical Academy
Black, Kade 11:16.65 Gilbert High School
Pratchard, Chase 11:31.46 Campo Verde High School
Johnson, Alexander 11:53.80 Desert Ridge High School
Lane, Austin 12:29.60 Gilbert High School
Seebach, Fox 13:12.75 Gilbert High School
Lingwall, Braeden 13:16.70 Mesquite High School
Chatham, Dylan 14:02.00 Mesquite High School
Alexander, Jonah 9:45.23 Highland High
Breinholt, Jack 9:49.02 Highland High
Crockett, McKay 9:55.14 Highland High
Davis, Sam 9:59.81 Highland High
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cowart, Henry Highland High
Cipolla, Cooper Highland High
Allen, Kash Highland High
Gomez, Gabriel 1:01.50 Gilbert High School
LeGall, Kiyjuan 1:02.94 Gilbert High School
Gonzalez, Romeo 1:05.26 Gilbert High School
Nymark, Tom 1:05.29 Gilbert High School
McGavock, Jace 50.22 Campo Verde High School
Alexander, Blake 51.62 Desert Ridge High School
Nichols, Jack 51.99 Campo Verde High School
Nieva, Austen 53.44h Mesquite High School
Chapman, Luke 53.56 Campo Verde High School
Hines, Andrew 53.65 Desert Ridge High School
Kennedy, Talin 54.71 Campo Verde High School
Ford, Ryan 54.90h Desert Ridge High School
Ferber, Athon 56.35 Campo Verde High School
Navarrete, Jace 56.38 Desert Ridge High School
Allen, Ben 56.56 Highland High
Jones, Paulo 57.49 Desert Ridge High School
Early, Tanner 57.78 Mesquite High School
Long, Logan 57.96 Mesquite High School
Sledge, Gavin 58.39 Mesquite High School
Lucero, Tohbi 58.43 Mesquite High School
Slay, Brenden 58.87 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.28 Campo Verde High School
Relay Team A 44.03 Mesquite High School
Relay Team A 44.10 Highland High
Relay Team A 45.03 Desert Ridge High School
Relay Team A 48.00 Gilbert High School
Relay Team A 48.44 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:23.65 Campo Verde High School
Relay Team A 3:26.11 Highland High
Relay Team A 3:31.88 Desert Ridge High School
Relay Team A 3:48.03 Mesquite High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Gilbert High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:38.30 Gilbert High School
Relay Team A 9:09.27 Campo Verde High School
Relay Team A 9:10.50h Highland High
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Boys 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watkins, Adam Mesquite High School
Stecker, Will Campo Verde High School
Ferris, Adam Gilbert Classical Academy
Howard, Josh 1:58.79 Highland High
Weaver, Caleb 2:00.63 Campo Verde High School
Katsanos, Sotiris 2:03.65 Gilbert Classical Academy
Hall, Henry 2:05.50h Highland High
Moar, Brady 2:06.40h Highland High
Pacheco, Arturo 2:07.71 Gilbert Classical Academy
Johnson, Lester 2:13.50h Highland High
Porter, Stone 2:14.85 Highland High
Olson, Dirk 2:15.42 Mesquite High School
Kaupie, Ryan 2:16.72 Gilbert High School
Bailey, Quincy 2:18.24 Campo Verde High School
Cardon, Chris 2:19.44 Campo Verde High School
Chatham, Dylan 2:20.01 Mesquite High School
Leavitt, Ezrom 2:20.08 Desert Ridge High School
Smith, Noah 2:21.38 Desert Ridge High School
Martinez, Cody 2:25.20 Gilbert High School
Joost, Max 2:27.06 Gilbert High School
Rangel, Nicholas 2:33.09 Gilbert High School
Birk, Regan 2:33.13 Gilbert Classical Academy
Smith, Zachary 2:35.67 Campo Verde High School
