1st Annual Maricopa Invitational 2021

Maricopa, AZ

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ast, Garrison Willow Canyon High School
Branch, Andre Betty H. Fairfax High School
Turner Jr., Joram Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Hayward, Jack Willow Canyon High School
Baruani, Musa Betty H. Fairfax High School
Huffman, Andre Youngker High School
Trimble, Bryce Northwest Christian High
Carrasco, Ethan Seton Catholic High School
Shields, Kyron Maricopa High School
Ferris, Brady Willow Canyon High School
DiPuccio, Nicholas Seton Catholic High School
Buehler, Walker Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Hukill, Dylan 11.01 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Conteh, Prince 11.10 McClintock High School
Peters, Elijah 11.39 American Leadership Academy (Que
Williams, Steven 11.55 Youngker High School
Thomas, Isaiah 11.63 Paradise Honors
Ogles, Bray’zhaun 11.67 Tempe High School
Branham, Zeke 11.70 Skyline High School
Smith, Dawson 11.70 Benjamin Franklin
Mason, Jaden 11.77 McClintock High School
Pruett, Logan 11.78 Paradise Honors
Beltan, John 11.79 Cibola High School
Scott Jr, Dorae 11.80 Maricopa High School
Keeton, Ja'michael 11.80h Tempe High School
Brown, Jordin 11.81 Poston Butte
Gibson, Grant 11.82 Northwest Christian High
Sullivan, James 11.83 McClintock High School
Rodriquez, Abel 11.85 Maricopa High School
Kisto, Terraude 11.85 Poston Butte
Small, Patrick 11.90 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Carter, Evan 11.93 American Leadership Academy (Que
Angulo, Marco 11.94 Cibola High School
Colbert, Demari 11.96 Tempe High School
Eubank, Nathan 12.07 Northwest Christian High
Wettstein, Brandon 12.10h American Leadership Academy (Que
Marshall, Shawn 12.28 Cibola High School
Dana, Jace 12.38 Benjamin Franklin
Agbeshie, Sami 12.40 Youngker High School
Arbizu, Ruben 12.40 Skyline High School
Johnson, Micah 12.40h Winslow High School
Aragon-spillman, Damian 12.44 Skyline High School
Chittenden, Matthew 12.44h Winslow High School
Salisbury, Drew 12.45 Benjamin Franklin
Salazar, Cesar 12.47 Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Vanden, Amore 12.6 Paradise Honors
Kossler, Michael 13.18 Seton Catholic High School
Necochea, Ulysses 13.18 Poston Butte
Lugo, Chance 13.50h Winslow High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kossler, Michael Seton Catholic High School
Canela, Juan Maricopa High School
DiPuccio, Nicholas Seton Catholic High School
Soto, Elias Maricopa High School
Herrera, Gabriel Seton Catholic High School
St.Gelais, Landon Benjamin Franklin
Thibeaux, Deandre Maricopa High School
King, Kawai 14.59 American Leadership Academy (Que
Hubler, Logan 14.60h American Leadership Academy (Que
Joe, Octavious 14.94 Poston Butte
Worley, Joshua 15.71 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Petty, Xander 15.85 Skyline High School
Patterson, Nicholas 15.88 Poston Butte
Hatch, Drayson 16.49 American Leadership Academy (Que
O’neal, Anthony 16.59 McClintock High School
Criswell, Ezekiel 16.76 Poston Butte
Crutcher, Andrew 18.11 Skyline High School
Sabuni, Alfred 18.54h Betty H. Fairfax High School
Stuckey, Elijah 18.57 Skyline High School
Morrison, Maverick 19.00h McClintock High School
McMillian, Bradley 19.57 Youngker High School
Graves, Shawn 19.67 Youngker High School
Stroughter, Bryan 20.0 Tempe High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coochwikvia, Jace Winslow High School
Torres, Adrian Willow Canyon High School
Kednmarey, Filimon Maricopa High School
Parent, Ashton Northwest Christian High
Charley, Kailar Winslow High School
Llanas, Emilio Seton Catholic High School
Cornell, Jonathan Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Albert, Justin Winslow High School
Campbell, Trequan Betty H. Fairfax High School
Murbach, Brendan Poston Butte
Rodrigue, Irafasha Youngker High School
Vittone, Pierce 4:34.82 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Meyer-Wills, Bennett 4:39.92 Cibola High School
Miller, Chaz 4:44.31 Willow Canyon High School
Clark, Thomas 4:46.33 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Tinen, Aiden 4:50.83 Skyline High School
Archer, Jonah 4:51.34 Northwest Christian High
Pyle, Corbin 4:51.51 Benjamin Franklin
Gloria, Jordan 4:54.10 Skyline High School
Mujica Gutierrez, Kevin 5:00.27 Skyline High School
Molina, Miguel 5:01.99 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Atkinson, Luke 5:05.11 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Vasquez, Victor 5:07.39 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Rodriguez, Jack 5:09.90 Seton Catholic High School
Morris, Josh 5:14.10 Seton Catholic High School
Poarch, Luke 5:21.58 Northwest Christian High
Alto, Zachary 5:25.00h McClintock High School
Cluff, Caden 5:30.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Comaduran, Joseph 5:30.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Larson, Davis 5:31.09 American Leadership Academy (Que
Ornelas, Alan 5:31.39 Cibola High School
Arnold, Calo 5:33.35 Benjamin Franklin
Palmer, Tanis 5:34.83 Maricopa High School
Ortiz, Jacob 5:34.85 Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Gonzalez, Enrique 5:36.69 Cibola High School
Boysun, Callum 5:37.21 Willow Canyon High School
Crist, Gannon 5:40.61 Poston Butte
Wood, Caleb 5:46.18 Benjamin Franklin
Rodriguez, Jaylan 5:47.73 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Watkins, Noah 5:50.41 Poston Butte
