2021 AIA Track & Field Modifications (Covid Protocol)
Hohokam Warrior Invitational will follow all AIA track & Field modifications
This document provides guidance and game modifications for schools, game administrators, coaches, players, and officials to follow in accordance with NFHS, state and local restrictions and recommendations. Game Administration is responsible for informing all participants of local guidelines for participation.
Teams should bring enough shade tents for athletes to accommodate athletes, managers and coaches and are required to allow for social distancing of athletes.
Masks are to be worn by athletes at all times.
Coaches are to wear masks at all times. Mesh masks do not meet this requirement.
Spectators may attend at the discretion of the host school. Spectators must also be masked.
o Spectators should be spaced 6 feet apart at the ticket gate.
o Spectators should be encouraged to purchase online tickets.
o Spectators should socially distance in the stand and not be allowed into the team camp area.
Athletes are to bring their own labeled water bottles and should also bring hand sanitizer.
One team should enter the facility at a time. Others should wait in their bus or remain socially distanced until the other team enters. Multiple entry gates should be used if possible.
Coaches should fill out the Covid-19 questionnaire for their team and coaches. This should be turned into the meet director prior to the first event.
Coaches meetings can occur on site if they can socially distance and they must wear masks.
When not competing, athletes should remain in their team camp area and not co-mingle with other teams.
Only competing athletes may be on the infield or at competition areas.
Designated warm up areas will be provided.
In a team huddle there is to be no hand holding.
o A team may still do a team chant.
o Non racers should NOT be a part of the team huddle.
Teams are expected to clean up their team camp area prior to departing the meet.
Team camp areas must be large enough to allow for teams to spread out. The meet director can assign team camp areas
Coaches' hospitality rooms should have designated servers who have masks and gloves, or should serve pre-packaged food only.
Rope off finish area to prevent spectators from crowding along the finish line.
Trainers and student trainers all need to wear a mask
If an athlete is to interact with a medical personnel or trainer; they are to wear a mask.
Check in and post-race water tables need to have single use cups.
Personnel filling cups should remain constant and not change.
Cups at check in and postrace (beyond the finish line) should be handed out by gloved individuals.
Should the conditions warrant, these modifications will be adjusted. Any further update will be posted on aiaonline.org.
Shorten the time at check in to no longer than 15 minutes prior to race time. Announcements may need to be made.
Chairs or cones should be set up at check in to socially distance runners in lanes and between heats.
Throwing events: Athletes are to retrieve their own implements.
o Establish a rotation-
Exit ring, stand to side
Next thrower
Retrieve while next throw is being measured.
o If throwers are sharing an implement with a teammate they should be wiped down in between throws.
Vault and high jump
o Mats should be sprayed with disinfectant regularly
Distance Runs:
o Fields should be no more than 18 per heat for the 800
o Fields should be no more than 24 per heat for the 1600
o Fields should be no more than 28 for the 3200
o Blocks should be sprayed with disinfectant after races.
o If lining up heats on the track behind the blocks leave ample space between heats
Awards - eliminate award presentations
Awards should be put in an envelope for pick up by the coach.
Results should be posted online or emailed to participating schools.
All meet personnel must wear masks. Mesh masks do not meet this requirement.
Finish line crew and anyone else who may touch an athlete must wear masks and should wear gloves.
All officials must come to the meet wearing a mask.
Designate workers or athletic trainers to help fallen runners. These workers need to change gloves after each race or more frequently if time permits.