Jones, Jayce 2:37.99 Gilbert High School
Vidales, Ethan 2:41.10 Mesquite High School
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Boys Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lomu, Caleb 138-6 Highland High
Ferguson, Riley 135-11 Highland High
Poole, Chandler 131-4 Campo Verde High School
Werner, Breyben 129-7 Gilbert High School
Montgomery, Ryker 127-9 Campo Verde High School
Dale, Caden 127-5 Campo Verde High School
Pule, Makua 121-10 Highland High
Joseph, Francis 121-8 Gilbert High School
Dutchover, Aj 118-0 Highland High
Bingham, Rigden 104-11 Campo Verde High School
Wolf, Tytus 100-1 Campo Verde High School
Nabrotzky, Luke 96-1 Highland High
Hakik, Koa 91-11 Gilbert High School
Bryant, Marcus 88-2 Gilbert High School
Hammond, Connor 87-9 Mesquite High School
Thorgerson, Maxwell 87-2 Desert Ridge High School
Carballo, Ian 81-10 Gilbert High School
Demellow, Jotham 78-1 Gilbert Classical Academy
Reichert, Benjamin 74-8 Desert Ridge High School
Wright, Xander 73-1 Desert Ridge High School
Hayden, Justin 70-10 Gilbert Classical Academy
Kelly, Jackson 66-5 Desert Ridge High School
Crawford, Trenton 65-6 Desert Ridge High School
Cooley, DeAaron 61-10 Mesquite High School
Migliore, Joseph 59-0 Mesquite High School
Elias Paredes, Jose 56-9 Mesquite High School
Requenes, Jayden 5-5 Mesquite High School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tribble, Roman 6-3 Highland High
Gorzitze, Braeden 5-10 Gilbert High School
Sherman, Johnathan 5-10 Gilbert High School
Sargent, Brenton 5-10 Desert Ridge High School
Holindrake, Logan 5-8 Gilbert High School
Villela, Mason 5-8 Gilbert High School
Howland, Jackson 5-8 Campo Verde High School
Danielson, Trevor 5-7 Gilbert High School
Pollard, Drew 5-7 Campo Verde High School
Kennedy, Samuel 5-6 Highland High
Burnham, Brigham 5-6 Campo Verde High School
Early, Tanner 5-4 Mesquite High School
Brown, Cooper 5-2 Highland High
Ward, Carmelo 5-1 Highland High
McCormick, Dylan Campo Verde High School
Colson, Gage Desert Ridge High School
Holland, Matthew Desert Ridge High School
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Boys Javelin 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Silene, Gavin 168-8 Campo Verde High School
Witcher, Ethan 164-6 Highland High
Morones, Majel 163-8 Campo Verde High School
Lomu, Caleb 161-6 Highland High
Shumway, Dane 159-11 Highland High
Pollard, Drew 143-1 Campo Verde High School
Lister, Mason 140-8 Highland High
Bingham, Rigden 138-6 Campo Verde High School
Bryce, Peyton 135-8 Gilbert High School
Flores, Christian 130-10 Gilbert High School
Ryan, Jack 128-4 Campo Verde High School
Anaya, Angel 120-4 Mesquite High School
Hammond, Connor 111-8 Mesquite High School
Joseph, Francis 110-3 Gilbert High School
Danielson, Trevor 96-6 Gilbert High School
Ni, Phil 94-6 Gilbert Classical Academy
Hoang, Christopher 84-9 Gilbert Classical Academy
Walker, Matthew 77-9 Highland High
Requenes, Jayden 61-11 Mesquite High School
Woods, Brogan 57-2.5 Gilbert Classical Academy
Korolsky, Bryce 8-7 Mesquite High School
Lopez, Benjamin 5-9 Mesquite High School
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Boys Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burnham, Brigham 20-6.5 Campo Verde High School
McGruder, Kenyon 20-6 Mesquite High School