Menchaca, Mario 6:00.00h McClintock High School
Ramirez, Franco 6:15.00h Youngker High School
Bunnell, Josh 6:15.00h Youngker High School
Suchovic, William 6:50.00h McClintock High School
Coles, Matthew 6:54.68 Maricopa High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meraz, Jareb Willow Canyon High School
DiPuccio, Nicholas Seton Catholic High School
Kleckner, Brandon Youngker High School
Trimble, Bryce Northwest Christian High
Sasso, Shane Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Kastl, Kaden Seton Catholic High School
Ordonez, Jesus Youngker High School
Tafoya, Xavier Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Vanden, Amore Paradise Honors
Garcia, Xavier Youngker High School
Soto, Hugo Willow Canyon High School
Carrasco, Ethan Seton Catholic High School
Bond, Leo 22.48 Tempe High School
Ortiz, Avaunt 22.85 McClintock High School
Span-moreland, Jacques 22.87 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Conteh, Prince 22.89 McClintock High School
Coleman, Bobby 23.00 Maricopa High School
Cordova, Syon 23.45 Maricopa High School
Beltan, John 23.70 Cibola High School
Hafner, Dion 23.86 Willow Canyon High School
Scott Jr, Dorae 23.89 Maricopa High School
Peters, Elijah 23.90h American Leadership Academy (Que
Hukill, Dylan 23.95 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Small, Patrick 23.97 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Thomas, Isaiah 24.00h Paradise Honors
Jaime, Korey 24.19 Cibola High School
Smith, Dawson 24.23 Benjamin Franklin
Carter, Evan 24.35 American Leadership Academy (Que
Brown, Jordin 24.50 Poston Butte
Ogles, Bray’zhaun 24.54 Tempe High School
Keeton, Ja'michael 24.56 Tempe High School
Sullivan, James 24.77 McClintock High School
Pruett, Logan 25.00h Paradise Honors
Calhoon, Koen 25.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Kisto, Terraude 25.01 Poston Butte
Arbizu, Ruben 25.06 Skyline High School
Arriola, Isaiah 25.28 Cibola High School
Montoya, Carlos 25.30 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Huttenlocher, Tyler 25.39 Benjamin Franklin
Aragon-spillman, Damian 25.42 Skyline High School
Colazo, Kevin 25.58 Poston Butte
Gibson, Grant 25.58 Northwest Christian High
Larsen, Bryan 25.60 Winslow High School
Cordova, Izaiah 25.66 Winslow High School
Beuhler, Nick 26.33 Northwest Christian High
Rohner, Mason 26.67 Benjamin Franklin
Ford, Amari 26.78 Skyline High School
House, Robert 27.00h Winslow High School
Bushanam, Ravi 27.34 Lincoln Preparatory Academy
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bricher, Xavier Seton Catholic High School
Packer, Michael Paradise Honors
Washington-McCarty, Kyree Maricopa High School
Herrera, Gabriel Seton Catholic High School
Hoyt, Dylan Paradise Honors
Edwards, Landen Youngker High School
Borders, Landon Willow Canyon High School
Dunaway, Porter Benjamin Franklin
Coatney, Milo Maricopa High School
Branch, Andre Betty H. Fairfax High School
Marty, Brock Paradise Honors
Kossler, Michael Seton Catholic High School
Epis, Marco Maricopa High School
Hubler, Logan 40.39 American Leadership Academy (Que
King, Kawai 40.39 American Leadership Academy (Que
Worley, Joshua 40.41 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Joe, Octavious 41.60 Poston Butte
Patterson, Nicholas 43.50 Poston Butte
O’neal, Anthony 44.33 McClintock High School
Crutcher, Andrew 44.52 Skyline High School
Johnson, Jevon 45.00 Poston Butte
Petty, Xander 45.03 Skyline High School
Hatch, Drayson 45.49 American Leadership Academy (Que
Stuckey, Elijah 47.17 Skyline High School
Morrison, Maverick 49.0 McClintock High School
Sabuni, Alfred 50.29 Betty H. Fairfax High School
McMillian, Bradley 51.80 Youngker High School
St.Gelais, Landon 51.81 Benjamin Franklin
Ochoa, Jorge 54.70 Benjamin Franklin
Tapia Diarte, Isaac 58.96 Youngker High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Glenn Northwest Christian High
Irwin, Tanner Northwest Christian High
Blodgett, Alex Maricopa High School
Molina, Emmanuel Northwest Christian High
Kednmarey, Filimon Maricopa High School
Branham, Evan Willow Canyon High School
Tinen, Aiden 10:10.16 Skyline High School
Miller, Chaz 10:28.86 Willow Canyon High School
Clark, Thomas 10:38.12 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Pyle, Corbin 10:43.25 Benjamin Franklin
Rebollo, Cesar 11:00.00 McClintock High School
Rodriguez, Jack 11:05.04 Seton Catholic High School
Ponce-nava, Jorge 11:06.63 Skyline High School
Brown, Diego 11:07.60 Skyline High School
Vasquez, Victor 11:18.96 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Varney, Justin 11:30.38 American Leadership Academy (Que
Cluff, Caden 11:45.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Ornelas, Alan 12:03.00 Cibola High School
Ramirez, Franco 12:03.83 Youngker High School
Arnold, Calo 12:33.95 Benjamin Franklin
Larson, Davis 12:35.41 American Leadership Academy (Que
Perez, Michael 12:40.00 Cibola High School
Ridgeway, Carson 12:57.96 Benjamin Franklin
Jett, Anthony 13:10.00 Poston Butte
Crist, Gannon 13:15.00 Poston Butte
Christenson, Kaeden 13:20.00 Poston Butte
Ramos, Joe 14:00.00 Youngker High School
Eckleberry, Reif 14:00.00 Youngker High School
Coles, Matthew 14:42.13 Maricopa High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Agbeshie, Sami Youngker High School
Buehler, Walker Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Lira, Jacob Youngker High School
Turner Jr., Joram Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Palmer, Christian McClintock High School
