Nike Desert Twilight Festival 2018

Casa Grande, AZ

Nike Desert Twilight Festival 2018 vs Desert Twilight XC Festival 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +682 4502 3820
Overall Average +38.59 22:41.88 22:03.29
1st-10th Place -15.49 14:56.84 15:12.33
1st-25th Place -7.06 15:20.67 15:27.74
1st-50th Place -8.14 15:35.84 15:43.98
1st-100th Place -9.52 15:53.68 16:03.20
Common Athletes -- -- 828
Ran Faster 416 623 207
Ran Season Best 32 388 356
Average Time -1:02.64 20:44.29 21:46.93
Median Time -1:08.80 19:53.20 21:02.00
Middle 80% Times -1:03.02 20:19.20 21:22.23
Top 10% Times -53.04 16:14.58 17:07.62
Top 25% Times -59.81 16:55.15 17:54.96
Top 50% Times -1:07.31 17:52.85 19:00.16
Bottom 50% Times -57.97 23:35.73 24:33.70
Bottom 25% Times -59.16 25:56.74 26:55.89
Bottom 10% Times -1:09.09 28:37.89 29:46.98
Average Difference -1:02.41 -- --
Median Difference -1:33.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:02.06 -- --
Top 10% Difference -36.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:00.10 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.67 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:00.10 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:04.63 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:13.02 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:31.85 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Leo Daschbach Highland High -2:28.40 14:52.60 17:21.00
Lee Nasewytewa Desert Vista High School -1:39.40 15:15.90 16:55.30
Cal Banta Air Academy High School -9.90 15:31.90 15:41.80
Braedon Palmer Sunrise Mountain High School -1:11.70 15:33.20 16:44.90
Hunter Krasa Mountain Ridge High School -2:24.90 15:33.30 17:58.20
Kenny Edwards Campo Verde High School -1:00.00 15:35.60 16:35.60
Sammy Van Alstine Desert Vista High School -1:22.20 15:35.80 16:58.00
Elias Perez El Paso Eastwood -2:15.20 15:37.20 17:52.40
John Moroney Silver Creek High School -1:08.20 15:37.70 16:45.90
Connor Heron Desert Mountain High School -2:16.80 15:39.20 17:56.00
Kyle Partin Marana High School -1:45.40 15:41.60 17:27.00
Juan Olmos El Paso Eastwood -1:24.10 15:42.80 17:06.90
Kayn Quinones El Paso Eastwood -47.30 15:44.80 16:32.10
Brandon Seagreaves El Paso Cathedral -8.80 15:47.50 15:56.30
Jordan Black North Phoenix Prep -51.90 15:50.10 16:42.00
Jose Acuna Brophy College Preparatory -19.20 15:54.70 16:13.90
Caden Resendez Highland High -1:34.00 15:56.00 17:30.00
Jacob Block Basha High School -1:04.60 15:56.50 17:01.10
Anekin Hetman Brophy College Preparatory -18.10 15:57.50 16:15.60
Matthew Mettler Air Academy High School -1:44.10 15:59.00 17:43.10
Deshawn Malone Mesa Mountain View High School -2:25.50 16:00.30 18:25.80
Ethan Abbs Air Academy High School -1:49.60 16:00.90 17:50.50
Mateo Borrego Buena High School -1:04.50 16:01.70 17:06.20
Isaiah Hunyumptewa Chinle High School -42.70 16:01.80 16:44.50
Travis Kearney Desert Vista High School -23.00 16:03.00 16:26.00
Kyle Miller Desert Mountain High School -2:16.90 16:03.10 18:20.00
Dallin Archibald Highland High -59.60 16:03.40 17:03.00
William Ledden Peak to Peak Charter School -1:52.60 16:04.80 17:57.40
Aris Valerio Murrieta Mesa (SS) -2:00.70 16:05.40 18:06.10
Henry Terhaar Silver Creek High School -53.40 16:07.60 17:01.00
Eddie Gallegos El Paso Eastwood -1:21.20 16:08.20 17:29.40
Micah Chitraroff Murrieta Mesa (SS) -57.30 16:11.70 17:09.00
Christian Tamura Campo Verde High School -57.00 16:13.60 17:10.60
Brycen Brown Horizon High School -1:29.30 16:13.70 17:43.00
Gavin Vogt Hamilton High School -55.00 16:14.90 17:09.90
Noah Harry Vista Grande High School -1:14.20 16:16.30 17:30.50
William Ryan-johnson Pinnacle High School -18.00 16:16.40 16:34.40
Ethan Monarski Peak to Peak Charter School -1:36.10 16:16.90 17:53.00
Brandon Bounds Northland Preparatory Academy -55.20 16:17.00 17:12.20
Micah Stanton Northland Preparatory Academy -3:41.20 16:19.30 20:00.50
Xoaquin Baca Catalina Foothills High School -57.10 16:19.30 17:16.40
Nathaniel Marshall Murrieta Mesa (SS) -1:58.30 16:19.70 18:18.00
Jihad Nodman Hopi High School -17.20 16:21.10 16:38.30
Tatum Jelleberg Skyline High School -2:32.00 16:23.00 18:55.00
Zach Gomez Queen Creek High School -2:14.80 16:23.20 18:38.00
Ryan Dempsey Hamilton High School -1:50.80 16:23.50 18:14.30
Sam Green Highland High -1:57.70 16:24.30 18:22.00
Joey Fausel Pinnacle High School -1:30.20 16:24.70 17:54.90
Zach Johnson Corona del Sol High School -2:18.00 16:25.00 18:43.00
Joseph Riddle Shadow Ridge High School -47.10 16:25.10 17:12.20
Justin Hager Peak to Peak Charter School -2:44.60 16:25.10 19:09.70
James Craig Cardon Perry High School -27.30 16:25.60 16:52.90
Brayan Barajas Piedra Vista High School +2:10.40 18:38.00 16:27.60
Denton Hardt Queen Creek High School -57.40 16:27.60 17:25.00
Cole Havens Murrieta Mesa (SS) -1:20.20 16:27.80 17:48.00
Aaron Simien Tuba City High School -35.50 16:28.40 17:03.90
Daniel Kirkland Casteel -1:46.90 16:29.10 18:16.00
Zac Whaley Campo Verde High School -11.30 16:29.20 16:40.50
Alex Graham Mountain Pointe High School -24.10 16:30.70 16:54.80
Demetrius Daw Tuba City High School -3.10 16:31.10 16:34.20
Kade Saunders Highland High -1:04.00 16:31.80 17:35.80
Dylan Oliver Silver Creek High School -1:03.70 16:33.00 17:36.70
Jacob Doest Skyline High School -2:29.90 16:33.10 19:03.00
Cole Beasley Peak to Peak Charter School -1:15.20 16:33.80 17:49.00
Konrad Marais Anthem Preparatory Academy -2:15.00 16:34.00 18:49.00
Johnson Farrell Tuba City High School +27.40 17:01.50 16:34.10
Nick Shank Vista Grande High School -3:12.40 16:35.20 19:47.60
Alex Service Boulder Creek High School -1:41.30 16:35.30 18:16.60
Jason Morse Murrieta Valley (SS) -25.20 16:36.80 17:02.00
Bryan Mendez Gila Ridge High School -57.20 16:36.90 17:34.10
Zachary Frisch Mesa Mountain View High School -42.50 16:37.50 17:20.00
Johnny Pershing Catalina Foothills High School -38.80 16:37.90 17:16.70
Conner Dosmann Arizona College Prep -50.50 16:38.00 17:28.50
Cody Patrick Murrieta Valley (SS) -46.10 16:38.90 17:25.00
Gavin King Perry High School +6.00 16:45.60 16:39.60
Hayden Anderson Northland Preparatory Academy -39.80 16:39.60 17:19.40
Dan Darnell Hamilton High School -1:23.80 16:40.20 18:04.00
Ethan Perrin Empire High -1:51.40 16:41.40 18:32.80
Luke Mcgowan Cactus Shadows High School -6.00 16:41.60 16:47.60
Kyle Shirley Casteel -1:19.00 16:42.20 18:01.20
Dartagnian Mogler Poston Butte -3:32.80 16:44.20 20:17.00
Joseph Carlson Casa Grande Union High School -2:13.50 16:44.50 18:58.00
Gabriel Garcia Chandler High School +1.60 16:47.70 16:46.10
Juan Hernandez Salpointe Catholic High School +1:10.50 17:57.10 16:46.60
Marcus Behling Perry High School -1:39.50 16:46.70 18:26.20
Dalton Sonnenberg Liberty High School -2:28.30 16:47.70 19:16.00
