Snowflake Last Chance Meet 2022

Snowflake, AZ

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Jeyton Payson High School
Valenzuela, Ben Apache Junction High School
Clitso, Clarence Shonto Prep High School
Webb, Lucas 11.48 Show Low High School
Brewer, Nash 11.65 Show Low High School
Chittenden, Matthew 11.67 Winslow High School
Garcia, Garrett 11.70 Apache Junction High School
Lewis, Bradden 11.76 Snowflake High School
Christiansen, Felix 11.79 Grand Canyon
Jue, Jett 11.80h Winslow High School
Thomas, James 11.82 St. Johns High School
Raban, Karter 11.89 Snowflake High School
Christensen, Lance 11.90 Snowflake High School
Limongello, Gavin 12.05 Apache Junction High School
Antonelli, Elam 12.06 Blue Ridge High School
Altop, Jacob 12.07 Show Low High School
Fidler, Dane 12.14 Apache Junction High School
Serrano, Cj 12.14 Show Low High School
Harlan, Riley 12.34 Round Valley High School
Golter, Xxavaeir 12.34 Blue Ridge High School
Nichols, Ashton 12.35 Snowflake High School
Spalding, William 12.36 Payson High School
Cowboy, Tristan 12.45 Holbrook High School
Pack, Judah 12.53 Holbrook High School
Hatch, Andy 12.53 Payson High School
Suarez, Alexis 12.62 Mogollon High School
Roselli, Ethan 12.68 Payson High School
Whiting, Charlie 12.73 Round Valley High School
Quintana, Luis 12.75 Holbrook High School
Curley, Cimmaron 12.76 Ganado High School
Crandell, Luke 12.79 Mogollon High School
Nez, Darnell 12.80 Holbrook High School
Martinez, Hunter 12.84 Blue Ridge High School
Guerrero-Rodriguez, Joseph 12.91 Winslow High School
Jessop, MIchael 12.97 St. Johns High School
Washington, Khyri 13.03 Mogollon High School
Gardner, Bryant 13.13 Round Valley High School
Despain, Ty 13.38 Winslow High School
Dukepoo, Yoki 13.43 Hopi High School
Roznovak, Johnny 13.51 Mogollon High School
Becenti, Justin 13.73 St. Michael Indian School
Finch, Brodee 13.78 Round Valley High School
Cornforth, Nathan 14.00 Grand Canyon
Namoki, Brady 14.04 Hopi High School
Davila Cortez, Jesus 14.26 Grand Canyon
Smith, Elijah 15.00 Grand Canyon
Holtsoi, Branson 15.00 St. Michael Indian School
James, Brendon 15.02 Ganado High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
David, Loren Holbrook High School
Brimhall, Camden 15.31 Snowflake High School
Hatch, Connor 16.05 Payson High School
Mowers, Jordan 16.22 Snowflake High School
Kelton, Blayk 16.63 Mogollon High School
Barberich, Tyler 16.96 Snowflake High School
Willis, Conner 18.32 Snowflake High School
Beeler, Ethan 18.50 Show Low High School
Davis, Torren 19.43 Round Valley High School
Finch, Bridger 20.30 St. Johns High School
Capron, Cooper 20.58 Blue Ridge High School
Coffman, Samuel 20.60 Show Low High School
Chavez, Luis 20.67 Blue Ridge High School
Diaz, Alberto 20.84 Blue Ridge High School
Jessop, MIchael 21.32 St. Johns High School
Thomas, Victor 21.47 St. Johns High School
Tello, Manny 21.61 Blue Ridge High School
Garcia, Peter 21.91 Show Low High School
Pena, Ryan 22.08 Round Valley High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Liguori, Cory Apache Junction High School
Anson, Caleb 4:16.67 Snowflake High School
Walker, Dallon 4:27.58 Round Valley High School
Flake, Trey 4:37.42 Snowflake High School
Halls, Steven 4:39.57 Blue Ridge High School
Kupfer, Andrew 4:40.00h Snowflake High School
Bushman, Bryce 4:51.18 Joseph City High School
Oakes, Isaac 4:52.42 Snowflake High School
Judd, David 4:57.91 St. Johns High School
Barton, Leon 4:59.70 Winslow High School
Nez, Kenneth 5:02.12 Holbrook High School
Adams, Dallin 5:02.36 Show Low High School
Wilson, Jeremiah 5:02.56 Globe High School
Tom, Leyton 5:07.99 Holbrook High School
Nicholas, Payton 5:09.96 Winslow High School
Attakai, Tristen 5:10.28 Holbrook High School
Winston, Henry 5:10.31 Payson High School
Tenakhongva, Jerren 5:10.55 Hopi High School
Begaye, Davin 5:10.88 Winslow High School
Tessay, Milson 5:12.11 Hopi High School
David, Loren 5:12.76 Holbrook High School
Morris, LaDainian 5:16.40 St. Michael Indian School
Hyer, Colin 5:17.25 Round Valley High School
James, Gabriel 5:18.08 Round Valley High School
Williams, Kyler 5:18.24 St. Michael Indian School
Nez, Dylan 5:19.56 Blue Ridge High School
Flake, Chansler 5:20.26 Joseph City High School
Rodriguez, Nemo 5:22.87 Payson High School
Williams, Chandler 5:33.48 Winslow High School
Myers, Preston 5:33.75 Round Valley High School
Freund, Max 5:34.51 Show Low High School
Kalat, Nate 5:34.86 Show Low High School
Prieto, Matthew 5:35.21 Payson High School
Dimas Pozos, Diego 5:35.76 Grand Canyon
Slim, Wydell 5:43.57 St. Michael Indian School
Kessay, Orlando 5:44.17 Blue Ridge High School
Miller, Peter 5:44.29 Joseph City High School
Langenbach, Zane 5:45.54 Apache Junction High School
McLaws, Cory 5:52.28 Joseph City High School
Bradford, Ethan 6:02.73 Payson High School
Davis, Sooya 6:05.61 Hopi High School
Adams, Jacob 6:28.11 Apache Junction High School
Chamberlin, Anthony 6:35.00 Apache Junction High School
Neff, Gage 6:48.57 Show Low High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Hunter Blue Ridge High School
Nudson, Thor Payson High School
Cheadle, Maejor Apache Junction High School
Bates, Jonah Apache Junction High School
Vigil-Nelson, Brayden Apache Junction High School
Aguilera, Isaiah Holbrook High School
Cooksey, Mason Apache Junction High School
Meunier, Gabriel 23.19 Winslow High School
Webb, Lucas 23.19 Show Low High School
Brewer, Nash 24.02 Show Low High School
Serrano, Cj 24.03 Show Low High School
Lewis, Bradden 24.16 Snowflake High School