Hayward, Jack Willow Canyon High School
Correa-ruiz, Mario Betty H. Fairfax High School
Moore, Jaheim McClintock High School
Madrid, David Willow Canyon High School
Eubank, Nathan Northwest Christian High
Busby, Ethan 1:00.82 Poston Butte
Colbert, Demari 1:01.08 Tempe High School
Keeton, Ja'michael 1:01.80h Tempe High School
Veen, Dawson 1:02.49 Northwest Christian High
St. Gelais, Adam 1:03.31 American Leadership Academy (Que
Despain, Ty 1:05.00h Winslow High School
Shewbridge, Elliott 1:06.24h Seton Catholic High School
Banbury, Logan 1:10.60 American Leadership Academy (Que
Coleman, Bobby 52.64 Maricopa High School
Lailson, Jaiden 53.0 Paradise Honors
Ramirez Herrera, Elvin 53.21 Cibola High School
Span-moreland, Jacques 53.44 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Meunier, Gabriel 53.73 Winslow High School
Jaime, Korey 53.80h Cibola High School
Bond, Leo 54.17 Tempe High School
Morales, Josh 55.0 Paradise Honors
Thomas, Isaiah 55.0 Paradise Honors
Williams, Steven 55.13 Youngker High School
Hafner, Dion 55.15 Willow Canyon High School
Cordova, Syon 55.36 Maricopa High School
Atkinson, Luke 55.50 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Fontes, Jovanni 55.68 Maricopa High School
Gomez, Alfred 56.71 Cibola High School
Wettstein, Brandon 57.20h American Leadership Academy (Que
Montoya, Carlos 57.29 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Langkilde, Ethan 57.33 Benjamin Franklin
Kisto, Terraude 57.63 Poston Butte
Curnutte, Nick 57.94h Winslow High School
Pompa, Julian 57.97 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Pirwitz, Aiden 58 Benjamin Franklin
Dana, Jace 58 Benjamin Franklin
Fernandez, Hugo 58.00 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Salazar, Cesar 58.30 Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Grant, Owen 58.51 Skyline High School
Young, Caleb 59.02 Skyline High School
Hines, Chase 59.03 Skyline High School
Huisman, Levi 59.18 Northwest Christian High
Colazo, Kevin 59.89 Poston Butte
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Willow Canyon High School
Relay Team A Winslow High School
Relay Team A Seton Catholic High School
Relay Team A Northwest Christian High
Relay Team A Youngker High School
Relay Team A Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Relay Team A Betty H. Fairfax High School
Relay Team A 43.45 American Leadership Academy (Que
Relay Team A 43.65 Maricopa High School
Relay Team A 44.14 McClintock High School
Relay Team A 45.21 Poston Butte
Relay Team A 45.60h Cibola High School
Relay Team A 46.50h Tempe High School
Relay Team A 46.57 Benjamin Franklin
Relay Team A 46.65 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 46.80h Paradise Honors
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Relay Team A Maricopa High School
Relay Team A Willow Canyon High School
Relay Team A Winslow High School
Relay Team A Northwest Christian High
Relay Team A Youngker High School
Relay Team A 3:30.51 American Leadership Academy (Que
Relay Team A 3:34.60 McClintock High School
Relay Team A 3:35.00h Skyline High School
Relay Team A 3:36.50h Cibola High School
Relay Team A 3:37.87 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Relay Team A 3:41.00h Paradise Honors
Relay Team A 3:44.94 Benjamin Franklin
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Poston Butte
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Betty H. Fairfax High School
Relay Team A Seton Catholic High School
Relay Team A Maricopa High School
Relay Team A Northwest Christian High
Relay Team A 10:07.96 McClintock High School
Relay Team A 8:28.40 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 8:30.00 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Relay Team A 8:58.18 Youngker High School
Relay Team A 9:40.00 Poston Butte
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmer, Tanis Maricopa High School
Coochwikvia, Jace Winslow High School
Grist, Lance Maricopa High School
Fritz, John Benjamin Franklin
Cornell, Jonathan Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Kline, Maverick Northwest Christian High
Schweinberg, Nathan Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Torres, Adrian Willow Canyon High School
Morton, Mika Poston Butte
Albert, Justin Winslow High School
Vittone, Pierce 1:57.18 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Mills, Jaxon 2:01.00h Skyline High School
Atkinson, James 2:02.45 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Gloria, Jordan 2:05 Skyline High School
Owens, Carter 2:05 Skyline High School
Meyer-Wills, Bennett 2:05.00h Cibola High School
Blair, Dayson 2:05.10 Benjamin Franklin
Archer, Jonah 2:09.03 Northwest Christian High
Lailson, Jaiden 2:10 Paradise Honors
Murray, Jake 2:10.04 Benjamin Franklin
Bouchard, Alex 2:10.45 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Ramos, Julian 2:11.99 Tempe High School
Bunnell, Josh 2:13.34 Youngker High School
Molina, Miguel 2:14.34 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Cleland, Ethan 2:18.74 Seton Catholic High School
Fontes, Jovanni 2:19.41 Maricopa High School
Rodrigue, Irafasha 2:19.90 Youngker High School
Morales, Josh 2:20 Paradise Honors
Walsh, Parker 2:20.00h McClintock High School
Martinez, Alexes 2:20.00h Youngker High School
Benoit, Dylan 2:20.00h McClintock High School
Villa, Seth 2:20.00h McClintock High School
Perry, Nicholas 2:21.60 Willow Canyon High School