Ivan Rakich Cienega High School -2:08.10 16:48.00 18:56.10
Gabriel Gonzales Pueblo Magnet High School -55.30 16:49.90 17:45.20
Gabriel Mogollon Rincon University High School +20.10 17:10.00 16:49.90
Dominic Arellano Corona del Sol High School -1:41.80 16:50.20 18:32.00
Ethan Lacey Piedra Vista High School -3:36.40 16:51.60 20:28.00
Luke Edgewater Winslow High School +53.70 17:45.60 16:51.90
David Hermosillo Valley Vista High School -2:17.70 16:53.30 19:11.00
Chalen Lozano Marana High School -1:03.40 16:54.60 17:58.00
Andy Richardson Buena High School -1:29.60 16:55.70 18:25.30
Brandon Moreno Rio Rico High School -1:31.10 16:55.90 18:27.00
Kyle Blunt Chandler Preparatory Academy -1:17.40 16:56.40 18:13.80
Connor Anderson Desert Mountain High School -2:09.20 16:56.40 19:05.60
Geoffrey Grossthal Valley Christian High School -57.20 16:56.80 17:54.00
Zach Beckner Northwest Christian High -1:04.80 16:58.20 18:03.00
Ben Cunningham Peak to Peak Charter School -1:18.40 16:59.20 18:17.60
Wilbert Esquivel Salpointe Catholic High School -1:00.30 16:59.50 17:59.80
Nalzheii Lonetree Northland Preparatory Academy +22.70 17:22.40 16:59.70
Quinn McConnell Peak to Peak Charter School -12.80 17:00.10 17:12.90
Jake Dalton Highland High -1:23.90 17:00.10 18:24.00
Jack Magtibay Cactus Shadows High School -4.60 17:00.30 17:04.90
Nico Merickel Pinnacle High School -1.70 17:00.40 17:02.10
Justin James Valley High School (Sanders) -1:16.60 17:00.50 18:17.10
Abi Archer Chaparral High School -29.70 17:01.30 17:31.00
Isaac Simien Tuba City High School +16.70 17:18.50 17:01.80
Ethan Howard Skyline High School -9.00 17:02.20 17:11.20
Cade Thomas Cherokee Trail High School -2:03.70 17:02.30 19:06.00
Cristian Chavira Catalina Foothills High School -2:30.00 17:03.30 19:33.30
Vincent Larente Desert Vista High School -2:30.90 17:04.10 19:35.00
Benjamin Thomas Salpointe Catholic High School -2:45.40 17:04.60 19:50.00
Logan Van Otteson Piedra Vista High School -46.60 17:05.50 17:52.10
Ryan Taylor Chandler High School -18.90 17:05.80 17:24.70
Nicolo Perciballi Desert Vista High School -1:48.60 17:06.40 18:55.00
Ben Waggener Arcadia High School -1:40.10 17:06.40 18:46.50
Jacob Urrea Safford High School -1:46.00 17:08.00 18:54.00
Mac Jones Campo Verde High School -2:06.40 17:08.60 19:15.00
Gunner Garcia Chandler High School +54.40 18:03.20 17:08.80
Avery Dylla Ironwood Ridge High School -1:40.60 17:09.40 18:50.00
Michael Fairbanks Skyline High School -3:58.70 17:09.60 21:08.30
Cody Butler Hamilton High School -20.00 17:10.20 17:30.20
Graham Farnsworth Casteel -2:34.20 17:10.20 19:44.40
Dewayne Laban Hopi High School -29.70 17:10.70 17:40.40
Ryan Milano Pinnacle High School -1:25.50 17:11.00 18:36.50
Jesse Stone Sunrise Mountain High School -1:35.80 17:11.20 18:47.00
Tanner Meeks Cherokee Trail High School -35.30 17:11.80 17:47.10
Max Rogers Red Mountain High School -3:26.40 17:11.80 20:38.20
Noah Werbelow Desert Vista High School -1:37.10 17:11.90 18:49.00
Jacob Geiselhofer Cactus Shadows High School -1:06.40 17:12.10 18:18.50
Jose Valtierra Kofa High School -1:14.80 17:12.20 18:27.00
Zack Beall Brophy College Preparatory -2:16.20 17:12.30 19:28.50
Samuel Lipsom Saguaro High School -3:59.50 17:12.50 21:12.00
Matt Judd Mesa Mountain View High School -52.70 17:13.30 18:06.00
Jacob Gunderson Mesa Mountain View High School -1:44.50 17:13.90 18:58.40
Carson Zych Basha High School -1:37.60 17:14.50 18:52.10
Caleb Venjohn Corona del Sol High School -1:37.40 17:14.60 18:52.00
Adrian Veruete-Maya St. Michael's High School +30.60 17:46.80 17:16.20
David Ordaz Perez Apollo High School -13.60 17:16.40 17:30.00
Liam Hasty Mountain Pointe High School -3:25.60 17:17.40 20:43.00
Matthew Whitehouse Brophy College Preparatory -30.00 17:18.40 17:48.40
Masen Hofmann Red Mountain High School -1:52.20 17:18.80 19:11.00
Caroline Mcleskey Highland High -1:00.90 17:19.10 18:20.00
Alejandro Montano Agua Fria High School -1:08.70 17:19.30 18:28.00
Jesus Padilla North Canyon High School +9.70 17:29.40 17:19.70
Daniel Kniss Red Mountain High School -2:11.30 17:19.70 19:31.00
Adrian Gonzales Pueblo Magnet High School -1:22.90 17:19.80 18:42.70
Samantha Schadler Rio Rico High School -7.20 17:19.90 17:27.10
Jan Fortunato Cibola High School -1:38.40 17:20.00 18:58.40
Ben Reidhead Campo Verde High School +1:37.50 18:57.80 17:20.30
Marshall Hammond Highland High -2:20.50 17:20.80 19:41.30
Jason Dylla Ironwood Ridge High School -2:39.10 17:20.90 20:00.00
Rohin Joshi Cherokee Trail High School -1:51.10 17:21.80 19:12.90
Carter Giambri Skyline High School -1:08.50 17:22.70 18:31.20
Noah Emmerling Cienega High School -4:18.30 17:23.30 21:41.60
Jordan Mares Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -3:03.10 17:23.90 20:27.00
Jesus Vega Rio Rico High School -4.90 17:24.60 17:29.50
David Merrill Sandra Day O Connor High School -58.10 17:24.90 18:23.00
Mark Field Gilbert Christian High School -41.90 17:25.50 18:07.40
Jarrell Singer Chinle High School -45.20 17:25.90 18:11.10
Justin Taylor Chandler High School -1:58.30 17:26.70 19:25.00
Mathew Miller Chaparral High School -2:26.80 17:27.20 19:54.00
Alec Kramarczyk Maricopa High School -32.50 17:27.50 18:00.00
Alessandro Soto Marana Mountain View High School -48.00 17:28.00 18:16.00
Andrew Pfutzenreuter Horizon High School -1:02.30 17:28.70 18:31.00
Xavier Rodriguez Deer Valley High School -7.60 17:29.90 17:37.50
Adam Hauck Hamilton High School -51.70 17:30.50 18:22.20
Luis Acuna Esquivel Dysart High School -8:59.40 17:30.60 26:30.00
Steven Baker Hopi High School +33.10 18:04.50 17:31.40
Jonathan Hewings Rincon University High School +27.10 17:58.60 17:31.50
Michael Pooley Skyline High School -18.40 17:31.70 17:50.10
Dermot Broderick Mountain Ridge High School -3:50.70 17:32.30 21:23.00
Conner Zook Corona del Sol High School -1:14.50 17:32.50 18:47.00
Ceth Reeves Desert Vista High School -1:13.80 17:32.70 18:46.50
Reichen Cooke Show Low High School -1:41.60 17:35.40 19:17.00
Rocco Berbetti North Phoenix Prep -1:43.80 17:36.20 19:20.00
Morgan Foster Chandler High School +31.90 18:08.30 17:36.40
Dana Crist Perry High School -1:27.50 17:36.50 19:04.00
Alex Linford Basha High School -2:36.90 17:37.20 20:14.10
Kent Garner Highland High -1:17.30 17:38.70 18:56.00
Bryan Nunez Red Mountain High School +3:00.10 20:38.90 17:38.80
Erik Salas Apache Junction High School -1:07.30 17:38.80 18:46.10
Griffin Calfee Chandler Preparatory Academy -46.10 17:38.90 18:25.00
Andres Marquez El Paso Eastwood +3.50 17:43.00 17:39.50
Benjamin Adames Independence High School -10.60 17:39.60 17:50.20
Caleb Rayman Cienega High School -4:44.90 17:40.10 22:25.00
Matthew Diaz Salpointe Catholic High School -1:24.20 17:41.10 19:05.30
Tatum Miller Air Academy High School +4.10 17:46.40 17:42.30