Thomas, James 24.25 St. Johns High School
Raban, Karter 24.40 Snowflake High School
Altop, Jacob 24.59 Show Low High School
Nichols, Ashton 24.60 Snowflake High School
Webb, Daylen 24.87 Snowflake High School
Quintana, Luis 25.32 Holbrook High School
Roselli, Ethan 25.32 Payson High School
Finch, Bridger 25.32 St. Johns High School
Tenney, Braden 25.44 Payson High School
Capuccio, Vinny 25.65 Winslow High School
Nez, Darnell 25.68 Holbrook High School
Hatch, Andy 25.87 Payson High School
Lindsey, Preston 26.05 St. Johns High School
Holm, Preston 26.18 Round Valley High School
Thermen, Joshua 26.18 Winslow High School
Seitz, Anthony 26.36 Blue Ridge High School
Benally, Bradley 26.43 Red Mesa High School
Garcia, Tavien 26.50 Winslow High School
Willis, Skyler 27.00h Round Valley High School
Namoki, Brady 27.15 Hopi High School
Jimenez Vargas, Christopher 27.16 Grand Canyon
Peaches, Chrispin 27.46 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Washington, Khyri 27.49 Mogollon High School
Thomas, Victor 27.53 St. Johns High School
Becenti, Justin 28.02 St. Michael Indian School
Dukepoo, Yoki 28.11 Hopi High School
Luppe, Colson 28.90 Ganado High School
Denny, Osceola 30.19 St. Michael Indian School
Judd, Zane 30.71 Blue Ridge High School
Bahe, Jadyn 30.87 St. Michael Indian School
Bravo, Aitor 31 Round Valley High School
James, Brendon 31.07 Ganado High School
Finch, Brodee 31.09 Round Valley High School
Holtsoi, Branson 32.69 St. Michael Indian School
Davila Cortez, Jesus 32.99 Grand Canyon
Tessay, Irratio 36.66 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Morris, Jasten 45.80 Grand Canyon
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burt, Durell 1:03.14 Winslow High School
Miller, Aaron 1:05.47 Winslow High School
Brimhall, Camden 39.27 Snowflake High School
Hatch, Connor 40.78 Payson High School
Barberich, Tyler 40.88 Snowflake High School
Mowers, Jordan 43.14 Snowflake High School
Larsen, Bryan 43.39 Winslow High School
Pitts, Jonathan 43.95 Snowflake High School
Bushman, Bryce 46.11 Joseph City High School
Adams, Bryce 46.32 Show Low High School
Chavez, Luis 47.13 Blue Ridge High School
Curley, Cimmaron 48.44 Ganado High School
Coffman, Samuel 49.01 Show Low High School
Diaz, Alberto 49.11 Blue Ridge High School
Davis, Torren 49.12 Round Valley High School
David, Loren 49.45 Holbrook High School
Henling, Talan 51.49 Winslow High School
Tello, Manny 51.76 Blue Ridge High School
Grzelak, Joe 52.82 Blue Ridge High School
Pena, Ryan 54.32 Round Valley High School
Johnson, Jeyton 56.05 Payson High School
Garcia, Peter 56.29 Show Low High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fox, Tristen Round Valley High School
Church, Dennis Apache Junction High School
Cooksey, Mason Apache Junction High School
Attakai, Damon 10:16.80 Holbrook High School
Curley, Cauy 10:30.96 Ganado High School
Brown, Rocky 10:56.58 Blue Ridge High School
Barton, Leon 11:00.82 Winslow High School
Nicholas, Payton 11:00.83 Winslow High School
Flake, Trevin 11:02.82 Snowflake High School
Madrid, Jonathon 11:05.06 Round Valley High School
Atkinson, Alexander 11:15.73 Blue Ridge High School
Tenakhongva, Jerren 11:20.04 Hopi High School
Lunt, Tate 11:30.00 Snowflake High School
Wilson, Jeremiah 11:36.09 Globe High School
Coochwikvia, Jace 11:40.08 Winslow High School
Freund, Max 11:49.37 Show Low High School
Albert, Justin 11:50.79 Winslow High School
Nez, Kenneth 12:00.00 Holbrook High School
Attakai, Tristen 12:09.77 Holbrook High School
Slim, Wydell 12:29.69 St. Michael Indian School
Fish, Ian 12:41.85 Snowflake High School
Taylor, Logan 12:43.17 Snowflake High School
McLaws, Cory 12:54.84 Joseph City High School
Smith, Elijah 13:17.14 Grand Canyon
Lackey, Connor 13:27.99 Round Valley High School
Morgan, Calvin 13:36.20 Show Low High School
Davis, Sooya 13:45.21 Hopi High School
Whatley, Joseph 14:41.06 Round Valley High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bates, Jonah Apache Junction High School
Martinez, Hunter 1:00.24 Blue Ridge High School
Rigg, Parker 1:00.59 Blue Ridge High School
Benally, Bradley 1:01.34 Red Mesa High School
Menghini, Christopher 1:02.88 Payson High School
Gardner, Bryant 1:03.05 Round Valley High School
Orrantia, Joseph 1:04.60 Apache Junction High School
Sopeland, Talon 1:05.70 Payson High School
Church, Dennis 1:05.96 Apache Junction High School
Luppe, Colson 1:06.02 Ganado High School
Peaches, Chrispin 1:06.52 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Harvey, Emmit 1:06.66 Apache Junction High School
Holtsoi, Branson 1:13.53 St. Michael Indian School
Tessay, Irratio 1:24.68 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Meunier, Gabriel 52.01 Winslow High School
Hartnett, Avery 52.35 Winslow High School
Evans, Roman 53.00 Grand Canyon
Lopez, Sam 53.11 Snowflake High School
Flores, Kevin 54.23 Round Valley High School
Merrill, Aaron 56 Round Valley High School
Papa, Carter 56.00 Snowflake High School
Goldtooth, Jeff 56.07 Winslow High School
Lugo, Chance 56.50h Winslow High School
James, Samuel 57.00 Blue Ridge High School
Roselli, Ethan 57.16 Payson High School
Adams, Dallin 57.22 Show Low High School
Daw, Kodiak 57.38 Holbrook High School
Pack, Judah 57.53 Holbrook High School
Kester, Matthew 58.03 Payson High School
Adams, Peyton 58.73 Show Low High School
Waite, Jayden 58.89 Show Low High School
Pina, Jacob 58.96 Ganado High School
Holm, Preston 59.03 Round Valley High School
Warren, Justin 59.63 Show Low High School