Ortiz, Jacob 2:22.36 Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Morris, Zakari 2:22.50 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Correa-ruiz, Mario 2:23.76 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Shewbridge, Elliott 2:23.82 Seton Catholic High School
Morris, Josh 2:24.30 Seton Catholic High School
Branham, Evan 2:24.35 Willow Canyon High School
Dopp, Ethan 2:25.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Comaduran, Joseph 2:25.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Marty, Brock 2:27 Paradise Honors
Murbach, Brendan 2:27.67 Poston Butte
Joe, Arthur 2:28.50 Poston Butte
McBride, Sy 2:29.93 American Leadership Academy (Que
Poarch, Luke 2:32.35 Northwest Christian High
Thomas, Mauricio 2:34.30 Winslow High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vanwinkle, Brenden 126-0 Cibola High School
Ledesma, Sergio 116-0 Youngker High School
Hernandez, Alex 114-3 Northwest Christian High
Walker, Jalen 106-5 Tempe High School
Fuse, Cameron 105-2 McClintock High School
Castillo, Diego 104-11.7 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Taylor, Hunter 104-0 Maricopa High School
Dale, Shiron 100-7 Winslow High School
Davis, Orlando 98-4 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Dean, Christopher 98-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Gonzales, Paolo 92-0 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Hill, Joseph 90-0 Willow Canyon High School
Mills, Conner 88-7 Skyline High School
Servant, Santino 88-1 Willow Canyon High School
Wettstein, Brandon 87-1 American Leadership Academy (Que
Zimmer, Aiden 85-2 Youngker High School
Luna, Thomas 85-0 Poston Butte
Mcdaniel, Dashawn 84-11 Maricopa High School
McCorkle, Jacob 84-8 McClintock High School
Arriaga, Cody 82-0 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Macklin, Zac 82-0 Willow Canyon High School
Crismon, Seth 81-1 Benjamin Franklin
Perez, Omar 81-0 Maricopa High School
Miranda, Emiliano 80-8 Tempe High School
Gonzalez, Juan 77-0 Cibola High School
Chavez Rocha, Jonathan 74-1 Skyline High School
Shelbourn, James 72-11 Benjamin Franklin
Kamody, David 70-0 Poston Butte
Taylor, Alex 70-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Martinez, Eligh 68-0 Poston Butte
Badger, Noah 66-8 Benjamin Franklin
Nunez, Joshua 61-7 Skyline High School
Parkerson, Harvey 58-0 Cibola High School
Domville, Andrew Paradise Honors
Shoop, Noah Paradise Honors
Kunes, Owen Betty H. Fairfax High School
McLaughlin, Justice Betty H. Fairfax High School
Washkowiak, Matthew Seton Catholic High School
Wiley, Darius Youngker High School
Paredes, Anthony Paradise Honors
Ketoney, John Winslow High School
Gonzales, Cylis Winslow High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Dean 5-8 Cibola High School
Petty, Xander 5-8 Skyline High School
Dean, Christopher 5-8 American Leadership Academy (Que
Edwards, Landen 5-6 Youngker High School
Clark, Britton 5-4 Cibola High School
Criswell, Ezekiel 5-4 Poston Butte
Soto, Hugo 5-4 Willow Canyon High School
Sasaki, Micah 5-3 Willow Canyon High School
Stout, Ty 5-2 Cibola High School
Wilson, Nijay 5-2 Poston Butte
Watkins, Noah 5-0 Poston Butte
Mooney, Tylek Maricopa High School
Shields, Kyron Maricopa High School
Mills, Jaxon Skyline High School
Owens, Carter Skyline High School
Moore, Michael Maricopa High School
Johnson, Micah Winslow High School
Lugo, Chance Winslow High School
Welp, Ryan Seton Catholic High School
Garcia, Xavier Youngker High School
Graves, Shawn Youngker High School
Meraz, Jareb Willow Canyon High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jue, Jett 20-7 Winslow High School
Huffman, Andre 20-5 Youngker High School
Marshall, Shawn 19-4.5 Cibola High School
Patterson, Nicholas 19-0 Poston Butte
Gibson, Grant 18-10 Northwest Christian High
Arriola, Isaiah 18-9.5 Cibola High School
Sasaki, Micah 18-8 Willow Canyon High School
Huisman, Levi 18-5.75 Northwest Christian High
Soto, Hugo 18-4.5 Willow Canyon High School
Angulo, Marco 18-4 Cibola High School
Cordova, Syon 18-3 Maricopa High School
Huttenlocher, Tyler 18-2 Benjamin Franklin
Hukill, Dylan 18-1.5 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Moore, Jaheim 18-0.5 McClintock High School
Lee, Hudson 17-11.5 American Leadership Academy (Que
Olson, Ben 17-9.25 American Leadership Academy (Que
Wettstein, Brandon 17-9 American Leadership Academy (Que
Morris, Zakari 17-8 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Pompa, Julian 17-3 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Crutcher, Andrew 17-0.25 Skyline High School
Fernandez, Hugo 17-0 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Hamblin, Lucas 16-11 Benjamin Franklin
Monroe, Lawrence 16-10 McClintock High School
Wilson, Nijay 16-6 Poston Butte
Burneson, Ethan 16-6 Poston Butte
Haskins, Darius 16-2 Youngker High School
Ferris, Brady 15-11 Willow Canyon High School
Alcivar, Tomas 15-10.25 Skyline High School
Zambrano, Zachary Roy 15-2.25 Benjamin Franklin
Carrasco, Ethan 14-4.5 Seton Catholic High School
Soto, Elias Maricopa High School
Battle, Tyjah Betty H. Fairfax High School
Branch, Andre Betty H. Fairfax High School
Williams, Jalon Skyline High School
Trimble, Bryce Northwest Christian High
Bushanam, Ravi Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Sasso, Shane Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Tafoya, Xavier Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Moore, Michael Maricopa High School
Brandon, Shaun Paradise Honors