Kyle Havey Perry High School -44.10 17:42.70 18:26.80
Stephen Dilley Dobson High School +36.00 18:19.00 17:43.00
Evan Kamp Catalina Foothills High School -3:22.70 17:43.30 21:06.00
Eryk Mejia Marana High School -1:53.40 17:43.90 19:37.30
Eric Lin Brophy College Preparatory -3.90 17:44.00 17:47.90
Tanner Lattie Sunrise Mountain High School -1:45.30 17:44.70 19:30.00
Elliott Vanderploeg Red Mountain High School -1:36.90 17:44.70 19:21.60
Abraham Cruz El Paso Eastwood -4:18.50 17:45.00 22:03.50
Alex Villalobos Desert View High School -1:56.40 17:45.60 19:42.00
Josh Camberg Seton Catholic High School -2:02.80 17:45.90 19:48.70
Ray Ricardes Tolleson Union High School +1:21.80 19:07.80 17:46.00
Sahure Amenemhet Pinon High School -1:07.20 17:46.70 18:53.90
Paul Gonzales North Canyon High School -3:00.20 17:46.80 20:47.00
Grant Montierth Safford High School -2:53.80 17:47.90 20:41.70
Christian Bert Pinon High School +52.40 18:40.30 17:47.90
Luis Chavez Trevor G. Browne High School -2:20.30 17:48.00 20:08.30
Ryan Gomez Red Mountain High School -4:42.50 17:48.50 22:31.00
Hayden Estrella Sahuaro High School -1:51.60 17:48.60 19:40.20
Kellen Chipman Chandler High School -2:02.80 17:49.20 19:52.00
Konnor Cormier Douglas High -2:05.20 17:49.20 19:54.40
Anna Shults Peak to Peak Charter School -10.40 17:49.50 17:59.90
Samuel Anderson Perry High School -1:06.50 17:49.50 18:56.00
Zackary Zertuche Prescott High School -1.40 17:49.80 17:51.20
Colin Zurek Casteel -1:49.10 17:50.10 19:39.20
Bryant Navasie Winslow High School -2:22.20 17:51.80 20:14.00
Josh Lafontaine Window Rock High School -1:32.90 17:52.60 19:25.50
Credence Jones Northland Preparatory Academy -51.30 17:52.70 18:44.00
Aeden Szopinski Boulder Creek High School +1:05.40 18:58.70 17:53.30
Marshall Smith Desert Vista High School -31.10 17:54.20 18:25.30
Addison Belnap Mesa Mountain View High School -3:41.30 17:55.70 21:37.00
Ryan Sparks Hamilton High School -0.90 17:56.60 17:57.50
Carter Homan Cactus Shadows High School +0.70 17:57.70 17:57.00
Ryan Crockett Highland High -1:33.90 17:57.70 19:31.60
Michael Rubio -2:50.60 17:57.80 20:48.40
Phoenix Swiacki Chino Valley High School -1:38.30 17:58.00 19:36.30
Tristan Munalem Shadow Ridge High School -1:24.20 17:58.10 19:22.30
Kristian Zwiers Catalina Foothills High School -49.00 17:58.10 18:47.10
Caal Figueroa Highland High -3:13.60 17:58.40 21:12.00
Aidan Johansson Shadow Ridge High School -2:42.40 17:58.60 20:41.00
Chase Radloff Mesquite High School -2:12.00 17:59.00 20:11.00
Bobby Coss Shadow Ridge High School -3:13.90 17:59.10 21:13.00
Alan Winter Shadow Ridge High School -2:59.10 17:59.20 20:58.30
Dominic Gutierrez Safford High School -3.90 17:59.50 18:03.40
Mark Albisu Verrado High School -2:22.90 18:00.10 20:23.00
Micah Rothenberger Westwood High School -1:35.20 18:00.80 19:36.00
Christian Andersen Liberty High School +18.60 18:19.60 18:01.00
Jaden Dulesky Cibola High School -1:36.00 18:01.00 19:37.00
Andrew Logan Hamilton High School +5:44.20 23:45.30 18:01.10
Damian Pastran El Paso Eastwood -1:00.40 18:01.50 19:01.90
Ethan Overson Highland High -1:12.00 18:02.20 19:14.20
Christian Zendejas Verrado High School -56.60 18:02.40 18:59.00
Nathaniel Sullivan Northland Preparatory Academy -1:50.30 18:03.70 19:54.00
Chaston Smith Sandra Day O Connor High School -2:29.60 18:04.40 20:34.00
Russell Baker Snowflake High School -2:48.80 18:05.20 20:54.00
Jackson Kayser Mountain Pointe High School -2:44.60 18:05.40 20:50.00
Luc Gillemette -47.40 18:05.50 18:52.90
Trey Tracy St. Michael Indian School -55.20 18:05.80 19:01.00
Ivan Duran Dobson High School -1:28.40 18:06.60 19:35.00
Scott Johnston Mesquite High School -2:44.20 18:06.80 20:51.00
Cameron Dietrich Shadow Ridge High School -4:38.50 18:07.50 22:46.00
Nehemiah Johnson Alchesay High School -1:28.00 18:08.00 19:36.00
Mia Olsen Xavier College Preparatory -37.90 18:08.20 18:46.10
Andy Puig Rio Rico High School -29.70 18:08.30 18:38.00
Grace Driskill Rincon University High School -1:09.10 18:12.00 19:21.10
Brady O'gara Brophy College Preparatory -2:34.30 18:12.10 20:46.40
Tiana Bradfield Peak to Peak Charter School +6.40 18:19.20 18:12.80
Tim Cody Brophy College Preparatory -36.80 18:12.90 18:49.70
Paige Embaugh Air Academy High School -1:40.30 18:13.50 19:53.80
Aliandra Upshaw St. Michael Indian School -32.80 18:13.60 18:46.40
Autry Lomahongva Pinon High School +1:14.80 19:28.80 18:14.00
Tomas Martin Chandler High School -3:18.50 18:14.10 21:32.60
Ryan Hickman Desert Vista High School +1:09.10 19:24.30 18:15.20
Damian Lopez Cienega High School +1:14.30 19:29.50 18:15.20
Brendan Torres Empire High -1:14.40 18:16.60 19:31.00
Dante Deanda Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -1:48.10 18:16.90 20:05.00
Aidan Mcguire Brophy College Preparatory -1:44.00 18:17.00 20:01.00
Precious Robinson Pinon High School -3:07.50 18:17.50 21:25.00
Daniel Delgado Rio Rico High School +16.70 18:34.70 18:18.00
Sean Furey +1:31.90 19:50.10 18:18.20
Braden Watkins Red Mountain High School -2:58.90 18:19.10 21:18.00
Caleb Crook Marana Mountain View High School -3.20 18:19.80 18:23.00
Ethan Whitman Higley High School -1:49.70 18:20.30 20:10.00
Mario Weiler Marana Mountain View High School -1:14.40 18:20.60 19:35.00
Tiaree Towler Chaparral High School -2:31.10 18:20.80 20:51.90
Roman Valdivia Douglas High -58.40 18:21.00 19:19.40
Jonas Valdez Perry High School -2:48.90 18:21.10 21:10.00
Josh Peterson Boulder Creek High School -0.80 18:21.30 18:22.10
Matthew Barney Veritas Preparatory Academy -1:26.30 18:21.50 19:47.80
Trenton Lundin Campo Verde High School -1:01.30 18:22.10 19:23.40
Caitlin Billman Murrieta Valley (SS) -55.90 18:23.10 19:19.00
Jesus Barba Gila Ridge High School -3:14.40 18:23.60 21:38.00
Lucas Young Desert Vista High School -3:19.40 18:23.60 21:43.00
Tim Curly Westwood High School -3:17.90 18:24.10 21:42.00
Joel Behnke Cherokee Trail High School -2:06.60 18:24.70 20:31.30
Chase Lushia Empire High -1:12.20 18:25.80 19:38.00
Andrea Suciu Greenway High School -2:45.20 18:25.90 21:11.10
Logan Bridge Corona del Sol High School +14.10 18:40.30 18:26.20
Michael Johnson Basha High School +2:37.90 21:04.20 18:26.30
Ryles Holiday Monument Valley High School -2:28.50 18:26.50 20:55.00
Ronnie Sabatino Sahuaro High School -2:13.60 18:26.60 20:40.20
Caleb Kettring Casteel -2:28.90 18:26.70 20:55.60
Jacob Clendening Vista Grande High School -2:03.00 18:27.60 20:30.60
Connor Lamb Canyon Del Oro High School -1:10.80 18:28.20 19:39.00
Wesley Blair Campo Verde High School -1:13.40 18:28.50 19:41.90
Zach Facemire Cienega High School -2:43.30 18:29.00 21:12.30
Elias Hernandez Arizona College Prep -2:23.80 18:29.20 20:53.00
Niki Hemmerlin Red Mountain High School -53.40 18:29.30 19:22.70
Soonhee Han Cherokee Trail High School -54.90 18:29.80 19:24.70