Seitz, Anthony 59.70 Blue Ridge High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Johns High School
Relay Team A 1:05.10 Grand Canyon
Relay Team A 44.55 Winslow High School
Relay Team A 44.64 Show Low High School
Relay Team A 44.67 Snowflake High School
Relay Team A 46.11 Apache Junction High School
Relay Team A 47.51 Round Valley High School
Relay Team A 53.41 St. Michael Indian School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:27.99 Snowflake High School
Relay Team A 3:33.45 Winslow High School
Relay Team A 3:37.28 Show Low High School
Relay Team A 3:39.24 Blue Ridge High School
Relay Team A 3:41.51 Round Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:47.89 Holbrook High School
Relay Team A 3:50.64 Mogollon High School
Relay Team A 3:50.85 Grand Canyon
Relay Team A 4:23.62 Apache Junction High School
Relay Team A 4:27.64 St. Michael Indian School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:26.47 Apache Junction High School
Relay Team A 10:40.80 Joseph City High School
Relay Team A 8:06.05 Snowflake High School
Relay Team A 8:33.22 Round Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:40.22 Holbrook High School
Relay Team A 8:52.21 Blue Ridge High School
Relay Team A 9:02.92 Grand Canyon
Relay Team A 9:19.86 Payson High School
Relay Team A 9:21.43 Winslow High School
Relay Team A 9:26.59 Show Low High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Judd, David St. Johns High School
Hyer, Sawyer Blue Ridge High School
Anson, Caleb 1:57.77 Snowflake High School
Halls, Steven 2:03.08 Blue Ridge High School
Kupfer, Andrew 2:03.22 Snowflake High School
Pack, Joshua 2:05.02 Holbrook High School
Ulmer, Ryan 2:05.15 Mogollon High School
Williams, Kirk 2:06.18 Snowflake High School
Enriques, Ramon 2:06.64 Round Valley High School
Flores, Kevin 2:06.87 Round Valley High School
Bushman, Bryce 2:10.73 Joseph City High School
Hyer, Connor 2:11.09 Round Valley High School
Oakes, Isaac 2:11.50 Snowflake High School
Madrid, Jonathon 2:12.00h Round Valley High School
Barton, Leon 2:12.14 Winslow High School
Tessay, Milson 2:12.31 Hopi High School
Aguilera, Isaiah 2:15.02 Holbrook High School
Nez, Kenneth 2:15.04 Holbrook High School
Attakai, Tristen 2:15.49 Holbrook High School
Wilson, Jeremiah 2:16.32 Globe High School
Barker, Zeidyn 2:20.00 Show Low High School
Vigil-Nelson, Brayden 2:20.02 Apache Junction High School
Kester, Matthew 2:20.29 Payson High School
Morris, LaDainian 2:20.54 St. Michael Indian School
Nicholas, Payton 2:21.09 Winslow High School
Williams, Kyler 2:21.66 St. Michael Indian School
Flake, Chansler 2:22.00 Joseph City High School
Begaye, Davin 2:23.55 Winslow High School
Menghini, Christopher 2:24.61 Payson High School
Nez, Dylan 2:25.75 Blue Ridge High School
Kessay, Orlando 2:27.37 Blue Ridge High School
Kalat, Nate 2:27.52 Show Low High School
Waite, Jayden 2:28.49 Show Low High School
Ellsworth, Ryker 2:28.72 Show Low High School
Cooper, Jayden 2:28.92 Winslow High School
Davis, Haden 2:30.43 Payson High School
Slim, Wydell 2:33.14 St. Michael Indian School
Orrantia, Joseph 2:34.37 Apache Junction High School
Bradford, Ethan 2:40.45 Payson High School
Soto, Jose 2:40.87 Apache Junction High School
Adams, Jacob 2:48.02 Apache Junction High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maxwell, Quinton 178-3 Show Low High School
Owens, Tyler 137-1 Mogollon High School
Clark, Keanu 130-2 Round Valley High School
West, Marquis 128-10 Ganado High School
LaDuke, Braden 122-11 Snowflake High School
Morris, Dayton 121-0.5 Payson High School
Fischer, Cody 120-8 Winslow High School
Matrecito, Seth 118-7 Winslow High School
Franko, Tayvon 116-9 Apache Junction High School
Stanfield, Hunter 115-1 Payson High School
Thompson, Henry 115-1 St. Johns High School
Lupe, Mykael 109-7 Blue Ridge High School
Trimble, Cain 107-8 Show Low High School
Boone, Ty 106-11 Snowflake High School
Ketoney, John 104-11 Winslow High School
Reidhead, Brycen 104-6.5 Mogollon High School
McCombie, Carter 103-1 Show Low High School
Gonzalez, Royer 102-7 Blue Ridge High School
Wiles, Darius 100-4 Holbrook High School
Fields, Bridger 99-0 Joseph City High School
Benally, Bradley 98-6 Red Mesa High School
Reed, Anthony 97-3 Snowflake High School
Tenney, Braden 97-3 Payson High School
Taylor, Riley 97-3 Joseph City High School
Tso, Rance 96-2 Ganado High School
Yazzie, Matias 93-8 Winslow High School
Cornforth, Nathan 93-3.5 Grand Canyon
Burnette, Darius 92-6.5 Blue Ridge High School
Whatley, Noah 92-3 Round Valley High School
Hoffmeyer, Andy 92-1 Blue Ridge High School
Jada, Maxwell 91-5 Apache Junction High School
Nanacasia, Kienan 91-3 Grand Canyon
Cowboy, Tristan 88-11 Holbrook High School
White, Kaden 88-4 Payson High School
Barker, Zeidyn 86-7 Show Low High School
Davis, Joshua 85-11 Round Valley High School
Western, Trever 85-0.25 Mogollon High School
Shiner, Trevor 84-0 Mogollon High School
Schmidt, Tom 80-5 Round Valley High School
Flake, Cody 75-11 Snowflake High School
Warner, Anthony 73-10 Joseph City High School
Bahe, Jadyn 69-5 St. Michael Indian School
Denny, Osceola 66-0 St. Michael Indian School
Cummings, Caleb 64-10 Holbrook High School
Nieman, Gideon 64-0 Apache Junction High School
Rodriguez, Octavio 62-5 Holbrook High School
Romero, Gabriel 59-1 Grand Canyon
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Varsity Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelton, Blayk 6-3 Mogollon High School
Ludtke, Zackary 6-2 Payson High School
Evans, Roman 6-2 Grand Canyon