Henling, Talan Winslow High School
Thermen, Joshua Winslow High School
Kastl, Kaden Seton Catholic High School
Cruz, Giovanni Youngker High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sasaki, Micah 10-1 Willow Canyon High School
Fort, Josh 10-0 Youngker High School
Swenson, Hayden 9-6 Cibola High School
Bryce, Landyn 9-6 American Leadership Academy (Que
Jones, Ryan 9-6 American Leadership Academy (Que
Cordova, Izaiah 9-3 Winslow High School
Dopp, Ethan 8-6 American Leadership Academy (Que
Hanks, Kaiyu 8-0 Cibola High School
Insco, Abram 8-0 Cibola High School
Harper, Xavier 7-6 Youngker High School
Morton, Mika 6-0 Poston Butte
Crist, Gannon 6-0 Poston Butte
Waite, Kirk 6-0 Poston Butte
Powers, Aidan Maricopa High School
Chavis, Paul Maricopa High School
Pieper, Charles Seton Catholic High School
Welp, Ryan Seton Catholic High School
Santos, Emilio Youngker High School
Sansone, Nathan Maricopa High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Jalen 42-4 Tempe High School
Fuse, Cameron 41-0 McClintock High School
Vanwinkle, Brenden 40-6 Cibola High School
Ledesma, Sergio 39-4 Youngker High School
Dean, Christopher 39-2 American Leadership Academy (Que
Hernandez, Alex 37-8 Northwest Christian High
Taylor, Hunter 37-7.5 Maricopa High School
Ferrer, Eduardo 37-6 Benjamin Franklin
Castillo, Diego 37-1 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Mcdaniel, Dashawn 35-2.25 Maricopa High School
Hatch, Drayson 35-2 American Leadership Academy (Que
Davis, Orlando 34-3 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Kamody, David 34-0 Poston Butte
Hill, Joseph 33-9.25 Willow Canyon High School
Perez, Omar 33-4 Maricopa High School
McCorkle, Jacob 32-4.75 McClintock High School
Luna, Thomas 32-3 Poston Butte
Gardner, Josiah 31-5.5 Willow Canyon High School
Dieng, Ahmadou 31-4 Skyline High School
Stewart, Hunter 31-0 Poston Butte
Miranda, Emiliano 30-6 Tempe High School
Arriaga, Cody 30-0 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Riley, Blake 30-0 Youngker High School
Ontiveros, Ulises 29-11 Tempe High School
Mills, Conner 29-5 Skyline High School
Juin, McBride 28-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Chavez Rocha, Jonathan 27-11 Skyline High School
Badger, Noah 26-5.5 Benjamin Franklin
Gonzalez, Juan 24-6 Cibola High School
Parkerson, Harvey 24-6 Cibola High School
Domville, Andrew Paradise Honors
Kunes, Owen Betty H. Fairfax High School
Gonzales, Paolo St. Mary's Catholic High School
McLaughlin, Justice Betty H. Fairfax High School
Llanez-serna, Lorenzo Youngker High School
Paredes, Anthony Paradise Honors
Washkowiak, Matthew Seton Catholic High School
Trevillian, Josh Paradise Honors
Servant, Santino Willow Canyon High School
Gonzales, Cylis Winslow High School
Petet, Edgar Winslow High School
Gonzales, Rudy Winslow High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joe, Octavious 42-10 Poston Butte
Huffman, Andre 41-11 Youngker High School
Petty, Xander 37-11.5 Skyline High School
Battle, Tyjah 37-1 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Gomez, Alfred 36-8.5 Cibola High School
Angulo, Marco 36-5.25 Cibola High School
Criswell, Ezekiel 36-4 Poston Butte
Haskins, Darius 35-2 Youngker High School
Greenan, Theo 34-10.5 Northwest Christian High
Morgan, Zion 34-8 Maricopa High School
Moore, Jaheim 34-3 McClintock High School
Alcivar, Tomas 33-4 Skyline High School
Wilson, Nijay 33-0 Poston Butte
Welch, Jonathan 32-7 Cibola High School
Grant, Owen 30-5.5 Skyline High School
Washington-McCarty, Kyree Maricopa High School
Monroe, Lawrence McClintock High School
Shields, Kyron Maricopa High School
Lee, Hudson American Leadership Academy (Que
Brandon, Shaun Paradise Honors
Kastl, Kaden Seton Catholic High School
McMillian, Bradley Youngker High School
Wilke, Bryson Willow Canyon High School
Mabra, Robert Willow Canyon High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coffman, Sophie Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Salo, Piper Willow Canyon High School
Goettl, Aubree Maricopa High School
Ginzbursky-Thomas, Catherine Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Schmidt, Emma Willow Canyon High School
Jenkins, Kerra Maricopa High School
Cubero Quesada, Danna Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Stratman, Cyan Maricopa High School
Saldana, Xoshill Betty H. Fairfax High School
Brownlee, Michelle 13.44 Poston Butte
Pleasant, Shakena 13.49 Tempe High School
Bomhower, Sierra 13.59 Cibola High School
Rogers, Macey 13.7 American Leadership Academy (Que
Molina, Isabela 13.88 Cibola High School
Dargle, Aurora 13.92 Poston Butte
Velarde, Valette 13.99 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Hatch, Heather 14.03 Winslow High School
Wemmer, Sophia 14.08 Benjamin Franklin
Mitchell, Ebonee 14.10 Poston Butte
Luera, Ariana 14.15 Cibola High School
Matheny, Sage 14.18 American Leadership Academy (Que
O'toole, Kaelyn 14.19 Willow Canyon High School
Jimmie, Caitlin 14.20h Winslow High School
Carlton, Megan 14.23 Benjamin Franklin
Beckner, Ashley 14.23 Northwest Christian High
Nieves, Mirellys 14.24 Youngker High School
Tweedy, Liz 14.30 Northwest Christian High
Cosentino, Stephanie 14.34 Seton Catholic High School
Grayman, Alexandria 14.38 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Cook, Jacquelyn 14.48 Northwest Christian High
Fugatt, Caprece 14.60h Winslow High School
Stanford, SaMyaia 14.65 McClintock High School
Rasmussen, Kirsten 14.75 Benjamin Franklin