Griffin, Cole 20-4 Campo Verde High School
Hopper, Toby 20-0.5 Mesquite High School
Sargent, Rylan 19-11 Desert Ridge High School
Steele, Marcus 19-4.5 Gilbert Classical Academy
Chapman, Luke 19-4 Campo Verde High School
Heussner, Brody 19-2 Highland High
Amaya, Isaiah 18-10 Mesquite High School
Miller, Tanner 18-4 Campo Verde High School
Sumrall, Dallin 17-8.5 Gilbert High School
Hines, Andrew 17-5 Desert Ridge High School
McCarthy, Killian 15-5.5 Desert Ridge High School
Taye, Barkon 15-1 Desert Ridge High School
Bearden, Ethan 11-11 Mesquite High School
Miles, Clemmon Mesquite High School
Lacayo, Tristan Campo Verde High School
Colson, Gage Desert Ridge High School
Garcia, Zayden Highland High
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kerby, Hudson 12-0 Campo Verde High School
Hunt, Landon 11-9 Highland High
Kennedy, Roland 11-7 Campo Verde High School
Powell, Henry 10-6 Highland High
Pollard, Drew 10-1 Campo Verde High School
Campbell, Ryer 9-9 Highland High
Conover, Todd 9-9 Highland High
Marsh, Tanner 9-0 Campo Verde High School
March, Seth 8-6 Mesquite High School
Dye, Rian 8-6 Mesquite High School
Carson, Bryce 8-6 Mesquite High School
Murset, Weston 8-6 Campo Verde High School
Nelson, Cohen 8-0 Highland High
Schroeder, Devan 7-9 Gilbert Classical Academy
Dominguez, Gabe Mesquite High School
Early, Tanner Mesquite High School
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Boys Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pule, Makua 47-6 Highland High
Ferguson, Riley 42-6 Highland High
Poole, Chandler 41-11 Campo Verde High School
Heaps, Jace 41-2 Highland High
Dale, Caden 39-6 Campo Verde High School
Joseph, Francis 39-3 Gilbert High School
Werner, Breyben 38-5 Gilbert High School
Nabrotzky, Luke 38-5 Highland High
Flores, Sergio 36-1.25 Gilbert High School
Towne, Reed 35-11 Highland High
Friedman, William 34-8 Gilbert Classical Academy
Montgomery, Ryker 33-5.5 Campo Verde High School
Wolf, Tytus 33-0 Campo Verde High School
Elias Paredes, Jose 31-6 Mesquite High School
Thorgerson, Maxwell 30-10 Desert Ridge High School
Hammond, Connor 30-6 Mesquite High School
Hakik, Koa 30-1 Gilbert High School
Crawford, Trenton 29-2.5 Desert Ridge High School
Wright, Xander 28-0.5 Desert Ridge High School
Carballo, Ian 27-8.25 Gilbert High School
Requenes, Jayden 27-6.5 Mesquite High School
Craig, Elijah 27-5 Desert Ridge High School
Reichert, Benjamin 26-10 Desert Ridge High School
Migliore, Joseph 25-3.5 Mesquite High School
Reid, Milo 23-4 Mesquite High School
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Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hopper, Toby 42-9 Mesquite High School
O'Connor, Jackson 41-7.25 Highland High
Miller, Tanner 39-5.5 Campo Verde High School
Amaya, Isaiah 39-1 Mesquite High School
Chapman, Luke 38-2 Campo Verde High School
Sumrall, Dallin 37-1 Gilbert High School
Davidson, Josiah 36-6 Campo Verde High School
Taye, Barkon 35-3 Desert Ridge High School
Miles, Clemmon 34-4 Mesquite High School
Lacayo, Tristan 34-3 Campo Verde High School
Holland, Matthew 33-6 Desert Ridge High School
Conover, Todd Highland High
Hernandez, Chris Campo Verde High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rigby, London Campo Verde High School