Jude Mclaughlin Paradise Honors -2:16.80 18:30.20 20:47.00
Christian Ramirez La Joya Community High School -3:15.00 18:30.50 21:45.50
Zoey Delgado Salpointe Catholic High School +40.40 19:11.40 18:31.00
Brynna Mcquillen Vista Grande High School -4:31.40 18:31.60 23:03.00
Merle Crutchfield Rincon University High School -38.10 18:33.90 19:12.00
Trent Lopez Desert Edge High School +1:13.10 19:48.10 18:35.00
Michael Gamez El Paso Eastwood -1:30.80 18:36.10 20:06.90
Stefana Purkovic North Canyon High School -1:06.90 18:37.80 19:44.70
Matt Montana Corona del Sol High School -1:56.00 18:39.30 20:35.30
Mihajla Milovanovic Chandler High School -1.60 18:39.90 18:41.50
Jamari Vanorsby Valley Vista High School +28.60 19:08.60 18:40.00
Carlene Hamilton Skyline High School -28.80 18:40.40 19:09.20
Aden Webb North Phoenix Prep -4:14.20 18:40.80 22:55.00
John Rebeta Highland High -2:04.40 18:41.50 20:45.90
Becca Taylor Chandler High School +32.60 19:14.20 18:41.60
Mourtice Clitso Monument Valley High School -0.30 18:41.60 18:41.90
Blake Weiler Boulder Creek High School -2:30.90 18:42.30 21:13.20
Juan Alicea Skyline High School -2:58.30 18:42.70 21:41.00
Kailey Welch Mesa Mountain View High School +4.10 18:46.90 18:42.80
Will Barmetler Highland High +9.30 18:54.10 18:44.80
Trenton Bollschweiller Campo Verde High School -1:07.00 18:46.00 19:53.00
Caleb Taylor Red Mountain High School -1:28.60 18:46.30 20:14.90
Daniel Peterson Snowflake High School -1:46.70 18:46.30 20:33.00
Dylan O'hara Notre Dame Preparatory -2:54.70 18:46.30 21:41.00
Gabriel Baca Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -37.10 18:46.50 19:23.60
Davis Mckechnie Desert Mountain High School -2:21.70 18:47.30 21:09.00
Thomas Gwin Campo Verde High School +3:52.30 22:41.90 18:49.60
Kaleo Inez Boulder Creek High School -54.60 18:50.00 19:44.60
Joel Ray Cibola High School -1:34.60 18:52.40 20:27.00
Dillon Clark Northwest Christian High -10.70 18:53.60 19:04.30
Chris Pedersen Campo Verde High School -36.60 18:54.50 19:31.10
Matthew Smith Perry High School -1:38.20 18:54.80 20:33.00
Tristan Long Winslow High School -24.10 18:55.70 19:19.80
Ben Olea Tolleson Union High School -37.70 18:56.20 19:33.90
Joaquin Truax Alchesay High School -1:14.60 18:57.40 20:12.00
Roque Mora Sahuarita High School -3:33.40 18:57.60 22:31.00
Mackenzie Moss Air Academy High School -23.10 18:57.90 19:21.00
Nathan Hess Desert Vista High School -1:25.80 18:59.40 20:25.20
Jonathan Stanley Northwest Christian High -1:37.10 19:00.30 20:37.40
Emily Simon Mountain Ridge High School -3.00 19:01.00 19:04.00
Matthew Sylvester Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -48.10 19:01.30 19:49.40
Greyson Henry Gilbert Classical Academy -11.50 19:01.50 19:13.00
Ivan Felty Tempe High School -2:11.50 19:01.50 21:13.00
Joe Briones Chandler Preparatory Academy -2:04.30 19:01.70 21:06.00
Brandon Knapp Marana High School +1:16.20 20:18.20 19:02.00
Adriano Clark Greyhills Academy High School -3:30.90 19:02.10 22:33.00
Keenan Rimbert Cherokee Trail High School -7.60 19:02.60 19:10.20
Anthony Chanez Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -1:47.20 19:03.10 20:50.30
Jordan Cates Desert Vista High School +3:23.10 22:27.90 19:04.80
Helen Innes Xavier College Preparatory +42.60 19:47.80 19:05.20
Luke Kiecker Arizona Lutheran Academy -1:21.20 19:05.20 20:26.40
Isiah Lucero Mesquite High School -23.50 19:05.70 19:29.20
Adam Hansen Desert Vista High School +9:50.70 28:56.70 19:06.00
Haley Smith Desert Mountain High School -2:22.00 19:06.00 21:28.00
Trey Peterson Benjamin Franklin -1:55.30 19:06.70 21:02.00
Daniel Pickens Apollo High School +3.50 19:10.50 19:07.00
Dakota Lope Cienega High School +6.80 19:14.80 19:08.00
William Clayton Casteel -2:50.90 19:08.10 21:59.00
Michael Munoz San Luis High School -31.90 19:09.10 19:41.00
Daniel Hale Bradshaw Mountain High School -2:59.90 19:10.10 22:10.00
Christian Barreto Basha High School -1:36.80 19:10.20 20:47.00
Bailey Hilbun Cherokee Trail High School -1:33.50 19:10.30 20:43.80
David Nunez San Luis High School -2:14.40 19:10.60 21:25.00
Matthew Klein Valley Vista High School -3:42.30 19:10.70 22:53.00
Cameron Bailey-garcia Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -1:22.90 19:11.10 20:34.00
Robert Monson Gila Ridge High School -2:54.70 19:11.30 22:06.00
Nicholas Daer Saguaro High School -26.20 19:12.00 19:38.20
Kelvin Patrick Willow Canyon High School -54.00 19:12.00 20:06.00
Hans Brauer Arizona Lutheran Academy -7.40 19:12.20 19:19.60
Rafael Samaniego San Luis High School -4:41.80 19:12.20 23:54.00
Grant Gilbert Sunrise Mountain High School -56.20 19:12.80 20:09.00
Lizzie Simon Mountain Ridge High School +9.70 19:23.90 19:14.20
Taylor Mollenhour Mountain Ridge High School +1:02.90 20:17.70 19:14.80
Nathan Smith Shadow Ridge High School -1:39.00 19:15.00 20:54.00
Meghan Barney Veritas Preparatory Academy +4:43.40 24:00.70 19:17.30
Ben White Ironwood Ridge High School +35.60 19:53.60 19:18.00
Corbyn Van Hoose Valley Vista High School -1:34.70 19:18.30 20:53.00
Jaxen Davis Tempe High School -50.50 19:19.50 20:10.00
Cody Wager Mingus Union High School +3.00 19:23.20 19:20.20
Tyler Embley Campo Verde High School +8.30 19:29.30 19:21.00
Matthew Tryon Notre Dame Preparatory -1:36.40 19:21.50 20:57.90
Canyon Cooke Show Low High School -4:09.00 19:22.00 23:31.00
Zachary Owens Sabino High School +1:02.60 20:25.30 19:22.70
Fabian Reiser Marana Mountain View High School -18.70 19:23.30 19:42.00
Diego Peralta Valley Vista High School +2:17.60 21:41.70 19:24.10
Olivia Mountain Chandler Preparatory Academy -1:01.70 19:26.30 20:28.00
Michael Chestnut Verrado High School -1:07.70 19:26.30 20:34.00
Cassandra Ogburn North Canyon High School -1:50.90 19:26.50 21:17.40
Isaiah Whitehorse Monument Valley High School -2:39.20 19:27.80 22:07.00
Michael Kupfer Desert Mountain High School -26.00 19:28.70 19:54.70
William Wayne Monument Valley High School -3:21.50 19:29.50 22:51.00
Lucas Doerksen Mingus Union High School +2:30.70 22:01.40 19:30.70
Brandon Lythgoe Highland High -13.50 19:31.00 19:44.50
Jenna Lee Horizon High School -42.60 19:31.40 20:14.00
Tim Mooney Desert Vista High School -1:00.10 19:32.00 20:32.10
Ethan Bertrand Campo Verde High School -2:24.60 19:32.80 21:57.40
Eduardo Arellano Cesar Chavez High School -4:39.10 19:32.90 24:12.00
Kyra Stevenson Cherokee Trail High School -17.10 19:33.90 19:51.00
Sheldon Tsosie Valley High School (Sanders) +40.70 20:15.20 19:34.50
Jesus Flores Duran Maryvale High School +21.70 19:56.70 19:35.00
Aaron Webdale Glendale Prep Academy -17.80 19:35.20 19:53.00
Brandon Mcauliffe Willow Canyon High School -43.20 19:35.80 20:19.00
Eric Peapenburg Glendale Prep Academy -2:45.00 19:36.00 22:21.00
Jacob Ladner Veritas Preparatory Academy -3:48.30 19:36.10 23:24.40