Shaffer, Shelby 14.84 McClintock High School
Johnson, Jordyn 15.0 McClintock High School
Sidun, Yordana 15.00 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Martin, Taylin 15.10h American Leadership Academy (Que
Arnall, Andrea 16.50h Skyline High School
Vidal, Keira 16.73 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Hernandez Leon, Thania 17.00h Tempe High School
Palacios, Vanessa 17.73 Skyline High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arnold, Madeline Seton Catholic High School
Blanchard, Larissa Seton Catholic High School
Romney, Remy 16.0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Daniel, Sasha 16.84 Seton Catholic High School
Sinclair, Sadie 17.20h American Leadership Academy (Que
Harris, Presley 17.20h American Leadership Academy (Que
Sanchez, Janelle 17.85 Cibola High School
Whitaker, Jordan 18.96 McClintock High School
Sciascia, Nicole 19 Benjamin Franklin
Stevens, Jordyn 19.45 Poston Butte
Brown, Tatum 20.85 Benjamin Franklin
Newton, Charisma 20.97 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Mcgee, Avery 21.12 Poston Butte
Biter, Riley 21.56 Poston Butte
Lopez, Jennifer 21.69 McClintock High School
Moore, Zoie 22.30 Youngker High School
Kempton, Kayla 22.36 Benjamin Franklin
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Papa, Makenzie Benjamin Franklin
Davila, Riley Winslow High School
Johnson, Rachel Northwest Christian High
Ortiz, Alexis Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Lunceford, Grace Maricopa High School
Judkins, Brianna Benjamin Franklin
Lyons, Maddy Northwest Christian High
Byers, Olivia Maricopa High School
Gonnie, Jaci Winslow High School
Judkins, Haylee Benjamin Franklin
Fitzgibbons, Eileen Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Jelleberg, Sydney 6:00.87 Skyline High School
Oberfield, Abby 6:01.00h Skyline High School
Workman, Talya 6:03.34 American Leadership Academy (Que
Medlyn, Kayla 6:21.17 Youngker High School
Tracy, Alaina 6:22 Cibola High School
Christensen, Madison 6:26.19 American Leadership Academy (Que
Stanley, Emma 6:29.99 Northwest Christian High
Pabst, Rachael 6:30.20 McClintock High School
Larson, Sarah 6:35.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Becenti, Lindsey 6:35.86 Winslow High School
Baker, Iris 6:49.87 Willow Canyon High School
Wilson, Emma 6:54.28 Poston Butte
Dayley, Anabelle 7:00.13 Maricopa High School
Perez, Jennifer 7:04.99 Poston Butte
Rodriguez, Shyia 7:07.26 Poston Butte
McDonnel, Sarah 7:09.43 Skyline High School
Moreno, Alexia 7:10.00h McClintock High School
Herrera, Ianna 7:20.00 Cibola High School
Lore, Patricia 7:25.00 Cibola High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Emma Willow Canyon High School
Cook, Jacquelyn Northwest Christian High
Conner-Prince, Tayler Betty H. Fairfax High School
Canionero, Anaya Maricopa High School
Blanchard, Larissa Seton Catholic High School
Coffman, Sophie Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Smith, Savannah Willow Canyon High School
Ginzbursky-Thomas, Catherine Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Nieves, Mirellys Youngker High School
Robichaud, Alyssa Willow Canyon High School
Cubero Quesada, Danna Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Brownlee, Michelle 27.10 Poston Butte
Griffin, Ebony 27.22 Maricopa High School
Pleasant, Shakena 27.81 Tempe High School
Bomhower, Sierra 28.07 Cibola High School
Engermann, Renaja 28.20 McClintock High School
Molina, Isabela 28.37 Cibola High School
Bishop, Kylie 28.55 American Leadership Academy (Que
Velarde, Valette 28.62 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
Hatch, Heather 28.78 Winslow High School
Passarella, Amaya 29.10 McClintock High School
Carlton, Megan 29.31 Benjamin Franklin
Beckner, Ashley 29.42 Northwest Christian High
Luera, Ariana 29.59 Cibola High School
Grayman, Alexandria 29.99 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Sciascia, Nicole 30 Benjamin Franklin
Baca, Emily 30.00h Winslow High School
Tweedy, Liz 30.08 Northwest Christian High
Cosentino, Stephanie 30.19 Seton Catholic High School
Grist, Lauren 30.58 Maricopa High School
Tardy, Donalyn 30.81 Skyline High School
Campbell, Lailah 31.0 Skyline High School
Sidun, Yordana 31.00 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Hernandez Leon, Thania 31.00h Tempe High School
Jordan, Tyra 31.09 McClintock High School
Smith, Gracie 31.19 Winslow High School
Hassell, Zhane 31.50 Poston Butte
Murray, Brielle 31.85 Benjamin Franklin
Rich, Makayla 32.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Silvera, Deja 32.50 Poston Butte
Wetstein, Emma 33.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Chambers, Julia 33.17 Skyline High School
Vidal, Keira 36.26 Santa Cruz Valley Union High Sch
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Papa, Evelyn Benjamin Franklin
Brown, Haylee Maricopa High School
Blanchard, Larissa Seton Catholic High School
Beckner, Makita Youngker High School
Robichaud, Alyssa Willow Canyon High School
DelBianco, AshLee Maricopa High School
Arnold, Madeline Seton Catholic High School
Mcgee, Avery 1:02.43 Poston Butte
Biter, Riley 1:04.45 Poston Butte
Moore, Zoie 1:04.79 Youngker High School
Romney, Remy 47.48 American Leadership Academy (Que
Sanchez, Janelle 47.99 Cibola High School
Matheny, Tatum 48.15 American Leadership Academy (Que
Daniel, Sasha 49.56 Seton Catholic High School
Whitaker, Jordan 53.34 McClintock High School