Brewer, Kaden 6-0 Snowflake High School
Merrill, Aaron 6-0 Round Valley High School
Hatch, Dallin 5-10 Snowflake High School
James, Gabriel 5-10 Round Valley High School
Kelton, Bryson 5-8 Mogollon High School
Stoddard, Cohen 5-8 Show Low High School
Halls, Steven 5-8 Blue Ridge High School
Cowboy, Tristan 5-8 Holbrook High School
Struezer, Dominic 5-8 Payson High School
Hall, Zachary 5-6 Snowflake High School
Matrecito, Seth 5-6 Winslow High School
Adams, Peyton 5-5 Show Low High School
Church, Dennis 5-4 Apache Junction High School
Boone, Ty 5-4 Snowflake High School
Wirries, Connor 5-2 Apache Junction High School
Lugo, Chance 5-2 Winslow High School
Hatch, Andy 5-2 Payson High School
Menghini, Ben 5-2 Payson High School
Edwards, Elijah Apache Junction High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hensley, Tate 162-0 Snowflake High School
Stanfield, Hunter 147-6 Payson High School
Clark, Keanu 140-7 Round Valley High School
Clare, Tyler 139-7 Snowflake High School
Joe, Logan 135-8 Blue Ridge High School
Hensley, Gavin 126-6 Snowflake High School
Franko, Tayvon 125-3 Apache Junction High School
Schmidt, Tom 119-11 Round Valley High School
Mortenson, Mason 116-7 Snowflake High School
Thompson, Henry 112-4 St. Johns High School
Reidhead, Brycen 111-0 Mogollon High School
Gillespie, Seth 109-10 Show Low High School
Trimble, Cain 106-4 Show Low High School
Whatley, Noah 105-10.5 Round Valley High School
McCombie, Carter 105-5.5 Show Low High School
Barker, Zeidyn 105-4 Show Low High School
Tenney, Braden 98-0 Payson High School
Lindsey, Preston 94-5 St. Johns High School
Jada, Maxwell 92-11 Apache Junction High School
Roznovak, Johnny 92-8 Mogollon High School
Kessay, Orlando 90-3.5 Blue Ridge High School
Kelton, Blayk 90-0 Mogollon High School
Menghini, Christopher 89-8 Payson High School
Goldtooth, Jeff 87-5 Winslow High School
Marquez, Evan 86-6 Winslow High School
Fischer, Cody 84-4 Winslow High School
Peaches, Chrispin 83-4.5 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Matrecito, Seth 80-8 Winslow High School
Davis, Joshua 79-5 Round Valley High School
Smith, Dillon 77-2 Blue Ridge High School
Dimas Pozos, Diego 60-0 Grand Canyon
Shiner, Trevor 53-1 Mogollon High School
Romero, Gabriel 49-9 Grand Canyon
Limongello, Gavin Apache Junction High School
Pina, Jacob Ganado High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jue, Jett 22-4 Winslow High School
Stanfield, Hunter 20-7 Payson High School
Brewer, Kaden 20-4 Snowflake High School
Kelton, Blayk 20-3.5 Mogollon High School
Davis, Colton 20-1 Snowflake High School
Barberich, Tyler 20-0 Snowflake High School
Dukepoo, Yoki 20-0 Hopi High School
Namoki, Brady 19-2 Hopi High School
Kelton, Bryson 18-9.75 Mogollon High School
Granillo, Reid 18-7.25 Blue Ridge High School
Winters, C.J. 18-7 St. Johns High School
Crandell, Luke 18-6.5 Mogollon High School
Thomas, James 18-4 St. Johns High School
Antonelli, Elam 18-2 Blue Ridge High School
Thermen, Joshua 17-8.5 Winslow High School
Golter, Xxavaeir 17-8.25 Blue Ridge High School
Quintana, Luis 17-8.25 Holbrook High School
Struezer, Dominic 17-7 Payson High School
Taylor, Lincoln 17-6.75 Show Low High School
Capuccio, Vinny 17-5.75 Winslow High School
Hall, Zachary 17-2 Snowflake High School
Finch, Bridger 16-8 St. Johns High School
Lindsey, Preston 16-5 St. Johns High School
Garcia, Tavien 16-4.5 Winslow High School
Hatch, Andy 16-4.5 Payson High School
Paddock, Grant 16-2.5 Ganado High School
Warren, Justin 15-11.75 Show Low High School
Gardner, Bryant 15-8 Round Valley High School
Luppe, Colson 14-8 Ganado High School
Miller, Peter 13-8 Joseph City High School
Burns, Devon 13-6 Apache Junction High School
Washington, Khyri 13-4.5 Mogollon High School
Cheadle, Maejor Apache Junction High School
Church, Dennis Apache Junction High School
Edwards, Elijah Apache Junction High School
Nudson, Thor Payson High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mortenson, Mason 14-1 Snowflake High School
Penrod, Jaxon 13-7 Blue Ridge High School
Cordova, Izaiah 12-6 Winslow High School
Flake, Austin 11-9 Snowflake High School
Harlan, Riley 11-9 Round Valley High School
Ellsworth, Eastyn 11-0 Blue Ridge High School
Clark, Brylan 10-8 Snowflake High School
Sherman, Alex 10-6 Show Low High School
Woolridge, Zachary 10-0 Blue Ridge High School
Boone, Kimball 10-0 Round Valley High School
Davis, Torren 10-0 Round Valley High School
Patterson, Randall 10-0 St. Johns High School
Gillespie, Seth 9-7 Show Low High School
Goldman, Cole 9-1 Payson High School
Willis, Skyler 9-1 Round Valley High School
Lugo, Chance 9-0 Winslow High School
Struezer, Dominic 9-0 Payson High School
Tenney, Braden 8-11.75 Payson High School
Coffman, Samuel 8-1 Show Low High School
Owen, Braxton 7-6 Blue Ridge High School
Sopeland, Talon 6-6 Payson High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maxwell, Quinton 60-1.25 Show Low High School
Morris, Dayton 44-0 Payson High School
Boone, Ty 43-7.75 Snowflake High School
Clare, Tyler 43-3 Snowflake High School
West, Marquis 42-6 Ganado High School
Petet, Edgar 41-9.5 Winslow High School
LaDuke, Braden 40-4 Snowflake High School
Lupe, Mykael 39-11 Blue Ridge High School
Brimhall, Matthew 39-9 Snowflake High School
Cornforth, Nathan 39-4 Grand Canyon
Clark, Keanu 38-4.75 Round Valley High School
Vivanco, Kennet 37-11.5 Apache Junction High School
Matrecito, Seth 37-10 Winslow High School
Trimble, Cain 37-4.25 Show Low High School
Cooksey, Mason 37-3 Apache Junction High School