Ozturk, Gokce Gilbert Classical Academy
Ayoola, Zaria 12.68 Campo Verde High School
Schurger, Kaylin 13.22 Desert Ridge High School
Lin, Peityn 13.23 Campo Verde High School
Ferzacca, Emilee 13.25 Campo Verde High School
Allen, Camryn 13.26 Highland High
Cash, Kenzi 13.45 Campo Verde High School
Franks, Alexus 13.48 Desert Ridge High School
Denson, Asia 13.62 Highland High
Cockfield, Kameron 13.65 Desert Ridge High School
Lohman, Lucy 13.68 Mesquite High School
Taylor, Gabby 13.77 Highland High
Wong, Sophia 13.86 Gilbert Classical Academy
Keil, Tegan 14.04 Mesquite High School
Giustizia, Giulliana 14.09 Desert Ridge High School
Klauba, Kelsey 14.35 Gilbert Classical Academy
Schimpf, Anne 14.50 Mesquite High School
Hubbard, Dakota 14.57 Gilbert High School
Shannon, Jalynn 14.66 Mesquite High School
Saunders, Kaitlyn 14.68 Highland High
Sayarath, Megan 14.77 Highland High
Early, Mallory 14.84h Mesquite High School
Holbura, Abigail 15.02 Gilbert High School
Barthlolomew, Adelyn 15.29 Gilbert High School
Miles, Alexcia 15.57 Gilbert High School
Hammer, Corianna 15.69 Gilbert Classical Academy
Wu, Melanie 16.73 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cash, Kenzi 14.94 Campo Verde High School
Hester, Kate 16.58 Highland High
Ferzacca, Emilee 16.94 Campo Verde High School
Heywood, Tatum 18.06 Desert Ridge High School
Porter, Kiera 18.98 Highland High
Pettera, Emma 19.54 Desert Ridge High School
Johnson, Kiara 19.79 Gilbert Classical Academy
Chacon, Madison 19.94 Campo Verde High School
Kuenning, Hayley 20.16 Mesquite High School
Hironaka, Halle 20.47 Gilbert High School
Romero, Elizabeth 21.04h Mesquite High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Case, Kayla 5:10.83 Highland High
Jones, Clara 5:17.79 Campo Verde High School
Huempher, Audra 5:42.00h Highland High
Burger, Riley 5:43.33 Desert Ridge High School
Stubbs, Remi 5:44.91 Campo Verde High School
Mollenhauer, Kamryn 5:45.80h Highland High
Reising, Maddy 5:56.33 Campo Verde High School
Tuttle, Sydney 6:13.50h Highland High
Crandell, Kate 6:15.11 Gilbert High School
Ashdown, Camryn 6:15.97 Gilbert High School
Duggan, Keira 6:20.36 Desert Ridge High School
Sawyer, Abigail 6:29.57 Gilbert Classical Academy
Andrade-Cruz, Mia 6:29.62 Gilbert Classical Academy
Carrera, Sydney 6:30.35 Gilbert High School
Kuenning, Mikayla 6:41.21 Mesquite High School
Clark, Aubrey 6:45.97 Desert Ridge High School
Bailey, Amaya 6:46.47 Gilbert High School
Ham, Elena 6:48.72 Desert Ridge High School
Peterson, Casey 6:48.76 Desert Ridge High School
Venti, Sarena 6:50.23 Gilbert Classical Academy
Mendez, Desteny 6:59.67 Gilbert High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greer, Eleanor "Ellie" Highland High
Romero, Elizabeth Mesquite High School
Spindell, Lea 24.70 Campo Verde High School
Ayoola, Zaria 26.05 Campo Verde High School
Kindle, Ella 27.03 Campo Verde High School
Ferzacca, Emilee 27.26 Campo Verde High School
Lin, Peityn 27.37 Campo Verde High School
Denson, Asia 27.80 Highland High
Schurger, Kaylin 27.90 Desert Ridge High School
Kloepping, Payton 28.50 Gilbert Classical Academy
Franks, Alexus 28.50 Desert Ridge High School
Cockfield, Kameron 28.75 Desert Ridge High School
Emmert, Zoey 28.88 Gilbert Classical Academy