Newton, Charisma 54.79 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Vasquez Rocha, Stephanie 55.66 Maricopa High School
Harris, Presley 56.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Stevens, Jordyn 56.91 Poston Butte
Lopez, Jennifer 58.97 McClintock High School
Allocca, Carina 59.0 McClintock High School
Lee, Kathleen 59.25 Benjamin Franklin
Zambrano, Dannica 59.50 Benjamin Franklin
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lyons, Maddy Northwest Christian High
Byers, Olivia Maricopa High School
Johnson, Rachel Northwest Christian High
Carr, Evelynne 11:52.79 American Leadership Academy (Que
Brewer, Ashley 12:09.25 American Leadership Academy (Que
Workman, Talya 12:25.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Jelleberg, Sydney 12:25.71 Skyline High School
Tracy, Alaina 13:45 Cibola High School
McDonnel, Sarah 13:51.82 Skyline High School
Stanley, Emma 15:03.65 Northwest Christian High
Perez, Jennifer 15:20.00 Poston Butte
Rodriguez, Shyia 15:25.60 Poston Butte
Gomez, Abigail 15:37.00 Cibola High School
Trast, Emily 16:24.09 Maricopa High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Savannah Willow Canyon High School
Papa, Evelyn Benjamin Franklin
Coffman, Sophie Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Blackford, Ava Northwest Christian High
Ginzbursky-Thomas, Catherine Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Canionero, Anaya Maricopa High School
Steenstra, Kaley Northwest Christian High
Cubero Quesada, Danna Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Lokey, Julia Benjamin Franklin
Szymanski, Alyssa Northwest Christian High
Mcbride, D'ionna 1:02.51 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Griffin, Ebony 1:03.65 Maricopa High School
Allocca, Alessandra 1:04.00h McClintock High School
Hancock, Chloe 1:05.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Keating, Kristen 1:05.25 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Campbell, Lailah 1:07.17 Skyline High School
Fairbanks, Lily 1:08.00 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Whiten, Anaya 1:08.00h McClintock High School
Jordan, Tyra 1:08.45 McClintock High School
Skousen, McKartnie 1:09.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Graff, Olivia 1:09.20h American Leadership Academy (Que
Grist, Lauren 1:09.24 Maricopa High School
Lawrence, Lacey 1:09.57 Poston Butte
Wemmer, Sophia 1:09.78 Benjamin Franklin
Chambers, Julia 1:10 Skyline High School
Whitfield, Hope 1:10.00 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Skaggs, Terianne 1:10.00h Winslow High School
Keese, Zoe 1:11.10 Poston Butte
Silvera, Deja 1:12.65 Poston Butte
Tardy, Donalyn 1:14.68 Skyline High School
Rodriguez, Nissa 1:15.00 Cibola High School
Fuson, Ashley 1:15.00h Winslow High School
Westover, Lana 1:20.00h Winslow High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Winslow High School
Relay Team A Betty H. Fairfax High School
Relay Team A Northwest Christian High
Relay Team A Seton Catholic High School
Relay Team A Maricopa High School
Relay Team A 1:00.95 Youngker High School
Relay Team A 51.95 American Leadership Academy (Que
Relay Team A 53.21 McClintock High School
Relay Team A 54.11 Cibola High School
Relay Team A 55.60 Benjamin Franklin
Relay Team A 55.95 Poston Butte
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maricopa High School
Relay Team A St. Mary's Catholic High School
Relay Team A Willow Canyon High School
Relay Team A Northwest Christian High
Relay Team A Skyline High School
Relay Team A 4:18.10 McClintock High School
Relay Team A 4:23.85 American Leadership Academy (Que
Relay Team A 4:32.00 Cibola High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Poston Butte
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maricopa High School
Relay Team A American Leadership Academy (Que
Relay Team A Northwest Christian High
Relay Team A 11:29.00 McClintock High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Poston Butte
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Judkins, Brianna Benjamin Franklin
Giblin, Shea Northwest Christian High
Fitzgibbons, Eileen Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Judkins, Haylee Benjamin Franklin
Lunceford, Grace Maricopa High School
Ortiz, Alexis Lincoln Preparatory Academy
Davila, Riley Winslow High School
Mcbride, D'ionna 2:27.45 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Gonnie, Jaci 2:32.00h Winslow High School
Ortiz, Selema 2:32.00h McClintock High School
Keating, Kristen 2:34.34 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Roberts, Olivia 2:35.00 American Leadership Academy (Que
Becenti, Lindsey 2:38.00h Winslow High School
Manuel, Mayte 2:42.45 Skyline High School
Barrera, Serina 2:42.87 Skyline High School
Kent, Rhonda 2:46.50 Tempe High School
Fairbanks, Lily 2:47.73 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Henderson, Alexus 2:48.28 Willow Canyon High School
Trujillo, Vianaye 2:49.05 McClintock High School
Medlyn, Kayla 2:51.68 Youngker High School
Santiago, Kayla 2:52.87 St. Mary's Catholic High School
Cota Montoya, Ailed 2:56.43 Maricopa High School
Escanuela, Elena 2:57.25 Poston Butte
Baker, Iris 3:03.74 Willow Canyon High School
Lore, Patricia 3:03.75 Cibola High School
Dayley, Anabelle 3:05.18 Maricopa High School
Dopp, Caitlin 3:20.00h American Leadership Academy (Que
Killian, Mable 3:30.00h McClintock High School
Gomez, Abigail 3:30.00h Cibola High School
Herrera, Ianna 3:35.00h Cibola High School