Check in and Arrival:
Coaches will pick up team packets at the Coaches meeting at 7:30am in the Culinary Room. Team camps must be set up in the North and South bleachers, or, in the grass area of the baseball field, just south of the stadium. Team tents can be grouped together as a cohort. No other outside tent can be added to a group. Team tents must be at least 6ft apart on all sides. Athletes:
Athletes who are not competing will not be allowed on the infield.This will be strictly enforced.Javelin will be thrown infield. Athletes who are in violation may be disqualified from competition at the discretion of the meet director. The track will be open for warm ups until 8:30am on Friday.After that time, all warm-ups must be completed outside of the track on the baseball field/team camp area just south of the stadium. Trainers will be available in the training room on the Southwest end of the stadium near the start of the 100 meter dash. Bring you own tape for wraps. Implements
Athletes will bring or use their own throwing implements. If the same team is using the same implement, it must be sanitized between throws Electronic measurement will be used. All equipment will be sanitized during and between sessions. Facilities:
8 lane all weather track. All weather runways for LJ, TJ and PV. Concrete shot and Discus rings. All weather take off area for HJ. All weather take off area for Javelin. Track resurfaced 2018 and stadium upg Scoring and Awards:
The top eight places will be scored as 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1. Medals and custom bags will be awarded to the top three ath Results will be posted throughout the meet on the bulletin board near the snack bar on the southeast end of the home side bleachers. Running events will be shown on the digital board following each race. Official meet results will be posted on athletic.net, mesasports.org, and the Arizona Interscholastic Association track web page Track Events:
Lanes will be assigned for the Early session in the 100, 200, 400 and hurdles. In the Sprints and Hurdles the top 15 seed times will compete in the Evening session. The top performers from sprints and hurdles in the early session will also advance to the evening session.The evening session for Sprints and Hurdles will be seeded according to time with the fastest 8 in heat 2, and the next fastest 7 +1 from early session in the first heat. The track event check in area is located on the southwest end of the stadium, near the start of the 100 meters. All
athletes must check in to the Clerk of the Course. No heat changes will be made in the staging area. 800, 1600 and 3200 meter men's and women's will be run separately. Seeds 25+ will run in Early session. The top 24 entered athletes will run in one heat of the 1600 and 3200, and 2 heats of the 800m (12 per heat). The number of runners in each heat may be changed by the Meet Director.Box Alley start will be used. The 1600 meter relay will be run using a 3 turn stagger. Each team will be allowed to submit one relay team in the 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 relay. All relays will be run as finals, and all relays will be seeded according to entry time. 4x200 teams run entirely in their lanes. Short relays will utilize NFHS rule with 30m exchange zones. ONLY THROWERS should be entered in Throwers relay and will be capped at 2 heats each Boys and Girls. Field Events :
If an athlete needs to leave to compete in another event, they must check out with the event judge, and return to their event within 15 minutes of the completion of the other event.
Long and Triple Jump: Athletes will compete in flights. Each athlete will have three preliminary jumps.The top 12 will advance to finals. Long jumps min. measurement line Boys = 18'Girls = 14' Triple jump min. measurement line All Jumps measured New NFHS rule: No reverse runs or runs in the non-legal direction during warm-up will be allowed on horizontal jumps runways. A. Pole
Vault - Three Alive method will be used Boy's Vault will start at 10' with 6" raises to 14' then 3" raises Girl's Vault will start at 8' with 6" raises to 11' then 3" raises. A second warm up time period of ten minutes will be allowed for athletes who enter the competition at en exceptional height.The head pole vault judge will determine the height at which this warm up will take place. New NFHS rule: No reverse runs or runs in the non-legal direction during warm-up will be allowed on pole vault runways. B. High Jump - Three Alive method will be used Boy's High Jump will start at 5'6" with 2" raises to 6'0" then 1" raises.
High Jump will start at 4'6" with 2" raises to 5'2" then 1" raises. Shot, Discus, Javelin: Athletes will compete in flights. Each athlete will get three preliminary throws. Throws #1 and #2 will not be marked if under the minimum line. The top 12 will move on to finals where they will receive three more throws. Discus min. measurement line Boys = 105'Girls = 80' Shot Put min. measurement lineBoys = 35'Girls = 25' Javelin min. measurement Boys 115'Girls 80' Competitors are allowed to use their own javelin. We will have limited javelins available for use.
Competition Schedule Saturday Track Early Session (Time may be +/- 30 minutes)
* Sprints / Hurdle Seeds 15+ will be in Early Session. Top Finisherwill advance to Evening.
* Distance races 25+ seeds will be in Early Session
* Boys compete first
8:00 3200m
9:30 100m / 110m Hurdles
10:30100m Dash
11:30 1600m
12:00 4x200 relay
12:15 400m Dash
1:15 300m Hurdles
2:00 800m
2:30 200m Dash
Saturday Track Evening Session (Time may be +/- 30 minutes)
* Sprint / Hurdle races Top 15 seeds in Evening Session. Plus Top 1 from Early Session.
* Distance races are Top 24 seeds in Evening Session
4:00 3200 Relay
4:30 100m / 110m Hurdles
4:45 100m Dash
5:00 1600m
5:30 400m relay (All)
5:45 400m Dash
6:00 300m hurdles
6:15 800m
6:30 200m Dash
6:45 3200m
7:30 Throwers Watermelon 400m Relay (Limited to 4 heats each, signup by 6:45pm)
7:45 1600m relay
Field Events
Saturday: 8:30am Saturday: 2:30pm
Girls Long Jump Boys Long Jump
Boys Triple Jump Girls Triple Jump
Girls Pole Vault (8' start height) Boys Pole Vault(10' start height)
Boys Discus Girls Discus
Girls Shot Put B oys Shot Put
Boys High Jump (5'6" start height) Girls High Jump (4'6" start height)
Javelin (Boys followed by Girls) (9:30am Start time)