Giustizia, Giulliana 29.91 Desert Ridge High School
Keil, Tegan 30.11 Mesquite High School
Saunders, Kaitlyn 30.22 Highland High
Johnson, Skyla 30.30 Mesquite High School
Schimpf, Anne 30.49 Mesquite High School
Sayarath, Megan 30.96 Highland High
Stephens, Ava 32.23 Gilbert High School
Barthlolomew, Adelyn 32.72 Gilbert High School
Smith, Ava 33.03 Gilbert High School
Miles, Alexcia 33.47 Gilbert High School
Kostura, Sage 35.34h Mesquite High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kuenning, Hayley 1:05.11 Mesquite High School
Smith, Isabella 1:08.83 Gilbert Classical Academy
Cash, Kenzi 47.01 Campo Verde High School
Ferzacca, Emilee 50.64 Campo Verde High School
Hester, Kate 51.11 Highland High
Taylor, Gabby 51.83 Highland High
Johnson, Kiara 52.77 Gilbert Classical Academy
Heywood, Tatum 52.81 Desert Ridge High School
Porter, Kiera 54.59 Highland High
Emmert, Zoey 55.89 Gilbert Classical Academy
Pettera, Emma 56.35 Desert Ridge High School
Hironaka, Halle 56.75 Gilbert High School
Romero, Elizabeth 57.48 Mesquite High School
Chacon, Madison 58.73 Campo Verde High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schlink, Lindsay 11:37.06 Highland High
Swenson, Ellie 13:34.50 Highland High
Tuttle, Sydney 13:46.70 Highland High
Kennedy, Madelinne 14:27.02 Gilbert High School
Venti, Sarena 14:40.21 Gilbert Classical Academy
Katsurayama, Sofia 14:43.35 Campo Verde High School
Smith, Isabella 17:36.84 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Early, Mallory Mesquite High School
McRae, Breann Highland High
Lin, Peityn Campo Verde High School
Schimpf, Anne Mesquite High School
Delancey, Camryn 1:00.50h Highland High
Hurtado, Bianca 1:00.79 Campo Verde High School
Baugh, Cloe 1:00.80h Highland High
Kindle, Ella 1:02.70 Campo Verde High School
Sistak, Kara 1:04.16 Campo Verde High School
Mantanona, Elizabeth 1:04.28 Desert Ridge High School
Slater, Charli 1:05.07 Mesquite High School
Emmert, Zoey 1:05.23 Gilbert Classical Academy
Lohman, Lucy 1:06.73 Mesquite High School
Hyer, Aubree 1:07.01 Desert Ridge High School
Denson, Asia 1:07.22 Highland High
Trejo, Taci 1:07.27 Desert Ridge High School
Ulrickson, Heidi 1:07.35 Gilbert Classical Academy
Shannon, Jalynn 1:09.78 Mesquite High School
Perry, Taylor 1:10.93 Gilbert Classical Academy
Thomas, Helen 1:12.47 Gilbert Classical Academy
Ferguson, Lily 1:12.64 Gilbert High School
Stephens, Ava 1:12.98 Gilbert High School
Smith, Ava 1:17.67 Gilbert High School
Spindell, Lea 55.83 Campo Verde High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.80 Mesquite High School
Relay Team A 52.88 Desert Ridge High School
Relay Team A 55.29 Gilbert Classical Academy
Relay Team A 58.00 Gilbert High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:58.15 Campo Verde High School
Relay Team A 3:58.98 Highland High
Relay Team A 4:31.57 Desert Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:35.84 Mesquite High School
Relay Team A 4:43.90 Gilbert Classical Academy
Relay Team A 4:45.00h Gilbert High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:06.50 Campo Verde High School
Relay Team A 11:05.66 Gilbert High School
Relay Team A 11:37.13 Gilbert Classical Academy
Relay Team A 9:32.71 Highland High
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Girls 800 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baugh, Emma 2:17.11 Highland High