Kyle Memmott Paradise Honors -54.60 19:36.30 20:30.90
Grace Tully Chaparral High School +41.40 20:18.40 19:37.00
Jaeda Honani Hopi High School -55.40 19:37.10 20:32.50
Makenna Bray Prescott High School -39.50 19:37.20 20:16.70
Ariz Duarte Maryvale High School -49.00 19:39.00 20:28.00
Austin Crowder Chino Valley High School -12.50 19:39.00 19:51.50
Dahltyn Perkins Show Low High School -3:32.70 19:39.30 23:12.00
David Brakebill Desert Edge High School -7:33.00 19:41.00 27:14.00
Luke Larson Highland High +1:13.70 20:55.30 19:41.60
Morgan Higginbotham Desert Vista High School -1:40.70 19:41.90 21:22.60
Logan Gomez Mesa Mountain View High School -2:03.50 19:43.50 21:47.00
Dane Wilhem Mountain Ridge High School -1:28.50 19:43.50 21:12.00
William Ramsay Prescott High School -1:33.20 19:43.80 21:17.00
Tyler Crockett Marana High School -57.40 19:44.20 20:41.60
Riley Boyer Red Mountain High School -1:40.30 19:44.60 21:24.90
Maddy Shoemaker Desert Vista High School -1:04.10 19:44.90 20:49.00
Daniel Ahasteen Sahuaro High School -10.70 19:45.40 19:56.10
Jenna Howard Peak to Peak Charter School -2:58.30 19:45.50 22:43.80
Alyssa Lozano Boulder Creek High School -41.00 19:46.90 20:27.90
Grace Valandra Xavier College Preparatory -5:45.10 19:47.90 25:33.00
Shawn Fisher Boulder Creek High School -2:14.20 19:48.50 22:02.70
Anna Maria Zea Bradshaw Mountain High School -1:23.20 19:48.80 21:12.00
Alyssa Morgan Silver Creek High School -1:18.00 19:49.00 21:07.00
Jose Castillo Trevor G. Browne High School -5:43.70 19:49.40 25:33.10
Jose Martinez Alcaraz Jr Maryvale High School +6:33.10 26:23.10 19:50.00
Connor Sweet Campo Verde High School +59.90 20:50.90 19:51.00
Marc Gonzales North Canyon High School +1:19.60 21:10.60 19:51.00
Matthew Coulthard Marana High School -1:51.20 19:51.20 21:42.40
Kris Noori Brophy College Preparatory -1:59.50 19:51.50 21:51.00
Janet Chavez Maryvale High School -1:32.30 19:51.70 21:24.00
Nicholas Botticelli Thunderbird High School -1:07.30 19:53.00 21:00.30
Zachary Houserman Buena High School -2:00.80 19:53.20 21:54.00
Alberto Plantillas San Luis High School +43.70 20:37.80 19:54.10
Erik Dahl Phoenix Country Day School -2:51.70 19:54.30 22:46.00
Paxton Ortega Trivium Preparatory Academy -1:07.80 19:54.50 21:02.30
Niko Ristagno Desert Mountain High School -1:21.00 19:54.80 21:15.80
Hanna Smith Boulder Creek High School -1:48.60 19:55.40 21:44.00
Dane Jensen Desert Mountain High School -1:43.80 19:56.20 21:40.00
Nico Scaturro Cactus Shadows High School -1:03.10 19:56.90 21:00.00
Elian Macias Cibola High School -32.20 19:58.70 20:30.90
Ashlyn Carson Highland High -1:36.20 20:00.80 21:37.00
Matthew Mcgrath Perry High School -34.10 20:01.40 20:35.50
Alexander Gonzalez Valley Vista High School -31.50 20:02.10 20:33.60
Andrew Stenseth Pinnacle High School -1:47.00 20:02.50 21:49.50
Ryan Mcgaughey Northland Preparatory Academy -1:57.40 20:03.60 22:01.00
Olivia Grieve Mountain Pointe High School +1:46.20 21:50.30 20:04.10
Ryan Pulaski Liberty High School -1:19.10 20:04.10 21:23.20
John Buessing Seton Catholic High School +50.50 20:55.70 20:05.20
Taryn Bickle Skyline High School +36.30 20:43.60 20:07.30
Trystan Baughman Cibola High School -1:15.50 20:07.50 21:23.00
Cooper Watkins Brophy College Preparatory -2:48.10 20:07.90 22:56.00
Robert Tolman Cibola High School -5:11.50 20:09.50 25:21.00
Ian Holehan Canyon Del Oro High School -1:05.30 20:09.70 21:15.00
Nyah Rivera Valley Lutheran High School -41.70 20:09.70 20:51.40
Tayler Thomas Salpointe Catholic High School -1:05.90 20:10.40 21:16.30
Kayla Eldred Phoenix Central High School +1:58.60 22:09.60 20:11.00
Robert Beers Arcadia High School -2:14.80 20:13.20 22:28.00
Kristen Curtis Sunrise Mountain High School -35.30 20:13.40 20:48.70
Katie Shea Hamilton High School +4:25.10 24:38.80 20:13.70
Jarret Gardner Snowflake High School +2:31.30 22:45.20 20:13.90
Gabrielle Sepulveda Saguaro High School +1:36.40 21:51.40 20:15.00
Ethan Hunt Campo Verde High School -28.10 20:15.40 20:43.50
Mackenzie Burgess Corona del Sol High School -16.50 20:15.70 20:32.20
Jose Espericueta Raymond S. Kellis High School -3:09.50 20:18.50 23:28.00
Meg Babcock Mingus Union High School -1:28.30 20:18.70 21:47.00
Jack Pletka Chaparral High School -1:03.10 20:18.90 21:22.00
Erick Relec North Canyon High School +34.40 20:53.40 20:19.00
Alex Latella Highland High -3:19.40 20:19.60 23:39.00
Bella Gallo North Canyon High School -1:09.40 20:20.50 21:29.90
Violet Eklund St. Michael's High School +11.60 20:32.60 20:21.00
Lindsay Simpson Higley High School -26.40 20:21.10 20:47.50
Trey Williams Desert Edge High School -3:33.90 20:21.10 23:55.00
Cami Fischmann Silver Creek High School -41.60 20:21.40 21:03.00
Daniela Montufar Chandler High School -1:16.70 20:22.30 21:39.00
Billy Mullenmeister Cactus Shadows High School -3:16.70 20:22.30 23:39.00
Emma Elsner Red Mountain High School -2:43.70 20:22.30 23:06.00
Jaques Guillemette +3:20.50 23:42.80 20:22.30
D'andre Yazzie Valley High School (Sanders) -1:47.80 20:24.10 22:11.90
Shondeen Lucero Liberty High School -1:15.70 20:25.30 21:41.00
Miguel Salazar Canyon Del Oro High School +0.20 20:27.20 20:27.00
Celicia Sermeno Mountain Ridge High School -3.60 20:27.10 20:30.70
Tanaeya Johnson Chandler High School +44.20 21:12.20 20:28.00
Jonathan Amastel Westwood High School -1:29.50 20:28.30 21:57.80
Brooke Jacobs Red Mountain High School -3:34.60 20:28.40 24:03.00
Samuel Lumbra Marcos de Niza High School -4.10 20:29.60 20:33.70
Nizhoni James Valley High School (Sanders) -14.00 20:30.00 20:44.00
Steven Ortiz Corona del Sol High School -4:05.80 20:30.20 24:36.00
Chris Relihan Paradise Honors +2.60 20:34.40 20:31.80
Katelyn Kelly Salpointe Catholic High School -1:06.00 20:31.90 21:37.90
Giovanni Miranda Willow Canyon High School -6.70 20:32.30 20:39.00
Jair Morales Cibola High School -1:47.10 20:33.00 22:20.10
Zachery Etsitty Valley High School (Sanders) -2:19.70 20:35.30 22:55.00
Jacob Raines Pinnacle High School -1:21.30 20:35.50 21:56.80
Brandon Holmes Cactus Shadows High School -1:21.40 20:37.60 21:59.00
Cassidy Cann Casteel -7:43.40 20:37.60 28:21.00
Alex Macias Valley Lutheran High School -3:27.90 20:38.10 24:06.00
Alexis Perez Buckeye Union High School +12:00.50 32:38.70 20:38.20
Brendan Davis Gilbert High School -20.00 20:39.00 20:59.00
Alana Hurley Saguaro High School -1:01.70 20:39.30 21:41.00
Jayden Wade Basha High School -51.60 20:39.60 21:31.20
Jace Owens Show Low High School -2:28.70 20:40.30 23:09.00
Liam Mormon Campo Verde High School -1:04.20 20:40.90 21:45.10
Shaynah Hyman Queen Creek High School +2:00.80 22:41.80 20:41.00
Larissa Yazzie Tuba City High School +22.60 21:04.00 20:41.40
Mayra Mapramook Murrieta Mesa (SS) -1:36.30 20:41.70 22:18.00