Benally, Bradley 37-2 Red Mesa High School
Thompson, Henry 37-1 St. Johns High School
Gonzalez, Royer 36-10 Blue Ridge High School
Fields, Bridger 36-6.75 Joseph City High School
Taylor, Riley 35-2.25 Joseph City High School
Tso, Rance 35-2 Ganado High School
Hoffmeyer, Andy 35-0 Blue Ridge High School
Reidhead, Brycen 34-9 Mogollon High School
Goldtooth, Jeff 33-10 Winslow High School
Davis, Joshua 33-8 Round Valley High School
Wiles, Darius 33-6 Holbrook High School
McCombie, Carter 33-3 Show Low High School
Burnette, Darius 33-2.75 Blue Ridge High School
King, Joseph 32-10 Apache Junction High School
Pape, Micah 32-9.5 Apache Junction High School
Cummings, Caleb 32-9 Holbrook High School
Denny, Osceola 32-4 St. Michael Indian School
Cowboy, Tristan 32-3 Holbrook High School
Tomlinson, Kyton 32-2 Mogollon High School
Nanacasia, Kienan 31-10 Grand Canyon
Schmidt, Tom 31-7.25 Round Valley High School
Whatley, Noah 31-6.5 Round Valley High School
Western, Trever 31-6 Mogollon High School
Warner, Anthony 31-1.75 Joseph City High School
Shiner, Trevor 31-0 Mogollon High School
Namoki, Brady 29-2 Hopi High School
Davis, Julian 29-1.5 Winslow High School
Rodriguez, Octavio 28-5 Holbrook High School
White, Kaden 28-3 Payson High School
Romero, Gabriel 27-9.5 Grand Canyon
Dukepoo, Yoki 27-4 Hopi High School
Bahe, Jadyn 25-11 St. Michael Indian School
Clark, Connor 24-6.5 Show Low High School
Lavender, Alvis 19-8 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Lavender, Waylon 17-1 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Morris, Jasten 15-0 Grand Canyon
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stanfield, Hunter 42-10.5 Payson High School
Davis, Colton 42-5 Snowflake High School
Hatch, Dallin 42-1 Snowflake High School
Kelton, Bryson 41-10 Mogollon High School
Winters, C.J. 40-2 St. Johns High School
Pond, Alex 39-3.75 Snowflake High School
Hall, Zachary 39-3 Snowflake High School
Crandell, Luke 39-0.5 Mogollon High School
Larsen, Bryan 38-6 Winslow High School
Granillo, Reid 38-0.5 Blue Ridge High School
Slaughter, Seth 37-9 Blue Ridge High School
Coffman, Samuel 36-3.5 Show Low High School
Willis, Skyler 35-8 Round Valley High School
Taylor, Lincoln 35-3.75 Show Low High School
Merrill, Aaron 35-1.25 Round Valley High School
Henling, Talan 34-9 Winslow High School
Warren, Justin 33-4 Show Low High School
Boone, Kimball 32-11.5 Round Valley High School
Paddock, Grant Ganado High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LaDuke, Kaytlin Snowflake High School
Bryant, Becynthia Shonto Prep High School
Pride, Hayden Apache Junction High School
Szabo, Lydia 12.43 Snowflake High School
Morris, Parker 13.21 Grand Canyon
Brade, Makenzie 13.23 Payson High School
Gurr, Sarah 13.27 Snowflake High School
Hatch, Heather 13.41 Winslow High School
Huish, Ellie 13.53 Snowflake High School
Macnab, Emma 13.65 Payson High School
Casas, Martina 13.65 Mogollon High School
Hancock, Claire 13.68 Payson High School
Barlow, Kyla 13.83 Winslow High School
McNeil, Mariah 13.85 Show Low High School
Rasumssen, Braven 13.88 Payson High School
LaDuron, Jessica 13.91 Apache Junction High School
Wright, Jaelyn 14.00h Round Valley High School
Crosby, Kinley 14.05 St. Johns High School
Oddonetto, Taylor 14.06 Globe High School
Jimmie, Caitlin 14.26 Winslow High School
Patterson, Sarah 14.37 St. Johns High School
Nells, Jasmine 14.53 Joseph City High School
Curtis, Kiersten 14.71 Ganado High School
Jensen, Jaemie 14.80 Grand Canyon
Heuett, Myla 14.87 Show Low High School
Worthman, Dosha 15.00 Ganado High School
Shepard, Kaelina 15.04 Holbrook High School
Roulois, Candace 15.05 Mogollon High School
Childers, Amanda 15.06 Winslow High School
Maragos, Sophia 15.09 Grand Canyon
King, Reiney 15.22 St. Johns High School
Whiting, Addison 15.24 Round Valley High School
Hansen, Paxton 15.26 Globe High School
Gombos, Nikol 15.44 Holbrook High School
Pride, Allie 15.88 Apache Junction High School
Franklin, Matteah 16.14 Holbrook High School
Quintana, Cierra 16.31 St. Michael Indian School
Biggs, Olivia 16.67 Round Valley High School
Neace, Brooklyn 16.77 Apache Junction High School
Winslow, Isabella 17.13 Holbrook High School
Mock, Deanna 18.00 Grand Canyon
Begay, Avery 18.32 St. Michael Indian School
Adams, Olivia 18.73 Hopi High School
Case, Sylvana 19.51 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Crocker, Kristiana 22.93 Dishchii Bikoh High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perkins, Jayce 17.83 Show Low High School
Valdez, Amethyst 18.05 Mogollon High School
Oddonetto, Taylor 18.71 Globe High School
Gurr, Eliza 18.97 Snowflake High School
Redford, Mylee 19.30 Payson High School
Llanes, Carmen 19.37 Blue Ridge High School
Toone, Callia 19.42 Snowflake High School
Worthman, Dosha 19.93 Ganado High School
Smith, Abigayle 20.24 Joseph City High School
Toone, Brea 20.30 Snowflake High School
Moquino, Anlylian 20.32 Grand Canyon
Hansen, Paxton 20.57 Globe High School
Sarnowski, Hannah 20.88 Payson High School
Aquirrre, Kimora 21.04 Blue Ridge High School
Skaggs, Terianne 21.37 Winslow High School
Andersen, Abigail 21.40 Mogollon High School
Ziegler, Baylie 21.87 Round Valley High School
Baca, Emily 22.31 Winslow High School
Larson, Rachel 22.52 Snowflake High School
Carlson, Brooke 22.90 Apache Junction High School
Washburn, Lydia 24.37 Apache Junction High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chaca, Megan Ganado High School
Madrid, Jessica 5:23.47 Round Valley High School