Hurtado, Bianca 2:24.69 Campo Verde High School
Sistak, Kara 2:29.78 Campo Verde High School
Stubbs, Remi 2:29.79 Campo Verde High School
Fetsco, Sarah 2:37.63 Highland High
Syring, Erin 2:38.43 Campo Verde High School
Reising, Maddy 2:44.22 Campo Verde High School
Hoopes, Abby 2:45.80h Highland High
Fetsco, Savannah 2:49.03 Highland High
Kloepping, Payton 2:51.56 Gilbert Classical Academy
Kuenning, Mikayla 2:54.29 Mesquite High School
Adcock, Makenzie 2:58.43 Gilbert Classical Academy
Bailey, Amaya 3:07.21 Gilbert High School
Mendez, Desteny 3:09.82 Gilbert High School
Schnepf, Emmalene 3:36.39 Gilbert High School
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Girls Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Montgomery, Brooklyn 154-6 Campo Verde High School
Dallas, Maddie 98-3 Highland High
Mckendrick, Laura 83-2 Highland High
Laughter, Ciana 82-1 Campo Verde High School
Hogan, Ella 79-9 Gilbert High School
Krizan, Sadie 75-1 Campo Verde High School
Seelye, Gwen 69-9 Campo Verde High School
Hubbard, Dakota 69-1 Gilbert High School
Murphy, Madison 67-0 Campo Verde High School
Cristobal, Maria-Felicia 64-6 Gilbert Classical Academy
Johnston, Madelyn 60-8.5 Mesquite High School
Uribe, Chloe 60-2 Gilbert High School
Jones, Anais 60-0 Desert Ridge High School
Kobylinski, Abrielle 58-1 Desert Ridge High School
Stusen, Sarabella 56-4 Gilbert High School
Hubbard, Harley 54-7 Gilbert High School
McCarthy, Madison 53-6 Desert Ridge High School
Corkhill, Tae 51-4 Highland High
Bonaney, Polanges 45-5 Mesquite High School
Medina, Alexandria 44-6 Gilbert Classical Academy
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Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hofmann, Bella 5-4 Campo Verde High School
Rigby, London 5-1 Campo Verde High School
Simmons, Leighton 4-10 Campo Verde High School
Taylor, Gabby 4-10 Highland High
Katsanos, Alexandra 4-8 Gilbert Classical Academy
Smith, Sadie 4-8 Highland High
Scott, Rylie 4-7 Highland High
Hammer, Corianna 4-6 Gilbert Classical Academy
Leavitt, Rachel 4-6 Highland High
Hurst, Aubry 4-4 Desert Ridge High School
Hubbard, Dakota 4-4 Gilbert High School
Hubbard, Harley 4-4 Gilbert High School
Rogers, Mabry 4-4 Highland High
Holbura, Abigail 4-0 Gilbert High School
Johnston, Madelyn 3-10 Mesquite High School
Johns, Jacqueline Desert Ridge High School
Theurer, Sofie Campo Verde High School
Barnwell, Sienna Campo Verde High School
Pettera, Emma Desert Ridge High School
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Girls Javelin 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seelye, Gwen 117-2 Campo Verde High School
Barnwell, Sienna 107-4 Campo Verde High School
Poulson, Mindy 96-2 Campo Verde High School
Mckendrick, Laura 93-7 Highland High
Saenz-Rivas, Ava 93-3 Gilbert High School
Gurnani, Rhiana 90-4 Campo Verde High School
Spencer, Maclyn 88-0 Highland High
Stinn, Chloe 84-10 Campo Verde High School
Littau, Ava 74-9 Gilbert High School
Stusen, Sarabella 73-2 Gilbert High School
Hunsacker, Shylee 69-10 Highland High
Johnston, Madelyn 69-8 Mesquite High School
Volland, Olivia 68-5 Gilbert Classical Academy
Cattron, Victoria 61-1 Highland High
Hubbard, Harley 61-0 Gilbert High School