Kylie Morgan Silver Creek High School -33.20 20:41.80 21:15.00
Kenia Zepeda Cibola High School -6:05.20 20:41.80 26:47.00
Emily Greenberg Northwest Christian High -2:47.20 20:42.80 23:30.00
Justine Cooper Chandler Preparatory Academy -36.80 20:45.20 21:22.00
Jesus Gomez Tempe High School -8.90 20:46.10 20:55.00
Julia Lundberg North Canyon High School -6:26.80 20:46.20 27:13.00
Ryan Williams Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -2:08.80 20:47.20 22:56.00
Xavier Newell Marcos de Niza High School -23.00 20:47.40 21:10.40
Trysten Zapata Hamilton High School +9.10 20:57.00 20:47.90
Bayley Talkalai Window Rock High School +1:06.00 21:54.10 20:48.10
Spencer Klippel Paradise Honors -3:03.80 20:48.20 23:52.00
Layne Farrow Campo Verde High School +33.60 21:22.20 20:48.60
Misael Ayon Desert View High School -52.20 20:49.40 21:41.60
Caleb Joseph Raymond S. Kellis High School -50.40 20:50.60 21:41.00
Felipe Carceller Saguaro High School +44.70 21:35.70 20:51.00
Aiden Leddy Verrado High School +5.50 20:56.70 20:51.20
Tyler Belknap Globe High School +16.60 21:08.90 20:52.30
Alex Noori Brophy College Preparatory -31.10 20:52.70 21:23.80
Kenni Catalan Rayo Agua Fria High School +1:15.60 22:08.60 20:53.00
Grace Larson Highland High -3:37.40 20:53.60 24:31.00
Janai Clayton St. Michael's High School +4.80 20:58.80 20:54.00
Jose Bojorquez Desert Edge High School -7.00 20:54.00 21:01.00
Elijah Bedonie Corona del Sol High School -3:51.90 20:54.10 24:46.00
Dafne Cortez North Canyon High School -38.70 20:54.40 21:33.10
Sarah Mack Shadow Mountain High School -2:20.20 20:54.80 23:15.00
Alyssa Bickle Skyline High School -5.60 20:56.20 21:01.80
Gabrielle Gomez Dysart High School -2:12.60 20:56.40 23:09.00
Katherine Broten Piedra Vista High School +1:55.60 22:52.10 20:56.50
Elijah Begay Thunderbird High School -2:17.10 20:56.50 23:13.60
Efrain Willis Gila Ridge High School -1:11.00 20:57.00 22:08.00
Sarah Jacobs Arcadia High School +1:31.20 22:30.20 20:59.00
Jacob Siatta Shadow Ridge High School +1:15.00 22:15.00 21:00.00
Rhett Ashton Shadow Ridge High School -3:37.10 21:00.90 24:38.00
Lauren Birely Basha High School -50.10 21:01.10 21:51.20
Jeremy Bailon Gilbert Christian High School +1:37.70 22:40.50 21:02.80
Taryn Wilson Glendale Prep Academy -2:18.80 21:04.20 23:23.00
Brandon Ben Arizona Lutheran Academy -1:47.50 21:04.50 22:52.00
Edgar Suarez Chandler High School -4:49.20 21:06.80 25:56.00
London Luttrell St. Michael's High School +28.90 21:35.90 21:07.00
Chloe Graham Gilbert High School -1:08.60 21:07.30 22:15.90
Latifa Huma Hopi High School -17.40 21:09.70 21:27.10
Walter Cole Casteel -15.30 21:09.70 21:25.00
Chayse Hilman Sahuaro High School -8:42.20 21:11.60 29:53.80
Savannah Rivera Valley Lutheran High School -1:39.00 21:12.60 22:51.60
Jessica Condon Desert Vista High School -1:31.30 21:13.70 22:45.00
Mirandarae Stusen Gilbert High School +14.10 21:28.10 21:14.00
Leah Blevins Cienega High School -2:54.70 21:15.30 24:10.00
Alani Rivera Valley Lutheran High School -1:36.20 21:15.50 22:51.70
Avery Dodson Queen Creek High School -4:09.10 21:15.90 25:25.00
Audrey Beermann Glendale Prep Academy +7.10 21:25.10 21:18.00
Johnathan Mcgrew Northland Preparatory Academy -1:19.80 21:18.20 22:38.00
Marlon Moore Cactus High School -1:42.80 21:19.30 23:02.10
Evie Jimenez Arizona College Prep -1:32.30 21:19.70 22:52.00
Jonathon Christopher Deer Valley High School -1:20.00 21:19.70 22:39.70
Stephen Veenstra Tempe Preparatory Academy +2:58.20 24:18.40 21:20.20
Bailey Mukai North Canyon High School -4:30.00 21:22.00 25:52.00
Carter Hodge Boulder Creek High School +43.30 22:06.20 21:22.90
Anne Gardner-hajek Chaparral High School -14.10 21:22.90 21:37.00
Alice Mckean Empire High -2:40.80 21:23.20 24:04.00
Lauryn Honwynewa Hopi High School +2:05.70 23:30.00 21:24.30
Alyssa Austin Cherokee Trail High School +10.40 21:35.30 21:24.90
Dominick Mattia Canyon Del Oro High School +37.20 22:02.20 21:25.00
Tristan Begay Valley High School (Sanders) -2:24.40 21:25.60 23:50.00
Derrick Lancaster Dobson High School -4:13.90 21:26.20 25:40.10
John King St. Augustine Catholic High School -3:40.00 21:29.00 25:09.00
Julia Nelson Desert Vista High School -1:01.60 21:29.40 22:31.00
Josh Lane Highland High -22.10 21:31.20 21:53.30
Josiah Anderson Alchesay High School -1:40.10 21:32.90 23:13.00
Autumn Nelson Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -2:55.30 21:33.70 24:29.00
Paul Mendez San Luis High School -4:07.80 21:35.80 25:43.60
Deborah Leber Mountain Ridge High School +1:03.30 22:39.20 21:35.90
Keely Obrey Perry High School +25.00 22:02.80 21:37.80
Kaleen Joseph Hopi High School +5:54.10 27:33.00 21:38.90
Mali Santiago St. Mary's Catholic High School -38.30 21:41.60 22:19.90
Sabrina Gutierrez Safford High School +1:16.80 22:59.80 21:43.00
Isaac Brand Sahuarita High School -54.80 21:43.20 22:38.00
Arianna Faris Horizon High School -3:33.60 21:43.40 25:17.00
Aiden Perry Arizona Lutheran Academy -2:34.40 21:44.60 24:19.00
Allison Estrada Desert Vista High School +14.00 21:59.00 21:45.00
Kayla Mccleve Desert Ridge High School +28.50 22:14.20 21:45.70
Tiana Tso Piedra Vista High School +28.20 22:14.00 21:45.80
Gwenyth Perks Buena High School +48.00 22:34.40 21:46.40
Kaitlyn Chapman Thunderbird High School +49.90 22:36.90 21:47.00
Joshua Werran Willow Canyon High School -3:46.80 21:48.20 25:35.00
Kiah Demuth Holbrook High School -42.50 21:49.50 22:32.00
Ella Buck Higley High School -2:01.80 21:50.20 23:52.00
Derian Long Window Rock High School -2:42.10 21:50.90 24:33.00
Jessica Luedtke Air Academy High School +1:24.80 23:15.90 21:51.10
Olivia Callaghan Campo Verde High School -27.00 21:51.20 22:18.20
Sarae Morales Apollo High School -8:01.30 21:51.70 29:53.00
Carissa Armenta Sunrise Mountain High School -36.20 21:53.20 22:29.40
Kyra Mazanec Desert Vista High School -39.50 21:53.50 22:33.00
Tyana Begay Winslow High School -3:58.80 21:55.20 25:54.00
Julia Aleman Pinnacle High School -25.60 21:55.70 22:21.30
Isabella Sarno Corona del Sol High School +19.50 22:16.20 21:56.70
Valiyah Yazzie Valley High School (Sanders) +40.60 22:37.60 21:57.00
Jennifer Herrera Independence High School -2:58.70 22:00.30 24:59.00
Kjersti Jenks Deer Valley High School +24.40 22:25.70 22:01.30
Paige Mariscal Douglas High -2:37.00 22:05.00 24:42.00
Shada Golden Ganado High School -39.80 22:05.20 22:45.00
Macy Young Marana Mountain View High School -28.70 22:05.30 22:34.00
Ricardo Palma Marcos de Niza High School +1:12.80 23:18.80 22:06.00
Gloria Hernandez Desert View High School +1:48.60 23:54.60 22:06.00
Eduardo Trujillo Chino Valley High School +1:28.50 23:37.50 22:09.00
Daniel Rodriguez Desert View High School -3:50.80 22:11.20 26:02.00
Jacob Ward Boulder Creek High School +1:06.20 23:18.30 22:12.10
Devin Phillips Hamilton High School -1:41.20 22:13.50 23:54.70