Wilson, Aubrie 5:23.70 St. Johns High School
Le Sueur, Anilee 5:50.26 Blue Ridge High School
Le Sueur, Aspen 5:51.36 Blue Ridge High School
Ball, Mckenzie 6:01.48 Payson High School
MacFarlane, Darby 6:06.38 Payson High School
Girardi, Gianna 6:09.43 Blue Ridge High School
Shelton, Tuvasie 6:13.82 Hopi High School
Paine, Winnie 6:16.07 Payson High School
McGrath, Cadence 6:17.85 Show Low High School
McFall, Mia 6:19.59 Blue Ridge High School
Woody, Amber 6:21.11 St. Michael Indian School
Nuvayokva, Nanaba 6:25.16 Hopi High School
Chee, Kylia 6:34.91 Holbrook High School
Fuson, Ashley 6:40.45 Winslow High School
Billy, Sara 6:41.39 Holbrook High School
Williams, Abigail 6:41.81 Snowflake High School
Jensen, Caitlyn 6:45.01 Grand Canyon
Ritz, Amy 6:48.69 Snowflake High School
Mull, Isabel 6:50.68 Globe High School
Becenti, Raeanna 7:00.98 Winslow High School
Tullie, Elena 7:06.20 St. Johns High School
Deets, Lacy 7:11.54 Joseph City High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pride, Hayden Apache Junction High School
Szabo, Lydia 25.03 Snowflake High School
Hatch, Heather 27.56 Winslow High School
Hamblin, LeiLani 27.85 Blue Ridge High School
Gurr, Sarah 27.89 Snowflake High School
Hancock, Claire 27.93 Payson High School
Howe, Alliyah 28.07 Show Low High School
McNeil, Mariah 28.09 Show Low High School
Morris, Parker 28.53 Grand Canyon
Morales, Brittin 28.76 Show Low High School
Willis, Jaycee 28.77 St. Johns High School
Larsen, Tayela 29.00h Winslow High School
Rasumssen, Braven 29.11 Payson High School
Hancock, Chloe 29.15 Payson High School
Oddonetto, Taylor 29.21 Globe High School
Huish, Ellie 29.81 Snowflake High School
LaDuron, Jessica 29.84 Apache Junction High School
Barlow, Kyla 30.38 Winslow High School
Patterson, Sarah 30.42 St. Johns High School
Dousette, Taeler 30.56 Blue Ridge High School
Pride, Allie 30.62 Apache Junction High School
Curtis, Kiersten 30.70 Ganado High School
Roberts, Zoey 30.70 Blue Ridge High School
Jensen, Jaemie 30.94 Grand Canyon
Heuett, Myla 30.94 Show Low High School
Chisam, Addison 31.12 Mogollon High School
Nells, Jasmine 31.27 Joseph City High School
Baca, Emily 31.53 Winslow High School
Shepard, Kaelina 31.96 Holbrook High School
Worthman, Dosha 32.10 Ganado High School
Whiting, Addison 32.89 Round Valley High School
Maragos, Sophia 33.11 Grand Canyon
Fielding, Corian 33.24 Blue Ridge High School
Mcvicker, Gwen 33.56 Apache Junction High School
Franklin, Matteah 34.01 Holbrook High School
Poorman, Kaye 35.37 Red Mesa High School
Nez, Lauralyn 35.94 St. Michael Indian School
Winslow, Isabella 36.57 Holbrook High School
Biggs, Olivia 36.89 Round Valley High School
Jensen, Amelia 42.05 Mogollon High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washburn, Lydia Apache Junction High School
Belin, Mareevah 1:02.69 Holbrook High School
Jensen, Caitlyn 1:06.37 Grand Canyon
Carlson, Brooke 1:08.85 Apache Junction High School
Tsosie, Lisa 1:11.99 Winslow High School
Perkins, Jayce 48.39 Show Low High School
Valdez, Amethyst 49.78 Mogollon High School
Gurr, Eliza 51.57 Snowflake High School
Wilson, Aubrie 51.70 St. Johns High School
Nichols, Haddli 52.58 Snowflake High School
Larsen, Tayela 53.96 Winslow High School
Neat, Penelope 54.65 Joseph City High School
Toone, Brea 54.75 Snowflake High School
Ziegler, Baylie 55.09 Round Valley High School
Sarnowski, Hannah 55.42 Payson High School
Redford, Mylee 55.82 Payson High School
Cluff, Kaysie 56.48 Show Low High School
Grzelak, Sienna 56.77 Blue Ridge High School
Llanes, Carmen 57.45 Blue Ridge High School
Skaggs, Terianne 57.65 Winslow High School
Baca, Emily 57.83 Winslow High School
Toone, Callia 58.36 Snowflake High School
Moquino, Anlylian 58.50 Grand Canyon
Aquirrre, Kimora 58.84 Blue Ridge High School
Smith, Abigayle 59.25 Joseph City High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baldwin, Lasundrai Ganado High School
Barlow, Alesyia 12:04.89 Snowflake High School
James, Whitney 12:30.15 Ganado High School
Nez, Abigayle 12:41.75 Holbrook High School
Shelton, Tuvasie 13:30.60 Hopi High School
McGrath, Cadence 13:49.71 Show Low High School
Ritz, Amy 14:06.37 Snowflake High School
Woody, Amber 14:06.76 St. Michael Indian School
Fuson, Ashley 14:25.62 Winslow High School
Mull, Isabel 15:07.00 Globe High School
Becenti, Raeanna 15:18.71 Winslow High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Jayna Dishchii Bikoh High School
Hall, Alyssa 1:01.27 Snowflake High School
Smith, Kayme 1:01.56 St. Johns High School
Merrill, Mackenzie 1:03.61 Round Valley High School
Perkins, Jacey 1:03.74 Show Low High School
Neat, Penelope 1:04.14 Joseph City High School
Hamblin, LeiLani 1:04.19 Blue Ridge High School
Willis, Jaycee 1:04.75 St. Johns High School
Hatch, Heather 1:05.00 Winslow High School
Hill, Kelly 1:05.54 Holbrook High School
Crosby, Kinley 1:07.40 St. Johns High School
Wilson, Raquel 1:07.45 St. Johns High School
Lancaster, Anna 1:08.04 Snowflake High School
Washburn, Audrey 1:08.38 Apache Junction High School
Heuett, Myla 1:09.13 Show Low High School
Roberts, Zoey 1:10.38 Blue Ridge High School
Fielding, Corian 1:10.56 Blue Ridge High School
Larson, Rachel 1:10.84 Snowflake High School
Hardy, Grace 1:11.13 Holbrook High School
Washburn, Lydia 1:19.82 Apache Junction High School
Nez, Lauralyn 1:20.17 St. Michael Indian School
Ramirez, Alondra 1:22.52 Payson High School
Crocker, Kristiana 2:00.06 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Szabo, Lydia 57.00 Snowflake High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:07.15 St. Michael Indian School