Medina, Alexandria 51-3 Gilbert Classical Academy
Wu, Melanie 34-4 Gilbert Classical Academy
Mitchell, Amirah 18-1 Mesquite High School
Cristobal, Maria-Felicia Gilbert Classical Academy
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Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hofmann, Bella 17-9 Campo Verde High School
Rigby, London 17-4.5 Campo Verde High School
Simmons, Leighton 15-5.75 Campo Verde High School
Hitchings, Ashlyn 14-11 Campo Verde High School
Keil, Tegan 14-10.75 Mesquite High School
Boulton, Sadie 14-10.5 Campo Verde High School
Crotts, Kayla 14-9.5 Highland High
Johnson, Skyla 14-8.75 Mesquite High School
Giustizia, Giulliana 14-6 Desert Ridge High School
Trejo, Taci 13-2.75 Desert Ridge High School
Barthlolomew, Adelyn 13-1.5 Gilbert High School
Johns, Jacqueline 12-11.5 Desert Ridge High School
Salisbury, Kaela 12-8 Mesquite High School
Russell, Madilyn 12-3 Mesquite High School
Franks, Alexus Desert Ridge High School
Ozturk, Gokce Gilbert Classical Academy
Roberts, Brooklyn Highland High
Walls, Taytum Desert Ridge High School
Bland, Maibri Highland High
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mesa, Keira 10-4 Campo Verde High School
Baum, Presley 9-6 Campo Verde High School
Flores, Jordyn 7-3 Mesquite High School
Gurnani, Rhiana 7-1 Campo Verde High School
Johnson, Skyla 7-0 Mesquite High School
Bland, Maibri 7-0 Highland High
Cannon, Savanna 6-9 Highland High
Driggs, Charity 6-0 Highland High
Lamborn, Julia "Jules" 6-0 Highland High
Kostura, Sage Mesquite High School
Keefer, Erin Mesquite High School
Garcia, Marissa Campo Verde High School
Stinn, Chloe Campo Verde High School
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Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Montgomery, Brooklyn 37-5.75 Campo Verde High School
Seelye, Gwen 29-2.5 Campo Verde High School
Cristobal, Maria-Felicia 26-11 Gilbert Classical Academy
Spencer, Maclyn 25-6 Highland High
Murphy, Madison 25-0.25 Campo Verde High School
Bonaney, Polanges 24-4.5 Mesquite High School
Dallas, Maddie 24-2.5 Highland High
Laughter, Ciana 23-10 Campo Verde High School
Johnston, Madelyn 23-8 Mesquite High School
Volland, Olivia 23-1.5 Gilbert Classical Academy
Cattron, Victoria 22-10 Highland High
Hunsacker, Shylee 21-1 Highland High
Wu, Melanie 20-10 Gilbert Classical Academy
Stusen, Sarabella 20-7 Gilbert High School
Saenz-Rivas, Ava 18-9.5 Gilbert High School
Uribe, Chloe 18-1.5 Gilbert High School
McCarthy, Madison 17-1 Desert Ridge High School
Garcia, Ana 16-10.5 Gilbert High School
Krizan, Sadie Campo Verde High School
Penunuri, Ilse Gilbert Classical Academy
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Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hofmann, Bella 36-6 Campo Verde High School
Crotts, Kayla 30-10.5 Highland High
Simmons, Leighton 30-6.5 Campo Verde High School
Boulton, Sadie 30-4.25 Campo Verde High School
Johnson, Skyla 28-10.25 Mesquite High School
Barthlolomew, Adelyn 28-8 Gilbert High School
Johns, Jacqueline 27-0.75 Desert Ridge High School
Russell, Madilyn 27-0.5 Mesquite High School
Bland, Maibri Highland High
Kindle, Eden Campo Verde High School
Knox, Cayman Campo Verde High School
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