Dylan Jones Liberty High School +1:50.10 24:04.10 22:14.00
Lizzy Tupper Chino Valley High School +5:18.50 27:33.50 22:15.00
Alexis Lopez Desert Ridge High School +37.20 22:52.30 22:15.10
Alexis Chaney Mountain Ridge High School +16.30 22:33.40 22:17.10
Andrea Greco Casa Grande Union High School -1:38.50 22:17.50 23:56.00
Colby Gresko Snowflake High School -1:02.60 22:20.40 23:23.00
Teya Johnson Chandler High School +1:00.70 23:22.70 22:22.00
Luke Baker Valley Lutheran High School -0.30 22:22.70 22:23.00
Deltebaa Nacona Chinle High School +38.50 23:03.30 22:24.80
Angelise Garcia Sahuarita High School +1:34.60 23:59.60 22:25.00
Ainsley Snyder Gilbert Classical Academy -2:28.80 22:25.20 24:54.00
Jason Tolzman Campo Verde High School -4:02.80 22:26.40 26:29.20
Love Alsenay Raymond S. Kellis High School -29.60 22:27.40 22:57.00
Michelle Rodriguez Maryvale High School +1:47.60 24:16.60 22:29.00
Kelsey Gabriel Chandler Preparatory Academy +57.20 23:27.20 22:30.00
Ivan Ochoa Tucson Magnet High School +1:16.90 23:47.70 22:30.80
Jared Contreras +41.10 23:12.10 22:31.00
Brenden Mitchell -1:59.50 22:32.50 24:32.00
Avery Fitzgerald Cibola High School +3:46.30 26:20.90 22:34.60
Damon Jensen Cesar Chavez High School +35.10 23:10.10 22:35.00
Monique Duran Desert Mountain High School -5:17.20 22:35.80 27:53.00
Shere Sells Monument Valley High School +1:08.80 23:45.70 22:36.90
Jenna Wellock ALA Queen Creek -3:49.70 22:38.10 26:27.80
Jaycee Crum Shadow Mountain High School -2:51.60 22:39.80 25:31.40
Rachel Mckeighan Scottsdale Prep Academy -46.80 22:40.30 23:27.10
Lia Quintero Alchesay High School +26.30 23:07.30 22:41.00
Colin Whitehead Marana Mountain View High School -5:10.70 22:41.30 27:52.00
Carley Davis Prescott High School -1:39.30 22:41.70 24:21.00
Valeria Liera Ironwood Ridge High School +2:31.20 25:13.20 22:42.00
Jd Henry Chaparral High School +38.60 23:20.90 22:42.30
Ryan Weiland Veritas Preparatory Academy -4:10.30 22:45.70 26:56.00
Sabrina Kloft North Phoenix Prep -1:56.00 22:48.00 24:44.00
Kayona Gilbert Globe High School -4:24.80 22:48.20 27:13.00
Kaylee Garcia Liberty High School -2:37.10 22:50.90 25:28.00
Joe Harries Valley Lutheran High School -4:33.80 22:53.20 27:27.00
Chris Myers Boulder Creek High School -54.50 22:53.70 23:48.20
Macie Sanders Casteel -2:41.30 22:55.00 25:36.30
Bethany Brooks Empire High +1:35.30 24:31.30 22:56.00
Ashley Mcintyre Horizon High School -7:33.90 22:57.10 30:31.00
Faith Rutkowski Apache Junction High School -28.50 22:57.50 23:26.00
Evelyn Young Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -1:25.00 22:59.00 24:24.00
Lauren Cordova St. Michael's High School -0.30 23:00.70 23:01.00
Kira Solberg Cactus Shadows High School +6:20.20 29:22.20 23:02.00
Olivia De La Torre Willow Canyon High School +47.90 23:49.90 23:02.00
Alexandra Cahill Red Mountain High School -1:39.30 23:02.70 24:42.00
Maureen Juarez Marcos de Niza High School +12.40 23:16.40 23:04.00
Elizabeth Yee Gila Ridge High School -1:11.80 23:04.20 24:16.00
Myka Adams Apache Junction High School +2:17.30 25:22.30 23:05.00
Wyatt Spivey Arizona College Prep -2:13.20 23:05.80 25:19.00
Anny Zhen Yuma Catholic +4:00.40 27:06.40 23:06.00
Ellie Smith Holbrook High School +1:19.20 24:26.20 23:07.00
Alicia Garrett Thunderbird High School +1:30.20 24:39.20 23:09.00
Hope Bateman Snowflake High School -10.00 23:09.00 23:19.00
Catherine Waddington Queen Creek High School -3:31.90 23:09.10 26:41.00
Ashley Shirley Cactus Shadows High School +1:06.80 24:16.80 23:10.00
Hannah Yoon Cherokee Trail High School -50.00 23:12.00 24:02.00
Sabrina Sagasta Raymond S. Kellis High School +57.30 24:09.30 23:12.00
Tori Larkin +2:11.40 25:24.80 23:13.40
Alicia Frampton Cactus Shadows High School +1:46.30 25:01.30 23:15.00
Miles Wilson Boulder Creek High School -5.80 23:15.60 23:21.40
Ashlie Rivera Greenway High School +45.90 24:03.30 23:17.40
Taylor Carpenter Highland High +3:11.40 26:29.20 23:17.80
Nathan Francisco Chinle High School +50.40 24:08.40 23:18.00
Catherine Winston St. Mary's Catholic High School +35.10 23:53.70 23:18.60
Alysa Trevino Seton Catholic High School -22.60 23:19.40 23:42.00
Emma Hackett Safford High School -34.50 23:24.50 23:59.00
Michael Kemenes Snowflake High School -9:14.40 23:24.60 32:39.00
Benjamin Cruz Veritas Preparatory Academy -2:57.30 23:25.70 26:23.00
Bret Weege Valley Vista High School +52.00 24:18.00 23:26.00
Julan Thies Sahuaro High School +2:49.20 26:16.20 23:27.00
Dan Heaslet -30.20 23:27.80 23:58.00
Tyler Clay Alchesay High School -2:13.20 23:28.80 25:42.00
Isabella Cozzens Cienega High School -1:14.70 23:34.30 24:49.00
Cherish Dobkins Canyon Del Oro High School -1:02.40 23:34.60 24:37.00
Autumn Qumawunu Winslow High School -29.00 23:35.00 24:04.00
Junie Zeller Campo Verde High School +3:14.10 26:50.10 23:36.00
Erin Brown Monument Valley High School +45.10 24:23.00 23:37.90
Emily Hayes Chaparral High School +17.90 23:56.90 23:39.00
Justin Smith Brophy College Preparatory -1:40.60 23:39.40 25:20.00
Diego Guanco Willow Canyon High School -2:04.40 23:41.60 25:46.00
Karen Tena Carranza Agua Fria High School -3.30 23:42.70 23:46.00
Gabrielle Stone Verrado High School -56.30 23:43.70 24:40.00
Isabelle Boyle Veritas Preparatory Academy -17.30 23:44.30 24:01.60
Lexi Stradling Benjamin Franklin +6:51.10 30:38.10 23:47.00
Jaelenn Johnson Cienega High School -3:47.30 23:48.50 27:35.80
Justin Giang Cibola High School +14.00 24:05.00 23:51.00
Preslie Cosay Blue Ridge High School +13.00 24:04.00 23:51.00
Corey Rice Paradise Honors -35.80 23:54.20 24:30.00
Sophia Colson Arcadia High School +36.10 24:31.10 23:55.00
Anabella Rich Arcadia High School -2:31.30 23:56.70 26:28.00
Gianni Hernandez Maricopa High School +4:05.60 28:02.60 23:57.00
Cameron Nelson St. Michael Indian School +2:50.70 26:49.70 23:59.00
Desiree Babb Morenci Jr./Sr. High School -26.10 23:59.90 24:26.00
Tessa Jones Cherokee Trail High School -58.40 24:00.60 24:59.00
Elexia Ramirez Kofa High School -28.80 24:02.20 24:31.00
Dezba Yazzie Holbrook High School +2:37.40 26:42.40 24:05.00
Alexis Inocencio St. Augustine Catholic High School -2:28.60 24:05.40 26:34.00
Magali Gomez Chino Valley High School +1:29.40 25:35.40 24:06.00
Sage Giguiere Mesa Mountain View High School -1:49.80 24:06.20 25:56.00
Samantha Bashford Desert Ridge High School -2:18.60 24:06.40 26:25.00
Abygail Leon Trevor G. Browne High School +56.90 25:03.90 24:07.00
David Pasquini Payson High School -3:46.60 24:09.40 27:56.00
Logan Smith Shadow Ridge High School -30.80 24:09.90 24:40.70
Ashley Wellington Campo Verde High School +39.10 24:50.10 24:11.00
Evan Adams Raymond S. Kellis High School +48.80 24:59.80 24:11.00
Jenan Meri Cibola High School -1:46.90 24:14.10 26:01.00