Relay Team A 51.47 Snowflake High School
Relay Team A 52.04 Payson High School
Relay Team A 53.06 St. Johns High School
Relay Team A 53.14 Show Low High School
Relay Team A 53.87 Round Valley High School
Relay Team A 54.64 Winslow High School
Relay Team A 54.82 Blue Ridge High School
Relay Team A 55.23 Apache Junction High School
Relay Team A 56.47 Mogollon High School
Relay Team A 57.65 Grand Canyon
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:06.49 Snowflake High School
Relay Team A 4:16.20 St. Johns High School
Relay Team A 4:21.40 Show Low High School
Relay Team A 4:21.55 Blue Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:36.28 Round Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:47.12 Grand Canyon
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:05.47 Snowflake High School
Relay Team A 10:49.58 Blue Ridge High School
Relay Team A 10:52.48 Payson High School
Relay Team A 10:54.31 St. Johns High School
Relay Team A 10:55.67 Holbrook High School
Relay Team A 12:11.20 Grand Canyon
Relay Team A 12:12.54 Joseph City High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Billy, Sara Holbrook High School
Lee, Jayna Dishchii Bikoh High School
Roy, Tyshae Red Mesa High School
Washburn, Lydia Apache Junction High School
Smith, Brooke 2:24.48 St. Johns High School
Szabo, Lydia 2:28.00h Snowflake High School
Madrid, Jessica 2:29.61 Round Valley High School
Craner, Addie 2:30.54 Snowflake High School
Hall, Alyssa 2:31.11 Snowflake High School
Hill, Kelly 2:31.30 Holbrook High School
Lancaster, Anna 2:35.19 Snowflake High School
Applegate, Talitha 2:36.50 Blue Ridge High School
Ball, Mckenzie 2:37.09 Payson High School
MacFarlane, Darby 2:38.22 Payson High School
Neat, Penelope 2:38.94 Joseph City High School
Washburn, Audrey 2:44.16 Apache Junction High School
Farmer, Hannah 2:44.62 St. Johns High School
Girardi, Gianna 2:48.42 Blue Ridge High School
Sarnowski, McKenzie 2:51.39 Payson High School
Hardy, Grace 2:51.95 Holbrook High School
McGrath, Cadence 2:53.14 Show Low High School
McFall, Mia 2:53.23 Blue Ridge High School
Nuvayokva, Nanaba 2:53.25 Hopi High School
Desmond, Bella 2:53.79 Blue Ridge High School
Talashie, Kaia 2:54.93 Winslow High School
Fuson, Ashley 2:55.30 Winslow High School
Anderson, Megan 2:55.81 Payson High School
Becenti, Raeanna 3:04.98 Winslow High School
Deets, Lacy 3:06.05 Joseph City High School
Mull, Isabel 3:06.21 Globe High School
Dawson, Esther 3:07.20 Holbrook High School
Baldwin, Lasundrai 3:15.19 Ganado High School
Chaca, Megan 3:27.86 Ganado High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paredes, Shea 113-10 Show Low High School
Hall, Sadie 111-3 Show Low High School
Cardon, Katelyn 109-7.75 Snowflake High School
Young, Emma 108-2 Round Valley High School
Hipps, Kaelyn 105-10 Snowflake High School
Guitierrez, Gabriela 102-1 Globe High School
Little, Tynesia 100-5 St. Johns High School
Spear, Isabella 96-4 Payson High School
Burk, Kandalyn 95-9 Round Valley High School
Smith, Eliana 88-8 Ganado High School
Smith, Ashlyn 81-6 Blue Ridge High School
Western, Hannah 78-6 Mogollon High School
Footracer, Shandelariah 78-3 Holbrook High School
Reynolds, Christine 77-11 Round Valley High School
Hipps, Nicole 77-5 Snowflake High School
Finch, Sydnee 76-10 Round Valley High School
Shumway, Jocelyn 76-4 Winslow High School
Tahy, Natasha 75-0 Ganado High School
McCombie, Monica 74-5 Show Low High School
Butler, Brigette 71-9 Show Low High School
Gombos, Nikol 70-4 Holbrook High School
Anderson, Ciara 69-1 Apache Junction High School
Lyle, Skadi 66-1.5 Grand Canyon
Cox, Maryn 65-7 St. Johns High School
Poorman, Kaye 62-1 Red Mesa High School
MacFarland, Angelica 60-9 Payson High School
Burnside, Journey 60-1 St. Michael Indian School
Brennan, Aralyn 57-7 Apache Junction High School
Marquez, Rya 56-6 Winslow High School
Chee, Mackenzie 56-4 Holbrook High School
Taylor, Emily 55-7 Snowflake High School
Masayesva, Amber 51-10 Holbrook High School
Walker, Shayli 51-7 Ganado High School
Charley, Artrisha 51-5 Grand Canyon
Begay, Avery 45-0 St. Michael Indian School
Cooper, Lexi 44-0 Mogollon High School
Waite, Brenna 43-0.25 Mogollon High School
Roy, Tyshae 41-9 Red Mesa High School
Nez, Lauralyn 37-7 St. Michael Indian School
White, Shyla 36-9.5 Winslow High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Aubrie 5-4 St. Johns High School
Valdez, Amethyst 5-3 Mogollon High School
Flake, Adelin 5-2 Snowflake High School
Lundberg, Lily 5-2 Snowflake High School
Hipps, Nicole 5-1 Snowflake High School
Merrill, Mackenzie 5-1 Round Valley High School
Wilson, Raquel 4-10 St. Johns High School
Pride, Hayden 4-10 Apache Junction High School
Howe, Alliyah 4-9 Show Low High School
Childers, Amanda 4-8 Winslow High School
Driver, Gabby 4-8 Payson High School
Oldham, Clara 4-6 Blue Ridge High School
Pride, Allie 4-6 Apache Junction High School
Larson, Rachel 4-6 Snowflake High School
LaDuron, Jessica 4-2 Apache Junction High School
Redford, Mylee 4-2 Payson High School
Wagner, Maggie 4-0 Round Valley High School
Dawson, Esther 3-8 Holbrook High School
Urbanski, Meagan Blue Ridge High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eich, Kimberlee 130-0 Snowflake High School
Fischer, Addy 107-1 Snowflake High School
Willis, Jaycee 106-6 St. Johns High School
Paredes, Shea 99-1 Show Low High School
LaDuron, Jessica 95-3 Apache Junction High School
Berges, Anna 93-3 Blue Ridge High School
