The Gatorade Company with collaboration from ESPN Rise has named Brian Shrader (Sr., Sinagua High School) and Jessica Tonn (Sr., Xavier College Prep) Gatorade Players of the Year for Arizona. The award is given to a player who not only shows excellence in their sport but also in the classroom. The athlete must also show strong character on and off the course.
Both Shrader and Tonn were undefeated in Arizona the last two cross country seasons and both are receiving the award for cross country for the second time.
During the 2009 cross country season Shrader won the Queen Creek Twilight Meet, the 4A II
Grand Canyon Regionals and the Arizona State Meet with the fastest time of the day. Shrader headed to Mt. Sac in Walnut California winning the Foot Locker West Regionals and earning a place on the National team for the second time. A week later he placed 5th at Foot Locker Nationals. Shrader heads to Oregon in the fall to begin his collegiate running career.
Tonn won the George Young Invitational, the Scottsdale Running Company CC Festival Invite, the Queen Creek Twilight Meet, the Fiesta Regionals and the Arizona State Meet, breaking the State Meet course record. Tonn placed 5th at Foot Locker West earning her 4th trip to Foot Locker Nationals where she placed 13th. Tonn heads to Stanford in the fall.