Hunter Kral Raymond S. Kellis High School -6:51.80 24:18.20 31:10.00
Ryan Huerta Brophy College Preparatory -6:29.70 24:21.30 30:51.00
Sheccid Bejerano Douglas High -2:12.60 24:21.40 26:34.00
Ana Castro Tolleson Union High School +40.60 25:02.60 24:22.00
Maximiliano Alegria Brophy College Preparatory -3:02.90 24:23.10 27:26.00
Gabe Sielaff Valley Lutheran High School -2:56.40 24:25.60 27:22.00
Sarai Ortiz Desert Vista High School -2:43.60 24:27.40 27:11.00
Justin Quezada San Luis High School -43.10 24:27.90 25:11.00
Alyssa Parton Sabino High School -1:38.80 24:28.20 26:07.00
Jessica Klah Pinon High School -6:15.70 24:29.50 30:45.20
Madeline Rounseville Prescott High School -1:09.40 24:29.80 25:39.20
Alexia Marin Yuma Catholic -6:15.40 24:30.10 30:45.50
Kaitlynne Erickson Willow Canyon High School -4:48.60 24:30.40 29:19.00
Emma Norton Chandler Preparatory Academy -1:21.60 24:32.40 25:54.00
Jaymill Saunders Window Rock High School +38.70 25:11.90 24:33.20
Genna Gignoux St. Mary's Catholic High School -4:16.50 24:36.50 28:53.00
Nardia Padilla Arizona College Prep +1.60 24:38.60 24:37.00
Roger Lupe Dishchii Bikoh High School -2:53.30 24:41.70 27:35.00
Autumn Karis Chaparral High School -26.00 24:43.00 25:09.00
Govany Ortiz Buckeye Union High School -1:35.00 24:45.00 26:20.00
Victoria Hernandez Chandler High School -8.10 24:45.90 24:54.00
Dylan Cardoso Dysart High School -54.50 24:49.50 25:44.00
Claudia Gomez Chino Valley High School -8:50.70 24:50.30 33:41.00
Kristy Segundo Baboquivari Middle/Senior High School -1:27.10 24:52.90 26:20.00
Cameron Ramos Verrado High School -2:02.00 24:54.00 26:56.00
Tessa Judd Dysart High School -43.70 24:55.30 25:39.00
Kenyah Reed Benjamin Franklin -1:28.60 24:55.40 26:24.00
Endyah Reed Benjamin Franklin -2:00.50 24:55.50 26:56.00
Jacey Matyas Show Low High School -1:45.70 24:55.90 26:41.60
Talby Minjarez Trevor G. Browne High School -34.10 24:56.90 25:31.00
Katarina Woldt Valley Christian High School -2:17.50 24:57.50 27:15.00
Emily Joyner Empire High +2:02.20 27:01.30 24:59.10
Xcaret Hernandez San Luis High School -2:00.70 24:59.30 27:00.00
Kerrigan Miranda Marana High School -6:43.90 25:01.10 31:45.00
Breanna Melendez Safford High School +49.00 25:51.00 25:02.00
Allison Vaughn Scottsdale Prep Academy +1:00.10 26:03.30 25:03.20
Jordan Platero Holbrook High School +1:56.60 27:01.60 25:05.00
Olivia Carter Desert Edge High School +1:17.90 26:27.90 25:10.00
Gustavo Dominguez Tempe High School -1:08.00 25:10.00 26:18.00
Melissa Laspisa Payson High School -49.40 25:10.60 26:00.00
Chyler Singer Window Rock High School +35.90 25:49.90 25:14.00
Noah In Scottsdale Prep Academy +2:42.90 27:58.90 25:16.00
Yesica Jimenez San Luis High School +2:13.10 27:31.10 25:18.00
Mary Szabo Blue Ridge High School +5.40 25:25.40 25:20.00
Thomas Chung Scottsdale Prep Academy +3:39.40 28:59.40 25:20.00
Megan Fargher Casteel -36.70 25:20.30 25:57.00
Sarah Cardenas Sahuarita High School -2:23.30 25:23.70 27:47.00
Abbey Alexander Sabino High School -45.20 25:24.80 26:10.00
Kadyn Cooley Murrieta Mesa (SS) -32.20 25:31.60 26:03.80
Emalyn Brown Canyon Del Oro High School -1:05.30 25:33.90 26:39.20
Yara Khair Boulder Creek High School +58.60 26:33.60 25:35.00
Bailey Winchester Cactus High School +3:18.50 28:55.50 25:37.00
Sartaj Malhi Scottsdale Prep Academy +1:23.50 27:00.50 25:37.00
Evy Wyman Rincon University High School -2:36.10 25:37.90 28:14.00
Samantha Rolfe Paradise Honors +12.60 25:50.60 25:38.00
Nyaruot Chuol Agua Fria High School +53.70 26:33.70 25:40.00
Rachel Jones-lord Gila Ridge High School +1:26.80 27:08.80 25:42.00
Paolo Curiel San Luis High School +7:55.50 33:39.30 25:43.80
Aurelia Johnson Northwest Christian High -2:28.30 25:44.70 28:13.00
Alexia Gonzalez Shadow Ridge High School -1.30 25:47.70 25:49.00
Trudie Hoyler Paradise Honors -1:14.10 25:50.90 27:05.00
Kareli Vazquez Gila Ridge High School +41.70 26:35.70 25:54.00
Camille Hudson Globe High School +1:19.30 27:14.30 25:55.00
Amy Whitler Desert Edge High School +18.10 26:13.10 25:55.00
Samantha Fredriksen Red Mountain High School -3:05.10 26:02.90 29:08.00
Karissa Ball Payson High School +10:57.40 37:03.70 26:06.30
Mayra Gonzalez-chavez Casa Grande Union High School -6:56.80 26:11.20 33:08.00
Jackson Takesuye Gila Ridge High School +6:38.70 32:51.70 26:13.00
Amanda Hash Valley Lutheran High School +1:15.70 27:29.50 26:13.80
Lauren Rottkamp Horizon High School +21.40 26:35.40 26:14.00
Alyssa Ruiz Seton Catholic High School -2:29.80 26:33.20 29:03.00
Riley Gallagher Red Mountain High School -1:32.90 26:34.10 28:07.00
Lily Imai Yuma Catholic +1:27.00 28:03.00 26:36.00
Alyssa Lopez Vista Grande High School -3:43.30 26:36.70 30:20.00
Brianna Tipton Cactus Shadows High School -5:59.00 26:41.00 32:40.00
Elisia Duran Murrieta Mesa (SS) -1:04.90 26:43.10 27:48.00
Rylee Gresham Shadow Ridge High School -4:51.10 26:43.90 31:35.00
Katelyn Lines Queen Creek High School -2:21.50 26:48.50 29:10.00
Denise Golden Valley High School (Sanders) -5:07.60 26:49.70 31:57.30
Bell Avery Cienega High School -19.60 26:51.40 27:11.00
Sophia Kimble Desert Mountain High School +2:17.10 29:09.10 26:52.00
Kamryn Begay Pinon High School -4:49.90 26:52.80 31:42.70
Anndrea Martinez Casteel -2:42.90 27:01.00 29:43.90
NATALEE RAY Valley Christian High School +2:37.10 30:04.70 27:27.60
Kayjuan Tenijeth Saguaro High School +1.40 27:37.90 27:36.50
Kenisha Burnette Alchesay High School +2:38.20 30:55.20 28:17.00
Jaydely Castaneda Willow Canyon High School -2:43.40 28:32.60 31:16.00
Alena Hermosillo Sabino High School -5:31.80 28:37.70 34:09.50
Alexis Whitesinger Arizona Lutheran Academy -2:20.90 28:39.10 31:00.00
Quincy Wilcox Gilbert Classical Academy -2:53.70 28:45.30 31:39.00
Nicole Gutierrez Yuma Catholic +5:21.60 34:27.60 29:06.00
Mia Hackett Chandler Preparatory Academy +1:28.60 30:53.20 29:24.60
Ekemini Mbekanako Willow Canyon High School -6:08.90 29:39.10 35:48.00
Catherine Broski -2:37.20 29:41.80 32:19.00
Kara Price Gila Ridge High School +29.30 30:39.30 30:10.00
Emily Zbick Veritas Preparatory Academy +1:27.60 31:57.50 30:29.90
Kazlyn Godsil Willow Canyon High School -2:48.20 30:54.80 33:43.00
Laisha Aguayo Gila Ridge High School +1:06.90 32:07.90 31:01.00
Allie Fein Cactus Shadows High School -6:13.00 31:06.10 37:19.10
Jaqueline Diaz Sabino High School -1:49.50 31:21.30 33:10.80
Henry Frobom Queen Creek High School -6:58.80 31:35.20 38:34.00
Analis Estrella Desert View High School +4:29.70 36:08.70 31:39.00
Daisie Soto Casa Grande Union High School -1:40.10 32:05.90 33:46.00
Allyana Rautenberg Arizona Lutheran Academy +20.20 32:51.30 32:31.10
Grace Smith Valley Lutheran High School -5:35.20 32:32.90 38:08.10
Alicen Astorga Chino Valley High School -3:45.80 34:45.20 38:31.00
Luis Rangel San Luis High School +3:07.60 42:20.20 39:12.60