Campanile, Sara 3:40.00h Youngker High School
Umland, Julie 3:40.00h Youngker High School
Alexander, Mikalah 3:46.58 American Leadership Academy (Que
Papa, Makenzie 3:51.65 Benjamin Franklin
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Varsity Girls Discus 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Becker, Isabella 80-1 Youngker High School
Martin, Beautiful 78-10 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Montenez Woods, Kaliyah 75-7 Tempe High School
Dimarino, Patience 68-9 Skyline High School
Brewer, Lindsey 68-1 American Leadership Academy (Que
Stokes, Brianna 64-5 Tempe High School
Hillman, Nevaeh 56-11 McClintock High School
Jacobsen, Ava 55-10 McClintock High School
Skousen, Mckenzie 53-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Madsen, Kayli 49-5 American Leadership Academy (Que
Florvil, Katina 43-4 Betty H. Fairfax High School
DelBianco, AshLee Maricopa High School
Stratman, Cyan Maricopa High School
Hernandez, Madison Northwest Christian High
Claus, Rei Northwest Christian High
Keene, Lelia Benjamin Franklin
Wright, Kylee Poston Butte
Hansen, Rachel Poston Butte
Badger, Sierra Poston Butte
Hunter, Sydney Seton Catholic High School
Kalk, Leia Winslow High School
Shumway, Jocelyn Winslow High School
Geier, Hannah Winslow High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bishop, Kylie 5-5 American Leadership Academy (Que
White, Heidi 5-0 Cibola High School
Rollins, Tatum 5-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Matheny, Sage 5-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
O'toole, Kaelyn 4-10 Willow Canyon High School
Grist, Lauren 4-6 Maricopa High School
Vasquez Rocha, Stephanie 4-4 Maricopa High School
Lawrence, Lacey 4-4 Poston Butte
Gutierrez, Erika 4-2 Cibola High School
Brown, Haylee Maricopa High School
Conner-Prince, Tayler Betty H. Fairfax High School
Kelly, Ella Seton Catholic High School
Schwab, Catherine Seton Catholic High School
Beckner, Makita Youngker High School
Schmidt, Emma Willow Canyon High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chambers, Julia 17-5 Skyline High School
Hamilton, Anje 15-3.75 McClintock High School
Walworth, Lauren 14-10 Northwest Christian High
Semaan, Samantha 14-9.5 Seton Catholic High School
White, Heidi 14-8 Cibola High School
O'toole, Kaelyn 14-7 Willow Canyon High School
Hinton, Kiara 14-0 Cibola High School
Gutierrez, Erika 13-10 Cibola High School
Passarella, Amaya 13-9.5 McClintock High School
Salo, Piper 13-7 Willow Canyon High School
Skousen, Mckenzie 12-6 American Leadership Academy (Que
Murray, Brielle 12-4 Benjamin Franklin
Grayman, Alexandria 11-3 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Vargas, Harmony 10-9.5 Maricopa High School
Goeckeritz, Emma 10-9.5 American Leadership Academy (Que
Moore, Zoie 10-1 Youngker High School
Burningham, Emma 10-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Newton, Charisma 9-2 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Conner-Prince, Tayler Betty H. Fairfax High School
Arnall, Andrea Skyline High School
Palacios, Vanessa Skyline High School
Schwab, Catherine Seton Catholic High School
Fugatt, Caprece Winslow High School
Jimmie, Caitlin Winslow High School
White, Shyla Winslow High School
Nieves, Mirellys Youngker High School
Jenkins, Kerra Maricopa High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burningham, Emma 7-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Morazan, Christina 6-0 Poston Butte
Mixon, Sidney 6-0 Poston Butte
Goettl, Aubree Maricopa High School
Trast, Emily Maricopa High School
Snedeker, Vivian Seton Catholic High School
Schwab, Catherine Seton Catholic High School
Higgins, Laura Youngker High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Beautiful 30-7.5 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Stokes, Brianna 28-2.5 Tempe High School
Skousen, Mckenzie 28-0 American Leadership Academy (Que
Clouse, Brinlee 27-2 American Leadership Academy (Que
Florvil, Katina 26-8.5 Betty H. Fairfax High School
Badger, Sierra 26-6 Poston Butte
Moore, Emma 26-1 American Leadership Academy (Que
Hillman, Nevaeh 25-10 McClintock High School
Montenez Woods, Kaliyah 25-9 Tempe High School
Dimarino, Patience 25-3.5 Skyline High School
Kalk, Leia 23-5 Winslow High School
Johnson, Jordyn 22-2 McClintock High School
Shumway, Jocelyn 22-0.25 Winslow High School
Dieng, Khadidiatou 21-5 Skyline High School
Wright, Kylee 20-11 Poston Butte
Payne, Tylee 17-7 Benjamin Franklin
Jacobsen, Ava 17-2 McClintock High School
Claus, Rei Northwest Christian High
Hernandez, Madison Northwest Christian High
Keene, Lelia Benjamin Franklin
Thompson, Payton Poston Butte
Hunter, Sydney Seton Catholic High School
Becker, Isabella Youngker High School
Currie, Hayzell Youngker High School
Earl, Anna Benjamin Franklin
Ragnoli, Novalee Winslow High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Semaan, Samantha 32-4 Seton Catholic High School
Salo, Piper 32-1 Willow Canyon High School
O'toole, Kaelyn 31-9 Willow Canyon High School
Hamilton, Anje 31-3.75 McClintock High School
Walworth, Lauren 29-1 Northwest Christian High
Fitzgerald, Terryn 25-2 Cibola High School
Meza, Kahlei 25-0 Cibola High School
Gomez, Abigail 24-9 Cibola High School
Passarella, Amaya McClintock High School
Harris, Presley American Leadership Academy (Que
Strong, Anna American Leadership Academy (Que
Beckner, Makita Youngker High School
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