Perkins, Jacey 90-10 Show Low High School
Smith, Ashlyn 89-7 Blue Ridge High School
Lundberg, Lily 86-11 Snowflake High School
Cardon, Katelyn 86-4 Snowflake High School
Farmer, Lizzie 85-5 St. Johns High School
Burk, Kandalyn 82-8 Round Valley High School
Jones-Embry, Amani 79-3 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Hancock, Chloe 76-0 Payson High School
Young, Emma 75-7 Round Valley High School
Spear, Isabella 73-1 Payson High School
PEARCE, Ellie 71-9 Grand Canyon
Western, Hannah 69-9 Mogollon High School
Hansen, Daisy 69-6 Globe High School
Anderson, Ciara 66-4 Apache Junction High School
McCombie, Monica 60-0 Show Low High School
Wagner, Maggie 57-2 Round Valley High School
Garrison, Ellie 51-6 Show Low High School
Marquez, Rya 49-0 Winslow High School
Crocker, Kristiana 41-9 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Cooper, Lexi 39-0.5 Mogollon High School
Charley, Artrisha 38-5 Grand Canyon
Hodge, Michelle 30-6 Winslow High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Toone, Riley 17-0 Snowflake High School
Otto, Ellie 16-6.5 St. Johns High School
Huish, Ellie 16-0 Snowflake High School
Crosby, Kinley 15-9 St. Johns High School
Berges, Anna 15-7 Blue Ridge High School
Lundberg, Lily 15-0 Snowflake High School
Kulish, Mikenzie 14-10.7 Show Low High School
Valdez, Amethyst 14-7.5 Mogollon High School
Flake, Adelin 14-6 Snowflake High School
Smith, Kayme 14-5.75 St. Johns High School
Dousette, Taeler 14-5.5 Blue Ridge High School
Whatcott, Merri 14-5 Blue Ridge High School
Casas, Martina 14-3 Mogollon High School
Worthman, Dosha 14-2.5 Ganado High School
Jimmie, Caitlin 14-2 Winslow High School
Long, Abby 14-0 Payson High School
Grzelak, Sienna 13-10.5 Blue Ridge High School
Baca, Emily 13-10 Winslow High School
Mercado, Mya 13-9 Payson High School
Barlow, Kyla 13-7.25 Winslow High School
Curtis, Kiersten 13-2.5 Ganado High School
Skaggs, Terianne 13-2 Winslow High School
Roulois, Candace 13-1 Mogollon High School
Hansen, Paxton 12-6 Globe High School
Butler, Brigette 10-11.75 Show Low High School
Reynolds, Christine 10-2.5 Round Valley High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cluff, Riann 9-3 Round Valley High School
Soderberg, Jessica 9-1 Round Valley High School
Wilson, Aubrie 9-0 St. Johns High School
Stepp, Jessica 9-0 Snowflake High School
Greer, Brooklyn 8-1 Snowflake High School
Smith, Brooke 8-0 St. Johns High School
Marinelli, Brianna 8-0 Payson High School
Morales, Brittin 7-7 Show Low High School
Andersen, Abigail 7-6 Mogollon High School
LaDuke, Kaytlin 7-6 Snowflake High School
Whatcott, Merri 7-1 Blue Ridge High School
Whiting, Addison 6-9 Round Valley High School
Halama, Makenzie 6-7 Blue Ridge High School
Whiting, Sarah 6-7 Blue Ridge High School
Kay, Tacie 6-0 Snowflake High School
Childers, Amanda Winslow High School
Farmer, Hannah St. Johns High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finch, Sydnee 39-4 Round Valley High School
Paredes, Shea 36-5.5 Show Low High School
Hipps, Kaelyn 35-0 Snowflake High School
Cardon, Katelyn 34-1 Snowflake High School
Spear, Isabella 34-0 Payson High School
Young, Emma 33-9 Round Valley High School
Little, Tynesia 33-5.5 St. Johns High School
Hall, Sadie 32-8 Show Low High School
Jones-Embry, Amani 31-0 Dishchii Bikoh High School
Burk, Kandalyn 30-11.75 Round Valley High School
Eich, Kimberlee 30-10.5 Snowflake High School
Farmer, Lizzie 30-6 St. Johns High School
Smith, Eliana 30-4 Ganado High School
Western, Hannah 30-1.5 Mogollon High School
Smith, Ashlyn 29-9.25 Blue Ridge High School
McCombie, Monica 29-1 Show Low High School
Shumway, Jocelyn 28-3.75 Winslow High School
Cox, Maryn 27-7 St. Johns High School
Brennan, Aralyn 26-7.25 Apache Junction High School
Patterson, Audrey 26-2 St. Johns High School
Tahy, Natasha 26-0.25 Ganado High School
Marinelli, Brianna 26-0 Payson High School
Charley, Artrisha 25-0 Grand Canyon
Footracer, Shandelariah 24-6 Holbrook High School
Burnside, Journey 23-11.25 St. Michael Indian School
Poorman, Kaye 23-10 Red Mesa High School
Lyle, Skadi 23-9 Grand Canyon
Walker, Shayli 23-7 Ganado High School
Gombos, Nikol 23-1 Holbrook High School
MacFarland, Angelica 22-9 Payson High School
Butler, Brigette 21-11 Show Low High School
Roy, Tyshae 19-5 Red Mesa High School
Taylor, Emily 19-0 Snowflake High School
Adams, Olivia 18-4.25 Hopi High School
Begay, Avery 18-4 St. Michael Indian School
Waite, Brenna 18-2 Mogollon High School
Chee, Mackenzie 17-3 Holbrook High School
Marquez, Rya 16-11 Winslow High School
Masayesva, Amber 16-7 Holbrook High School
White, Shyla 16-1 Winslow High School
Pride, Allie Apache Junction High School
Wright, Jaelyn Round Valley High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lundberg, Lily 35-4.25 Snowflake High School
Otto, Ellie 35-1 St. Johns High School
Toone, Riley 34-1 Snowflake High School
Crosby, Kinley 33-11 St. Johns High School
Ballard, Kamri 33-7 Snowflake High School
Cluff, Riann 32-7.5 Round Valley High School
Berges, Anna 32-0.5 Blue Ridge High School
Hipps, Nicole 32-0 Snowflake High School
Casas, Martina 31-11 Mogollon High School
Kulish, Mikenzie 31-10 Show Low High School
Childers, Amanda 30-6 Winslow High School
Mercado, Mya 30-6 Payson High School
Grzelak, Sienna 29-8.5 Blue Ridge High School
Dousette, Taeler 29-7 Blue Ridge High School
Long, Abby 29-2.5 Payson High School
Oddonetto, Taylor 28-8.5 Globe High School
Driver, Gabby 27-11.5 Payson High School
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